Content Posted in 2019
111 1st Street Jersey City, NJ: The Life and Death of an Arts Community, David J Goodwin
Abbot Theodore and the Stoudites: A Case Study in Monastic Social Groupings and Religious Conflict in Constantinople (787-826), Peter J Hatlie
A Brave New World: The Affirmation of the Human Being Over Technology, Magdala Lissa Jeudy
Academic and Social-Emotional Classroom Composition and the Quality of Classroom Interactions in New York City Public Elementary Schools, Esther Essie Sutton
A Causal Model of Variables Predicting Mathematical Achievement in First-Grade Children, Michele Kasson Loebl
Accreditation of College Chemistry Departments, Daniel Thomas Saint-Rossy
Accuracy of Estimating Item Parameters for the Rash Model Based on Small Sample Sizes, Xinhui Xiong
A Certain Portion of Truth: A Study of Samuel Johnson's Life of Swift, Joseph R Cullen
Achievement Goals, Positive and Negative Performance Feedback, and Novel Task Performance, Rosanna Mazzaferro
Achievement Motivation in "Dreamers" and Documented Latinx College Students, Tara Nasir Gore
A Children's Institution: A Follow-Up Study of Eight Children Four Years After Their Discharge in June of Nineteen Sixty from Little Flower House of Providence, Wading River, New York, Marilyn Ann Maguire
A Cognitive Intervention to Improve Coping Behavior by Teaching the Janis/Mann Conflict Theory Model of Decision Making, Kathleen R Grauso
A Combinatorial Approach to Dependency Analysis for Defaulting Credits, Jeffery Isiah Bernstein
A Community Practice for the Elderly: Which People and What Needs, Daniel C. Remine
A Comparative Follow-Up Study on Service Requests at New York Catholic Charities in March 1982, Louise A Isgro
A Comparative Study of Client and Worker Perceptions of Problems, Service Needs, and Outcome, Irene B Maury
A Comparative Study of Leaders and Non-Leaders Among Catholic Boy Scouts, Cornelius Michael Horgan
A Comparative Study of Leaders and Non-Leaders Among Catholic Girl Scouts, M. Alexandra Kavanagh
A Comparative Study of Prediction of First Term Average From a Battery of Tests for Four Different Curricula in One University, Francis Joseph Crowley
A Comparative Study of Prediction of First-Term Shop Ratings From a Battery of Tests for Three Different Vocational High School Courses, Rose I McGuire
A Comparative Study of Public and Parochial Elementary Education in the Nineteenth Century in New York City, Basil Hayes
A Comparative Study of Some Personality Traits of Children Living in an Orphanage and of Children Living in a Family Environment, Mary Immaculate Ryan
A Comparative Study of the Difference in Frequency of Substance Abuse Among Homeless Men Who Take Prescribed Psychotropics and Those Without Medication, Joyce Marie Jones
A Comparative Study of the Problems, Personality Adjustments, and Values of Catholic Adolescent Girls Attending Two Types of Secondary Schools, Eugenia Ziegler
A Comparison of Conservative and Liberal Catholic College Students on the F Scale and the Dogmatism Scale, James J Gray
A comparison of contextual bandit approaches to human-in-the-loop robot task completion with infrequent feedback, Matt McNeill and Damian Lyons
A Comparison of Judgment Methods for Evaluating Multiple Criteria, Robert T Eckenrode
A Comparison of the Interests and Personality Patterns of the Accountancy Student the Praticing Accountant, Victor Woodrow Ales
A Comparison of the Interests, Critical Thinking Ability, Spatial Relations Ability, and Study Habits of Average-, Under-, and Over-Achievers in Tenth Year Mathematics, Jennie Frances Corsaro
A Comparison of the Methods of Limits and Adjustments in the Determination of the Critical Flicker Frequency (CFF), Louis D Cox
A Comparison of the Methods of Limits, Constant Stimuli, and Bracketing in the Determination of the Critical Flicker Frequency, Robert A Vecchiotti
A Comparison of Two Designs Drawing Tests with Six-Year-Old Children, Marian R De Snyder
A Comparison of Various Methods of Scoring Draw-A-Person Tests, Elizabeth Theresa Eilliams
A Consumer Evaluation of Voluntary Social Services Rendered by Mott Haven and Tremont Social Service Centers of the New York City Department of Social Services, David R Tenenbaum
A Contextual Bandit Approach to General Robot Intelligence with Commonsense Reasoning, Matthew McNeill
A Critical Evaluation of the Chararcter Education Inquiry Particularly of the Underlying Philosophy, Irene M. C McGeough
A Critical Reappraisal of the Plays of Oliver Goldsmith from the Standpoint of Genre, Marie Thérèse Conrad
A Critical Study of the Equal Protection Clause, Louis A Warsoff
A Critical Study of the International Law of Neutrality, Harold E Smith
A Criticism of Some Educational Ideals, John Mulcahy
A Critiqe of Measurement in Educaton, Frank D Whalen
Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma in Humanitarian Settings: The Role of Psychosocial and Emergency Education, Anna Sunseri
Addressing Needs of Homeless Students in High School from the Principal Perspective, Geralda Valcin
A Descriptive Study of the Individual with a Dual-Diagnosis of Psychiatric Illness and Substance Abuse, Madelin Weiss
A Diplomatic-Interpretative Transcription of the Works of Giannozzo Manetti in Codex Barberinianus Latinus 120, Robert-Henri Gagné
Administration of Remedial Reading Classes in Secondary Schools, August N Kreamer
Adolescents Living with Liver Disease as Peer Mentors: A Program to Aid Transition in Health Care Management, Bradley Jerson
Adoption: A Follow Up Study in 1965 of Twenty Hard-to-Place Children Referred to the New York Foundling Hospital for Adoption in 1963 to See What Permanent Plans Were Made for Them, Linda Amy Reynolds
Adoption from the Far East: A Follow Up Study of the Adjustment of Fourteen Legally Adopted Oriental Children in Twelve American White Families, 1958-1963, Angel Guardian Home, Mary Patricia Mitchell
A Field Study of the Meaning of the Term General Education, Thomas C Campanella
A Fishy Problem: Effects of Atlantic Salmon Farming in the Pacific Ocean, Madeleine A. Griffith
After the Storm: How Environmental Racism Impacted the United States’ Response to Hurricane Maria, Hadley Ankrum
Age and Sex as Variables in a Study of Alienation, Charles Donnelly
Age and Sex Differences in Critical Flicker Frequency in Children, Jonathan Brosnahan
Age Differences in Retroactive Inhibition, Byron Rourke
Agency Predictors of Transfers Between Traditional and Kinship Foster Care, Kathryn Krase
Agency Where You Least Expect It: Mormon Women in the Early Church, Sarah Ashley D'Andrea
A Graph-Based Collaborative Approach to Recommender Systems, Qiang Ma
A Histochemical Study of Polysaccharide and Acid Phosphatase in the Embryo of Xanthisma texanum D C., Alan McCarthy
A History of Boston College, David R Dunigan
A History of Catholic Elementary Education in the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, Daniel C Sullivan
A History of Catholic Parochial Elementary Education in the Archdiocese of New York, Harriette A Martire
A History of Catholic Secondary Education in the Diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Adam M Drayer
A History of Parochial Elementary Education in the Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey, Arthur H Steinhauer
A History of Public School Education in the City of Newark, New Jersey (1666-1935), Harry Riffin
A History of Textile Art, Berry Schilling
A History of the Vocational Education and Extention Board of Rockland County, New York, 1931-1959, Leslie Gordon Freeman
Al Anon Family Groups: A Questionnaire Study of the Effects of These Groups Upon Their Members, New York, 1965, Joan Pelletier
Alcohelp: The Impact of Alcohol Abuse on Family Functioning: A Look at Forty-Three Families in Westchester County, Robert H Beane
Alegal: Biopolitics and the Unintelligibility of Okinawan Life, Annmaria M. Shimabuku
Alienation and Identity: A Reconceptualization of Self-Estrangement, James Joseph O'Brien
A List of Miscellaneous Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century English and American Plays in the Fordham University Library, Part I, Nicholas J. Drohan
A List of Miscellaneous Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century English and American Plays in the Fordham University Library, Part II, Mary E Pavlicek
All the News That's Fit to Teach: Mass Media in an Urban Classroom, Ellen Hogarty
Amado Nervo, Mexican Poet, Vincent Marie Drew
A Mediated World: The Commercialization and Misrepresentation of Diwali in the United States Media and Culture, Aarti Nailini Maharaj
American Individualism. The Individualism of the Anglo-American Dissenting Mind, Jean Mackay
America's Last Great Newspaper War [Table of Contents], Mike Jaccarino
Analysis of Interactions in Single Family Therapy Using the Psychoeducational Problem-Solving Model, Eve McCormick
Analyzing Default Risk Using Dependence Factor, Jing Li
Analyzing Test-Taking Behavior: Prospect Theory Meets Psychometric Theory, Yuanchao Bo
An Amphibious Assault on Charlestown Neck: The Battle of Bunker Hill, William G Klein
An Analysis of Certain Achievement and Interest Response Among Three Levels of Gifted Junior High School Boys and Girls Over a Period of Two Years, Irene H Impellizzeri
An Analysis of Correctional Policy in New York State, 1959-1973, Barbara A Lavin
