The Lost and Forgotten: A Comprehensive Examination of Outpatient Drop-Out From the Maimonides Community Mental Health Center

Robert C Saal, Fordham University


The movement is that of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services Program, and when first initiated, through federal legislation of 1963, (U.S. Congress, 1964) it was heralded as a profound revolution designed to transform the custodial, clinical model of service delivery to a new and more promising public health, community-oriented model. The excerpts above and below from a New York Times Magazine article (Samuels, 1968) eloquently described how the revolutionary goals and philosophy of the Community Mental Health movement, as a whole, were materialized in the architecture and design of one of the more than two-hundred centers now in operation.

Subject Area

Social work|Public health

Recommended Citation

Saal, Robert C, "The Lost and Forgotten: A Comprehensive Examination of Outpatient Drop-Out From the Maimonides Community Mental Health Center" (1971). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189761.
