Content Posted in 2018
Absurdity and Alterity: The Ethics of Camus in Context, David Ray Gadon
Academic Outcomes of Young Adults with a Childhood Diagnosis of ADHD, Lizabeth Rossiter
Academic resilience among Black and Latino gifted students, Milka Trinidad Marcelo
A Chemical and Enzymological Study of the Metabolism of the Molds Merulius lacrymans and Marasmius chordalis, Virginia Marie Smith
A Comparative Cytological Study of Spermatogenesis in Five Species of Salamanders, Adele Clifford
A Comparative Cytological Study of Three Species of the Chenopodiaceae, Marie Bernard Witte
A Comparative Study of Animal Hematology With Special Reference to the Rodentie, Leonard J Piccoli
A Comparative Study of the Cytological Effects of Colchicine and Napthalene Acetic Acid on Bulb Roots and Seedling Roots and Shoots of Allium cepa, M. Justitia Lawniczak
A Comparative Study of the Cytological Effects of Growth Substances on Shoot and Root Tissue, Rita Mary McMahon
A Comparative Study of the Theories of Representative Government of Edmund Burke and John Stuart Mill, Maria Corona Molloy
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Low Baromatric Pressure on the Blood of Vertebrates, Louis A Susca
A Comparison of Critical Flicker Frequency on Psychotics, Psychoneurotics, and Normals, Henry Noel Ricciuti
A Comparison of the Absolute With the Ranking Method in the Discrimination of Color Mass, Charles L Collins
A Comparitive Study of Normalyoccuring Polypoloidy in Several Species of Allium, Jane Kinslow McElligott
A Competitive Study of the Vascular Bundles Occuring in the Peduncle of Tropaelum majus, Madeliene R O'Sullivan
A Conference About the Next Succession to the Crown of England, Robert Persons
A Conservative Concern: Conservative Ideology, The Environmental Crisis, and Why They Can Be A Perfect Pair, Alexandra Ferreira
A Contribution to the Fortleben of Cicero's De Amicitia, Rose B Fenwick
A Critical Analysis of Unemployment Insurance, Eleanor Gray Brady
A Critical Appraisal of the Work of the Peace Conference of Versailles, John Warie Brennan
A Critical Study of Humanistic French Literature in the Sixteenth Century, Florence M Arcese
Action of Metallic Nitrates on Heterocyclic Hydrocarbons, Anthracene and Phenanthrene, Max Meltsner
A Cytological Study of the Urodele Obcyte With Special Reference to the "Lambrush" Chromosome., Maria Austin Fortanella
Adequate International Sanctions: A Critical Inquiry Into and Analysis of Their Dependable Sociological and Philosophical Bases, William T Sullivanm
A Descriptive Study of the Cultural Awareness of Parochial Elementary School Leaders, Luz Teresa Torres Vega
A Different Lens: Organizational Trust, Social Networks, and Suburban School Leadership, Philip John Benante
Adolescents' Out-of-School Digital Reading Practices, Lauren Zucker
Aelfric and the Early Medieval Homilary, Cyril L Smetana
Aesthetic Principles Applied to Literature, Mary Honora
A Further Investigation of the Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compounds With Glucose in Alkaline Solution. Reduction of P-Nitro-Toluene, Mary Assumpta McCormick
A Further Investigation of the Reduction of Nitro-Benzene With Dextrose in Alkaline Solution, Frederick Weber
Age and Sex Differences in Monocular and Binocular Critical Flicker Frequency, Henryk Misiak
Agreement among Clinicians in Evaluations of Vocational Disability, Jacqueline Howe
A Green Opportunity: Why American Conservatives Will Benefit By Fighting Climate Change, Byrne W. Cronin
A Historical, Political and Social Look into the Problem of Floatable Pollution in NYC's Bronx River, Zoe L. Bellapigna
A History of Latin Paleography (From Its Inception Up to 1681), Margaret R Finn
A History of the Irish-American Press, Walter Luke Willigan
Alcoholics Anonymous: A Study in Solidarity, Robert L Hoggson
Alegal [Table of Contents], Annmaria M. Shimabuku
A Limitation of Ontological Security-Seeking Assumptions in Kurdistan: Is Human Plurality a Viable Aim for Constructivism?, Melissa Zeba Patel
America's 'Just Wars' in the 21st Century: Implications of Just War Theory on the Middle East, Sara Bakhtiar
A Mixed Method Exploration into Health Professions Students' Receipt and Use of Feedback, Alexandria Mary Garino
A Morphological Study of the Larva of the Army Ant, Eciton (E.) Hamatum Fabricius, John F Tafuri
Analytical and Enzymatic Studies on the Mechanism of Fat Formation in Certain Fusaria, John A Maselli
An Analysis of the Proper Senses in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Pascal Kelly
An Approach to Robust Homing with Stereovision, Fuqiang Fu and Damian Lyons
Anatomy and Histology of the Alimentary Canal of Clastoptera Proteus Fitch, Variety Nigricilus, John J McGill
An Essential Model of Pastoral Leadership Critical for Engaging the New Evangelization, Helmut A Wittreich
A New Synthesis of and Studies on 1-Galactose, Roy A Pizzarello
An Examination of a Combined Disgust and Fear Reaction in Terms of Contamination Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Ashley Nicole Dreiss
An Experimental Study of Some Factors Involved in the Fluctuations of Ambiguous Perspective Figures, Vincent R Fisichelli
An Experimental Study of the Color Vision of the Giant Tortoise, John V Quaranta
An Experimental Study of the Prelinguistic Speech Development of Institutionalized Infants, Regina Molloy Fisichelli
An Experimental Study of the Relation of the Psychogalvanic Reaction to Memory Amd Hedonic Tone, Thomas J Kelly
An Exploration of "Sickness Behavior" in Older Patients with Cancer, Kristen Gerda Tobias
Anglo-Venetian Relations During the Cretan War, 1645-1669, John P Porter
An Investigation of Certain Aspects of the Validity of the Formal Rorschach Scoring System in Relation to Age, Education, and Vocabulary Score., Harold Sackman
An Investigation of Memory for Colors, Mary Orr
An Investigation of Normal Young Men Throughout a School Year, Helen V Downey
An Investigation of Psychological Deficit as Evaluated Through an Appraisal of Cognitive Activity, Affective Control, and Conative Functioning in Schizophrenic and Neurotic Patients, Edward J McLaughlin
An Investigation of the Atmospheric Temperature Effect on Intensity of Mesotrons, Francis A Benedetto
An Investigation of the Hammick Reaction, Nelson H Cantwell
An Investigation of the Relationship Between the Perception of the Upright in Space and Several Factors in Personality Organization, Iris A Sangiuliano
An Investigation of Trait Relationships Among Six-Year-Old Children, Sonia A Avakian
Anthony Benezet and His Anti-Slavery Activities, Leonard C Lashley
Anti-Slavery Sentiment in the New York City Press 1830-1850: A Consideration of Its Origin, Development, Extent and Quality, Frank J Dixon
Anxiety and the Framing Effect: Intolerance of Uncertainty Predicts Frame-Consistent Choice Patterns, Mark Himmelstein
A Paelographical, Textual and Historical Commentary on a Ninth Century Manuscript of Boethius, Emily Joseph Daly
A Personality Study of Patients Suffering From Peptic Ulcers, Martin J Brennan
A Philosophical Evaulation of Some Modern Schools of Jurisprudence, Louis R Sprigg
A Philosophy of Literature, John H Schieswehl
Apicentrism in City Parks: Cultivating Honey Bee Prosperity in the Face of Colony Collapse Disorder, John Hughes
Application of the Gibbs Absorption Isotherm to Mixed Films at Air-Water Interfaces, Robert J Conan
Application of the Gibs Absorption Theory to Films Absorbed at Oil-Water Interfaces, Duncan Randall
A Preliminary Review of the Asbestos Strike: A Study in the Dymanics of Social Change, Margaret E Shay
A Preliminary Text of the Servian Commentary on the Eclogues of Virgil, Stanislaus A Akielaszek
A Project in High School Organization, Eugene A Colligan
Archbishop Rob. Winchelsey and the Struggle for Religious Liberty Under Edward I., Mary Byles
A Re-Examination of Italian Unification (From Materials in the Archives of the United States), Joseph T Durkin
A Re-Investigation of Chromosome Coiling in Trillium, Mary M Keeffe
A Study if the Functionality of Specific Groups in Proteins, Joseph A Duke
A Study in American Imperialism, Virginia C Dunn
A Study of Abnormal Growth Responses in Allium Cepa, Sophie Jakowska
A Study of Certain Nutritional Requirements of the Albino Mouse, Joseph G Sandza
A Study of Certain Perceptual and Imaginative Responses of a Group of Art Students Compared to the Responses of an Equated Group of Non-Art Students, Frances M Douglass
A Study of Cosmic Ray Showers With Coincidence Counter Arrangements, Harry N Walker
A Study of Experimentally Induced Frustration Reactions in Boys From Contrasting School Atmospheres, Florence Brennan Ricciuti
A Study of Lipid Metabolism in Liver and Kidney of Arctic Migratory Birds, Xavier J Musacchia
A Study of Mutation in Sarcina Lutea Schroeter, Concetta C Bellini
A Study of Normally Occurring Polyploidi in the Development of Delonix Regia (Bojer) Rafinesque, Angulus L La Fleur
A Study of Proteolytic Activity in Muscle Protein Fractions, Roland M Nardone
A Study of Psychological Factors That Contrast the Most and Least Efficient Psychiatric Aides in a Mental Hospital, John Joseph Vaccaro
A Study of Radon-Content of Soil-Gas, Edward M Kovach
A Study of Somatic Reduction Division and Related Phenomena in Culex Pipiens, Mary Grell
A Study of Some Personality and Adjustment Differences Between Hearing and Deaf Adults, Beatrice A LeCraft
A Study of the Concepts of Love and Religion in the Literary Production of Francois Mauriac, Stephen Edward Flynn
A Study of the Dramaturgical Functions of the Prayers in the Comedies of Aristophanes, Elizabeth E Seittelman
A Study of the Effects of Uranium Nitrate Treatment of Some Cereal Seeds, Mary Celine Lavin
A Study of the Factors Underlying the Formation and Continuance of Mutual Friendships and Antipathies Among High School Students, Thomas J McShane
A Study of the Interests and Affective Responses of Schizophrenics Before and After Insulin Therapy, James Francis Lawrence
A Study of the Linguistic Functioning of Children With Articulation and Reading Disabilities, Jeanette Greenough Yedinack
A Study of the Natural and Induced Radioactivity of Certain Rocks, John D Roll