An Analysis of Member Agencies of the Greater New York Fund Who Do Not Receive Government Funds, Elsie Dudley Little
An Analysis of Motion Strategies and Energy Efficiency for a Tripedal Robot, Kiran Pamnany
An Analysis of News Coverage of the September 11th Terrorist Attacks Against the United States of America: The Impact of a National Tragedy on the Presentation of Television News, Michele Lynn Krempa
An Analysis of the Automobile Finance Industry, James R Boyle
An Analysis of the Responses of Private and Public High School Students of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Raymond A Dansereau
An Analysis of the Spelling Errors Found in a Selected Word List Administered to Pupils of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grades, John E Flood
An Analysis of the Theological, Philosophicalpsychology and Socioligical Principles of Guidance Presented in Textooks Published Since 1935, James J Cribbin
An Appraisal of a High School for Delinquent Girls, Sister Mary Sacred Heart Crowley
An Appraisal of the Practices of Twenty-Five Science Consultants Operating in the New York City Elementary Schools, Richard Timothy Turner
An Appraisal of the Purposes of the Cooperative Study of Secondary School Standards, Lambert Lafferty
An Approach to Fast Multi-Robot Exploration in Buildings with Inaccessible Spaces, Matt McNeill and Damian Lyons
An Approach to Hegel's Metaphysics Through the Problematic of the Kantian Idea, Joan Gabriel
Anarchaeologies: Reading as Misreading [Table of Contents], Erin Graff Zivin
An Elite Dictionary, Noel A Cunniffe
An Emergency Service: Program Evaluation and the Characterological and Definitional Aspects of the Situational Crises of Children, Angela Provenzano Beirne
An Evaluation From the Catholic Viewpoint of Comics Read by Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth-Grade Parochial-School Children in the United States, M. Grevase Blanchard
An Evaluation of an In-Service Training Program "Legal Aspects in Child Welfare", Elaine Agterberg
An Evaluation of a Short Non-Language Scale for Screening Young Deaf Children, Joseph A Spiegel
An Evaluation of a Top Management Training Program "Evaluating the Training Effort", Kenneth C Nesbihal
An Evaluation of Business Education Practices in Catholic Diocesan High Schools in the United States, Mary Louise Reilly
An Evaluation of Criteria for Basic Methods of Teaching Deaf Children, Francis T Williams
An Evaluation of education for democracy in the secondary schools of the maritime provinces of Canada, Michael Losier
An Evaluation of Practice Teaching From Data Gathered in the United States, Florence G Duane
An Evaluation of Socialization Program for the Mentally Frail Elderly, Sytske A. D Ochs
An Evaluation of the Educational Philosophy of Herman Harrell Horne, Raymond F Surburg
An Evaluation of the Educational Philosophy of William Chandler Bagley, Robert V Schnabel
An Evaluation of the Philosophy of Religious Education, the Historical Method, and Catechism of Claude Fleury, Francis C Turmezei
An Evaluation of the Project Method, Raymond Carter
An Evaluation of the Title XX Puerto Rican Family and Child Services Project: Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service, William A Evans
An Evaluation of Vocational Education Practices in Catholic Secondary Institutions for Dependent Boys, James Harding
An Evaluatory Study of an Experimental Vocational Guidance Program in a Junior High School, Mary Zita Cantwell
A New Domain for Social Workers: A National Study Exploring Social Worker Preferences for Providing Personal Financial Planning Services, Vivian Garfinkel Trotz
"A New Earth": The Triumph of the Empire Over the Republic in Shakespeare's Characterization of Antony and Octavius, Patricia Peek
An Examination of Age-specific Cohort Risks for Depression, Genevieve N Izzo
An Examination of Cloninger's TPQ and Other Personality Indices in an Urban Hospital Detoxification Unit, Kristin Moore
An Examination of Spouse Abuse, Sexism and Machismo, Yazmira Teresa Nieto
An Examination of the FRST in a Correctional Mental Health Setting: Preliminary Findings, Jessica Akerman
An Experimental Study of Functional Reading and Listening Skills in the Fourth Grade, Mary Lauriana Gruszczynski
An Experimental Study of Fundamental Reading Skills in the Fifth and Sixth Grades, James Andrew Dinnan
An Experimental Study of Listening Comprehension at the Intermediate-Grade Level, Kevin Hollow
An Experimental Study of the Functional Use of Certain Skills in Seventh-Grade Social Studies, Philomene Schiller
An Experimental Study of the Measurable Effects of a How-to-Study Course for Preclinical Student Nurses, James T McManamon
An Exploratory Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Character Education Program, Ping Guo
Angels, the Space of Time, and Apocalyptic Blindness: On Günther Anders’ Endzeit — Endtime, Babette Babich
An Inquiry Into Social Forces at Work During the Period, 1914-1919, Paul L Blakely
An Inquiry on After School Employment and Effect on Character of Work Done, Alexander P Nevins
An Interpretation of the Role of the Will in the Cartesian Meditations, David J. Marshall
An Investigation of Achievement in Mathematics at the College Level and Factors of Attitude and Personality, Philip Daniel Cristantiello
An Investigation of Certain Abilities Related to Achievement in High School Geometry, Damien Hammill
An Investigation of Factors Related to Scholastic Success in a Teacher Training Institution, John M Skalski
An Investigation of Incidental Science Learning With a Study of Their Relationship to Certain Factors, Sanctia Chotkowska
An Investigation of Prognosis in First Year High School Algebra, Ellis Johnson
An Investigation of the Problems of Eighth Grade Boys Attending Catholic Parrochial Elementary Schools in the Uinted States, Bernardine Leanman
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Background Characteristics and the Extent of Post-Hospital Vocational Adjustment for 116 Former Psychiatric Patients, Stephen J Dougherty
An Investigation of the Relationship Between the Psychogalvanic Response and the Pricking Pain Threshold, Thomas Anne Dakoske
An Investigationof the Religious Vocational Concepts of High School Girls, Miriam de Lourdes McMahon
An Investigation of the Volunteer Experience, Paul J Rowland
An Operative Concept of Christian Education From the Papal Encyclicals of the Past Century, J. Joseph Ryan
A Novel Method to Map and Quantify a Slow-growing Freshwater Alga, Heribaudiella fluviatilis (Aresch.) Sved, Gillian Cohen Barker
Antisocial Personality Disorder, Readiness to Change and Treatment Outcomes in Incarcerated Substance Abusers, Jan Ellyn Tyson
Anti-Trafficking Discourses and Campaigns in the United States and the International Arena, René Manenti
An Ultrastructural Study of Organelles in the Epithelial Cells of the Hindgut of the Terrestrial Isopod, Armadillidium Vulgare, Jean Goggins
Anxiety, Distress and Relationship Quality Among Men With Low-Risk Prostate Cancer on Active Surveillance or Active Treatment, Laura Christine Polacek
Anxiety in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients, Elissa Kolva
A Patrician in Politics: Newbold Morris 1902-1949, Philip C Dolce
A Philosophical Study of Permanance and Vitality in English Literature, Louis F Doyle
A Philosophy for the Christian Religious Education of the Igbo of Southeastern Nigeria: Thomas Groome's Shared Praxis Approach, Remigius Okonkwo Nwabichie
A Plea for the "Dull Child", Rose Ostroff
Application of Cluster Analysis to the 2 X 2 Achievement Goal Framework Among College Students, Min-kyung S Park
Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Adolescent Volunteerism in a Religious, Jewish Population, Gabriel Spiewak
Approved Public Summer Secondary Schools in New York States, Therese A Levesque
A Preliminary Step to Program Evaluation: The Design of an Information System for a Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center, Kathleen Morrison McShane
A Preliminary Validation Study of the Vocabulary and Reading Subtests of the McCarthy Psychological Appraisal Test, Madonna Marie Cunningham
A Protein Binding Radio Assay (PBRA) for Quantifying the Uptake of [14C] Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Isolated Cells, Michael Pepe
A Reliability Comparison of CFF Thresholds Obtained by the Methods of Limits and Spatial Forced-Choice, Patricia K Stephens
A Revised Land Ethic: Sustainable and Spiritual Agriculture, Brooke Maitlan Parrett
A Satisfactory Survey of Families of Former Psychiatric In-Patients, Virginia A Moughan
A Self-Report Study of the Personal Ideals of a Group of Catholic High School Boys at the Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Grade Levels, George B Barrett
A Socialization Profile of Male Participants in Title III-C Nutrition Programs, Edward Brown
Aspects of Mating Behavior and Selection in Poeciliopsis Population Complexes (Pisces: Poecilidae), Christopher Kennett
Aspects of the Development of the School Program at Xavier, New York City, Helen Patricia McNulty
Aspects of the Preparation of Sister Teachers for Teaching in Secondary Schools, Angelica Velardi
Aspects of the Social Thought of the National Catholic Educational Association 1904-1957, Eugenia Marie Golden
