Understanding Cannabis Use, Polysubstance Use, and Sexual Behaviors Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults

Isabelle Sheck, Fordham University


Nationally representative studies of cannabis use in adults aged 50-65 show that the prevalence of cannabis use has increased significantly over the past two decades (Han et al., 2017; Han & Palmer, 2018; Reynolds et al., 2018). As cannabis use has increased, a greater understanding of potential medicinal benefits of cannabis use and a reduction in perceptions of risk have contributed to positive attitudes about cannabis use among middle-aged and older adults (Kaskie et al., 2017). Although studies have assessed presence or absence of lifetime cannabis use (Bon-Miller et al., 2022; Cavalli & Cservenka, 2021; Compton et al., 2019; Feingold et al., 2020; Leung et al., 2020; Zellers et al., 2023), research at the intersection of public health, substance use, and legislation has not fully examined how duration of use may affect overall attitudes and health outcomes in middle and older age. Additional research exploring cannabis use among middle-aged and older adults is needed, including how duration of cannabis use impacts health behaviors across the lifespan. This research addresses specific gaps in the literature that have yet to be examined among middle-aged and older adult populations, utilizing survey data from 180 community-dwelling older adults (aged 50 and over) living in New York City. The aim of this research is to examine associations between cannabis use duration, sexual health, and polysubstance use among older adults. Results showed that increasing total years of cannabis use was associated with decreasing internal consequences of cannabis use, risky sexual behaviors, and use of other substances. The findings from the current study will enable further research in community health, psychology, and health policy as we explore underreported behaviors such as substance use and sexual behaviors.

Subject Area

Psychology|Medicine|Mental health|Aging

Recommended Citation

Sheck, Isabelle, "Understanding Cannabis Use, Polysubstance Use, and Sexual Behaviors Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults" (2024). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31237825.
