Occupational wellness: Mission of career services and programs at Jesuit colleges and universities

Catherine Cunningham Einersen, Fordham University


College students pursue baccalaureate degrees to acquire academic competencies, career focus, and development of leadership skills through co-curricular activities. The mission of higher educational institutions is to educate students to become contributors to society. Eminent university leaders' visions for higher education are proponents of providing a holistic, integrated, and substantial experience for college students. The basic premise of Jesuit education is to provide a holistic education by challenging students academically and connecting the heart and mind to what matters. The purpose of this study was to assess if the career services programs reflect the mission of the university and more specifically, the mission of the career services. This study examined the missions of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities. Does the mission of the Jesuit colleges and universities, the driving force, manifest itself in the career services programs at 21 of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities that participated? Through a survey and content analysis, the study also examined whether programs and services reflected the mission as viewed by administrators of the career services programs. Survey items included the National Association of Colleges and Employers Professional Standards regarding mission, program components, and career counseling coupled with items that reflected programs that are unique to Jesuit higher education. The results showed that the career services administrators supported the mission of the university and career services. They designed programs that reflect Jesuit education and ideals of service learning, social justice, leadership, and occupational wellness. The Jesuit tenet Cura Personalis , care and concern for the individual, was the most significant tenet found in career services programs and espoused as the most prominent belief among administrators. Staff indicated satisfaction with their work especially by facilitating workshops with technology resources and leadership training. Administrators strongly agree to maintain the Professional Standards regarding mission, programs, and career counseling by offering programs with contemporary practices and early intervention with freshmen. With technology enhancing programs, these caring leaders need to continue to enrich the mission by offering career counseling and programs that develop an on-line career profile to empower students to develop occupational wellness in their personal and professional lives to continue the Jesuit legacy of Cura Personalis .

Subject Area

Higher education|Educational administration

Recommended Citation

Einersen, Catherine Cunningham, "Occupational wellness: Mission of career services and programs at Jesuit colleges and universities" (2003). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3134436.
