"Bergman, Abby" by Sonia Morris


Jewish Studies


Abby Bergman lived in the Bronx until he was 18 years old. He was born in the Bronx in 1946. When he was 8 years old, he moved to a different neighborhood in the Bronx, the Pelham Parkway area. His neighborhood was a mix of Jews, Italians, and Irish people. There were some tensions between the Jews and the Christians. People mostly kept within their own groups, although Bergman does recall that his parents had very close Catholic friends. In Bergman’s high school, the Christian kids were more popular than the Jewish kids. All of Bergman’s friends in high school were Jewish.

Bergman lived in a very close-knit community when he was growing up. His family members all lived within a block of each other, and they were able to support each other. People often arrived at each others’ homes uninvited.

Bergman did not feel very connected to Judaism when he was growing up. He did not like going to Hebrew school, as the teachers were not kind. However, he was sometimes involved with Judaism in other ways, such as attending services on the High Holidays. Now, he feels that he is culturally Jewish but not very observant. He has taken Yiddish lessons and is interested in Yiddish literature.

Bergman’s career has included principalships at multiple different schools. In addition to being a principal, Bergman has worked as a chief of staff for a medical practice. He has also written seven books.

Bergman feels that the Bronx that he knew as a child no longer exists. Though he enjoys coming to the Bronx to visit places such as the Botanical Gardens and the Bronx Zoo, he would not be interested in living there.