A Study of the Nuclear Content of the Atmosphere and the Lifetime of Small Ions in New York City, Mary I Donnelly
A Study of the Nucleic Acids and Their Relation to Normal and Neoplastic Growth, D.V.N Reddy
A Study of the Poetry of Father Tabb, James V Hart
A Study of the Preparation of 5-Bromofuroic Acid, 2-Bromofuran and the Attempted Synthesis of Difuryicarbinol, Roland Mapes Whittaker
A Study of the Preparation of Isolation of d-Erythrose, Jacob L Keller
A Study of the Property Tax Cap Legislation on the Decision Making of Central Office Administrators, Meryl Rubinstein
A Study of the Setting in the Peasant Novels of Rene Bazin, Conall Benedict McDonald
A Study of the Spleen of Triturus Viridescens Raf., Edwin F Corlis
A Study of the Thyroid of the Bat, Myotis lucifugus, Lucifugus Laconte During the Hibernating and Active States, Helen C Redmond
A Study on the Metabolism of Pyrimidines by Excised Animal Tissues, William J McDermott
A Survery and Study of Literary Criticism in English Periodicals From 1700-1750, Joseph A Cashin
A Survery of Relgious Condition in Puerto Rico 1899-1934, Fitzgerald William Ambrose
A Systemic Study of the Deep Focus Eathquake of May 19, 1940 in the Sea of Okhotski, Vincent Dillon
A Theology of Failure [Table of Contents], Marika Rose
Augustan Poetry the Maturest Expression of Graeco-Roman Literary Theories, M. Raphael Lyons
Automatic verification of autonomous robot missions, Matt O'Brien, Ron Arkin, Dagan Harrington, and Damian Lyons
Autonomy Thwarting Parenting and Mental Health Outcomes among Sexual Minority Youth: A Self-Determination Approach, Kevin Montiel
Banking Reform by Means of Federal Control, Hugh S O'Reilly
Basic Principles of the Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards, Gertrude V Brady
Beliefs about Addiction: The Role of Political Ideology, Jaclin Gerstel-Friedman
Benedict Spioza- The Enigma, John Mark Brophy
Beta Ray Ionization Intensity of Potassium, Uranium, and Thorium, Richard Irwin Weller
Binge Eating in College Women: Body Dissatisfaction, Self-Compassion, and Expectancies for Mood Regulation, Andrea Spacone Pratt
Biologically Inspired Autonomous Robotic Navigation Using High-Level Object Detection, Caleb Hulbert
Blood Changes Produced in Rabbits by Indol, William T Taylor
Bossuet: Sa Contribution À l'ethique Psychologique, Marita Sullivan Sullivan
Bringing Together and Setting Apart: The Theological Significance of Alternate Delimitations in the Hebrew and Greek Psalters, Paul Joseph Sander
Brownson as a Critic of Literature, Mary Dominic Cunningham
Building a Bridge Between Philanthropy and Profit: The History, Economics, and Politics of Environmental Impact in a Commerce Society, Yekaterina Goncharova
Burmese Refugee Health: The Value of Plant-Based Medicine, Natalie Wodniak
Burnout, Role Ambiguity, and Coping Among MSW Students in Field Placement, Mary Powell
Calvin, the Spirit, and the Earth: Reading John Calvin's Theology of Creation in an Ecological Age, Monica Schaap Pierce
Cancer and Economic Well-being among Working-age Women, Shannon Pullaro
Cardinal Newman—A Witness of Truth, Rose Mercedes
Caregiver-Related Correlates of Medication Nonadherence Among Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients, Claire Dunphy
Casual Labor as Represented by Longshore Labor: Its Decasualization and Unemployment Insurance, Edward E Swanstrom
Cathay, Ezra Pound
Causal Theory in Sociology, Leo J Martin
Certain Religious Aspects of the Political Development of the United States of America (1497-1865), Patrick D McCarthy
Changes in Social Status and Post-Migration Mental Health Outcomes in West African Immigrants, Sagal Ahmed
Changes in the Fat Content of the Japanese Beetle (Popillia Japonica Newman) During Metamorphosis, Guido William Battista
Changing Modes of Encounter in Shakespearean Adaptation: The New Digital Audience, Rachael Faith Hilliard
Changing Neighborhoods, Changing Families: Gentrification and the Emergence of Gay Parents in Washington Heights, NYC, Fredric Nachbaur
Charles Carroll of Carrollton and the Constitution of the United States, Charles Edward Fitzgerald
Charles Evans Hughes: A Study in Sound Liberalism, Philip J Schupler
Charles o'connor of Belangare: A Survey of His Literary Activities, Catherine A Sheehan
Charles Péguy the Worker, Mary Leo Cousino
Charles Peirce's Theory of Scientific Method, Francis E. Reilly S.J.
Charles S. Peirce: On Norms and Ideals, Vincent G. Potter
Chaucer Second Nun's Tale St. Cecilia, Magdalen Durand
Chemical Studies on Pyrimidines Relacted to Vitamin B, Frank D Pickle
Chemistry of Dehydrogenation of Alcohols by Fusarium Lini Bolley, George J Goepfert
Children and Radio; a Study of Listeners and Non-Listeners to Various Types of Radio Programs in Terms of Selected Ability, Attitude, and Behavior Measures, Edward A Ricciuti
Choosing to Be Childfree: Exploring the Experiences of Black, Hispanic, and Latina Women, Melda Sibel Uzun
Cicero's Political Treatises and the Principate of Augustus, Arthur G Madden
Citizen Technologies: The U.S. Post Office and the Transformation of Early American Literature, Christy Lee Pottroff
Classical and Baroque Elements of Spirituality in Mediaeval Didactic Works for Women, Theresa Ann Doyle
Clinical Social Workers' Use of Computer-mediated Intervention and Social Justice, Kelly Sullivan Dennis
Cognitive Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, and Perceived Control Predict Perceived Effectiveness, Nicole Seligman
Colonizing Christianity, George E. Demacopoulos
Comaritive Studies on the Metabolsim of Arginine and Histidine in Adult and Growing Dogs, Bernard E Silver
Communist Propaganda and Tactics Among Negroes in the United States, William A Nolan
Comparative Experimental Studies of the Effects of Simulated High Altitudes on Five Vertebrates, Bernard Metz
Comparative Metabolism of Certain Aromatic Acids, Joseph Bernard Muenzen
Comparative Studies of the Polar Conductivities of the Atmosphere, Margaret Mary Kennedy
Comparing Juvenile Sex Offenders and Juvenile Non-sex Offenders in an Adjudicated Group, Christen Alice Fanelli
Congress, the Executive, and Neutrality: 1935 to 1940, C. Richard Cleary
Construction, Reconstruction and Deconstruction: Stories about Records from the Ottoman Heartlands, Shuki Ecker
Contested Citizens: Irish and German Immigrants in New York City, 1880-1924, Elizabeth Stack
Context Matters: School and Neighborhood Influences on Adolescent Obesity, Li Niu
Continuity and Change in Executive Functioning Across the Pubertal Transition to Adolescence, Natasha Chaku
Continuity in the Light of English Constitutional History, Philomena R Marsicano
Contributions to the Chemistry of Dibenzalacetone, Leo K Yanowski
Contributions to the Comparative Study of Nitrating Action of Metallic Nitrates on Aromatic Organic Compounds, George Bacharach
Conversion in American Philosophy: Exploring the Practice of Transformation, Roger Ward
Counter Institution: Activist Estates of the Lower East Side [BIBLIOGRAPHY], Nandini Bagchee
Counter Institution: Activist Estates of the Lower East Side [NOTES], Nandini Bagchee
Counting and Recording Sins, David Myers
Creative Capacity and Semantic Network Structure in Early Adolescence: Exploring Trauma Exposure as a Moderator, Jason Scott Frydman
Critical Evaluation of the Viennese Tests as Applied to 200 New York Infants Six to Twelve Months Old, Dorothy S Ackerman
Critical Pedagogy in the Spanish Language Classroom, Rebecca Lee Ramirez
Criticism in the Hands of Hazlitt and Lamb, Madame M. Ursula Corea
Criticism of Jon Dewey's "Quest for Certainty", Gertrude A Trageser
Crucified Wisdom, S Mark Heim
Cyberstalking and Sociology: A Critical Review of the Literature, Yehudis L Hirsch
Cytological Effects of Colchicine on Triturus Viridescens and of Sufanilamide on Allium Cepa, Joseph John Peters
Cytological Studies in Spinacia and Allium, Eleanor Ruth Witkus
Daniel Webster: A Study in Nationalism, Thomas Joseph Smith
Dante as an Aid to the Catechist, Mary Patricia
David Lloyd George: An Historical Study in Pragmatist Politics, M. Natalie Kennedy
Dealing with Item-level Missingness in Multilevel Data Structure, Ye Feng
Deep Time, Dark Times [Table of Contents], David Wood
Deleuze and Kierkegaard: On Ethics and Selfhood, Andrew M Jampol-Petzinger
Descartes' Mathematical Studies Exerted a Profound Influence Upon His Philosophy, Peter John Lambe
Detecting Fake News Using Stance-Based Approach, Su Lo
Determining Treatment Needs and Recidivism Risk of Juveniles with Sexual Offense Adjudications, Samantha L Morin
Developing an Empirically Based Linguistic Probability Lexicon, Emily H Ho
Developing Self-Regulated Learning with Time Management and Mindfulness Practice, Sean Kennedy Adcroft
Dewey's Metaphysics: Form and Being in the Philosophy of John Dewey, Raymond Boisvert
Die Philosophies in Der Deutschen Literatur Bis Zum 20. Juhrhundert, M. Januaria Meidndi
Diplomatic Relatins Between the United States and Columbia Aboutthe Panama Canal, Mary Christine Mulen
Disraeli and the Irish Question, Mary Duffey
Divination Practices: An Empirical Psychological Investigation, Charles Mason Olbert
Documents, Records and Early Modern Border Crossings, Debra Kaplan
Do Lemon Juice and Citric Acid Exert Nephrotoxic Action?, Anna Marie Helml
Dostoevsky and Gide Similarities and Contrasts, Marie de Lourdes Dillon
Dreaming Change, Changing Dreams in the British Gothic Novel, 1765-1818, Richard W. Moore
"Dreaming Eyes of Wonder": Religion, Science, and Wonderment in Nineteenth-Century Children's Fiction, Elizabeth Timmer Rees
Dr. John London and the Suppression of Monasteries, James F Collins
Dr. Thomas Legh: Agent of Cromwell in the Suppression of the Monasteries, John Vincent Connorton
Dyamism in the Cosmology of Christian Wolff, John V Burns
Dynamis of Healing, Pia Sophia Chaudhari
Economic Diagnostics: A Methodology in Economic Analysis, James L Fitzgerald
Economic Rehabilitation of Irelnad and De Velera, Margret Rosalie Ryan
Ecstasy in the Classroom: Trance, Self, and the Academic Profession in Medieval Paris, Ayelet Even-Ezra
Edmund Burke and the Old Whigs, Patrick J Higgins
Edmund Burke and the Virtue of Prudence in Practical Affairs of State, Mary T Delahanty
Edmund Burke's International Politics, Gaetano L Vincitorio
