Trial Visit Adjustment an Evaluative Analysis of a Trial Visit Adjustment Index and Other Variables Relevant to the Adjustment of One-Hundred Psychiatric Patients Who Were Referred Between June, 1964 and December, 1964 to the New York Regional Office of the Veterans Administration for Trial Visit Supervision

Raymond Robert Rosswog, Fordham University


Accurate foresight could solve many of the problems faced by those who deal with mental disturbance. Yet unpredictability is one of the most salient characteristics of that disturbance. The patient leaves the hospital full of hopes and forebodings. He carries with him the blessings of the staff, who stand behind him, their fingers gingerly crossed. Both patient and staff wish they could be sure of how well he will be doing in the coming year or two. But prediction is difficult; we make an informed and educated guess and hope for the best.This dissertation will attempt to look at the possibility of predicting the outcome of trial visit adjustment. It will address itself to questions concerning prognosis viewed from the time of hospital release: Is it possible to isolate variables relevant to trial visit adjustment? Can a reliable method for prediction of trial visit adjustment prior to trial visit placement be ascertained?

Subject Area

Mental health|Health care management|Social work

Recommended Citation

Rosswog, Raymond Robert, "Trial Visit Adjustment an Evaluative Analysis of a Trial Visit Adjustment Index and Other Variables Relevant to the Adjustment of One-Hundred Psychiatric Patients Who Were Referred Between June, 1964 and December, 1964 to the New York Regional Office of the Veterans Administration for Trial Visit Supervision" (1966). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097116.
