Japan Is Not Justified in Her So-Called Policy of Monroe Doctrinism in the Far East

Lucy A McCafferty, Fordham University


Japan, of late, has called her policy in the Far East, a policy of Monroe Doctrinism. Japan maintains that if the Monroe Doctrine can be used in the Americas by the United States, it can be used in Asia by the Asiatics. She says that the Monroe Doctrine means the Orient for the Orientals. Her actions lead us to believe that it means Asia and the Pacific Islands for Japan, and for Japan alone. Japan is not justified in her so-called policy of Monroe Doctrinism in the Far East because her policy is not one of Monroe Doctrinism but merely a policy of aggression and encroachment masquerading under the name of the Monroe Doctrine.

Subject Area

Asian Studies

Recommended Citation

McCafferty, Lucy A, "Japan Is Not Justified in Her So-Called Policy of Monroe Doctrinism in the Far East" (1925). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189657.
