Hispanic undergraduate teacher candidates in bilingual education

Magali Figueroa-Sanchez, Fordham University


The purpose of this study was to examine characteristics of Hispanic undergraduate teacher candidates in bilingual education relative to their academic achievement. The study described the following factors: students' demographics, motivation, including teachers, the role of the family, family college record, personal drives, and students' levels of English and Spanish language proficiency. Findings showed that the factors that had the most impact on student academic achievement were positive caring teachers and family. Factors that had moderate impact on students' academic achievement were children in the family and peers. Factors that had the least impact on academic achievement were negative teachers and personal drives. In short, teachers need to work actively with parents and students alike to develop mutual trust. Further, awareness of and sensitivity to cultural differences must be considered when teaching Hispanic children. Educators need to reexamine curricula and the design of their classes to create more effective, and culturally relevant learning experience. Finally, college professors in teacher education programs can help Hispanic college students become familiar with college support systems, such as: (a) reading and writing labs, (b) math tutors, (c) technology assistance, (d) medical services, and other programs that are available to campus students.

Subject Area

Curriculum development|Multicultural Education

Recommended Citation

Figueroa-Sanchez, Magali, "Hispanic undergraduate teacher candidates in bilingual education" (2005). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3166568.