Assessing Multilingual Learners: A Multi-method Approach to Examining Culture, Identity, and Study Methodology, Jennifer Susan Daddino
Assessing Pain Experience in Patients with Depressive Disorders, Judith Hendler
Assessing Risk for Recidivism in Individuals Convicted of Stalking Offenses: The Guidelines of Stalking Assessment and Management (SAM) and Contextual Risk Factors for Stalking, Mélodie Christelle Foellmi
Assessing the Intelligence of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children, Susan Ann Lorentz
Assessing Trauma, Mental Health and Coping Among Tibetan Refugees in Dharamshala, India, Emily Sachs
Assessment and Treatment Planning of Para-Alcoholics by Mental Health Clinicians, Thomas Jefferson Callard
A Study of Bronx Psychiatric Center's Multiple Admission Patients' Characteristics and Social Competency, Eleanor Moriarty
A Study of Certain Characteristics, Interests and Activities of Catholic Girls Selected for Training in Leadership, Mary C Mchale
A Study of Classroom Observation Procedures in Higher Education, Zachary G.C Kornhauser
A Study of Deinstitutionalized Client in Rockland County, New York, Mary Rose Schell
A Study of Guidance Practices and Student Needs in Certain Catholic Secondary Boarding Schools, Mary F Dudine
A Study of Guidance Practices in Nine Catholic High Schools for Boys, Elmo Bransby
A Study of Occupational Choices of College Women, Therese M Rauner
A Study of Parent-Child Relationships in Normal and Retarded Readers, Eduard C Visich
A Study of Perceived Parental Nurturance, Masculinity, Femininity, and Androgyny, Edward J Sams
A Study of Potential Referring Agents to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Bridgeport for Problem Pregnancy Services, Margaret G Cahill
A Study of Response Bias in a Client Follow-Up Survey for Preventive Service Agency, Deborah Pheasant
A Study of Selected Arithmetic Abilities and Their Relation to the General Intelligence of Eighth-Grade Pupils, Albertus Haggerty
A Study of Selection Criteria as Identified by Fourteen Agencies and Related to Behavior Characteristics, Louise Murray
A Study of Success and Failure Among Ninth Grade Pupils, Marie L Sexton
A Study of the 1981 Omnibus Reconciliation Act: Its Effect on the AFDC Family with Earned Income in Rockland County 1982, Josephine P Finlay
A Study of the Ability of Eleventh-Grade Girls to Apply the Principles of the Moral Law to Actual and Hypotetical Life Situations, Carmen V Diaz
A Study of the Ability to Organize of 1,149 Students at the Eleventh and Twelfth Grade Levels, Edward Rogalin
A Study of the Attentive Behavior of Kindergarten Children, Veronica M Smith
A Study of the Attitudes and Personality Traits of the Parents of Drug Abusing Adolescents in a Middle-Class Drug Treatment Program, Natalie Zaharkiw-Riccio
A Study of the Chabot Pursuer-Distancer Movement Scale as It Relates to Adult Attachment Style and Coping, Audra L Noble
A Study of the Charateristics of Shy and Aggressive Children, Maude F Downey
A Study of the Conditions Affecting the Interests, Attitudes, Ideals and Problems of Adolescent Girls in Catholic and Public Schools in the Philippines, Paz Adriano y Vernuz
A Study of the Direct and Transfer Effects of a Developmental Reading Program at the Ninth Grade Level, Harold Bluhm
A Study of the Drama of Philp Massinger (1584-1639), James Edward Tobin
A Study of the Effectiveness of a Four-Year Program of Organized Counseling at the College Level, Joseph Richard Toven
A Study of the Effects of Various Line-Lengths Upon Certain Aspects of Reading Ability, Frank DePhillips
A Study of the Exhalation of Radon From the Earth, Thomas L Cullen
A Study of the Fordham Stay in School Partnership Program, Eris K Cholakis
A Study of the Handwriting of Sixth-, Seventh-, and Eighth-Grade Children in Parochial Schools, Dorilda Flynn
A Study of the Intelligence and the School Achievement of Selected Institutionalized Children in Grades Six, Seven, and Eight, Margaret Caroline Bajardi Galante
A Study of the Intelligence, the Reading Achievement and the Personality Adjustment of Intemediate Grade Pupils of Selected Socio- Economic Status Levels, M. Baptista Pollard
A Study of the Mastery of Mathematical Concepts by Eighth Grade Pupils, Marie Theresa Gallagher
A Study of the Nuclear Structure of Protococcus viridis, Agardh, James Charles Mawn
A Study of the Performance of Normal Children and Feebleminded Adults of Similar Mental Ages on the Graham-Kendall Memory-for-Designs Test, William M Tortorella
A Study of the Problems and Guidance Needs of Adolescent Girls Attending Catholic Boarding Schools in the Philippines, Fiorinda M Jesena
A Study of the Relationship Between Gender Identity and Depression, Robert Levendosky
A Study of the Relationship Between Negative Symptoms Experienced During the Paramenstruum and Negative Attitudes and Beliefs Held About Menstruation as a Function, Ellen Koss Gussaroff
A Study of the Sra Primary Mental Abilities Battery as a Means of Educational Guidance in Selected Schools, Paracleta Shalloe
A Study of the Streptomyces Sp. And Other Antagonistic Bacteria from Soil Samples Obtained from Bimini, William J Stahl
A Study of the Vocational and Avocational Interests of Eleventh-Grade Girls in a Diocesan High School, Alicia B. Jose Y Ruiz
A Study of Trait Variability and Quotidian Variability, Mary E Harnett
A Study of Twenty-Two Children Who Were Ten, Eleven or Twelve Years Old in Foster Care: One Aspect of Mastering Bereavement, Mary Starr Wimsatt
A Study on the Development of an Empirical Typology of Multi-Problem Families, Mary Bailey Allan
A Study on the Women's Training Project and Its Effect on First Year Social Work Students, Joanne D Schonbachler
A Survey and Evaluation of Standardized Tests and Scales in the Field of English, Alex J O'Neil
A Survey of Public Attitudes Toward Public Assistance, Jerald F. D Percely
A Survey of State Training Requirements for Paraprofessional Home Care Workers, Peter J Dunfors
A Survey of the Guidance Services Provided for Business Students in the Selected Catholic Secondary Schools of the State of New York, Philip Harris
A Survey of the Intelligence, the Achievement, and the Personality Adjustment of Seventh and Eighth Grade Pupils Enrolled in the Military Post Schools in the United States, Catherine Agnes Barton
A Survey of the Play an Reading Interests of Catholic Primary Grade Children, Joy McNamara
A Survey of the Training and Functions of Counselors in Catholic Colleges for Women in the United States, M. Claver Ready
A Survey on Two Drug Free Therapeutic Communities, Ivan Quervalu
A Textbook of Optometry, David J Swartz
A Theology of Dis/Obedience: The Conversion of Daniel Berrigan, 1953-1966, Eric Martin
Athlete Stress, Eating Attitudes and Prevalence of Bulimia in Female Adolescent Figure Skaters Who Participate in Competition, Kristin Burkhart
A Thomistic Evaluation of the Epistomelogical and Ontological Bases of John Dewey's Instrumentalist Philsophy, John J O'Farrell
A Training and Support Center for Families of the Developmentally Disabled: A Study of Need, Stephanie Shwed
A Tribute to Ofelia García, Colin Baker
Attitude Change as a Result of Workshop Training Sessions, Barbara Tint
Attitudes Blacks Bring to the Employee Assistance Program, Marguerite R Owens
Attitudes of On-Service Staff Toward the Care and Management of Psychiatric In-Patients on Two Adult Psychiatric Wards, Bonnie Robinson Smith
Attitudes Toward Alternative Lifestyles Held by Social Work Graduate Students at Fordham University, Sharon L Kleinberg
Attitudes Toward Mental Illness and Toward the Homeless Mentally III: A Study of the Attitudes of First Year Graduate Social Work Students at Fordham University, Naomi Karen Miller
At Wit's End: The Deadly Discourse on the Jewish Joke [Table of Contents], Louis Kaplan
Aubrey De Vere in His Literary Relationships, M. Paraclita Reilly
Autistic Symptomology and Cognitive Functioning in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, Ava Beth Dorfman
Automated Decision-Making Aids, Internal Motivation to Respond Without Prejudice, and Discrimination in Hiring, Mikaela Jheanelle Pitcan
Automobile Market for the 1960's, Edmund H Cave
Avian Community Composition and Nesting Success Among Tidal Marsh Habitats in Connecticut, Kristin Schaumburg
A Visual Homing Algorithm for Mobile Robots That Leverages Stereovision, Paramesh J Nirmal
Baseline Characteristics Associated with Posttraumatic Stress in Caregivers of Pediatric Transplant Recipients: A Multi-Site, Multi-Regional Study, Christina J Supelana
Bayesian Statistical Decision Model for College Admissions, Maria Tsypkina
Beards: On Men, on Women, on Gods, and More - How Facial Hair Serves as Both a Means to and an End of Communication, Aaron Honoré
Beauty Is the Beast: An Historical Look at the Changing Image of Black Women and the Representation of Beauty and Ethnicity in the Media, Tara Roxane Southwell
Behavior of the Raccoon, Procyon lotor, at a Suburban Winter-Feeding Station, Kathleen L Curran
Beyond Ethnicity: Sub-Ethnic Relations with Depression, Post Traumatic Distress, and Suicidal Ideation Among Patients with Coronary Heart Disease, Yasunori Nishikawa
Biochemical Quality of Stream Periphyton as Affected by Light and Nutrient Availability, Matthew Joseph Cashman
