"Using Profile Analysis via Multidimensional Scaling (PAMS) to identify" by Craig L. Frisby and Se-Kang Kim

Using Profile Analysis via Multidimensional Scaling (PAMS) to identify core profiles from the WMS-III

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psychometrics, memory assessment, multidimensional scaling, profile analysis, age effects


Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Profile Analysis via Multidimensional Scaling (PAMS) is a procedure for extracting latent core profiles in a multitest data set. The PAMS procedure offers several advantages compared with other profile analysis procedures. Most notably, PAMS estimates individual profile weights that reflect the degree to which an individual’s observed profile approximates the shape and scatter of latent core profiles. The PAMS procedure was applied to index scores of nonreplicated participants from the standardization sample (N 􏰃 1,033) for the Wechsler Memory Scale—Third Edition (D. Tulsky, J. Zhu, & M. F. Ledbetter, 2002). PAMS extracted discrepant visual memory and auditory memory versus working memory core profiles for the complete 16- to 89-year-old sample and discrepant working memory and auditory memory versus working memory core profiles for the 75- to 89-year-old cohort. Implications for use of PAMS in future research are discussed.

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