Child Study

M. Catherine Dolores Miriam Kinsella, Fordham University


We are living in an age when many daring experiments and consequently many radical changes are being made in the field of education. To-day from all sides we hear of Intelligence Tests, Intelligence Quotients, geniuses and near geniuses, border-line cases, and so on. An inexhaustible number of new terms in education are being coined annually. And what can be the cause of this revolution in our systems of education? The answer brings us back to the eighteenth century, when the old method of considering the child a miniature adult was abandoned and the present concept of a child being a child with a nature of his own inaugurated. As a result of the movement which sprung up at that time, we have during the past fifty years a new science known as Paidology or Child Study.

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Recommended Citation

Kinsella, M. Catherine Dolores Miriam, "Child Study" (1924). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097114.