Biotic and Abiotic Factors Affecting the Abundance, Distribution, and Community Structure of Plethodontids at Multiple Scales, Blair Eleana Madden
Black-White Intermarriage: The Cultural, Social, and Political Implications, Erica Chito
Blue-Collar Working Mothers: The Effects of the 2009/2010 MTA/NYCT Budget Cuts on Female TWU Local 100 Members, Kathleen J Adams
Bonding Social Capital with Bridging Effect: Youth Adaptation Processes in a Chinatown Church, Nanlai Cao
Book Review Introduction: Growing Up Transnational: Colombian and Dominican Children of Immigrants in New York City, Patricia Velasco
Book Review: Translanguaging at Work: Approaches to Dynamic Bilingualism, Meral Kaya
Book Review: Transnational Immigrant Children & Youth in New York City, Marcela Ossa-Parra
Breaking Away, Building Anew: Systematic Reflections on the Successes and Challenges of Creating a New Middle School in an Existing K-12th Independent School System, Tinia R Merriweather
Breaking Ground on New Agricultural Models: Industrial Agriculture and the Local Food Movement, Elizabeth Nealon
Breeding Behavior and Activity Patterns of the Asian Freshwater Terrapins Batagur baska and Callagur borneoensis, Faith Kostel
Breeding Behavior of Captive Lesser Birds of Paradise at the New York Zoological Park, Mark Steven Laska
Broadening Footpaths: Trail Ecology and Ethic, Miles H. Frank
Bronx Soundscape: Reflections on the Multicultural Roots of Hip Hop in Bronx Neighborhoods, Mark Naison
Brutus in Three Formats: How Media Shape History, John Conner Dearie
"Bullets Don't Have Names": The Effects of Social Capital on Adolescent African American Girls' Integration into Public Space, Courtney M Ball
Buying Out: Authentic Individual Expression Within Incorporated Subcultures, Brett Spigelman
Canadian Airspace: Defining and Defending a National Identity in Canada Through Broadcasting, Edward Meagher
Cancer Stigma in the Workplace: The Impact of Varying Levels of Disclosure, Alexandra Lamm
Can One Good Concert Tour Change the World? A Study of the Effects of Music on Politics, Patricia M Prendergast
Can the Sinn Fein Movement Be Defended Ethically?, Marie de la Salle Maher
Catholic Education in Nebraska, 1541-1928, Consilia Bohan
Catholic Identity in Catholic Higher Education as Advanced by Presidents and Chief Mission Officers, Kevin Michael Nadolski
Catholic Seminares of the United States, McCabe George V
Caught in the Middle: Surveying School Principals' Beliefs, Stakeholder Support, and Their Actions in Schools Management, Charles Murphy
Central Banking Experience in the Philippines, 1949-1959, Jesus P Estanislao
Cerebral Dominance and Auditory Perception, Aidan Murphy
Certification of School Superintendents in Massachusetts, Donald J Carty
Changes in Free and Bound Lipid During Metamorphosis of the House Fly, Musca domestica Linneaus, Priscilla Ann Crowe
Changes in Glycogen During the Metamorphosis of the House Fly, Musca domestica Linneaus, Matthew Hassemer
Changes in Plant Growth, Reproduction and Offspring Vigor with Increasing Distance from an Urban Center, Gretchen Lee Gary
Changes in Reducing Carbohydrates and Trehalose During Embryogenesis of Eggs from Young and Old Mealworm Beetles Tenebrio Molitor L., Guy F Rajendram
Changes in the MMPI Scores of Three Groups of Seminarians Retested After One, Two, and Three Years, Leonard Murphy
Changes of the Nitrogen Content Molting in the Mealworm, Tenebrio Molitor Linnaeus, John N Folzenlogen
Changing Attitudes: Media, Popular Culture and the Environment, Lisa Fiore
Changing Religious Liberty in Nova Scotia: A Study in Political History, Margaret Agnes McCarthy
Character Building, Miriam Augustine
Charles Porée: Jesuit Education, Ralph A Leitner
Chateaubriand: Initiateur de l'art Moderne, Mary Leonilla
Chaucer, the Realist, Herman Heydt
Chemical Light Attenuation, and Biological Effects of Different Particulate Organic Matter Sources in a Mesotrophic Lake, Steve Serge Di Lonardo
Child Abuse Potential: A Descriptive Study of Individuals Receiving Social Services, Luis A Gallardo
Child Abuse: The Application of the "Survey on Bringing Up Children" to Members of Parents Anonymous, Inc. In Suffolk County, Ann Lisa Katz
Child Guidance: A Follow-Up Study of Eight Children Ages Eight to Twelve Years Who Were Treated at St. Anthony's Guidance Clinic, Williston Park, Long Island, Before or During 1962, Michele Kinsella Polestino
Childhood Separation Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders in Adults, Gail H Mislick
Children of Battered Women: Problems and Changes for the Children in a Battered Women's Shelter, Cathy Casriel
Child Welfare: A Study of Thirteen Children Who Had to Be Replaced in Foster Homes from January to December in 1963, at the Society for Seamen's Children, New York, Maria Elena Sandino
Cicero's Attitude Toward the Tribunate, Raphael D'Amour
CIPHER: A Method for Constructing Autonomously Empathetic Systems Based on Contextual Human Behavior Interpretation and Falsifiable Event Prediction, Trevor Pierre Buteau
Circling the Elephant: A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity [Table of Contents], John J. Thatamanil
Civil Society and Religion: Social Change Through Islam, Sarah Louise Nicklas
Cognitive Reserve in HIV: The Impact of Premorbid Verbal and Non-Verbal Performance on Longitudinal Neuropsychological Outcomes, Alyssa Arentoft
Color Change During the Life Cycle of Oncopeltus Fasciatus (Dallas) with Reference to the Content of Tyrosine, Edward Zipf
Combining Two Visual Cognition Systems for Joint Decision Making Using Combinational Fusion, Cameron McMunn-Coffran
Communal Impact of Poughkeepsie IBM, Arthur D Butts
Community Journalism: Serving Democracy and Social Development in the New Media, Cuthbert Alexander
Community Services in Public Housing: A Descriptive Study of an Urban Social Service Program, Peter The Hui Wood
Comparative Effectiveness of Aqua with Other Major Search Engines, Yumei He
Comparative Feeding Behavior of Two Aphids: Bean Aphid ( Aphis fabae Scopoli) and Pea Aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)) (Homoptera: Aphididae), Ronald Paul Salyk
Comparing Punjabi and Tibetan Torture Survivors, Minal Bopaiah
Comparison and Application of Cumulative Correspondence Analysis, Matthew Joseph Smith
Comparison of the Denaturation of Myoglobin and Concanavalin-A, Gioya D'Souza-Fennelly
Complexity of Concept Formation as a Function of Anxiety Level, Louis Francis Lomangino
Comprehensive Distancing: A Novel Approach to Reducing Moral Disgust, Shame, and Guilt in Posttraumati Stress Reactions, Rachel B Ojserkis
Computational Approach and Data Mining for Functional MRI, Lili Chou
Concept Mapping of Supervisor Competence: A Comparative Analysis of Expert and Novice Supervisors, Diana Sherice Johnson
Consumer Perception Barriers to Access to FDA-Approved Medications for HIV/AIDS in New York City, Christine Petrik
Consumer Survey in a Mental Health Setting, Anne-Elizabeth Waddell
Continuance and Breakdown of Democratic Coalitions in Chile and South Korea During the Democratization Period (1987-1997), Joung Eun Lee
Contribution of the Brothers of the Christian Schools to Educate in Egypt, E. Felix Blankemeyer
Contributions to Education of the Catholic Schools of the Scranton Diocese, Daniel Purcell
Corporate Social Responsibility and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: How Business Drives Progress in the Scope SDGs #2 (Zero Hunger) and #8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), Olivia Rose LaBarge
Correlates of Symptom Reduction in Treatment Seeking Survivors of Torture, Sumithra Raghavan
Correlates of the Persistence of Occupational Choice, Theodore Nahow
Correlation Between Illinois Examination and Teachers' Judgement, Mary Pascaline Raabe
Course of Study in History in the Elementary School, Mary Joseph Dunn
Courtesan Blogs: A Study of Anonymous Confession in the Online Environment, Marianne Kozhan-Gorodetska
Creative Change in Religious Life: History of the Sisters of Divine Providence in Puerto Rico, Candace Introcaso
Creative Narrative Forms in Radio, Ginger Miles
Crimmigrant Nations: Resurgent Nationalism and the Closing of Borders [Table of Contents], Robert Koulish and Martje van der Woude
Critical Flicker Frequency in Two Adolescent Groups of Contrasting Reading Ability, Robert D O'Donnell
Critical Research with an Eye on Monday Morning: La Investigación Comprometida de Ofelia García, Guadalupe Valdés
Critical Review of Break Beats in the Bronx: Rediscovering Hip-Hop’s Early Years, Corey Lionel Spencer
Cross-cultural Validity in Feigning Assessment Measures among Chinese Immigrants, Yi-Ting Chang
Cross-Cultural Validity in Malingering Assessment: The Dot Counting Test in a Rural Indian Sample, Rebecca Weiss
Custodial Care of Catholic Schools: A Study of the Schools in the Diocese of Brooklyn, Cherubim Rita Kluepfel
Cycle of Victimization: Relational Aggression and Sexual Harassment Among Emerging Adult Women, Ariel D Blum
Dance: A Catalyst of Self-Awareness - A Study of Fifteen Adolescent Girls at Benjamin Franklin High School, New York City, 1973, Saundra L Pinn
Dangerous Choices: Government & Political Risk in the 2008 Financial Crisis, Adam Victor Sussman
Dante and the League of Nations, Paul J Carew
Data Fusion in Cayley Graphs G (SN, PN), Andrew Palumbo
Data Fusion in Microarray Gene Expression Analysis, Soomi Kim
