The Value of Psychology in the Teacher's Preparation

Frank P Fitzsimons, Fordham University


A man in order to be a good physician must have among other things an accurate knowledge of the various operations of the human body. Similarly one who aims to be a good teacher must have among other things a sound knowledge of the operation of the mind. "Psychology is that branch of Philosophy which studies the human mind or soul" and is to the teacher, what physiology or the study of the various functions of the body is to the doctor. The human mind, therefore , is the material with which the teacher works, and it is impossible to cultivate the soil, or manipulate the material of which there is little knowledge.

Subject Area

Teacher education|Educational psychology

Recommended Citation

Fitzsimons, Frank P, "The Value of Psychology in the Teacher's Preparation" (1922). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189704.
