Public Housing Selection of Tenants: A Follow-Up Study of Tenants After Evaluation as Applicants by the Social Services Division of the New York City Housing Authority, 1963

Marion Louise Spencer, Fordham University


Background of Study. In 1$61 the New York City Housing Authority began their current program of referral to their Social Services Division for social evaluation those applicants for public housing, who during their application process, were classified as technically eligible* for public housing. Previous to 1961, evaluations had been handled in a different manner.Historically, public housing is about thirty-five years old in the United States. In the past it has been a large scale public business enterprise which built, owned, and operated mostly low-income housing. Until ten years ago, public housing considered its role and function as the provision of adequate shelter for people. The removal of slums was, and still is, to be the end result of public housing. Shortly following the end of World War II, public housing became subject to a great amount of adverse public opinion about the kinds of people which were moving into public housing.

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Spencer, Marion Louise, "Public Housing Selection of Tenants: A Follow-Up Study of Tenants After Evaluation as Applicants by the Social Services Division of the New York City Housing Authority, 1963" (1966). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097177.
