A Silent Crisis: Climate Change and Its Impact on Food Security in the Sahel

Ayushma Thapa, Fordham University


This thesis aims to analyze the complicated relationship between climate change and food security. It specifically focuses on the Sahel region. Food security is defined by four pillars and each section of this thesis does an in-depth analysis of how climate change affects each pillar. Food security is a major humanitarian crisis, and it is compounded by the effects of climate change. This aims to provide evidence of how deep and destructive the impacts can be. The Sahel region is facing the effects of climate change at a faster pace than any other region and the goal is to bring attention to this crisis. Climate change is now pushing millions of people in the Sahel towards food insecurity. By using the Sahel as an example of how extensive the impacts of climate change can be on food security the goal is for the world to understand the complex relationship between climate change and food security and it is also a call to arms to battle this crisis before the situation gets worse.

Subject Area

Climate Change|Environmental science|Agriculture

Recommended Citation

Thapa, Ayushma, "A Silent Crisis: Climate Change and Its Impact on Food Security in the Sahel" (2024). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31292534.