Edmund Burke's Opinions on Literature, Mary Ambrosia Jackiewicz
Effectiveness of Active Equity Management in Institutional Universes, Gustavo Galindo Cruz
Effectiveness of ECT in a Forensic Psychiatric Setting: A Case Study, Susan Elizabeth Ezzell
Effect of Field of View on Stereovision-based Visual Homing, Damian Lyons, Ben Barriage, and Luca Del Signore
Effect of Irradiated Yeast on Body Resistnace to Respiraory Diseases and Intestinal Conditions, John E. Jr Brolles
Effects of Urbanization on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in The Riparian Zone of Low-order Watersheds, Xiupeng Zhang
Efforts of Various Nations to Check the Decline in the Rate of Population Growth, Walter Tobbe
Emotion as Treated by Modern Pyschologists and by St. Thomas, Anselma Basler
Empirical Priors on Theta to Improve Precision in Computerized Adaptive Tests with Item Exposure Control, Liam Duffy
Energy, Its Transference and Transformation, Mary Cyril Gallagher
Essays on Inequality and Disability, Katie M Jajtner
Essays on Women's Bargaining Power: Evidence from India, Susan Wangari Kibe
Essential Phases in Enzymatic Degradation of Amino Acids, Pentoses and Hexoses by Fusaria, John C Wirth
Establishing A-Priori Performance Guarantees for Robot Missions that include Localization Software, Damian Lyons, Ron Arkin, Shu Jiang, Matt O'Brien, Feng Tang, and Peng Tang
Ethical Values in Contemporary American Poetry, Leo H Mullany
Eutermes Processarionarius, Schmitz, James A Mullen
Evaluation of the Indices of Deception in the Psychogalvanic Technique, Fabian Logue Rouke
Everyman's Logic, Hannah Mary Egan
Evidence of Molecular Change in Binary Liquid Mixtures, James J Manning
Evolution and Palaeontology, Mark T Crowley
Evolution and Population Genomics of Invasive Reynoutria japonica in North America, Acer VanWallendael
Examining the Lived Experiences of Foster Youth and Administrators in the Urban Community College Environment, Daniel Franklin Ambrose
Examining the Psychosocial Needs of Adolescents with Craniofacial Conditions, Eric Isaac Kagan Riklin
Examining the Unique Roles of Disgust Constructs in Co-Occurring Posttraumatic Stress and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, Rachel B Ojserkis
Exodus: A Study in Old English Poetry, Mary Chrysologa Kischel
Experiences of Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome: A Phenomenological Study, Bojun Hu
Experiments on the Nitration of Pyridine and Related Compounds Including Quinoline, Arthur H Haut
Experts, Trust, and Authority, Coran Reece Stewart
Exploring Childhood Trauma and Teen Dating Violence Experiences among a Clinical Sample of Youth Throughout NYC, Diaon Clarke
Exterranean [Table of Contents], Phillip John Usher
Ezra Pound: His Poetry and the Influences Manifested Therein, M Clemenza
Factors That Influence Parents to Choose Charter High Schools, Mary Albanese Montero
Faith in Life: John Dewey's Early Philosophy, Donald J. Morse
Family Factors in Child Anxiety Treatment Trajectory and Outcome: An Examination Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling and Profile Analysis via Principal Component Analysis, Katherine Bassell Crowe
Female Labor Force Participation and Tertiary Education: A Case Study of India and Brazil, Consuelo Alina Bills
Ferdinando Paolieri: Novelist, Short Story Writer, Poet and Dramatist, Pasquale Pietro Filice
Fermentation of Wood Dydrolyzates by Fusarium Lini Bolley and Yeast, Virginia Heines
Financing of Corporate Expansion for Selected Manufacturing Industries, 1922-1939, Nathan Seitelman
Food Apocalypse: The Future of the American Diet, Kylie Farrell
Formal performance Guarantees for an Approach to Human in the Loop Robot Missions, Damian Lyons, Ron Arkin, Shu Jiang, Matt O'Brien, Feng Tang, and Peng Tang
Formal Performance Guarantees for Behavior-based Localization Missions, Damian Lyons, Ron Arkin, Shu Jiang, Matt O'Brien, Feng Tang, and Peng Tang
For the Love of Psychoanalysis [Table of Contents], Elizabeth Rottenberg
Foster Home Placement Disruption: Factors That Influence Case Planner Decision Making, Anna Solomon
Founding Documents of the Kahal Kadosh Talmud Tora, Amsterdam, Anne Oravetz Albert
Franciscan Elements in the Thought of Piers Plowman, Catherine E Maguire
Francis Thompson, Poet of the Catholic Economy of Life, Terence I Connally
Free Rythms in English Verse, Francis De Sales Kelly
Frenc Individualism and American Individualism Compared, D'Ouakil. Basile G
Friends with Benefits: Collaboration Between a State University and a School District Designed to Improve Teaching and Learning for Bilingual Students, Elizabeth A. Skinner and Pauline Williams
From Entitlement to Capabilities: Shifting the Narrative of Response to Displaced Populations in Urban Settings, Katarzyna Laskowski
From Politics Into History, the Story of Charles Evans Hughes, With Emphasis on His Political Philosophy, Clara Adriene Molendyk
From the Margins to the Mainstream: Rise of Right-Wing Parties in Modern Germany, Valerie Shatilov
From the New Demoracy to the New Deal, Charles Cullen Chapman
Functional Study of HPV16 Minor Capsid Protein L2 in Global Cellular Regulation, Xinwei An
Fungi and Bacteria Inhibiting the Growth of the Crown-Rot Fungus, Sclerotium Delphinii Welch, Joseph Curiakose Thachankary
Further Contributions to the Nitration of Disubstituted Benzene Derivatives With Metallic Nitrates, Leonard J Fliedner
Gamma Radiation From Ux2 and Gamma Radiation From the Atmosphere, William F Burns
General Trends of Mutual Savings Banks in New York City 1929-1937, Harry D Kirsch
Genetic Approaches to Monitoring Change over Space and Time in Lake Tahoe Basin Chipmunks (Genus: Tamias), Christina Fennell Frare
Gentrification or Revitalization: The Abyssinian Development Corporation and the Redevelopment of Harlem by Means of Racial Uplift, Nzingha Crusoe
Getting it Right the First time: Robot Mission Guarantees in the Presence of Uncertainty, Damian Lyons, Ron Arkin, Paramesh Nirmal, Shu Jiang, Tsung-Ming Liu, and Julia Deeb
Glutathione: A Biochemical Study, Samuel Allentuck
Godefredi De Fontibus Quaestiones Disputatae De Virtutibus, Albert C Corcoran
Great Britain and the German Question: 1841-1863, Costello Gabriel Costello
Growth of Mice on Highly Purified Diets Containing Mixtures of Amino Acids, Vincent E Newe
Harris, Joseph, Bronx African American History Project
Hazardous Conditions: On Reading and Being Read in Virginia Woolf, Zora Neale Hurston, Una Marson, and Claudia Rankine, Peter Murray
Heidegger and Hölderlin on Aether and Life, Babette Babich
Henley as a Revivifying Influence on the Nineties, Margaret Tourbert Duross
High Frequency Trading and Its Impact on Market Quality, Peiteng Zhai
Hilaire Belloc as a Biographer, Mary James Garvey
HIST 4654 Medieval London: instructions for object and site reports, 2017, Maryanne Kowaleski
HIST 4654 Medieval London: syllabus, 2017, Maryanne Kowaleski
Histological Effects of Veratrine on the Housefly, Harry Irving Wechsler
Horace as a Critic, Teresa Maria Roche
Horace Greeley: Whig or Socialist?, Leo Brophy
Hospitalization Costs in Middle Income Groups, Maurine Sullivan
How Clinicians Understand Passive Suicidal Ideation in Suicide Risk Assessment, Emilie Healey Picard
How Pre-Service Teachers' Engagement and Affect Informs Instructional Format of an Introductory Methods Course, Douglas DiStefano
(I) An Investigation of the Detoxication (II) A Study of the Metabolism, William J Conway
Idealism Versus Revelation and Reason, Adelaide M Sheehan
Identification and Characterization of Pyk2 Function During HPV16 Infection, Elinor Yasmin Gottschalk
Imitations of Thomson's Seasons (To Wordsworth), M. Borromeo Brown
Immigrant Small Business in New York City: Services, Challenges, and Solutions, Ryan Sullivan
Impact of Psychological Maltreatment during Childhood by One's Maternal Figure on the Mental and Physical Health of Older Adult Men, Mebane E Powell
Impact of the West on the Middle East and North Africa: American Exceptionalism?, Mackenzie Voke
Inch by Inch: Expanding the Community Garden Programs in New York City, Michael Bailey
Indirect or Direct Perception? A Study of Realist Theories of Sense Perception, Joseph G Kempf
Individualism as a Cause of Social Instabiliy in America, Mary Canisia Cahalan
Individuation in the Philosophy of Nicolaus Cusanus, Timothy J O'Mahony
Induced Neurosecretion in Lumbricus Terrestris, Leo A Schmid
Inducing Extraseasonal Ovulation in Rana Pipiens With Steroid Harmones, William B Langan
Ineffable Cosmos, Ineffable Love: Divine Action and the 'Laws of Nature' in the Theology of William R. Stoeger, S.J., Paul J Schutz
Influence De l'angleterre Sur La Litterature Et La Societe Francaises A U XVIIIe Siecle, Ernest Chenel
Influence of Resilience, Acculturation, and Goals on Externalizing Behavior of At-risk Hispanic Adolescents, Teresa Ann Genao-Harding
Internalizing Symptoms and Treatment Adherence among Pediatric Endocrinology Patients, Meera Parbhakar
Interpretation of Catalytic Hydrogenation With Rhodium in the Liquid Phase, Luis Hernandez
Intraserial Inhibition as Measured by Reproduction, Helen E Pwixotto
Intraserial Phenomena in Recognition, Timothy W Costello
Investigation of Aggregation Phenomena in Polyvinyl Alcohol-Acetate and Egg Albumin Solutions, Milan Bier
Investigation of the Mechanism of Fat Formation in Fusarium Lini Bolley, Richard J Coleman
Irish Culture, M Concepta
Islamophobia in America, Marina Rebecca Poudret
Is Mathew Arnold, in His Criticism of English Poets, True to His Principles of Critiscism, Grace Wechter
Isolation of Icthiamin and Studies of Its Structure., James D Barnhurts
Isotope Studies in the Mechanism of the Willgerodt Reaction, Edward Cerwonka
Italian Didactic Poetry in the Sixteenth Century, Dante S Sena
Jane Austin: Her Times and Her Works, Mary Martina Martin
Japanese Mother Tongue Program in an International School: A Case Study, Masayo Ohyama
Japan's Industrial Development and Foreign Trade Expansion in Cotton Textiles, Charles A O'Neill
Jeanne d'Arc in French Literature of the Nineteenth Century, Rita B O'Mara
John Dewey-Philosophy as a Methodology, Mary L Brady
John Selden, the First of the Whigs, George G Morrow
Joseph De Maistre, Unrecognized Genius, Marie Y Leach