Day Care and Family Service: The Evolution and Integration of Services Between Catholic Charities Family Service and Queen's Daughters Day Care Center, Yonkers, New York, 1964, Thomas Eugene McAndrews
Decadent Orientalisms: The Decay of Colonial Modernity [Table of Contents], David Fieni
Delay-Sensitive Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks, Ohad Kravchick
Democracy 2.0: How the Internet Influences the Demos and the Cratos, Yulia V Golobokova
Demographic Factors Associated with Level of Knowledge and Skill Among Mothers with Children with Developmental Disabilities and Mental Retardation, Tarvis Tamara A
Denial, Depression and Social Network Among Elderly Post Myocardial Infarction Patients, Loralee S Kelly
Dental Services: A Study of the Hackensack-Teaneck Community and Its Relationship to the School of Dentistry, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, New Jersey, Kathleen E Nuccio
Department Climate and IRB Influences on Mentoring the Responsible Conduct of Graduate Research in Psychology, Lindsay G Feldman
Design and Implementation of a Mobile Sensor Network Testbed Using Sun Spots, Hung-Da Shih
Design and Implementation of a Study Room Reservation System: Lessons from a pilot program using Google Calendar, Shira Atkinson and Kirsten Lee
Designing the City, Sustainably: Sustainability and Climate Change Resiliency in New York City, Cosima Balletti-Thomas
De Technologica: On Technology as a Theme of Philosophical Reflection, Carl Mitcham
Detection of Aberrant Responding on Tests with Filter Questions, Jonathan Lehrfeld
Detection of Differential Item Functioning in Dichotomous and Polytomous Items: The Exploratory Correspondence Analysis Method, Joseph H Grochowalski
Determining Who Makes the Best After-School Counselor, Aaron Kesselman
Developing Language and (Pre)literacySkills in Deaf Preschoolers through Shared Reading Activities with Bimodal-Bilingual eBooks, Gene Mirus and Donna Jo Napoli
Developmental Conceptualization of Illness Constructs: Children's and Adults' Perceptions of Mental and Physical Illnesses, Lauren Elizabeth Latella
Developmental Relationships among Creativity Possibility Thinking, and Parenting Style, Audra Parlier Olazabal
Development of Character in Education, William G Wixted
Devilish Thoughts: Satanic Persuasion in the Eighteenth-Century Novel, Mira Sengupta Zaman
Diagnostic Tests and Remedial Instruction Outline, Sister M. Thomas Aquinas Drum
Diet Selection by the Eastern Chipmunk in Relation to Hibernation, John C McCool
Differential Item Functioning Using Item Response Theory for an Algebra Test, Sean King
Digital Equality, Claudia Miniaci
Dimensions of Negative Capability in the Poetries of John Keats and William Carlos Williams, James T Kelly
Dissolved Organic Matter Supply and Processing in Streams of Westchester County, NY, Jennifer L Epstein
Diurnal Variation of the Critical Flicker Frequency, William T Tsushima
Diversity and Distributions of Stream Bryophytes: Does pH Matter?, Michael Evan Tessler
Divi Aelredi Abbatis Rieuallensis Opus De Spirituali Amicitia: A Translation With Notes, Mary Francis Jerome
Documentaries Making a Difference: Communication Effects of Environmental Film and Television, Lindsey A. Register
Does Familiarity Breed Collaborative Practice? Co-Location of Domestic Violence Liaisons in Child Welfare Offices in New Jersey: An Implementation Case Study, Catherine L Cummings
Does the Social-Civic Curriculum in the Public High Schools of Yonkers, New York, Meet Certain Fundamental Social Needs?, Irene K Palmer
Do Individuals with Asperger's Syndrome Also Have Alexithymia?, Heather T Schatten
Dominican Contribution to the Catholic Youth Moment in the United States, Mary A Seiz
Don Bernadino De Mendoza's Mission to England, 1578-1585, Frank Grassi
Dramatic Presentation in the Catholic Secondary Schools of the United States, John Paul Barnes
Dramatic Training as a Basis for Speech Improvement, Annette Lucille Cusack
Dropouts Among Puerto Rican Students Who Have Graduated from a Catholic Parochial Elementary School, Zoë Kelly
East-West Joint Ventures: The Importance of Soviet Foreign Economic Policy Reforms in East-West Relations, Thomas Schier
Ecology of the Jaguar and Its Prey in the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, Belize, Mark E Weckel
Ecotourism Development in Indigenous Communities: A Mapuche Case Study, Shaelynn Taylor Nuckel
Educational Deficiencies and Vocational Needs of Employees Revealed by a Study of Trade and Educational Periodicals, Helen M Crowley
Educational Issues of India 1947-1954, Herbert Aloysius de Souza
Educational Measurements in Secondary Schools, Edith M. Clare McCowen
Educational Traditions of the Society of Mary, Joseph J Panzer
Education a More Potent Factor Than Inheritance in the Development of Character, Martin Joseph Hession
Education in a Democracy, William P Finley
Education in the District Now Known as Jersey City During the Years (1674-1873), Helen Bannerman
Effect of Two Megacognitive Strategies on Inferential Comprehension Skills of ESL College Students, Angela Candelario
Effect of Visual Scanning and Classification Training on Piagetian Tasks, Rosalie Feinman Schwartz
Effect Size Measure for Mediation Analysis with Multicategorical Predictor, Zihuan Cao
Effects of a Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte, Vallisneria americana, on Bacterioplankton Densities in Small Meso-Eutropic Lake, Alissa A Huss
Effects of Differences in Program Components on Residents' Satisfaction with Enriched Housing, Judith Vatsky Golub
Effects of Gene-Specific Setting on Casual Chain Comprehension of Naïve and Sophisticated Science Fiction Readers, Arlene Reva Honig Pincus
Effects of Urbanization on Benthic Algal Communities in Streams of Southeastern New York State, Patrick J O'Brien
Ego-Strength and Perceptual Responses to Pictures of Human Faces as Revealed by Delinquent Adolescent Girls, Angelique Gilbet
JMER Description & Guidelines for Submission
Emotionally Disturbed Children - Obstacles to Learning: A Study of Five Children of Average Intelligence at Catholic Charities Guidance Institute Manhattan, 1964, Maria Teresa Okamoto
Emotional Recognition as a Function of Personality in Epilepsy, Jesse Gabriel Brand
Trans + Languaging: Beyond Dual Language Bilingual Education, Cristian R. Solorza
English- and Chinese-Speaking Parents' in New York City Schools: Influence of Participation on Parent Perception, Tim Fook Law
Environmental Attitudes and the Vote, Bardford Harrison Bishop
Episodic Memory Consolidation in College Students: The Impact of Chronic Sleep Restriction and Disruption, Jordan T Stiver
“Equal Dignity”: Comparing the Campaigns to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage and their Outcomes in Italy and the United States, Kyle James Kilkenny
Equivalence Testing for Differential Item Functioning Detection, Jodi M Casabianca
Essays on Chinese Onshore and Offshore Capital Markets, Chuan Shi
Essays on International Finance Puzzles, Walter N Bazaán Palomino
Essays on Monetary Policy and Financial Stability, Nimrod Segev
Essentialism of Race: A Pilot Study, Sara Elizabeth Douglass
Establishing the Mens Rea of Genocide within "Sub-Intentions": A Study of Systematic Sexual Violence in Myanmar and Bosnia, Perry Joseph Zirpoli
Ethical Implications of Population Growth and Reduction, Tiana Sepahpour
Ethnic Bias in the Clinical Judgements of Social Work Students, Ann P Holsinger
Evaluating Eligibility Criteria for Foster Parents in New York: Perceptions of Foster Care Agency Personnel, Tameeka A Jordan
Evaluating Teacher Cohorts to Support Problem-based Learning, Erik William Parks
Evaluation of a Training Project Utilizing Application of Knowledge, Deborah L Hartel
Evaluation of Field of View Width in Stereo-vision-Based Visual Homing, Damian Lyons, Benjamin Barriage, and Luca Del Signore
Evaluation of the Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte Vallisneria Americana, as Biomonitor for Heavy Metals in the Hudson River Estuary, John J. Eyink
Event - Study Analysis of the Effect of Deregulation on the Telecommunications Industry, Lloyd Soobrian
Evolution Du Lyrisme Dans La Poesie Francaise, Jehanne La Sauze
Evolution of Student Movements in South Korea and their Impact on the Formation of Korean Democracy, Paige Danielle Bryan
Examination of the Ecological Niche of Gilt Darter ( Percina evides) Using Morphological Data, Oriana Chan
Examining the Functions and Forms of Aggression in Adolescents Using the Person-Centered Approach, Jesse Barglow
Examining the Relationship Between Prognostic Awareness, Coping, and End of Life Distress: A Mediation Analysis, Melissa Masterson Duva
Expanded Cinema: Fiftieth Anniversary Edition [ Table of Contents], Gene Youngblood
Experimental Findings in a Model for PKU, Anna A Pecoraro
Exploring Place in the French of Italy, 1st Edition, Laura Morreale PhD and Heather V. Hill
Exploring Student Responses to Dating Violence on a College Campus: Does Context Matter?, Katharine F McCabe
Exploring the Relationship Between Metacognition, Determinants of Physical Activity, and Leisure Time Physical Activity, Andrew C Leno
Exploring the Role of Social Support in Advanced Illness, Rebecca M James
Exposure Therapy D-Cycloserine, and fMRI in Snake Phobics: A Pilot Study, Andrea M Nave
