"Perfectionism and achievement goals in high school students" by Kimberly Banks Costello

Perfectionism and achievement goals in high school students

Kimberly Banks Costello, Fordham University


The purpose of this study was to investigate whether differences in perfectionism are related to variations in achievement goals and academic achievement in the high school population. The sample was comprised of included 205 high school students, Ages 15 through 18 who identified themselves in either the 10th or 11th grade. The participants were recruited from a suburban, public high school in New Jersey. Students completed a demographic questionnaire and the following self-report scales: the Hewitt and Flett Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised, and the Achievement Goal Questionnaire-Revised. A major contribution of the current investigation is the finding that select dimensions of perfectionism and achievement goals added significance to the regression model, whereas the interactions of perfectionism and achievement goals did not account for a significant amount of variance in GPA. The high standards and discrepancy domains may contribute to the dynamics of achievement goals and suggests that further investigation of these constructs is warranted and may provide insights for practice in understanding academic achievement.

Subject Area

Social psychology|Educational psychology|Secondary education|Personality psychology

Recommended Citation

Costello, Kimberly Banks, "Perfectionism and achievement goals in high school students" (2015). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3722186.