Journal of the Philosophy of Education Vol III (2018), Guillemette Johnston and Allan Johnston
Jules Romains, Literary Critic, Fay Strumwasser
Julius Pomponius Laetus and His Sources in the Commentary on the Aenid, Mary Martha Mazziotte
Killing Times [Table of Contents], David Wills
La Conception Poetique De Paul Cauedl, Louis A Pingitoer
Lacordaire- A Classical and Romantic Preacher, Thomasina Callaghan
Lactantius and Minucius Felix, Brother Alban Dooley
L'action Francaise Interpreted in the Light of French Positivism, Joseph Emile LeBlanc
L'almanach Des Muses: 1765-1833, Octavie Arnaud
Landmark Detection with Surprise Saliency Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Feng Tang, Damian Lyons, and Daniel Leeds
La Societe De Panama, Arnold Robert Broggi
Latent Outcome Measures in Causal Inference with Doubly Robust Estimator Using Propensity Scores, Yue Teng
Lay Spirituality and Vernacular Theology in Late Medieval Literature, Felisa Baynes-Ross
Left Bank of the Hudson: Jersey City and the Artists of 111 1st Street [Table of Contents & Introduction], David Goodwin
Le Génie Litteraire De Ronsard, Rose Celestine Gaudet
Legitimation Crisis, Transformative Teaching-Learning and Regrounding of Authority in the Roman Catholic Church, Livinus Anweting
Le Gout De La Morale Au Dix-Septime Siecle, Ignatius Kearney
L' Eloquence Religiouse Au Dix-Septime Siecle, Adrian Lewis
Les Characteristiques Du Roman Contemporaine, Marie Immaculee Mc Mullen
Les Sources Du Lyrisme De Madame Desbordes-Valmore, Claire Richards
Libera Voluntas Conditio Moralitatis, Joannes Siara
Lightweight Call-Graph Construction for Multilingual Software Analysis, Anne-Marie Bogar, Damian Lyons, and David Baird
Lightweight Multilingual Software Analysis, Damian Lyons, Anne Marie Bogar, and David Baird
Lightweight Multilingual Software Analysis, Damian Lyons, Anne Marie Bogar, and David Baird
Linguistic and Formal Aspects of Jewish Record Keeping in Italy—A Comparative Investigation, Bernard Cooperman
Lipases and Fat Formation in Fusaria, Joseph V Fiore
Lipid Metabolism in Lubricus Terrestris, Henry F White
Lipid Use in Blacklegged Ticks (Ixodes scapularis): Response to Aging, Infection, and Changing Weather Patterns, Justin Ryan Pool
Listening for Unreliable Narration: Narrative Noise in the Nineteenth-Century British Novel, Kevin Joseph Stevens
Literature and the Remains of the Death Penalty, Peggy Kamuf
Lived Experiences of Emerging Adults from Single-Parent Families: Exploring Responses to Perceived Maternal Depression, Molly Brawer
Louis Bertrand Sa Contribution Au Renouveau Catholique en France, Agnes P Breen
Louise Imogen Guiney, Mary Albert Murphy
Louis Veuillot as He Is Revealed in His Letters, Wilfrid A Doiron
Lucretius and the Origins of Roman Love Elegy, Erin McKenna Hanses
Macroeconomic Impacts of Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP): Evidence from Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland, Junwei Chen
Manus, Charlotte and Himmelstein, Paul, Bronx African American History Project
Maternal Parenting Style in Relation to Parenting Stress and Behavioral Outcomes in Japanese Children With and Without Autism, Mio Monica Ueda
Mental Maladjudgments in Children Compared With the Childhood Characteristics of Adult Psychotics, Elizabeth M Kelly
Messy Eating, Samantha King, R Scott Carey, Isabel Macquarie, Victoria Millious, and Elaine Power
Metabolism of Isobarturic Acid in Adult Pregnant, Growing Dogs and Humans, Jacob A Stekol
Metabolism of Secondary and Tertiary Aromatic Compounds: Diphenylacetic Acid, Triphenylacetic Acid Triphenylmethane and Triphenylcarbinol, Rose Miriam Smyth
Methodology of Business Cycle Research and Business Forecasting, Francis X. C Balling
Methylation and the Fate of Non-Methylated Compounds in the Animal Body, Nunzia Jean Novello
Migratory Aptitudes in the Heterocyclic Series, Matthew R Kegelman
Miles Apart: A Comparative Case Study Analysis of the Acculturation and Socioeconomic Status of Former Colonized Populations in Post-Imperialist States, Mariea Melanie Sekijima
Milestones in Humanitarian Action, Kevin M. Cahill, M.D.
Millennial Teachers' Perceptions of the Role of Principals in New Teacher Induction, Elizabeth Fay
Mitigating Bioiversity Loss of Native Plants, Jamie Ana Grigonis
Mobile Sensor-Based Biometrics from Common Daily Activities, Kenichi Yoneda
Modern Drama Is an Efficient Introduction to Life, Mary Angeline Hughes
Modern Sociology and the Natural Law, Ruth M Barrners
Molecular and Ecological Characterization of Hybridization Between Naturalized Sunfish (Lepomis) Species in Calder Lake, Richard Flamio
Monocular Movement Parallax Thresholds as Functions of Field Sizes and Slow Speeds, Samuel McClelland
Monothiphene Analogs of Anthraquinone, Renato Assis da Penha Goncalves
Moral, Personal Responsibility: Its Conditions and Limitations, Helmut Erlinghagen
More, Fisher, and Rastell and the Dispute Concerning Purgatory With an Edition of John Frith's Disputacion, Marie J Rogan
Morphological and Cytological Studies in Schizanthus Wisetonensis, Nathaniel R Lubowe
Moving Music: Theory and Practice in Early Modern English Drama and Poetry, Sharon J Harris
Multiple Scattering and Engergy Loss of Fast Particles in High Pressure Gases, George F O'Neill
Musical “Covers” and the Culture Industry: From Antiquity to the Age of Digital Reproducibility, Babette Babich
MVST 4654 Medieval London: bibliography for reports, 2015, Maryanne Kowaleski
MVST 4654 Medieval London: Omeka report instructions, 2015, Maryanne Kowaleski
MVST 4654 Medieval London: syllabus, 2015, Maryanne Kowaleski
Mystical Brain, Divine Consciousness: A Theological Appropriation of Cognitive Neuroscience, Amanda Rochelle Alexander
Mystical-political Theology and Ecological Subjectivity: Reading Schillebeeckx through the Frankfurt School on Human-nature Relations, Elizabeth M Pyne
Necessity, Analogy and the Historical Position of Spinoza, Raymond J McCall
Neurobiological Correlates of Language Deficits and Emotion Dysregulation in Children with Severe Temper Outbursts, Mariah Lillian DeSerisy
New Investigations in the Field of Vat Dye Intermediates, Eugene Henry McCauliff
New Studies on the Mechanism of Perkin's Reaction, Francis J Brogan
New York After 9/11 [CHAPTER: Conflict and Change], Zachary Baron Shemtob, Patrick Sweeney, and Susan Opotow
Nietzsches Lyrik. Archilochus, Musik, Metrik, Babette Babich
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and E-Communities: Investigating the Influence of Online Disinhibition, Vincent Patrick Corcoran
Nutritional Quality of Basal Food Resources in Aquatic Ecosystems, Catharina Rose Grubaugh
Nutritional Requirements for Growth, Reproduction and Lactation in Mice, Frank Panzarella
Nutritional Requirements of the Mouse for Reproduction and Lactation, Lenora Mirone
Nutritional Studies on the Mouse, Edward A White
Nutritional Studies on the Mouse, John J Travers
Objective Functions for Item Exposure Control in Computerized Adaptive Testing, Liam Duffy
Of Monks and Monsters: "Voluntary Eunuchs" and the Project of Male Celibacy in the Fifth Century, Lindsey Carol Mercer
On God's Holy Mountain: The Maronite People on Pilgrimage, Fred Abi-Hassoun
On the Mechanism of Catalytic Hydrogenations, Louis D Rampino
On the Radioactivity of K40, Paul Kramer
Organizational Effectiveness in the Afterschool Sector: Insights from Two Case Studies, Roseanne Evelyn McSween
Our Country: Northern Evangelicals and the Union during the Civil War Era [BIBLIOGRAPHY], Grant Brodrecht
Our Knowledge of Objects Through Themselves and as Themselves, William A Marra
"Our Way of Proceeding:" A Case Study of Service-Learning in Two Jesuit High Schools, Craig William Dwyer
Pacific in Peril: Micronesia’s Food Security, Development, and Health under A Changing Climate, Yota Pacifico Oue
Pagan and Christian Democracy, Richard H Jones
Parent Accommodation of School-aged Children with Severe Temper Outbursts, Emily Hirsch
Parent-Child Acculturation Dissonance in West African Immigrant Families: A Grounded Theory Approach, Aïcha Cissé
Parker, William, Bronx African American History Project
Part I A Comparative Study of Atmospheric Conductivity at Ground Level and at One Meter Above Grown and the Concentration of Small Ions at One Meter Above Ground Part II the Rate of Ion Formation at Ground Level and at One Above Ground, Brother George A O'Donnell
Passion Motives in Old English Poetry, Maria Ancilla Sullivan
Paterson, New Jersey, the Changing Welfare of Its People and the Predominant Causal Influences Responsible for Such Change: A Study in Methods, Reverend John J Shanley
Paul Verlaine - A Catholic Poet, Alphonsus Ligori Pekenham
Peace Building Among the Sri Lankan Refugees Tamil Nadu, India: A Critical Study of Educational Engagements of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Alexis Premkumar Antonysamy
Peirce's Philosophical Perspectives, Vincent G. Potter
Perceptions and Behaviors of Deans and Directors of Social Media in University Support Services, Albaliz Tello
Perceptions of Jesuit College and University Governing Board Effectiveness: Characteristics, Behaviors, and Mission Connections, William Howard Johnson
Performance Verification for Robot Missions in Uncertain Environments, Damian Lyons, Ron Arkin, Shu Jiang, Matt O'Brien, Feng Tang, and Peng Tang
Personality, Gender, and Chronic Back Pain, Matthew Spieler
Person-Centered Solidarity: The Challenge of Religious Education Today, Mike S Ezeatu
Philosophy Americana: Making Philosophy at Home in American Culture, Douglas R. Anderson
Philosophy Americana: Making Philosophy at Home in American Culture, Douglas R. Anderson
Phonological recoding and vocabulary learning: Does mapping print to speech promote vocabulary acquisition?, Susan Joy Chambrè
Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Smartphone-Delivered Daily Brief Mindfulness Practice for Young Adult Smokers Uninterested in Quitting, Lauren McClain
Poland and the Gregorian Reform, Anthony F Czajkowski
Population Genetics, Biogeography, and Conservation of the Indochinese Silvered Langur, Trachypithecus germaini, in Cambodia: Is the Mekong River a Taxonomic Boundary?, Jessica Elizabeth Moody
