Neighborhood Welfare Center: The Friends Neighborhood Group, New York City. A Study of the Development and Services of This Quaker Community Service Project (1958–1964), and Its Relationship to Settlements and the Field of Social Work

Margaret Ann McLaughlin, Fordham University


Background of the Study. Since 1958 there has resided in Spanish Harlem, a group of young people living and espousing this ideal. They have volunteered a year or two of their lives to settle in the slum area and attempt to pursue "neighborliness". The undertaking, sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee, is known as the Friends Neighborhood Group. It consists of a married couple, who are employed as directors, an assistant director, and a varying number, three to seven, of volunteers. These members retain their regular jobs, but endeavor to devote most of their spare hours to aiding their neighbors in whatever problems may arise.

Subject Area

Sociology|Social work

Recommended Citation

McLaughlin, Margaret Ann, "Neighborhood Welfare Center: The Friends Neighborhood Group, New York City. A Study of the Development and Services of This Quaker Community Service Project (1958–1964), and Its Relationship to Settlements and the Field of Social Work" (1964). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189819.
