Volume 9 (2019) The Power of Voice: Contributions of Ofelia García to Language Education
Full Issue
Front Matter
Ofelia García: A Life Dedicated to Giving Voice
Zoila Morell and Patricia Velasco
Ofelia García as a Scholar
Critical Research with an Eye on Monday Morning: La Investigación Comprometida de Ofelia García
Guadalupe Valdés
Translanguaging into Raciolinguistic Ideologies: A Personal Reflection on the Legacy of Ofelia García
Nelson L. Flores
Minority Languages, National State Languages, and English in Europe: Multilingual Education in the Basque Country and Friesland
Jasone Cenoz and Durk Gorter
Ofelia García: A Visionary Thinker
Christine Hélot
Trans + Languaging: Beyond Dual Language Bilingual Education
Cristian R. Solorza
Ofelia García as a Mentor
Ofelia García: A Transformative Thinker and Leader
Cecilia M. Espinosa
Pushing the Field & Practice: Ofelia García’s Reflective and Responsive Approach to Educational Innovation
Laura Ascenzi-Moreno and Sara Vogel
Top Ten Lessons Learned from Ofelia García: Researching, Teaching and Living from the Heart
Tatyana Kleyn and Kate Seltzer
Ofelia García and the CUNY-NYSIEB Community: Symbiosis in Furthering Translanguaging Pedagogy and Practice
Maite T. Sánchez and Kate Menken
A Lifetime of Inspiring Connections
A Tribute to Ofelia García
Colin Baker
Book/Multimedia Review

Tribute to Ofelia García
Our sincere thanks to Ricardo Otheguy, Ofelia García’s husband (y compatriota [compatriot]), for his time and guidance in preparing this tribute.