Portuguese and German Repertoires Perceived by Portuguese Speaking Children in Germany: A Tale of Two Continua, Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer and Alexandra Fidalgo Schmidt
Pragmatism as Post-Postmodernism: Lessons from John Dewey, Larry A. Hickman
Pragmatism, Rights, and Democracy, Beth J. Singer
Prayer in Ancient Greek Poetry, Thomas Aquinas O'Reilly
Predicting WAIS-IV and WMS-IV Index Scores from Age and Race Groups: A Utilization of Non-symmetrical Correspondence Analysis, Jessica Elizabeth Lutz
Predictive Accuracy of the COMPAS in Identifying Positive Toxicology and Program Completion in a Sample of Court Mandated DUI Offenders, Allison Mischel
Pre-Occupied Spaces: Remapping Italy's Transnational Migrations and Colonial Legacies [TABLE OF CONTENTS], Teresa Fiore
Problem of Divorce, Edmund Whelan
Problem Solving Style and Leader Follower Relationships: A Test of Leader-Member Exchange Theory, Katrina Maria Tamvakologos
Process for the Production of 2,2'-Diphenic Acid, Emil J Moriconi
Productivity in the Blast Furnace and Open Hearth Segments of the Steel Industry, 1920 to 1946, William T Hogan
Profile Analysis via Principal Component Analysis for Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Profiles in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS-K), Andrea L McNamara
Profile Patterns of Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptoms in Children, Valerie Lynn Scelsa
Protective Factors Against Complex Trauma Among a Community Sample of Adolescents, Abigail Wren
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite: His Metaphysics and Medieval Reception, Franziska van Buren
Public Law and Individual Right With Special Reference to Labor Relations, Heinz R Bernhardt
Pyschological Basis of the Appeal of the Supernatural, Mary Gerardus
Quantum Mechanics and the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, Michael Epperson
Queer Privilege: Telepathy and Sadomasochism in the Nineteenth Century Novel, Anthony Michael D'Agostino
Radical Social Ecology as Deep Pragmatism: A Call to the Abolition of Systemic Dissonance and the Minimization of Entropic Chaos, Arielle Brender
Reading and Teaching Manuals of Religious Instruction in Fifteenth-century England, Samantha Kate Sabalis
Realism and Knowledge According to William of Auvergne, Mary Carol Caffrey
Reason, Experience, and Natural Law, Joseph S Probst
Rebellion and Reformation in Scotland: The Lords of the Congregation and the End of the Auld Alliance, 1547-1561, Jonathan Phillip Ballantyne Woods
Recent Realism in American Philosophy, John Stanislaus Middleton
Refining Diagnostic Approaches to Depression in Older Patients with Cancer: A Latent Profile Analysis, Rebecca Mary Saracino
Reflecting Upon God Images and the Spirituality of Suffering in the Context of a Medical Crisis: A Method for Brief Pastoral Care, Joseph Walters
Relation of Adjacent Inhibitory Stimuli to the Central Tendency, Rita M Turchioe
Relations Between the United States and Turkey 1893-1897, Rosaline de Gregorio Edwards
Relations De La Cosmologie Scholastique Avec La Phyisque Et La Chimie Modernes, A Spies
Relationship Between Malingering and Suicidality in Forensic Psychiatric Patients, Josiah Timithee Huggins
Relationship of Organizational Celebrations to Employee Relationships in Creating a Culture of Community, Grant Gregory Grastorf
Relationships Between Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms and E-Cigarette and Cigarette Dependence Among Dual Users, Corinne Stockmal
Religion/Spirituality and Disability in Older Adults, Alyssa Cantin
Reoccupy Earth [Table of Contents], David Wood
Repentant Readers: Reforming Body and Soul in Late Medieval and Early Modern England, Clarissa Ann Chenovick
Representation and Global Power in a Multicultural Germany: A Discourse Analysis of the German Response(s) to the Presence of Syrian Refugees, Kyle William Zarif
Resistant Specimens: Caribbean Nature and Slavery in Eighteenth-Century British Literature, Malkah Bressler
Responses of Girls to the Humor of Cartoons, Agnes Lucile Raley
Rhetoric in John Gower's Speculum Meditantis, Cecile de la Providence Comtois
Robert Persons "The Christian Directory" Prologomena to an Edition, Edwin B Broderick
Rome and the Romans: What the Teacher of Secondary Latin Should Know About Them, Marie Anna Callahan
Sacred Shelter: Thirteen Journeys of Homelessness and Healing [READERS' GUIDE], Susan Celia Greenfield
Saint Thomas' of Avicennianism in the De Potentia Dei, Beatrice H Zedler
Salient Points on General Methofs for Young Religious Teachers, M. Anselma Ruth
Saving the Smokies: Land Rights in the Middle and Mountain South, Robin J. Happel
Scriptural "Truth" and the English Novel: Henry Fielding, William Godwin, and Emily Brontë, Judith Stuchiner
Security Trading of the New York Stock Exchange in Relation to the Common Good, Erza G Leavitt
Self-Directed Teacher Learning in Secondary School Mathematics Using the Interconnected Model of Professional Growth, Gregory Peyton Stephens
Self, God and Immortality: A Jamesian Investigation, Eugene Fontinell
Seminaries of Identity: The Universities of Scotland and Ireland in the Age of British Revolution, Salvatore Cipriano
Senior Centers as Learning Organizations: A National, Exploratory Study, Jessica L Banslaben
Serving Gifted Students in an Elementary School: A Principal-Teacher Perspective, Jennifer Ferrara
Sexual Dimorphism in Platypoecilus Xiphidium, Margaret T Bohmert
Sexual Minority Stress, Identity and Condom Use Among Sexual Minority Men in a Small Metropolitan Southern Region, James A Griffin
Sexual Violence, Interracial Relations, and Racism During the Allied Occupation of Italy: History and the Politics of Memory, Stephanie Lauren De Paola
Shakespeare on the Colonial Stage, Charles R Walsh
Sino-Soviet Relations: 1946-1952, John B Tsu
Sir Tobie Matthew: Recusant Man of Letters, Mary Hilary Yoggerst
Sixth-Grade Students' Compositional Processes in Traditional and Digital Writing, Sheila Cooperman
Sleep Misperception, Insomnia, and Anxiety in Young Adults, Jessica Weathers
Social Significance of Mysticism in France in the 17th Century, Mary Teresita Mulhern
Social Work in Italy in the Fourteenth Century, M. Rose Carmella Schreck
Socioeconomic Status as a Moderator of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination Stress and Coping, Charles Houston Ray
Solicitude: Towards a Heideggerian Care Ethics-of-Assistance, Babette Babich
Somatic Chromosomes of Pedigreed Hybrid Petunia, Thomas D Sullivan
Some Aspects of the Economics of Air Cargo Transportation, August William Knauber
Some Modern Poets and the Classics: A Comparative Study, Joseph Maxwell
Some Notes on the Spanish Theory of Government and Its Influence on the Codes of the Indies, Marie R Madden
Some Philosophical Problems in the Work of John Galsworthy, Francis X Connelly
Some Studies on Cerebro-Spinal Fluids: Ivestigations on Nitrogenous Constituents of Normal and Pathological Spinal Fluids, Teresa Masterson
Some Types and Ideals in Social Action, Matthew Louis Fortier
Sovereignty, Joseph V O'Driscoll
Spenser's Debt to Aristotle, as Shown in the "Faerie Queene", Teresa Marie O'Connor
Spermatogenesis in Cricetus Auratus Waterhouse, Virginia C Carr
Spinoza and Religious Philosophy, Philip MacGregor
Stage Reperotories of the First Decade of the Restoration, Willaim R Macleod
Standard Pre‐Disaster Design Requirements for the Design of Innovative Emergency Shelters, Martine Magdalena van der Does
St. Boniface, Organizer, George J Zentgraf
St. John Fisher's a Godlie Treatisse Declaring the Benefites, and Great Commodities of Prayer, and Also the True Use Thereof: The Text, Its History and Pertinent Critical Notes., Thomas W Cunningham
Stoic Concepts and Their Revival by John Calvin, James B O'Reilly
Strategic Record Keeping and Striving for Autonomy: Was There a Jewish Community Archive in Early Modern Frankfurt?, Verena Kasper-Marienberg
Strengthening the Congress: 1941-1946, George A Higgins
Striking an International Balance of Power: Does the United States Undermine the United Nations?, Alexia Dionne Seepersaud
St. Thomas Aquinas and the Natural Desire for God, William O'Connor
St. Thomas' Dynamic Concept of Natural Law as a Valid and Practical Foundation of Modern Jurispridence, Pacifico A Ortiz
Studies in Caedmon's Daniel, Abigail E Meagher
Studies in Chaucer's Women, Maries Agnes
Studies in Pyrimidines and Pyrimidine Derivatives, Morris Soodak
Studies in the "House of Fame", Joseph Ignatius Doorley
Studies in the Structures β– and [proportional to]– Chloral Clucoses, Albert M Vajda
Studies of Fusaria Pigments and Fats and Their Relation to Enzymatic Dehydrogenations, Robert P Mull
Studies of Metabolism in the Ciliate, Colpidium Campylum, Gerald R Seaman
Studies of the Catalytic Condensation of Aldehydes: New Synthesis of Glycol Esters, Martin S Kulpinski
Studies of the Proteolytic Activity of the Subcellular Particulates of the Cells of the Leaves of Spinacia oleracea, L., Ruth Paula Alscher
Studies on Aziactones and Rhodanines Derived From Thiophene Aldehydes, Bernard F Crowe
Studies on Compounds Related to the Open Form of Thiamin, Eugene P Dibella
Studies on Growth and Metabolism in Colipidium Campylum, Benedict B O'Malley
Studies on Lignins and Lignification, George de Stevens
Studies on Lignins of Woods and Jute, Stanely F Kudzin
Studies on Nucleic Acids, Anthony Pircio
Studies on Nucleic Acids and Their Purine Constituents in Normal and Neoplastic Growth, Michael E Lombardo
Studies on Reduction: Investigations on the Action of Glucose as a Reducing Agent for Aromatic Nitro Compounds, Walter A Hynes
Studies on Reductions With Lithium Aluminum Hydride, Robert T Gilsdorf
Studies on Softwood Lignin and the Mechanismof Lignification, Walter J Schubert
Studies on Some Oxidation and Reduction Products of Thaimine, Guido E Bonvicino
Studies on the Aconite Alkaloids, Edward Franklin Rogers
Studies on the Breakdown of the Barbiturates in Vitro and Vivo, Morton Beiler
Studies on the Cleavage of Thiamine, Raymond J Moshy
Studies on the Configuration of Certain Naturally Occurring Anhydrohexitols, John T Sheehan
Studies on the Darzens Reaction in the Heterocyclic Serieschemistry, Matthew E Dullaghan
Studies on the Food Vacuole in Pelomyxa Carolinensus, Frank A Mina
