The Normal School Movement in the United States

John F Kelly, Fordham University


To understand a great movement in the world of thought and action, it is usually necessary to approach it on its historic side. It is difficult to grasp its inner spirit and purpose, or gauge aright its possibilities and power, except one bring to the study of its present condition a thorough knowledge of its past. The larger and more complex the movement is, the more important the study of its past becomes. Only in its history are we able to discern, in clear perspective, the principles that gave it birth, presided over its development, and form the mainspring of its present activity.Only in its past development do we find the key to a correct understanding of what it is essentially at present, and what it is likely in the future to become.

Subject Area

Educational administration|Education

Recommended Citation

Kelly, John F, "The Normal School Movement in the United States" (1923). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189649.
