Aged Needy Under Public Auspices: An Historical Sketch of the Institutional Care for the Dependent Aged by the Department of Public Welfare, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1889-1955

Estelle Maria Lachance, Fordham University


"Everywhere the human cycle begins with the dependency of the young on those who are older, and usually ends with the dependency of the very old on those who are younger."Although the truth of this statement regarding the inter- dependency of the relationship of human beings has been re- cognized theoretically from early times, this interdependency has been denied occasionally in practice for diverse reasons.Caring for the aged has always been a major problem. Treatment has varied widely in different cultures, and this is true of both primitive and civilized societies.In the United States, the established relationship of age and youth has undergone a rapid change; the aged are losing their ancient social perogatives and economic foothold. Prior to the industrial era, family life was centered upon an agricultural economic system. The old, having responsibilities and contributing to the maintenance of family welfare, were considered an integral part of life.

Subject Area

Health care management|Social work

Recommended Citation

Lachance, Estelle Maria, "Aged Needy Under Public Auspices: An Historical Sketch of the Institutional Care for the Dependent Aged by the Department of Public Welfare, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1889-1955" (1955). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31189909.