Factors Affecting the Finances of Private Negro Colleges and Universities in the United States, Ruth Brownlee Johnson
Factors Associated with Premature Termination in Covenant House Adolescent Family Life Program, Lynnette Joy Goodman
Factors Influencing Suicide Risk in Transgender and Gender-Non Conforming Individuals, Ana Rabasco
Factors Related to an Effective and Ineffective Campaign for a School Budget Referendum, Kimberly Bucci
Factors Related to Parental Acceptance of Special Education Services for Their Children, Cecilia Diana Francis
Factors That Differentiate Children Who Live with an Identified Substance Abuser from Those Who Do Not, Sebastian Douglas
Faculty Participation in the Administration of Catholic Colleges and Universities, Edward J Mortola
Families on the Borderlands: Marriage and Kinship in Lower French Louisiana, 1700-1795, Jacquelyne Thoni Howard
Farce in Chekhov, Michael J Sulick
Federated Financing and Social Work: An Analytical Survey of the Literature to Demonstrate the Implementation of Social Work Theory in a United Fund Setting, Frank Xavier Quinn
Female Work Status, Education and Fertility in Cameroon: A Socio-Demographic Analysis, Rosemary Kinyuy Mbuh
Femininity Concepts in Adolescent Female Smokers, Emalinda McSpadden
Feminist Hermeneutics and the Official Roman Catholic Understanding of Marriage: A Dialectical Impasse or Imaginative Reshaping?, Lawrence Faulkenberry
Fighting Cyberbullying with Technology: Anonymous Reporting Access Impact on Student Perceptions of School Climate, Eleanor Rose Smith
Fighting Food Insecurity for NYC Children and Youth: Urban Agriculture and Food Justice, Devin C. O'Mara
Finding a Better Way: A Primer on Pastoral Planning Its Rationale and Purposes, Marie F Adamo
Finding Feminist Resistance: Brown and Butler on the Feminist Subject, Christina Frances LoTempio
Finding Meaning in Music: An Analysis of How Messages in Popular Music Influence the Formation of Identity and Social Values Among Urban Youth, Angielyn Hamilton-Lowe
First and Third Generation: The Case of the Italian-Americans, Lidio U Bertelli
Florida’s Red Tide: The Hidden Costs of Land Development in the Everglades, Catherine Joan Outman
Food Choice Reform: Shifting American Culture Toward Sustainable Diets, Colleen McCarthy
Form and the Nature of Literature: Aristotle, Coleridge, Brooks and Frye, Kevin M Myler
Forming Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Within the Paradigm of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Regina Brady Colvin
Frederick Wiseman: His Contribution to Sociologies of the Self, Daniel C McDonald
Friends World College: A Follow Up Study, Nancy Carroll
From DACAmented to unDACAmented: The Mental Health Implications of DACA's Uncertain Future on Latino Immigrants, Isabel Cooper-Perales
From Implementation to Continuous Improvement: A Study of Sustainable Change Efforts in Three Award-Winning Elementary Schools, Rosetta Anna Wilson
From Oz to Hogwarts: A Content Analysis of Witchcraft and Witches in English Language Cinema, Chrsitina Marie Cruz
From Tall to Supertall: A Political Economic Analysis, Kevin Timoney
Full of Grace: Faith Journeys of LGBT Catholics Documentary Theatre as Subjective Inquiry for Theological Discourse, Robert Choiniere
Fusion Analysis of Information Retrieval Models on Biomedical Collections, Ningtao Shi
Gendered Islamophobia and Sense of Belonging: Experiences of Visibly Muslim Women in Higher Education, Scott B Swisher
General Education in Catholic Colleges for Women, Margaret Loretto Ryan
Generalizability of the Factor Structure of the Wisc-III From Standardization Samples to African American Students With Learning Disabilities, Sharon Anne Shindelman
Genetic Analysis of Asian Golden Cat Populations in Southeast Asia, Scott V Neabore
Gentrification, Social Capital, and the Emergence of a Lesbian Neighborhood: A Case Study of Park Slope, Brooklyn, NYC, Carolyn R Senn
Gibberellic Acid as a Growth Stimulant for Bacteria, Edmund Balsdon
Girl Groups in the Bronx: Race Gender and the Pursuit of Respectability, Mark Naison
Goal Attainment Scaling in the Treatment of Female-Headed Multi-Problem Families, Neal J DeChillo
Green Politics: The Impact of Grassroots Organizations on Environmental Political Movement, Eric Andrew Stolar
Group Psychoanalysis in Psychoanalytic Therapy and Training: An Exploratory Study, Rhoda S Ritter
GRU-DF: An RNN Model with Dynamic Imputation for Missing Values in Multivariate Time Series, Matias Bartolome Berretta Magarinos
Guatemala: Building the State That Never Was, Graciela Heymann
Guidance—An Economic Problem in the Junior High School, Thomas P Kelly
Guidance Practices in Fifty Catholic High Schools, Priscilla Freidel
Habit in Its Relation to the Formative Principles of Character, Mary Agnes L Moore
Haggadah and History, Fordham University
Haitians and Their Way of Life on the Internet, Anie Dubosse
Haitian's Assimilation in the Life and the Future of the City of New York, Paddy Poux
Heading Exposure, Sleep, and Neuropsychological Function in College Soccer Players, Cara F Levitch
Health Education Practices in Catholic Elementary Schools: A Study of the Schools of the Diocese of Brooklyn, Dolorita Aulbach
High School Administration, Teresa Gertrude O'Toole
High School Organization, Anonymous
Hispanics in the Media: An Examination of the Hispanic Presence on Primetime Television, Sandra Montelongo
Histology of the Male and Female Reproductive Systems of the Seventeenth-Year Cicada, Magicicada (Tibicina) Septendecim linnaeus (Cicadidae, homoptera), J. R Owens-Howard
Historical Critisim as Exemplified by Gregory of Tours, Einhard and Otto of Freising, Genevieve M Camera
History of Geometry - Euclidean, Non-Euclidean, and Projective, Mary Teresa Gannon
Homeless Teen Age Mothers and Their Potential for Child Abuse, Helen Allentuck Horowitz
Homemaker Service for the Aged: A Study of Five Cases Served by Jewish Family Service, New York City, 1964, Elizabeth Amanda Latourelle
Horace Walpole on Four English Baroque Architects, Barrie L Althoff
Housing Differentials in Changing Neighborhoods as Reflected in the 1950 and 1960 Census of the Bronx, Mary B Harmeling
Howard Dean and the Internet: A Study of the Medium as a Political Tool, Jessica Knapp
How Directors of Residential Life at Jesuit Institutions Address Campus Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents, Jenifer Diane Campbell
How Does Race Impact the Differential Diagnosis of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder in Black and White Patients?, Sherif Abdelmessih
Humanitarianism and Refugee Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Germany and Turkey towards Syrian Refugees in the Wake of the Syrian Civil War, Magda Gebarski
Humanization in the Christology of Juan Luis Segundo, Marilyn Sunderman
Humans as Symbol Makers and Symbol Users: The Development of Susanne Langer's Philosophical Anthropology, Dorothy A Morosoff
Hypothesis Testing Using Baye's Theorem, Li Hao
Identification of Bacteria Isolated from Petroleum Sample of the Athabasca Deposit in Alberta Canada, Ralph F Angiolelli
Identified Teaching Strategies of Academic Language in Foreground Programming, Shamel Farley
Identifying Extremism in Text Using Deep Learning, Andrew Hammond Johnston
Ignoring the Learning Curve: The Failure of U.S. Foreign Intervention in Chile and Afghanistan, Leanna Shea Nichols
Immovable Object: Irresistible Force - A Conflict of Values at Ocean Hill Brownsville, Sharon Rosemary Winnett
Impact Evaluation of Selected Senior Citizens Centers from the Perspective of Its Members, Zohra Flores Amed
Impact of Family Poverty and Early Care Experiences, Megan Siebert
Impact of Supplemental Security Income on Public and Private Agencies, Beth Silverman Moses
Impact of the Stigma of Welfare on SSI Recipients, William Sperling
Implications of Residential Crowding for Adult Schizophrenics Housed with Their Families: A Descriptive Study, Barbara Bouley
Implications of Teacher-Pupil Relations in the Supervision of Sister Teachers Based on the Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory, Agnita Spurgeon
Improving Portfolio Performance Using Attribute Construction and Combinatorial Fusion, Xiaoran Wang
Incidence and Characterization of Cell Death in Cultured Xenopus laevis Spermatogenic Cells, Teresa Anne Moogan
Independent Crusaders Mapping Project, 1st. Edition, Nicholas Paul, James Doherty PhD, and Laura Morreale PhD
Infusing Evidence-Based Practices in Pre-service Preparation Program for Teachers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students, Su-Je Cho, Kathleen Doyle, and Holly Rittenhouse-Cea
Innovation and Decision-Making in Public Radio Programming: The American Life as a Case Study, Tara Anderson
Institutionalization of Educational Reform: Foundation for Successful Change, Sandra Kase
Instructional Teacher Leadership Roles in New York City Public Elementary Schools: Theory Into Practice, Christobel Quigly
Intellectuals in Nationalist Discourse: Nations and Nationalism in Historical Perspective, Miki Terasawa
Interactional Empowerment: Examining Differences by Center, Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status, Elise Linden
Intercultural Education in Selected Junior High Schools of the United States, Mary E Savage
Intergenerational Violence: An Exploratory Study of Battered Women, Jane Potts Janick
