"God-consciousness in Simeon the New Theologian" by Maria M Jaoudi

God-consciousness in Simeon the New Theologian

Maria M Jaoudi, Fordham University


The dissertation studies the Byzantine theology of Simeon the New Theologian, who was born in 949 C.E., at Galatea in Asia Minor. The objective of the dissertation is to present Simeon's distinctive theology of God-consciousness based on classical themes relating to the most profound spiritual experiences. Simeon did not systematize his theology, therefore, the dissertation presents in a systematic way, the spiritual process that Simeon taught, outlined under dogmatic Christian themes in the different chapters. The first chapter describes the gift of tears manifested during the purification of penthos. Subsequent chapters elaborate the illuminative stage of experiencing the Taboric light as the basis for Christology and Trinitarianism which culminate in Simeon's theology of the mystical marriage. Finally, as the embodiment of God-consciousness, the transformed human being becomes Eucharist, sharing the love and teaching of his or her own salvation with others. Consciousness of God's presence was Simeon's goal, and the original contribution of the dissertation is to articulate the stages of spiritual growth culminating in ultimate union with the Divine. The distinct mystical heights could be defined according to Simeon as consciousness of Who this God is for the Christian centered on the Gospels, and the interior contemplative identity with the transformative Christ. The dissertation begins with Simeon's own spiritual conversion, and then examines how Simeon applies such a transformative model remaking the entire person as a universal paradigm. Simeon's theology is approached in the dissertation primarily in reference to scripture and Eastern Christian sources, especially the early Patristic writers whose theology influenced Simeon's life and works. The dissertation also points to similarities with Western Christian theologians, and other religious traditions.

Subject Area

Religious history|Theology|Middle Ages

Recommended Citation

Jaoudi, Maria M, "God-consciousness in Simeon the New Theologian" (1992). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI9215349.
