Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2023

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Environmental Studies


John Van Buren


The climate crisis is considered one of humans' most detrimental issues today. Although there is a struggle to find solutions, many have been and continue to be at the forefront of the environmental movement, specifically Indigenous communities. The Anishinaabe people, in particular, have philosophies centered around environmental care. They view the environment as something deserving of honor and respect. Although these ideas have allowed them to have a respectful relationship with their local ecosystems, the United States government has ignored these ideas from the early stages of the environmental movement. With this, there is also an extensive history of harmful government actions toward Indigenous people in which they are put at risk by the climate crisis. By considering their ways of living which have proven to work for ages, and the philosophies these ideas stem from, we can amplify the voices of Indigenous people and help combat the climate crisis. In Chapter 1, I will explain climate change and its effects, including the current issues we see in government and an introduction to Anishinaabe hardships in relation to the climate crisis. Chapter 2 will focus on the environmental and cultural history of the Anishinaabe people and their background in sustainable practices. Chapter 3 will focus on Anishinaabe storytelling and how these ideas are put into practice. Chapter 4 will go in depth on environmental injustices faced by Indigenous people and those more specifically affecting the Anishinaabe, as well as their place in the environmental movement historically. Finally, Chapter 5 will discuss possible solutions in detail to increase protections for Indigenous communities and make conscious efforts to decrease the effects of climate change while keeping the Anishinaabe and their ideas in mind.