Studies on the Functioning of Metallic Alkoxides in Aldehyde Condensations, Frank J Villani
Studies on the Inhibition of Thermal Hemolysis, Mary-Emeline Twomey Lynch
Studies on the Lignins of Bark and Wood and the Mechanism of Oxolate Formation by Wood-Destroying Molds, Robert Mathew De Baun
Studies on the Mechanism of Catalytic Hydrogenations With Rhodium, Palladium, and Iridium, William P Dunworth
Studies on the Mechanism of Enzymatic Wood Decay, James C Vitucci
Studies on the Mechanism of the Gatterman Reaction, Edmund L Niedzielski
Studies on the Oxidation of Uracil in Vitro, Claude Rene Schwob
Studies on the Preparation and Reactions of Some Thiophene Aldehydes, William J King
Studies on the Relation of Diet to Reproduction and Location in the Rat, Albert J Sica
Studies on the Structural and Colloidal Behavior of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Acetate Copolymers and of Egg Albumin, Serge N Timasheff
Studies on the Structure and Functions of Lycopersin, a Pigment From Fusarium lycopersici and Fusarium vasinfectum, Gerald Kreitman
Studies on the Structure and Functions of Solanione: A Pigment From Fusarium Solani D2 Purple, Sidney Weiss
Studies on the Vitamin Requirements for Growth, Reproduction and Lactation in Rats and Mice Through Several Generations, Leonard J Vinson
Studies on Thiamine Antagonists, Albert J Eusebi
Studies on Thiazoles, Raymond P Kurkjy
Studies on Triarylmethane Dyes and Aldehydes Containing a Thiophene Ring, Charles D Mason
Studies on Vitamin B6 Deficiency in Rats and Mice, Edward C DeRenzo
Studying Manifest and Latent Profiles and Their Reliability and Validity, Abraham Lipton
Subsidizing Climate Change: How the Agricultural Business is Harming Our Planet, Caroline Berejka
Summa Totius Logicae Aristotelis: A Translation and a Study of Te Aristotelian Sources, Mary Corrigan
Survey of Types of Secondary Schools in u.s., Lawrence Marie Malanaphy
Sustainable Interiors: Green Design Methods and its Influence on Ecopsychology, Tillie M. O'Reilly
Syntheses of Unsaturated and Conjugated Thiophene Compounds, Robert E Miller
Synthesis of Thenal- and Theylbarbituric Acids and of a Phenylthiophene Exhibiting Restricted Rotation, Louis J Owen
Synthetic Proccesses in the Human and Animal Organism, Antony M Ambrose
Systematic Evaluation and Comparison of Entropy Balancing and Covariate Balancing Propensity Score Methods, Evgeniya Reshetnyak
Systematic Studies on Colloidal Noble Metal Catalysts, Kevin E Kavanagh
Taking Advice from Humans and Machines, Kaitlyn Mare
Taqqanot Qandiya and the Construction of Crete’s Jewish History, Rena N. Lauer
Tax Differentials and the Emigration of Corporations From Chicago, James A Hart
Teachers' Perceptions and Implementation of All-Ed Group Learning in the Classroom, Sarah Lebovitz Suria
Technology Use, Students' Math Self-efficacy, Goal Orientation, and Math Achievement in Guatemala, Alyson Willcox Fitzpatrick
Te Mechanism of the Nitration Reaction With Metalic Nitrates, Breckstone. William
Text and Literary Translation of the Pearl, With Explanatory Notes and an Interpretation, Mary Vincent Hillmann
Text to Data: Wrangling Early Modern Sources into a Spreadsheet, Shawn Hill
The Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow: A Translation of Bede's "Historia Abbatum" and the Anonymous "Historia Abbatum" With Notes and Introductory Essay, Sr. M. Paulinus Sullivan I.H.M.
The Action of Gomberg's Binary System Magnesium and Magnesium Iodide on Unsaturated Aromatic Acids, Quinlan. Francis S
The Action of the Clam Principle on Thiamine, Agusto L Tenmatay
The American Ideal of Liberty, Ellen Green
The American Species of the Luxemburgieae (Ochnaceae), John D Dwyer
The Amount of Locus of Transfer in Relearning Perceptual-Motor Task, Miriam E Crowley
The Analysis of Activity and Accuracy in Group-Based Forecasting, Yizhi Zhang
The Anti-Papal Attitude of the Spiritual Franciscans Was One of the Contributing Factors to the Heretical Movement Which Found Expression in the Protestant Revolt, Mary Chrysostom Fitzpatrick
The Aristotelian Physics and the Problem of Creation in the Thirteenth Century, Lottie H Kendzierski
The Arthurian Cult, Dalmatius Francis Jollivet
The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce, Volume I: Culture, Philosophy, and Religion, John J. McDermott
The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce, Volume II: Logic, Loyalty, and Community, John J. McDermott
The Beraing of Saint Thomas' Doctrine of Substantial Union on the Science of Ethics, Alice Mary Wynne
The Bible Is an Excellent Literature for the Delineation of Feminine Character, M Adealbert
The Binary System, Iron-Iron Iodide, Joseph A Vene
The Biology of Pachypsylla Celtis-Gemma Riley (Homoptera: Psyllidae) and the Relationship of the Parasite to the Bud of Celtis Occidentalis, Cyprian James Walton
The Blind Man: A Phantasmography [TABLE OF CONTENTS], Robert Desjarlais
The Blind Man in Greek Legend and Literature, Hildegarde Marie Mahoney
The British General Elections of 1910, M. Charlita Brady
The British Occupation of Corsica 1794-1796: A Study in Mediterranean Politics, Elsie A Carrillo
The Carbohydrate in the Cerebrospinal Fluid, Ruth C Sullivan
The Case and Its Uses for Character Training in the Public Elementary and Junior High Schools, Elizabeth F Hague
The Category of the Aesthetic in the Philosophy of Saint Bonavenutae, Emma Jane Spargo
The Catholic and the Negro in the United States Prior to the Civil War, Timothy J Holland
The Catholic Church and Democracy, Daniel J Downing
The Catholic Elements in Wordsworth's Ecclesiastical Sonnets, Electa Josephine Boyle
The Catholic Tradition in the Historical Plays of Shakespeare, Patrick Felician
The Chicano Movement in the US Catholic Church: Grassroots Activism and Dialogical Ecclesiology, Jason Steidl
The Cistercian Conversi, Their Rise, Role and Decline, James S Donnelly
The Cocept in Modern Thought, Agnes Loretto Mcann
The Coherence of Aquinas's Account of Divine Simplicity, David K Kovacs
The Concept of Being Inthe Metaphysics of Suarez, Day Francis T
The Concept of Economic Progress in Contemporary Economics, Austin de la Salle Murphy
The Contribution of Dom Jean Mabillon,O.S.B., to the Science of Paleography, Jospeh M Manning
The Contribution of Joseh Hodges Choate to Anglo-American Understanding, Helen Margaret Ayers de Namur
The Corporate State in Portugal, John McAdams
The Cosmo-Psychological Cycle, Anonymous
The Cures of Christ, Henry M Hald
The Democratic Movement in Modern American Poetry 1912-1925, M Charitas Loftus
The Deposit of Radioactive Products From the Atmosphere in Electric Fields, Wilhelmina Fluhr
The Development and Use of Unique Molecular Markers to Study Pollen Dispersal Within Two Plant Species across Diverse Habitats in the New York Metropolitan Area, Chelsea Lynne Butcher
The Development of English Poetry (From Beowulf to the End of the Victorian Period), Mary Edmund Glynn
The Development of Kant's Theory of Sensation, John V Flynn
The Development of the Medieval Parisian Account of Formal Consequence, Jacob Archambault
The Dignity of Labor, Angela McCabe
The Diocesan Bureau of Social Welfare: Its Place in the Diocese and in the Community, Marguerite Theresa Boylan
The Disbursement of Federal Funds, Gordan J Steiner
The Disputed Election of 1876, James Joseph Flynn
The Dragon and the Cloister: History and Rhetoric in the Writing of Stephen of Rouen, Elizabeth Grace Kuhl
The Earliest Mystical Marriage of St Katherine in England? A Translation and Commentary, Sarah Kam-Gordon
The Effect of Anticoagulents on Mitosis, Jasper C Maruzella
The Effect of Delay in the Application of Specific After-Effects in Human Learning, Elizabeth Mary Collins
The Effect of Delay Upon the Duplication of Short Temporal Intervals, Walter J Kowalski
The Effect of Hydrogenion Concentration on Mitosis in Allium Cepa, Josita Uhlrich
The Effect of Latitude on Local Penetrating Cosmic Ray Showers at High Altitudes, Thomas G Walsh
The Effect of Sulfhydryl Reagents on Protoplasmic Clotting in Isolated Muscle Fibers, Robert A Moe
The Effect of Variation in Instructions Upon Certain Rorschach Variables in Schizophrenic and Psychoneurotic Subjects., Joseph J Silva
The Effects of Colchicine on Metemorphosis of the Ileum and the Colon of Cules Pipiens Linn, Joseph E Schuh
The Effects of Government Crop Restrictions and Loans on the Foreign Markets for American Cotton, Charles J Walsh
The Effects of Graded Amounts of Vitamin B1 on the Maze Learning of the White Rat, Dorothy E Lush
The Effects of Mentoring on Female Superintendents' Success in an Urban School District, Deirdre Callahan
The Effects of Microaggressions on the Relationship Between Trauma Exposure and Trauma Symptoms, Evan Emile Joseph Auguste
The Effects of Pre-Operative Stress Upon Rorschach Test Factors Alleged to Be Signs of Anxiety, Leonard Bernstein
The Effects of Soil Contamination on Urban Food Production: A Study of China's Agricultural and Environmental Policies, Susanna Lee McNatt
The Effects of Starvation on the Composition of Japanese Beetle Larvae (Popillia Japonica Newman), Constantine J Newton
The Effects on Subsequent Maze Learning of Graded Amounts of Vitamin B1 in the Diet of Very Young Rats, Philip H O'Neill
The Eidectic Existentialism of Saint Thomas, Norbert Huetter
The Eloquence of Our American Indian, John E Coogan
The Employment Opportunities of Discharged Prisoners in New York City, Harold O Small
The End of Family Planning?: Renewing the Church's Authoritative Teaching Practice through a Catholic Social Ethic of Care, Christine Elizabeth McCarthy
The English Clergy and the French Revolution: A Background for Edmund Burke and the Early Romantics, Joan M Thellusson
The English Sermons of John Alcock With an Account of His Life, Miriam Scott
The Ethics of Environmental Litigation, Jenna Marie DiBenedetto
The Eucharist in the Catacombs, Kraus Rudolph
The Evolution of Paul Bourget Moralist and Socialist, Aquilinus Joseph James Raymond Danahar
The Existence and Cognoscibility of Spiritual Substance, Elsie R Kengla
The Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Mechanism of the Denaturation of Egg Albumin, Robert J Gibbs
The Experimental Determination of the Latent Period in the Reaction to Light of Pelomyxa Carolinensis, Roger G Franklin
