"Deaf identity, career-related self-efficacy, and perception of career " by Sarah Rebecca Durand

Deaf identity, career-related self-efficacy, and perception of career barriers of deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals

Sarah Rebecca Durand, Fordham University


With a sample size of 128 deaf or hard-of-hearing participants, the current study investigated the relationships between variables related to cultural identity, perceived career barriers and self-efficacy for career decision-making. Career self-efficacy and perceived career barriers were examined using the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale and Career Barriers Inventory Revised, respectively. Cultural identity was examined using the revised Deaf Identity Development Scale. Data gathered were analyzed using correlational analyses, one-way ANOVAs, and simultaneous multiple regressions. This study expands on previous research related to deaf/hard-of-hearing individuals' identities and career development by drawing from a sample of primarily employed adults with a wide age-span (20 to 87 years of age), who were predominately Bicultural identified. Statistical significance was not found in the relationship between career-related self-efficacy and perceived career barriers. Regarding preference for mode of communicating, no significant differences were found in relation to either of the examined career-related variables. Age of participants was significantly correlated with three of the four deaf identity stages. Deaf identity was a significant predictor of variance for career decision-making self-efficacy, but not for career barriers. Recommendations for future research include the continuation and expansion of qualitative investigation for use with deaf/hard-of-hearing populations on identity and career-related issues in order to illuminate more specific salient issues for this population. It was also recommended that researchers attempt to reach those deaf/hard-of-hearing adults who may be less educated or socially isolated in order to access specific career-related needs and possible beneficial technological and counseling interventions.

Subject Area

Occupational psychology|Labor relations

Recommended Citation

Durand, Sarah Rebecca, "Deaf identity, career-related self-efficacy, and perception of career barriers of deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals" (2008). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3312052.
