Nationalization of Education in America

Laetitia Magin, Fordham University


The natural impetus of today, political, religious, and educational, tends to swing the pendulum to its utmost in centralization, but all far-seeing minds and deep thinkers are aroused by the demoralizing and ruinous results. Educators of merit have done their best to withstand the movement, and have so far at least retarded the acceleration of the pendulum. Even teachers and pupils affected thereby, are resenting, in some instances quite vehemently, this undue nationalization. But what do we really mean by nationalization? Precisely what the word national implies, plus the suffix “tion",the act of making or becoming. A nation is an aggregation of individuals living in community, associated and organized under one civil government. It has of course minor meanings which do not concern us here. National is that which belongs to the whole nation, as, its traits, language, institutions, government, citizenship, education.

Subject Area

American studies|Education

Recommended Citation

Magin, Laetitia, "Nationalization of Education in America" (1922). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189730.
