Woman’s Indebtedness to Christianity

Concepta Smith, Fordham University


The family is the source of society; the wife is the source of the family. If the fountain is not pure, the stream is sure to be foul and muddy. Social life is the reflex of family life.The history of woman in Pagan countries has been with rare exceptions, an unbroken record of bondage, oppression, and moral degradation. felt bound to respect. She had no rights that the husband In many of the ancient empires of Asia, notably in Babylon, India, Thrace and Lydia, the wife was bought, like meat in the shambles, or like slaves in the market place.

Subject Area

Womens studies|Religion

Recommended Citation

Smith, Concepta, "Woman’s Indebtedness to Christianity" (1921). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189823.
