The establishment of the Catholic University College of Ghana: Refounding identity

Augustine Owusu-Addo, Fordham University


In 1988, the Ghana Catholic Bishops' Conference decided to establish the first Catholic University College of Ghana (CUCG). While it took the bold step to commence on March, 10, 2003, the Catholic University College held its first matriculation of 50 pioneer students on May, 3, 2003. Later, on November, 13, 2003, the University was officially inaugurated. This historical study traced the refounding identity of the Catholic University College, and the Catholic Bishops' purpose of illustrating and preserving gospel values, religious set of ideals and traditions while responding to the practical realities of the world. The history was developed by drawing on primary and secondary sources, oral interviews supplemented the primary research data, and regular visits to the college. The study discovered that part of the role of the every Catholic university is the promotion of Christian principles. For the Catholic University College of Ghana therefore, the search for and communication of truth is not enough; structures need to be set up which will communicate values and encourage Christian behavior. Again, the study discovered that the fulcrum of influence in the contemporary Ghanaian situation is the university. Increasingly, governments, industry, world trade, diplomacy, the churches, labor unions and management are turning, almost by reflex, to the modern university for knowledge and brain power. By tracing the refounding identity of the Catholic University College of Ghana, a story developed that provided insight and understanding of how the Catholic Bishops Conference and the laity are faced with pressing challenges in sharing its vision of dynamic Catholic higher education and at the same time wholeheartedly, cooperating with public educational authorities within the context of an overall Ghanaian higher educational system.

Subject Area

African history|Educational administration|Education history

Recommended Citation

Owusu-Addo, Augustine, "The establishment of the Catholic University College of Ghana: Refounding identity" (2007). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3262847.
