Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2024

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Environmental Studies


John Van Buren

Second Advisor

Garnet Kindervater


This paper addresses the impacts fast fashion has on the environment and people, drawing from the reality in South Asia and the Shein factory located there, while also addressing global consequences. Today’s consumer culture has incited a behavior of purchasing clothing at a rate that has never been seen before. Trends go in and out, and along with them, the clothing items that are created to fit the current styles. Fast fashion has become an environmental issue due to the amount of fabrics that are being incinerated and discarded daily that pollute the oceans and land. Additionally, it is a humanitarian issue because clothing factory workers are underpaid, must withstand dangerous conditions, and many live near factories or landfills that affect their health. Chapter 1 connects fast fashion and climate change to highlight the negative consequences it has created in the 21st century on the ecosystem and the workers of such brands. Chapter 2 provides a historical overview of fashion trends and clothing manufacturing and explains how consumer culture has become unsustainable. Chapter 3 covers the environmental economics aspect of the fashion industry. Chapter 4 uses the disciplines of Political Science and Ethics through the lens of Environmental Justice Studies to identify the social issues related to this topic. Chapter 5 recommends policy changes, utilizing resources like the Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution Programme (SMEP, 2019), for fashion brands and consumers to become more earth-conscious and offer better working conditions for their employees.
