Graded Units in the Training of Student Teachers as Applied to a New York City Model School

Stella Monks Sweeting, Fordham University


Progressive schools of education throughout the country have long recognized the necessity of practice teaching as an important means of developing efficient teachers.The directors of the training schools in New York City have also taken cognizance of the need of this form of training for they have, for many years, seen fit to set aside ten weeks in the students' training-school programs to be devoted entirely to such practice teaching. No hard and fast rules have been laid down by them, as to how these weeks were to be spent - and wisely so. The procedure adopted was left to the initiative and resourcefulness of the individual teachers to whom the students were assigned. The work of many of these teachers has been truly inspirational. Nevertheless, it has seemed essential, in many cases, that some technique should be developed which would meet the requirements of teacher training more tangibly and concretely.

Subject Area

American studies|Teacher education

Recommended Citation

Sweeting, Stella Monks, "Graded Units in the Training of Student Teachers as Applied to a New York City Model School" (1928). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189757.
