Priests and Social Workers: A Study of the Relationship Between Priests and Social Workers, Catholic Charities, Union County, 1965

Mary Jean Ward, Fordham University


This section of the paper attempts to trace the history of these feelings and thereby point out some of the reasons for the present day conflict between priests and social workers.It seems the conflict began with Freud. In 1907 he published his treatise "Obsessive Acts and Religious Practices" in which he noted the close bond existing between these two in certain of his patients. It seems Freud carried this notion further by identifying neurosis with personal piety. This notion of a causal relationship between religious piety and neurosis was rejected by the churches. This began the open conflict between the two.

Subject Area

Religion|Social work

Recommended Citation

Ward, Mary Jean, "Priests and Social Workers: A Study of the Relationship Between Priests and Social Workers, Catholic Charities, Union County, 1965" (1966). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097120.
