Teachers' use of curriculum-based measurement for Latino students with and without English proficiency

Jodie Gayle Swirnow, Fordham University


Response to Intervention (RTI) models are replacing the IQ-achievement discrepancy model in public schools as a means of identifying children for special education services. Little is known about how general education teachers use the data generated as part of RTI screening and progress monitoring procedures. Specifically, how teachers use data to make educational decisions for Latino English Language Learner (ELL) students is of interest because they are a growing demographic of the nation's students and there are unique challenges associated with identifying them for special education services. Teacher expectations were identified as one factor that could influence teachers' decisions within an RTI framework because preliminary research suggests that teachers may hold lower expectations for academic competence of Spanish-speaking ELL students than for their English-speaking peers. Teacher Efficacy was also identified as factor that may influence teachers' decisions because it has been linked strongly to classroom practices. The current study examined whether teacher efficacy, teacher expectations, and student language status (ELL versus English proficient) are related to how teachers make educational decisions for Latino elementary school students. Teachers from the all regions of the United States were recruited to participate in the current study (N = 241) by completing the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale - Short Version, and scales created by the researcher measuring self-efficacy for reading instruction, expectations for student success in reading, and likelihood of making various educational decisions. Correlational analyses revealed that higher teacher expectations were positively associated with student status as English proficient. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that teacher efficacy accounted for significant variance in teachers' self-efficacy for reading instruction, and was a protective factor against a dip in self-efficacy when a student does not respond to intervention. Teacher efficacy also predicted teachers' likelihood of persisting with a struggling student by trying a second intervention. Student language status was not associated with teachers' decisions.

Subject Area

English as a Second Language|Educational psychology|Curriculum development

Recommended Citation

Swirnow, Jodie Gayle, "Teachers' use of curriculum-based measurement for Latino students with and without English proficiency" (2011). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3461897.
