"Harold Thomas III" by Matthias Lai


Matthias Lai

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History | Oral History | United States History | Urban Studies | Urban Studies and Planning


Harold Alexander Thomas III was born in Brooklyn, NY, in 1948. In 1949, his family moved to the Amsterdam NYCHA Housing Project in the Lincoln Square neighborhood of Manhattan, where Thomas grew up. In this oral history recorded by Fordham student Matthias Lai, Thomas discusses his childhood in the neighborhood and going to school at P.S. 191, as well as the impact of the Lincoln Square Urban Renewal Project in the late 1950's and early 1960's on the neighborhood, and how the Amsterdam community has changed over his lifetime.

Harold Thomas Oral History Transcript.pdf (76 kB)
Transcript of Harold Thomas III's Oral History

Harold Thomas Informed Consent Form.pdf (2786 kB)
Informed Consent form signed by Harold Thomas III
