Mental Health Services: An Attempt Through Community Organization to Meet the Need for a Mental Health Clinic in the Bronx by the St. Mary’slongwood Civic Central League, New York 1963 – 1964

Pereta Providence Rodriguez, Fordham University


Background of the Study. It has been stated often that this is a complex world, and that one never knows what to expect. When we really investigate and reflect on this proposition however, what we might find is that the individual has forgotten how to identify his community. The knowledge on how a person can involve himself in the community and recognize his and the community's needs has been clouded.This would imply, along with a more recent study, Mental Health in the Metropolis : The Midtown Manhattan Study, that primary group relations can produce or control pathogenic stresses on the individual.

Subject Area

Mental health|Psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Rodriguez, Pereta Providence, "Mental Health Services: An Attempt Through Community Organization to Meet the Need for a Mental Health Clinic in the Bronx by the St. Mary’slongwood Civic Central League, New York 1963 – 1964" (1964). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189821.
