Multiple social identities and reactivity to daily stress among ethnically diverse young adults
Document Type
multiple identities; daily stress reactivity; young adults; cluster analysis
Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences
In a sample of 181 young adults from Filipino, European, Latin and Asian American backgrounds, cluster analytic techniques were employed to determine how ethnic, American, family, and religious identity interact to form unique identity configurations. Four clusters emerged: Many Social Identities (MSI), Blended/Low Religious (B/LR), Blended/Low Ethnic and American (B/LEA), and Few Social Identities (FSI). Based on daily diary reports over 14 days, differential reactivity to daily stressors was examined on feelings of anxiety and positive mood. Results suggested that individuals in the MSI, B/LR and B/LEA clusters reported increased anxiety on days when they experienced more stressors. In addition, individuals in the MSI and B/LR clusters reported feeling less positive when they experienced stressors. Multiple identity configurations and their implications for stress reactivity are discussed.
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Recommended Citation
Yip, T., Kiang, L., & Fuligni, A. J. (2008). Multiple social identities and reactivity to daily stress among ethnically diverse young adults. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 1160-1172.
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