The Submission Process | The Facet Theory Association International Conference | Fordham University

Follow the instructions below to submit to 15th International Facet Theory Conference.

  • Individual Papers and Poster Presentations Abstracts of 250-500 words related to FT Conference topics are invited.
  • Symposia: Colleagues interested in organizing a symposium are particularly encouraged to do so. You will be notified shortly regarding the suitability of your submission for 2015 International Facet Theory Conference.

Before submitting, please read all relevant policies and submission guidelines.


First, submit a structured abstract describing your presentation. The submission of an abstract for oral and poster presentations should be 250-500 words. The submission for symposium presentations should be 150 words for the objective(s) of the symposium and 250-500 words for each structured abstract of each paper in the symposium. Abstracts should be submitted collectively by the respective organizer.

Authors of accepted submissions will be asked to register and invited to submit a full paper for the proceedings if they so choose. In case of multiple authors, only the submitting author will be notified. The latter is responsible for notifying his or her co-authors. Once your submission has been accepted for presentation, you must register for the conference in order to present. Your presentation time and program schedule will be emailed to you prior to the conference.

The Louis Guttman Young Scientist Award The Facet Theory Association has decided to grant an award for the best paper submitted by young scientists to the 15th Facet Theory Conference in New York. The award is to recognize young scientists who have made a distinguished theoretical/empirical contribution to Facet Theory. Papers should be single authored (or the applicant should be listed first). Young scientists are those persons who have received a research degree (honors, masters, or Ph.D.) since the last FTA 13th Conference in summer, 2011.

For the paper proposals: 

The structured abstract must include the following fields about your paper:

  1. objective(s) of the study/paper and its originality
  2. design/methodology/approach
  3. key findings
  4. discussion

Below is a description of each field in greater detail:

Objectives and originality: What is the purpose of the paper? What are the reason(s) for writing the paper or the aims of the research? How does it fit in th current literature? What is the original contribution of the paper?

Design/methodology/approach: How are objectives reached? Be sure to discuss the main method(s). Include the sample characteristics, if appropriate. What is the approach to the topic?

Key Findings: What did you find out during the process of the project? This will include the results.

Discussion: What are the research implications/limitations? Suggestions for future research? What are the theoretical implications? What are the practical implications

For the symposia proposals:

  • The abstract overview should include the objective(s) of the symposium.
  • There may be 3 or 4 papers in a Symposium.
  • Each submission must be made  by each symposium participant. 

For Papers in the Symposium (up to 4; each on a separate page)

  • The structured abstract should be 250-500 words.
  • The structured abstract must include following fields about your paper:
    1. objective(s) of the study/paper
    2. design/methodology/approach
    3. key findings
    4. discussion


The submission process consists of the following steps:

  1. Read and accept the Submission Agreement below
  2. Provide information about yourself and any co-authors
  3. Upload your electronic file, if any, and associated files

Before you begin, please be sure you have the following items:

  1. The submission's title
  2. The abstract (up to 250 words)
  3. A list of keywords (10 maximum)
  4. The electronic format of your file, or hyperlink to your file, if any
  5. Submission Agreement for 15th International Facet Theory Conference
  6. By checking the box below, I grant 15th International Facet Theory Conference on behalf of Fordham University the non-exclusive right to distribute my submission ("the Work") over the Internet and make it part of the DigitalResearch@Fordham.

I warrant as follows:

  • that I have the full power and authority to make this agreement;
  • that the Work does not infringe any copyright, nor violate any proprietary rights, nor contain any libelous matter, nor invade the privacy of any person or third party;
  • that the Work has not been published elsewhere with the same content or in the same format; and
  • that no right in the Work has in any way been sold, mortgaged, or otherwise disposed of, and that the Work is free from all liens and claims.
  • I understand that once a peer-reviewed Work is deposited in the repository, it may not be removed.

NOTE: It is suggested that you print this page for your records.

Please contact Carolyn Funke with any questions regarding submissions. For technical problems only contact Jeremy Watson