ADC in Rockland County, New York: A Study of Five Families and the Reasons Why They Needed Aid, 1960 – 1963

Maureen Catherine Meaney, Fordham University


Background of the Study. The first objective of the ADC program is to provide children with the opportunity to grow up in their own family circle. Wholesome family life for children and youth is an expression of the highest purpose of our society and its foundation for the well-being of future generations. It is within their own family that the needs of children can best be met in that sense of warmth and security which permits children to seek and profit from new experiences. With this sound foundation for the growth of emotional maturity they are better equipped to face the stern realities of life in a world of tension.

Subject Area

American studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Meaney, Maureen Catherine, "ADC in Rockland County, New York: A Study of Five Families and the Reasons Why They Needed Aid, 1960 – 1963" (1964). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189740.
