"Foster Care and Non-Visiting Natural Parents: A Study of Ten Cases in " by James Francis Ryan

Foster Care and Non-Visiting Natural Parents: A Study of Ten Cases in the Catholic Home Bureau, Manhattan, 1961-1963

James Francis Ryan, Fordham University


This chapter is primarily concerned with the background of the Agency, which was the setting for this paper, some of the problems facing the Agency and their relationship to the timeliness and relevance of this case study. The research procedure and organization of the study will also be presented.Background. The Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children is a branch of the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York. It places dependent and neglected children in foster homes and places children who are orphaned or legally freed from parental ties for adoption. Basically, however, it establishes and supervises foster homes for children who, for one reason or another, cannot be cared for by their parents.

Subject Area

Religion|Social work

Recommended Citation

Ryan, James Francis, "Foster Care and Non-Visiting Natural Parents: A Study of Ten Cases in the Catholic Home Bureau, Manhattan, 1961-1963" (1964). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097109.
