EMW 2008: Law--Continuity and Change in the Early Modern Period
The topic in 2008 was "Law: Continuity and Change in the Early Modern Period." The transformations in the legal sphere are among the many crucial changes that mark the early modern period. The participants examined presented texts through both an historical and a jurisprudential lens; they questioned issues of communal self-governance, and the relationship of Jews to the laws and courts of the lands in which they lived, and engaged in an interdisciplinary dialogue about how law evolves, and how it affects and is affected by historical developments. The keynote speaker, Professor Richard Ross (University of Illinois) and Professor Susanne Stone (Yeshiva University, Cardozo School of Law) guided historians who are not always attuned to methodologies of legal theories in exploring new ways of examining legal sources. The 2008 workshop attempted to understand better what types of legal developments are characteristic of the early modern period. As in previous workshops, topics were considered from a multi-regional perspective. Edward Fram focused on the role of print in the popularization and codification of Jewish law; Yaron Ben Naeh presented text of Jewish cases in Ottoman courts; Adam Teller discussed legal status of Jews and Jewish courts in Poland-Lithuania; Benjamin Ravid highlighted the nexus between baptism and charters for Jews and Marranos in Venice; Barbara Staudinger presented texts of Jews in imperial courts in the Holy Roman Empire; David Horowitz and Ann Oravetz discussed questions of the herem in Hamburg and Amsterdam respectively; Miriam Bodian focused on Amsterdam Regulations of 1616 concerning the Jews, and Kenneth Stow explored questions of common law (ius commune). Additional sources included here are, Stefan Litt’s transcription and translation of the takkanot (community ordinances) of the community in Ühlfeld, dating from 1688; and Elimelech Westerich’s presentation of the question of divorce in Jewish law.
Welcome Address and Opening Remarks
Keynote Address by Richard Ross
- Yeshiva University
- Wesleyan University’s Jewish and Israel Studies Certificate programs, the Office of Academic Affairs and the Academic Deans, Center for Faculty Career Development; Information Technology Services Department
- University of Maryland’s Louis L. Kaplan Chair of Jewish History at the Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies.
- The Center for Jewish Law and Contemporary Civilization at Cardozo School of Law
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2008 | ||
Sunday, August 17th | ||
5:00 PM |
Law: Continuity and Change in the Early Modern Period EMW 2008 Yeshiva University, New York 5:00 PM - 5:00 PM |
5:05 PM |
Debra Kaplan, Yeshiva University Yeshiva University, New York 5:05 PM |
5:30 PM |
Law: Continuity and Change in the Early Modern Period Richard Ross, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Yeshiva University, New York 5:30 PM |
Monday, August 18th | ||
9:00 AM |
Edward Fram, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Yeshiva University, New York 9:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Elimelekh Westreich, Tel Aviv University, School of Law Yeshiva University, New York 10:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Stefan Litt, Jewish National Library, Israel Yeshiva University, New York 11:00 AM |
12:00 PM |
Challenging Herem in Hamburg, 1732 David Horowitz, Columbia University Yeshiva University, New York 12:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
The Herem as the Source of Authority of the Lay Governing Council Anne Oravetz Albert, University of Pennsylvania Yeshiva University, New York 2:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Evasion as a Legal Tactic: The 1616 Amsterdam Regulations Concerning the Jews Miriam Bodian, University of Texas at Austin Yeshiva University, New York 3:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Barbara Staudinger, Institute for Jewish History in Austria, Austria Yeshiva University, New York 4:00 PM |
Tuesday, August 19th | ||
9:00 AM |
Yaron Ben-Naeh, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Yeshiva University, New York 9:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Trying Issues: Polish-Lithuanian Jews under Multiple Jurisdictions Adam Teller, Brown University Yeshiva University, New York 10:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
When the Indelible Sacrament of Baptism Met Mercantile Raison d'Etat Benjamin Ravid, Brandeis University Yeshiva University, New York 11:00 AM |
1:00 PM |
Kenneth Stow, Haifa University, Israel Yeshiva University, New York 1:00 PM |