The Exploration and Impact of Community Supports and Resources for Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors, Kasey Kim Cruz
The Expulsion of the Jews from the State of Milan: Same Event with Views from Different Archives, Flora Cassen
The Family in Old English Literature, Anton B Serota
The Fate of Phenylactic Acid in the Normal and Abnormal Organism, Isidore Handelman
The Fate of the Halogen Derivatives of Phenylacetic Acid in the Living Bodies, George A Francis
The Fiancing of Economic Development in India (Practices, Methods, and Problems), Jaswant Kaur Grewal
The Flagellants of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, R Volker Margaret
The Formation and Development of the Zymogen Granules in the Pancreatic Acinar Cell, John Emanuel Jr Kouba
The Foundation of Modern Civilization Were Laid by the Catholic Church, Mary Isabel Rigney
The Foundations of the Organic Literature of the XX th Century, Henri Martin Barzum
The French of Italy TimeMap, Fordham University, Center for Medieval Studies
The Friar: In the History and Literature of the Middle Ages, M. Rose Gertrude Rose
The Friar's Companion: A Franciscan Observant Vademecum in Late Medieval Italy, M. Christina Bruno
The Friedel-Crafts Alkylation in the Thiophene Series, Nicholas Vincent Messina
The Function of Reflection in the Psychology of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Louis O'Callaghan
The Fundamental R, Mary Celestine Connors
The Germicidal Activity of Resoreinal Derivatives, Peter Joseph Cenroy
The Gleam of Light: Moral Perfectionism and Education in Dewey and Emerson, Naoko Saito
The Goliardi and Vagantes and the Secular Mediaeval Latin Lyric, Marcus A Haworth
The Greek Schism: The Reunion of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, Margaret M Healy
The Growth of the Muscle Fubers in the Larvae of Drosophilia Melanogaster, John N Haas
The Historical and Juridical Significance of St. Augustine's Political Thought, Joseph F Costanzo
The History of the Collge of the Holy Cross 1843-1901, Walter J Meagher
The Humanism of St. Francis De Sales, M. T Guevara
The Hypognosticon of Lawrence of Durham a Preliminary Text With an Introduction, Mary Liguori Mistretta
The Idea of God in the Old French Romances of the Twelfth Century, Irene Branchaud
The Idea of God in the Poetry of Wordsworth, Mary Mildred Jennings
The Idea of the King in Old Literature, Henry Paul Schweitzer
The Impact of Collaborative Writing on L2 Writing Development and L2 Learning In the EFL College Context, Yen-Ching Chuang
The Impact of Sociocultural Factors on Prospective Memory Function in HIV+ Latinx Adults, Kayla Nicole Tureson
The Impacts of Green Spaces on Crime in New York City, Matthew Edward Iannone Jr.
The Influence of a Homogenous Field Upon the Determination of Brightness Discrimination, John G O'Hara
The Influence of Definite Photoperiods Upon the Growth and Development of Initiated Floral Primoridia, Marie Beatrice Clark
The Influence of Henrik Ibsen on George Shaw, Ambrose
The Influence of Italy Upon Frech Literature and Art in the Sixteenth Century, Madeline T Arcese
The Influence of Lacordaire on Young Men, Marie-Therese Pomerleau
The Influence of Spain Upon French Literature, Maria Regina
The Influence of the Early American Statesmen on International Law, Maurice I Hart
The Influence of the Philosophers of the Reformation on the Concept of Te Natural Moral Law, James Francis Walsh
The Interpretation of Personality in Several Schools of the "New Pyschology", A Victor Lally
The Intrinsic Nature of Good and Evil According to Saint Bonaventure, Francis J Klauder
The Ionization Balance of the Atmosphere, Roger P Vancour
The Islands of the Blest in Classical Literature and Legend, George A Yanitelli
The Isolation of Crystalline Vitamin B1 Hydrochloride From Brewers' Yeast by the Use of a Synthethic Zeolite, Frank J Kaszuba
The Isolation of Crystalline Vitamin B Hydrochloride From Rice Polishings by the Use of Permutit, Douglas J Hennessy
The Isolaton of Vitamin B-1 Form Wheat Germ in the Form of the Hydrochloride, John Joseph Thornton
The Jesuit Theater in Italy, Victor R Yanitelli
The Legion of Decency: A Sociological Analysis of the Emergencies and Development of a Social Pressure Group, Paul W Facey
The Literary and Histrical Background of Jodelle's Tragedies, Maria Regina Hoban
The Lithuanian Family in the United States, Joseph Bogusas
The London Naval Conference of 1930: A Study in Naval and Political Relations Among the Western Powers, Roger Shaw
The Lutheran Revolution, a Social, Political and Economic Movement Rather Than a Religious Reformation, Mary Maud Bonten
The Martyr Cult and Prudentius, Joseph N Moody
The Mathematical Imagination: On the Origins and Promise of Critical Theory, Matthew Handelman
The Meaning of Our World as Seen by Saint Bonaventure in the Light of Exemplary Causality, Reginald F O'Neill
The Metabolism of Guanylic and Adenylic Acids, Frank A.V Sullivan
The Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality, Elizabeth Kraus
The Method of Defense Adopted by the Early Christian Apologiests in the Conflict of Christianity With Judaism, Mary Assumpta Knobbe
The Milieu of the Early Tudor Interludes, Mary Aquin Smith
The Mind of Lord Acton, Francis Downing
The Monroe Doctrine as an Instrument of Economic Domination in Nicaragua for the Past Decade (1920-1930), Leona O Gwydir
The Morphology of Somatic Chromosomes in Hemerocallis, Warren T Ward
The National Statesmanship of Alexander Hamilton, Robert C Hartnett
The Natural Theology of Michele Federico Sciacca Considered in Its Positive and Historical Aspects, Francis P Mandina
The Nature of Cartesian Realism, James I Conway
The Negro Family in Trinidad, Dom Basil Matthews
The Nominalism and Realism in Abelard, St. George McGuidan
The Notion of Being According to Thmas De Vio Cardinal Cajetan, Charles J McManus
The Objective Good for the Person, Robert W Gleason
The Operation of Set in Schizophrenic Functioning, John H McCormack
The Opportunity Gap at the Classroom Level: Validation of the Classroom Multicultural Competence Measure, Tinia R Merriweather
The Organic Constituents of Chilomonas Paramecium, Bernard J Sullivan
The Origin and Development of Milton's Thought on the Trinity: First Period,1608-1625, Edward F Kendrick
The Origins of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, Rudolph Xavier Foley
Theory of Optimism and Plentitude: St. Thomas and Leibniz (An Interpretation), Hernando M Maceda
The Oxford Movement Success or Failure?, M. Frances Therese Campbell
The Papacy as an International Power, Banner
The Papal Co Nflict With Josephinism in Austria, Mary Clare Goodwin
The Papillae and Foramen Caecum on the Tongue of Mus Musculus L., M Carmelita
The Parabasis in Old Attic Comedy, Robert H Johnson
The Paramount Influence of Saint Augustine in the Catholic Church and over Western Thought Civilization Generally as Philosopher, Theologian and Mystic, Patrick O'Leary
The Path from Trauma to Misconduct: A Path Analysis of Factors Associated with Traumatic Exposure and Institutional Misconduct in Detained Juveniles, Maria C Jimenez-Salazar
The Periodical Cicada Comparative Internal Anatomy, Lillian J Proietto
The Phenomenology of Error, Joseph Francis Kubis
The Philopophy of Father Claude Buffier, S. J., Murel R Vogel
The Philosophy of Creation in Saint Bonaventure's Commentary on the Sentences, Cora E Brady
The Philosophy of Creation of St. Gregory of Nyssa, Robert F Harvanek
The Philosophy of Law of James Wilson, Wlliam F Obering
The Philosophy of Local Self-Government, Francis J Hans
The Philosophy of the National Labor Relations Act, Harold Gluck
The Philosophy of Valeriano Magni, O.F.M. Cap., Marcellus P Manzo
The Phoenix, Ernest Marsh
The Physiology of Vitamin ph.d.a and Other Studies in the Mouse, Patricia Teresa McCarthy
The Planet on Our Plates: The History, Economics, and Ethics of an Unsustainable Globalized Food System, Erin Wattley
The Plan of Cicero's Philosophical Corpus, Patrick A Sullivan
The Poetic Mind of Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J., Sister Ottilia Dohmann
The "Point Four Program: Its Position in the History of International Investment and a Consideration of the Economies of Brazil and Venezuela, George A Doyle
The Political and Religious Influence of Princesses in the Sixteenth Century, Ignatius Clara McEachen
the Political Philosophy of John Adams, Josephine M Pisani
The Politics of Survival: Peirce, Affectivity, and Social Criticism, Lara Trout
The Poltical Philosophy of John Taylor, Mary E Meade
The Poverty Movement and the Augustinian Hermits, Fulgentius A Mathes
The Power of the Legislative Body to Fix Prices for Service and Commodities, Abraham L Sainer
The Practical Anarchist: Writings of Josiah Warren, Crispin Sartwell
The Problem of Evil. Can the Philosophy of Professor Overstreet Offer a Solution?, Katherine P Conlon
The Problem of Individuation in St. Thomas Aquinas, Edward G Jacklin
The Problem of Interpersonal Relationships as Posed in Contemporary Thoughts, Thomas J Owens
The Procedural Guarantees of the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment, 1940-1949, Paul Thayer Heffron
The Pro Ecclesiasticae Unitatais Defensione of Reginald Pole: A Translation With Historical Introduction and Critical Commentary, Joseph Gerald Dwyer
The Psychology of Habit Formation, Jerome Barrett
The Psychopath and the Law a Discussion of the New York State Law Regarding the Psychopathic Criminal, Joseph Russell Sherlock
The Pupillary Psychosensory Retitution, Lillian S Kumnick
The Quantitative Determination of Mercapturic Acid in Urine, Albert F McGuinn
The Question of Belief as Evidenced by Certain Representative Contemporary Poets 1900-1935, Mary James Power
The Question of Miracles, Mary Lioba Diedrich
The Realism of Baizac, August Herman Heydt
The Reception of John Keats by English Critics: 1816-1821, William H Hines
The Relation Between Soul and Body, Marie Jeannette Molloy
The Relation of Body and Soul, Edward James Tobin
The Relation of Certain Linguisitic Factors to Reading Achievement of First Grade Children, Mary Louise Shire
