Puerto Rican Counter Migration of Juvenile Delinquency: A Study of Four Boys Aged 14 to 16 Who Influenced Their Peers in Puerto Rico, 1959-1960

Victor Alberto Rivera, Fordham University


Puerto Rico is dealing with the delinquent problem as intensively as New York City in order to keep its rate as low as possible. The limitation of personnel and social agencies makes this a hazardous task. They realize that a juvenile offender is one of society's misguided segments. In discussing juvenile delinquency, Judge Anna Veter makes the following statement: "We must know that human failure, whether it be in higher places or lower, affects us, our families, our communities and ultimately, our nation. The juvenile offender is not someone's child but everybody's child. They are taken into juvenile courts where a legal approach is given to the situation, but also the judge considers himself an understanding parent."

Subject Area

Law enforcement|Social work

Recommended Citation

Rivera, Victor Alberto, "Puerto Rican Counter Migration of Juvenile Delinquency: A Study of Four Boys Aged 14 to 16 Who Influenced Their Peers in Puerto Rico, 1959-1960" (1961). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189813.
