Developing relationships in Catholic nursery/primary schools in Anambra, Nigeria: Partnerships of family, community, school, church, and state

John Jude Chimezie Ugochukwu, Fordham University


This study focused on the existing relationships in four Catholic nursery/primary schools in Anambra State, Nigeria. Specifically, this study examined how the development of Catholic nursery/primary school relationships can lead to the partnerships between the parents, community, Church, and State. Literature review highlights the significance of collaboration, dedication, and partnerships in promoting childhood education. The four schools recently built by the Catholic Church are among the many new Catholic nursery/primary schools in Anambra State that transformed and gave new face to nursery/primary school education in the State. The high speed with which the new Catholic and private schools sprang up throughout the nation after the federal government had lifted its ban on the establishment of new schools revealed the low level of moral decadence and educational standard that characterized the public schools. It also revealed how dismayed the parents and the public were over the public school administration as well as their long desire to return school administration to the Church. Four major research questions guided this qualitative study. The data were collected through one-on-one interviews, observations, and document review. The findings show that, as it is with many other Catholic and private nursery/primary schools in Anambra, the relationships in mission schools are highly commendable. However, the study reveals that all the stakeholders are already contributing towards building up relationships and partnerships with the Catholic schools except the State and Federal Governments that seem to be lagging in this respect. Documentary and oral evidence show that the pupil's moral and academic standards are comparatively high. This study examined how stakeholders should help to improve and offer quality education in Catholic nursery/primary schools through partnerships. Nigeria should adopt the policies that would assure quality education and give equal educational opportunities to all its citizens by supporting any institution that offers such education in the country. Religious affiliation should not be a barrier in supporting parents in giving the best education to its citizens. Apart from being a break through, the study is a challenge to researchers as well as resource for educators.

Subject Area

Educational administration|Early childhood education|Elementary education

Recommended Citation

Ugochukwu, John Jude Chimezie, "Developing relationships in Catholic nursery/primary schools in Anambra, Nigeria: Partnerships of family, community, school, church, and state" (2008). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3303096.