Intermediate-Grade Children's Choices of Poetry, T. Sylvia Avegno
Internal Family Environment and Prepubertal Major Depressive Illness: An Exploratory Study, George Todak
International Humanitarian Law and Action in Africa in the 90s, Temitayo Falilat Ayinla
Internet Search Engine Technologies and Search Optimization, Juan Gong
Interoceptive Exposure for Depersonalization and Derealization Symptoms in Panic Disorder, Ciara Dockery
Interracial Housing: A Study of the Attitudes of the Three Racial Groups at the Eastville Housing Project, New York City, 1964-1965, Angelo P Montante
Intertextuality as a Manipulative Marketing Tactic: A Study of Televised Advertisements, Nicole Terese Ferraro
In the Shadow of The Great Depression- Car Imagery in Post War Rhythm and Blues Country, Mark Naison
In the Wake of Medea: Neoclassical Theater and the Arts of Destruction [TABLE OF CONTENTS], Juliette Cherbuliez
Introductory Courses in a Teacher Training Curriculum, Frank P Fitzsimons
Invented Spelling and Specific Memory Processes as Indicators of Word Reading, Mary Elizabeth Braddock
Invertebrate Contributions to Decay Rates and Nutrient Cycling in Two Indonesian Habitats, Catherine E Carrales
Involuntary Mobility: A Descriptive Study of Families Displaced by Fire or Other Involuntary Causes of Relocation, Arnold Elman
Is an Eclectic Use of Techniques in Psychotherapy the Exception or the Rule? A National Survey of Doctoral-Level Practitioners, Nathan Thoma
Islam an Obstacle for Democracy? Lessons from the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America, Vanessa Salazar
Is Religion Necessary for Morality?, Mary Perpetua O'Callaghan
Issues of Student Government in Catholic Colleges for Men in the United States, Nicholas A Kunkel
Issues of Student Govt. In Catholic Colleges for Men in the United States, Kunkel Nicholas A
Italian Americans in Bronx Doo Wop-The Glory and the Paradox, Mark Naison
Jehan de Meung not the Voltaire of the Middle Ages, Helen S Harris
JMER Vol. 9: The Power of Voice: Contributions of Ofelia García to Language Education
Job Satisfaction Among Newly Hired SSC Caseworkers, Jose Pastor Avello
Job Stressors in the Mental Health Field, Leslie Reed Salta
John Charles Fremont and the Presidential Campaign of 1856, Hugh H Blake
John Colet: The Man and the Educator, Edmund Corby
John Mercer Langston: A Study in Negro Reconstruction Leadership, Mary B Lyman
José De Espronceda Poetic Rebel, du Rosaire McNulty
Joyce and Jung: The "Four Stages of Eroticism" In a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Hiromi Yoshida
Kiez Kieken: Observations of Berlin, Vol. 2, Spring 2018, Maria Ebner, Paula Begonja, Evan Biancardi, Elodie Huston, McKenna Lahr, Sophie Lee, Mackenzie Norton, Ann Pekata, Catherine Rabus, and Timothy Uy
Kinship and the Modern Critic: Towards a Reconstruction of Modern Critical Theory, Frank J Dwyer
Korean Family Stressors: The Rural and Urban Mat Munuri's (The Eldest Son's Wife) World, Salvatore S Caputo
Landscape Genomics of White-Footed Mice (Peromyscus leucopus) along an Urban-to-Rural Gradient in the New York City Metropolitan Area, Linelle Ann Lacson Abueg
La Teologia Ascetica en El Quijote, Juan S Mèndez
La Violenza della Violenza, Babette Babich
Law and Jurisprudence in the Soviet State, J. Maurice Richman
Lay and Ecclesiastical Powers in the Literature of the Court of Matilda, Countess of Tuscany: John of Mantua's Commentary on the Song of Songs, William L Little
Leadership Communication Style, Group Response and Problem-Solving Effectiveness©, Jane E Goldman
Leading in Science: Teachers' Perceptions of Their Principal's Supervisory Effectiveness, Lois Siederer Barish
Legitimate Authority and Social Organization, Rose B Calabretta
Let's Get Digital: An Audio Project on Digital Music, Jennifer Elisabeth Guerra
Leveraging Loyalty to Motivate Faculty and Staff Giving, Sara V Hunt Munoz
Libraries in Catholic Secondary Schools: A Study Based on the Secondary Schools in the Diocese of Brooklyn, Dorothy Leidner
Library Personnel of Catholic Diocesan Secondary Schools in the United States, Cecilia Chen
Life Events and Prepubertal Depressive Illness: A Controlled Study, Ellen Andrews
“Life Is Bigger than New York:” Students of Color, Global Competence, Cosmopolitanism, and Travel, Anne P Desrosiers
Limitations of the Educational Theory of John Dewey in the Light of Christian Principles, Christina Eckmans
L'influence De La Femme Sur l'âge d'or De La Littérature Française, Marie Teresa Phelen
Linguistic Interpretation of Social Problem Solving in Psychopathic Criminal Offenders, Justin S. A Perry
Literacy Partners: Teacher, Parents', and Students' Beliefs Regarding Initial Reading Development and Instruction, Kristen Michelle Dugan-Walsh
Living with Tiny Aliens: The Image of God for the Anthropocene [Table of Contents], Adam Pryor
Local Campaigns with Low Budgets. A Comparison Between Catalonia and New York State, Núria Ferragutcasas
Localisation of Humanitarian Aid Ensuring Efficient and Sustainable Humanitarian Action, Peter Ophoff
Locus of Control and Opiate Addiction, Israel Colon
Locus of Control, Pupil Control Ideology, Occupational Stress, and Teachers' Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education, Jean Anne Agoglia
Looking Back - Moving Forward: A Practicum on Pastoral Planning for Religious Congregations in Australia, Alexis K. J Turton
Make Orwell Fiction Again: Authoritarian Regimes' Use of Surveillance Technology in China and Russia, Nora Mahon Wheelehan
Making a Female Space in Mainstream Text: Commitment, Enjoyment and Fellowship Among Female Fans of Crime Drama, Sarah Walker
Making Sustainability Accessible: Green Affordable Housing Development in the South Bronx, Natalie A. Bartfay
Mame Is Not to Blame: How the Femme Fatale of Film Noir Reflects and Creates Cultural and Social Values, Siobahn Stiles
Man, and His Universe: His Home and Way Station (A Synthetic Philosophical Study), William H Douglass
Manual of Policy and Procedure for the Catholic Charities Bureau, Inc., of the Diocese of Saint Augustine, Florida, 1965, Patricia Marie Neus
Manufacturing Placement as a Tool of Political Influence, Michael D Parrott
Marshall Field and His Influence on the Growth of Chicago, James J Collins
Mary Caroline Dannet Starr : Foundress of the Order of Divine Compassion, Mary Aloysia
Mathematical Ability and Training as an Index of Success in the General Course in College Physics, Thomas J.W O'Neil
Mathematics Language Practices in Early Childhood Classrooms, Minnah Jirani Sabree
Measure for Measure as a Problem Play, Sally S Cunneen
Measuring Parent Involvement and Participation in Public Schools, Charles F Terry
Measuring Religiosity in English-Speaking Orthodox Jews, Erez Harari
Measuring Spiritual Well-Being Among Cancer Patients: Does the FACIT-SP Measure Spirituality, Well-Being, or Both?, Emily Woodman Maynard
Mediating the Sexes: Women, Technology, and Work in American Narrative 1840-1900, Callie Jaye Gallo
Mediators and Moderators of Treatment Outcome for Anxiety and Depression: A Meta-Analysis, Lauryn Garner
Medical Indigency: A Study of the Criteria for Determining Medical Indigency Applied by the Three Voluntary Hospitals of Monmouth County, New Jersey, During the First Six Months of 1964, John Thomas Servodidio
Medieval Theories of Singular Thought, Machessa Samz
Menace to Society: An Investigation of Peer Level Risk and Protective Factors in Male Delinquency, Azizi Seixas
Merleau-Ponty's Poetic of the World: Philosophy and Literature [Table of Contents], Galen A. Johnson, Emmanuel de Saint Aubert, and Mauro Carbone
Messy Eating: Conversations on Animals as Food [Table of Contents], Samantha King, R. Scott Carey, Isabel Macquarie, Victoria Millious, and Elaine Power
Metabolic Compartmentation as Affected by Morphine and Oxotremorine, Henry W Sershen
Metaphorical Language in Isaak Babel's Benja Krik Stories, Mary Diane Fiermonti
Methods Employed by German Armored Ships to Pass Through the British Blockade, 1939-1941, Joseph A McGovern
Microbiological Degradation of Chemically Extracted Natural Rubber, Clara E Toth
Middle School Students' Trait Perceptions of Physicists and Biologists in Terms of Gender Stereotypes, Katherine Matta
Militarization and Media in Venezuela: A Study of Hugo Chávez's War Language, Andrés Enrique Zamora Hernández
Mind the Gap: How Electronic Media Are Narrowing the Differences Between the Languages in the U.S. and England, Sarah Morgan
Minority Languages, National State Languages, and English in Europe: Multilingual Education in the Basque Country and Friesland, Jasone Cenoz and Durk Gorter
Missiology in the Curricula of Elementary Schools Conducted by the Maryknoll Sisters, Miriam Catherine Good
Mistrust and Authority Conflict in Alcoholics Who Are Children of Alcoholics, Bruce A Wood
Modeling Moral Disgust in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Justin M Arocho
Model Minority Expectations: Exploring with Young Chinese American College Students Who Seek Career Counseling, Christina Lee Clemons
Moderating Effects of Genes on Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Emotional Disorders: A Meta-Analysis, Katherine A Kennedy
Moderators and Mediators of Treatment Outcome in Youth Anxiety Disorders: A Meta-Analysis, Emily Steinberg
