The relationship of religious coping and spirituality to adjustment and psychological distress in urban early adolescents
Document Type
religion; spirituality; coping; religious coping; adolescents; adjustment
Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences
The present study explored the relation of religious coping and spirituality to adjustment and psychologicaldistress in urban early adolescents. The participants were 76 sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students attending Catholic day schools in the New York City area. They completed a set of self-report measures assessing religious coping, daily spiritual experiences, positive and negative affect, life satisfaction, andpsychological distress. Correlational and regression analyses found positive religious coping and dailyspiritual experiences to be associated with positive affect and life satisfaction, while negative religiouscoping was associated with negative affect and psychological distress. The relations generally were more robust among males, and their overall robustness decreased with age. Implications of the findings for research and clinical practice are offered to address the gap (compared to adults) in the literature on youthreligious coping.
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VanDyke, C. J., Glenwick, D. S., Cecero, J. J., & Kim, S. (2009). The relationship of religious coping and spirituality to adjustment and psychological distress in urban early adolescents. Mental Health, Religion, & Culture, 12,369-383.
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