"The moderating effects of family functioning and parent -child relatio" by Jennifer Kim Yellen

The moderating effects of family functioning and parent -child relationship quality on the relationship between parental disclosure of HIV and adolescent functioning

Jennifer Kim Yellen, Fordham University


The moderating effects of family functioning and parent-child relationship quality on the relationship between parental disclosure of HIV and adolescent functioning were examined in minority, urban, low-income families with a HIV-infected parent. Participants included 232 parent-adolescent pairs. Interview data were collected regarding parental HIV disclosure, family functioning, parent-child relationship quality, adolescent mental health, adolescent school performance, adolescent substance use, and adolescent conduct problems. The results suggested that parent-child relationship quality moderated the relationship between parental disclosure and adolescent alcohol use. Likewise, the data suggested that family functioning moderated the relationship between parental disclosure and adolescent mental health symptoms.

Subject Area


Recommended Citation

Yellen, Jennifer Kim, "The moderating effects of family functioning and parent -child relationship quality on the relationship between parental disclosure of HIV and adolescent functioning" (2004). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3125032.
