Child Guidance: The Extent to Which Sociocultural Factors Are Included in Case Records of a Representative Child Guidance Clinic New York, 1966

Alice Mee Hanlon, Fordham University


The development of the casework process has been influenced by many theories. Two theories in particular, are applicable to our study. The first theory occurred around the turn of the century, at the time of the Charity Organization Societies; the effect of the environment and social conditions upon the individual was recognized and was supported by findings in anthropology, biology, sociology and economics. This recognition brought about many social reform measures and an environmental approach by social workers.

Subject Area

Psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Hanlon, Alice Mee, "Child Guidance: The Extent to Which Sociocultural Factors Are Included in Case Records of a Representative Child Guidance Clinic New York, 1966" (1966). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189768.
