Day Care Services: A Study of Seventy-Three Children Placed in Foster Homes of the Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Determine the Possibility of Their Discharge With the Aid of Day Care Services, 1966

Ann Theodore Rosko, Fordham University


Background of the study. Since 1957 child welfare trends have shifted from the treatment of children away from their own homes to working with parents to prevent familial Breakdown. The meaning of parents to children, even rejecting and neglectful parents, makes it imperative for child welfare agencies to use every resource to strengthen and preserve the family unit by giving “parents every assistance possible that will help them fulfill their parents roles, meet the needs of their children, and retain their rights as parents. This change in focus has been meaningful to the Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia which is the largest child placing agency in the State of Pennsylvania.

Subject Area

Psychology|Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Rosko, Ann Theodore, "Day Care Services: A Study of Seventy-Three Children Placed in Foster Homes of the Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Determine the Possibility of Their Discharge With the Aid of Day Care Services, 1966" (1966). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097119.
