Issues in the implementation of educational technology integration in two New Jersey schools

Cecil Harridell Broadnax, Fordham University


The implementation of educational technology in schools is a significant, global, and socially important issue that can influence positively United States education and macroeconomic performance. The literature professes that educational technology can influence positively school outcomes, whether it is implemented in high or low socioeconomic districts, and that it can be introduced and implemented in schools in a neutral, systematic, and equal manner (Means & Olson, 1995; Willis, 1994). The purpose of this research was to elucidate the dramatic contrast and effects of class and wealth; the compound effectiveness of having more money; how wealthy school districts avoid challenges while poorer districts stumble, and are at greater risk of succumbing to challenges; and the reality of how subtle school district inequalities influence negatively a school district's ability to successfully reform, despite the misperception that lower socioeconomic schools have an equal chance to implement change and therefore have similar chances to succeed. The study identified issues that emerged in developing and implementing educational technology integration plans, described the extent to which and how the issues were managed, and identified obstacles and supporting factors that as the two schools developed and moved ahead with their plans. The research methodology was qualitative analysis, including observation, interviews of superintendents, principals, teachers, educational technologists, students, the New Jersey Department of Education, and TECH CORPS New Jersey. The study concluded that the extent to which educational technology is implemented and integrated within schools depends on the extent to which the schools manage several simultaneous issues, some emergent, and others avoidable through effective planning and support. Comprehensive advance planning, full inclusion of stakeholders, teacher acceptance and training, development of curricula and pedagogy that includes the use of educational technology, financial resources, and forces external to schools were issues that influenced the outcomes of the school's educational technology implementation plans. The challenge to schools, state departments of education, and other organizations is to provide graduated levels of support for school districts needing supplemental support to progress with educational technology implementation plans as readily as school districts that are wealthier and better able to effectively garner necessary support and resources.

Subject Area

Educational technology|Educational administration|Teacher education

Recommended Citation

Broadnax, Cecil Harridell, "Issues in the implementation of educational technology integration in two New Jersey schools" (1999). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI9938895.