The Relation of Mitosis and Polysomaty to the Three-Dimensional Cell Shapes and Cell Volumes in the Root Tips of Spinacia Oleracea, Paul A Eichorn
The Relation of Some Inorganic Salts to Growth and Reproduction in Pelomyxa Carolinesis (Wilson), Alfred V Liberti
The Relation of Vitamin "A" Deficiency to Anemia, Alfred Lazaresco
The Relationship Among Nocturnal Blue Light Exposure, Sleep Quality, and Response Inhibition in Young Adults, Eileen E Moran
The Relationship between Attention and Emotion Regulation in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Randi Bennett
The Relationship Between Chromosone Fragmentation and Rejoining Induced by Thermal Neutron and X-Irradiation of Trillium Erectum L., Elanor Elizabeth Deschner
The Relationship Between Goethe's "Werther" and Samuel Richardson's Novels, Ernestine D Guelich
The Relationship Between Philosophy and Theology in the Ontologism of Vincenzo Gioberti, Christopher E O'Hara
The Relationship Between Sleep and Language Functioning in Young Adults, Cara Lena Crook
The Relationship of Testing Conditions, Intelligence and Certain Personality Traits to Errors and Correct Responses in Several Types of Tasks Among College Women, Virginia Mary Staudt
The Reproduction of Life Death [Table of Contents], Dawne McCance
There Thousand Years of Pantheism, Catherine M Rice
The Right to Rule, John C Thomann
The Role of Certain Environmental Factors in Growth and Reproduction of Protosiphon Botryoids Klebs, Maria Lawrence Maher
The Role of Created Goods in the Philopsophy of St. Augustine, Alice Jourdain
The Role of Neurocognitive Intra-Individual Variability in Predicting Neurocognitive Change over Time in HIV+ Adults, Miguel Arce
The Role of Polyploidy in the Development of Some Species of Allium, Jean McMahon
The Role of Satire in French Literature, John Clifford Roberts
The Role of Sociocultural Factors on the Iowa Gambling Task in HIV, Angela C Summers
The Role of Spain in the Works of Alain-Rene Lesage, Marie Thomas Janelle
The Role of Student and Teacher Feedback on Teachers' Instructional Decision Making, Staci Tedrow
The Role of the Unconscious in the Novels of Francois Mauriac, M. Madeleine Andriot
The Role of the Will in the Philosophy of Rene Descartes, Heinrich G Wolz
The Scandinavian Movement in the Contemporary French Theatre, George Davison
The Shuster Mission to Persia, 1911-1912, Rosaleen Gilroy
The Significance of Ockham's Agnosticism in Medieval and Modern Thought, Emilian Philip Joseph Fitzpatrick
The Singular Voice of Being [TABLE OF CONTENTS], Andrew LaZella
Thesis to Trace Apperance of Evolutionary Theory in Historical Writing With Emphasis on Derwinism, Joseph O Loretan
The Size of the Reticulocyte in Experimental Anemia of the Rabbit (Lepus caniculus albus), Katherine V Kriedel
The Social Function of the Episcopte in Gaul in the Sixth Centry, Thomas J Darby
The Sociological School in Criminology: A Study in the Origin and Development of Sociological Thought System, Gerhard H Veringa
The Soul in the Light of Contempory Psychology, Joseph A Dav
The Sound and the Fury: Characterizing Misophonia, Austin Reed Harrison
The Soviet Bill of Rights, Casimir C Cecys
The Spermatogenesis of Lumbricus Terrestris (linn.) With Special Reference to the Nucleus, Michael P Walsh
The Spirit of the Eighteenth Centure as Represented by the Foremost French Writers of That Time, Rederick Killoran
The Status of the Catholic Minority in Northern Ireland 1920-1939 a Study in Inter-Ethnic Relations, James T Nolan
The Stereo Chemistry of Phenylfurans and Related Compounds, Selim Antoine Khawam
The Study-Action Group in the Cooperative Movement, Miriam Therese Murphy
The Study of Certain Types of Nutritional Dermatitis in Rats and Mice, John R Foy
The Subnormal Child, F Emery
"The Substance of the Virtues": Deification According to Maximos the Confessor and the Transformation of Aristotelian Ethics, Luis Josue Sales
The Suffrage Problem of the Greater City and a Possible Constructive Solution, William Joseph Ryan
The Suppression of the Mystery Plays: Culmination of Social, Literary and Religious Forces in the 16th Century, James J Kearney
The Supremacy of the Constitution of the United States of North America and the National Prosperity of Which It Is a Guarantee, James A Sullivan
The Syntax of the Prepositions Ab, De, and Ex in the Commentary on Virgil Attributed to Servius, Joseph Doyle
The Theory of Distinctions in the Metaphysics of Francis Suarez, Michael V Murray
The Theory of the Transfer of Training as Interpreted Today Is Tenable, Fidelis Alphonsus
The Tongue-Tied Imagination [Table of Contents], Tobias Warner
The Traditional Background of the Declaration of Independence, Francis J Grogan
The Tragedy of Cleopatra, Queen of Aegypt by Thomas May: Edited, With an Introduction, Mary Ransom Burke
The Tragedy of Philotas by Samuel Daniel, Laurence A. Michel
The Treatment of Incompleteness as a Core Dimension of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, William Rafael Taboas
The Unconscious Influence of Electric Gondolas on American Civilization, James Antle
The Union Security Policies of the National War Labor Board: Maintenance of Membership, William R Frasca
The United States and the Revolutionary Disintegration of China, 1919-1925, Harry W Kirwin
The United States Policy Towards Russia: March 1917 - March 1918, Edward Henry Finnegan
The Unity of Fénelon's Thought, Mary Louise Schroen
The Urseline Order and Its Contributions to Education, 1535-1925, M. Fidelis McNamera
The Utility of a Pre-Transplant Psychosocial Evaluation in Predicting Post-Transplant Outcomes, Jacqueline Helcer
The Validity and Reliability of the Rorshach and the Thematic Apperception Test When These Tests Are Interpreted by the Method of Blind Analysis, Francis M Gilhooly
The Virtue of Prudence in the Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, James F Redding
The Willgerodt Reaction in the Heterocyclic Series, Joseph A Blanchette
The Works and the Mystical Theology of William of Saint Thierry, Brother Arthur Austin Loftus
Thinking With Adorno [Table of Contents], Gerhard Richter
"This Is the Propper Way to Say That, Sr:" Music and Musical Sound in James Joyce and Gertrude Stein, Daniel Olson-Bang
Tiara or Turban? The Epic of the Pope in Conflict with the Turk, Mary McNamara
Toward the Development of a Typology of IPV for Army Active Duty Males Married to Civilian Females in the U.S. Military, Johna Hansen
Training for Retailing, Jacques Charles Rosenblum
Translating Ignatian Values Into a Virtual Space in Jesuit Universities and Colleges, Patrick John Holt
Translation of the Story of Olif and Landres and the Story of Oddgeir the Dane From Karlamagnus Saga Ok Kappa Hans, Jeanne G Smith
Turbines Spinning Towards a Better Future: The Expansion of Offshore Wind Farms in the United States, Noah J. Stiles
Two Interpretations of the State and Government: The Pragmatic Skepticism of Mr. Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes Contrasted With the Natural Law Philosophy of Mr. Justice James Wilson., Eugene Raymond Gallagher
Under Representation [Table of Contents], David Lloyd
Understanding Beliefs About and Barriers to Adherence in Pediatric Cardiology Transplant Recipients, Adrianna Damato
Understanding Factors that Influence Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Strategies and Their Impact on Effectiveness of Disaster Response in High-Risk Contexts, Naomi Wanjiru Gikonyo
Understanding Imposter Phenomenon in Graduate Students Using Achievement Goal Theory, Linda Cheung
Understanding Patterns of Domestic Cat Abundance and the Impact of Domestic Cats on Bird Survival Along an Urban-Rural Gradient, Kevin F. P Bennett
Unpeaceable Kingdom: Fighting Quakers, Revolutionary Violence, and the Antebellum Novel, William D Fenton
Unrecorded Justice: The (Non-)Archival Practices of Medieval Jewish Courts, Rachel Furst
Urban Rights Struggle: Street Memorials in the Bronx, Matiss Steinerts
Use of Intentional Information in Colombian Victims' Evaluations of Retributive and Transitional Justice, John Anibal Gomez Varon
Using Refutation Texts to Change Attitudes and Knowledge Concerning Auditory Verbal Hallucinations, Abu Muhammad Nasim
Validation of the Correctional Offender Management and Profiling Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS), Ashley M Pierson
Venerable Mother d'youville Eminent Social Worker of the Eighteenth Century, Ursula McLean
Vergil, a Tragedian Lost to Rome, Francis A Schaefer
Virgilian Glosses in the Liber Glossarium, Anthony B Bregolato
Virgil's Ecologues and the Roman Year, Clara Holde
Vocational Interests and Personality Types of College Engineering Students in Relation to Academic Achievement, Naser Hourieh
Voices of Low-Income Undergraduate Student-Mothers: Experiences of Persisting in College, Jewel C James
Volume 14: Cultures of Record Keeping: Creation, Preservation, and Use in the Early Modern Period, Magda Teter
Walking Away: Experiences of Individuals and Their Voluntarily Leaving Career-Based Situations against Others' Judgment, Patricia Jean Kim
War Studies, J. Harding Fisher
Was Locke a Sensist and an Iedalist?, M. Emmanual Conlon
Wayfinding in Early American Literature, Jamie M Bolker
What to Expect when Graduate Student Couples Delay Expecting: A Qualitative Study, Atara Wertentheil
When God Was a Bird [Table of Contents], Mark I. Wallace
When Ivory Towers Were Black: A Story about Race in America's Cities and Universities [Table of Contents & Introduction], Sharon Egretta Sutton
William James on the Courage to Believe, Robert J. O’Connell
William J. Richardson, S.J.: Reflections in memoriam, Babette Babich
William Ockham: Natural Law Principles and Political Philosphy, Peter Damian Holzer
Women and the Word: The Revival as a Counterpublic Space for Black Queer-Identified Women, Alyssa Hollins
Women in Three Societies: A Comparison of the Political and Economic Status of Women in Communist, National Socialist, and Liberal Society, Katherine M Murphy
Women's Roles in Peacebuilding, Yu Nagahama
Woodrow Wilson's Theory and Practice Regarding Relations of President and Congress, George A Curran
Writing Skills and Related Behaviors of MSW Students, Faculty, & Field Instructors, Jan Miner
Xavier Zubiri - His Fundamental Moral Concepts, Jose M Eleazar