"Work to Live or Live to Work? How Work Culture Has Influenced Workers " by Noa R. Kukurudz

Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2024

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Heather Gautney

Second Advisor

Caley Johnson, Ph.D.


Work culture is something that employees live through but don’t often think about. The basis of a work culture is rooted in the societies it is part of, most often associated with the countries where the work is based. There exists a strong relationship between work culture and the rights of workers. Workers rights aid in further emphasizing sentiments regarding work culture through legislation. A culture that places a heavy emphasis on work rather than on personal enjoyment outside of a work environment will have different labor laws than a culture that appreciates the finer things in life by making work a lower priority. This essay will examine the influence that work culture has on workers rights, specifically in France and the United States. Beyond my personal connections and experiences to the two countries, I chose France and the United States because they are both wealthy western countries, but have stark differences in their work cultures. I explored this topic by examining some of the key components regarding work culture and its influence on workers rights– the impact that societal cultures have, the legal components, economic influences, different mentalities associated with working, and the role that protests play. Throughout the essay, it will become clear that there exists a distinction between the two work cultures and that the relationship between the rights workers have and the ways in which they feel and act on it are very different in both countries. A work culture not only sets the tone of whether an employee will enjoy their job but how they will be treated as well. It’s important for countries to have solidified labor laws that companies cannot take advantage of so that the workers are protected and are able to perform their jobs, whatever that may be, under fair and correct conditions.
