Short Term Services to Families and Children Within a Child Placing Agency: A Study of the Department of Family and Child Care of the New York Foundling Hospital, 1949-1954

Dorothy Sheahan Acampora, Fordham University


For every suffering and un-happy parent there may be one miserable and unhappy child, likely, if unhelped, to pass on his emotional disability to the next generation.Among the most significant developments in psychiatry during the past quarter of a century has been the steady growth of evidence that the quality of the parental care which a child receives in his earliest years is of vital importance for his future mental health. "The impairment of the capacity for successful parenthood is perhaps the most damaging of all the effects of deprivation of maternal care".

Subject Area

Psychology|Mental health|Individual & family studies

Recommended Citation

Acampora, Dorothy Sheahan, "Short Term Services to Families and Children Within a Child Placing Agency: A Study of the Department of Family and Child Care of the New York Foundling Hospital, 1949-1954" (1954). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189831.
