Digital Pedagogy: Medieval Londoners Mapping Project


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Digital Humanities | Medieval History | Medieval Studies


How to complete the last five sections of the Edit Record screen (Sources, Attribution, Manage Collections, Tags, Editing Permissions). Instructions for the graduate student projects differ in that you are adding records and setting editing permissions to the Medieval Londoners collection. You also do have the ability to publish your own records. So, while you can SAVE AS DRAFT if you need to come back to your record later, you must PUBLISH in order for the instructor to be able to view and correct your record. Your records will never be listed as PENDING, only DRAFT or PUBLISHED. A third difference is that your “Your Profile” section will have 5 tabs instead of 2 (this is because you have your own accounts while the undergraduates have more monitored access to Layers via the token). (11:02)