Modern Intolerance and the Medieval Crusades [Excerpted from WHOSE MIDDLE AGES?], Nicholas L. Paul
Morality at the Margins: Youth, Language, and Islam in Coastal Kenya [Table of Contents], Sarah Hillewaert
Morality Proves to Be Best When Based on Religion, Stephen Plywaczyk
Moral Language: A Brandomian Account, Bjorn Sayers
Motivational Factors Influencing Job Selection of Engineering Seniors, Charles J Harris
Music Information Retrieval Using Combinatorial Fusion, Sharon Romero
Mutant Neoliberalism: Market Rule and Political Rupture [Table of Contents], William Callison and Zachary Manfredi
Mycorrhizal Diversity and Community Characteristics Vary with Hemlock Density in an Oak Landscape, Timothy Edward Kerin
Myspace as a Medium for Self-Expression: A Critical Analysis, Kathryn M Tyranski
Narcotic Addiction: A Survey of Services Provided for the Treatment of Addicts in New York City, 1952-1964, Beverly Ann Phipps
Nature as Privilege: How Environmental Racism Changes the Access to Fresh Air and the Effects on New York City’s Communities, Sarah C. Morrison
Nature as Privilege: How Environmental Racism Changes the Access to Fresh Air and the Effects on New York City’s Communities, Sarah C. Morrison
Nazareth's Contribution to Education 1812-1933, Berenice Greenwell
Necessary Paradigm Shifts in Bilingual Education: Rethinking Assessment in Bilingual Classrooms, Aida A. Nevárez-La Torre
Networking: Mental-Health Information Exchange Among New York City Homeless Men, Cheryl Harris Sharman
Neurocognitive and Sociocultural Factors Impacting Medication Beliefs Among HIV-Positive Latinos, Armando Fuentes
Neurocognitive Functioning, Ethnicity, and Literacy as Predictors of Neuropathology Diagnosis in an HIV Positive Cohort, Isabel Alexa Rodriguez
Neuropsychological Characteristics of past Suicide Attempt among Patients with Schizophrenia, Antigone Phili
New Humanism: A Scholastic Analysis, John Evoy Barlow
New Realities: Organizational Culture and Change in Two Historical Black Colleges and Universities, Glenn Bradford Lang
Newspaper Coverage of Steroid Scandal: Steroids Pump Up Baseball's Status Quo, Daniel G Murphy
New York Domestic Workers: Non-Profit, Urban Community Organizing and the Implementation of the Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights, Jahmila Tahirah Vincent
New York State City Charter Provisions for Boards of Education: A Study of the Organization and Enumberted Powers, Matilda M Willington
Nietzsche's Masks: The Preparation of Philosophy, Paul E Kirkland
Noir Affect [Table of Contents], Christopher Breu and Elizabeth A. Hatmaker
Non-School Use of Public School Propperty: Its Legal Basis, Eleanor Marie Harrington
Nordic and American Social Capital and its Effects on Climate Change Adaptation, Lara Heard
Notes on Contributors to this Volume
Occurrence of Soil and Tick-Borne Fungi and Related Virulence Tests for Pathogenicity to Ixodes Scapularis, Pamela June Greengarten
Ofelia García: A Life Dedicated to Giving Voice, Zoila Morell and Patricia Velasco
Ofelia García and the CUNY-NYSIEB Community: Symbiosis in Furthering Translanguaging Pedagogy and Practice, Maite T. Sánchez and Kate Menken
Ofelia García: A Transformative Thinker and Leader, Cecilia M. Espinosa
Ofelia García: A True Pioneer and Leader in Bilingual Education, Danling Fu
Ofelia García: A Visionary Thinker, Christine Hélot
On Guenther Anders, Political Media Theory, and Nuclear Violence, Babette Babich
Online Relationships: Fun and Games or Life and Death?, Jilian Golding
On the Fusion of Two Visual Perception Systems Utilizing Cognitive Diversity, Elena Paolercio
On the Intelligibility of Existence, Peter J Kreeft
On the Study of Frequency Channel Allocation Schemes in Mobile Communication Networks, Dan He
Ontogeny of Behavior in the Greater Rhea (Rhea americana albescens), Rosemarie S Gnam
Operation Return: A Preliminary Study of a New York City School Dropout Program, 1962-1965, Marjorie Louise Plante
Optimizing Total Classifier Utility, Ye Tian
Orientalism, M Fidelis
Orientation of Classroom Teachers of Language-Handicapped Pupils, Raquel P Caguioa
Orphism in Early Literature: A Survey of Recent Studies, Janis P Saulitis
Orwell in America: The Story of 2006 and 1984, Daniel Fielding Maxwell
Out of the Shadows: The Duke Ellington School of the Arts, Evelyn Collins
Paired-Associate Verbal Learning in Grade School Children with Pictorial and Verbal Representations of Stimuli, Eileen Dolores Hughes
Parental Buffering in Children with Externalizing Disorders and Typically-Developing Children, Melanie Silverman
Parental Severity and Duration as Moderating Factors in the Intergenerational Transmission of Depression, Genevieve N Izzo
Parent Perceptions of School Leadership Parent Engagement, Parent Home Literacy Involvement, Children’s Literacy Interest, Carol J Reneau
Parent Surrogate: The Role of the Child Care Worker at the New York City Department of Welfare's Children Center, 1965, Lillian Elaine Robinson
Parish Priests' Social Work Guide: Proposed Contents Evaluated by the United States Priests with Parish and Social Experience, as Seen from 247 Questionnaires, 1965, Richard Joseph Leisen
Participant Evaluation of the Work Relief Program in the New York City Department of Social Services, Diane Noell Viggiano
Partisan Politics Involved in the Arrest and Trial of Aaron Burr, Philip C Dolce
Pathways between Maternal Depression and Child Outcomes, Yu Yang
Patient Characteristics in Skilled Nursing Facility and Home Care: A Comparative Analysis, Janna Marie Cosner Thomas
Patterns of Aggression and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in At-Risk Adolescents: Examining the Roles of Emotion Dysregulation and Perceived Social Support, Katelyn C Affleck
Patterns of Anxiety Disorders in HIV Perinatally-infected and Perinatally-exposed But Uninfected Youth, Rachel C Zimmerman
Patterns of Shell Movement in Mytilus edulis L. (Bivalvia), Mary Carroll Buatti
Peculiar Attunements: How Affect Theory Turned Musical [Table of Contents], Roger Mathew Grant
Performance of Cerebral Palsied and Normal Children on the Kahn Test of Symbol Arrangement, David A Nevin
Performance on Two Tests of Intelligence of Two Groups of Puerto Rican Children with Differing Degrees of Bilingualism, Florentia Boyce
Personality Characteristics of the Pastorally Scrupulous College Female, Leo Marie Flannelly
Personality Evaluation and the Prospective Teacher: A Study of Personal Traits and Techniques Used in Their Evaluations in Teacher Training Institutions, Fred M Schellhammer
Personality Test Performance of Highly Successful and Less Successful Office Equipment Salesman, Grant James Scott
Personnel Work in Catholic Colleges for Women: A Study of Conditions and Needs in Selected Colleges, M Cuthbert
Phaenology of Sphecid Genera as Indicated by Malaise Trapping (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), Charles William Calmbacher
Philosophical and Biographical Hermeneutics: An Essay on History and Understanding, Christopher J Malone
Philosophies and Bread or British Unemployment: A Problem of the Workers, Helen M McCadden
Phylogenetic Relationships of Freshwater Brown Algae (Phaeophycean) Based on Rubisco Large Subunit and Ribosomal DNA Sequences, Linda Anne Roy McCauley
Pink Tape: Leftist State Bureaucracy and Neoliberalism in the Mining Sectors of Bolivia and Ecuador, Cristina Nicole Mendez
Political Organization in the Election of 1800 in New York City, Roger G Panetta
Political Party Positions on Regional Integration Schemes, Michael J Donnelly
Poly-Victimization and Substance Use Problems Among Justice-Involved Adolescents, Zoe R Feingold
Poor Relief in Indiana: The Administration of General Assistance by the Township Trustees, Joseph Walter Riggs
Population Genetics of the Endangered Insular Allen Cays Rock Iguana, Cyclura Cychlura Inornata, Andrea Christina Aplasca
Post-Conflict Affiliative Contacts in Captive Gelada Baboons (Theropithecus gelada), Pravin Chandiramani
Poverty and Land Access in South Africa: Is Land Important?, Peter Terrance Jacobs
Practices Existing in Selected Areas of Programs in Approved Schools of Practical Nursing in the United States, Marie Emilie Lescoe
Practices in the Orientation of Freshmen in Catholic Colleges for Women in the United States, Grace Regina Wingenfeld
Practices of Elementary School Principals in the Administration of a Health Education Program, Milton Sobel
Predicting Emotion Responsivity Using an Objective Measure of Anhedonia, Chris Ann Kelly
Predictors of Neuropsychological Test Performance in HIV+ Latino Individuals: The Role of Language Proficiency, Caitlin Miranda
Predictors of Positive Outcome from Residential Treatment in Sample of Abused and Neglected Children, Kimberly Prater
Predictors of Sexual Health in Black Lesbian and Bisexual Women Who Have Sex with Men, Aaliyah Leora Gray
Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents' Attitudes Toward Adoption, Sarah J Couper
Pre-Mature Termination in an Adolescent Residential Treatment Center, Virginia Theresa Kaiser Ryan
Preparation of Current and Future Law Enforcement Officers in an Academic Setting: A Case Study, Jennifer Hernandez-Khan
Principals' and Superintendents' Knowledge, Perceptions, Sensitivities, and Philosophies Toward Dog Assisted Therapy in the Public Schools, Carol Ann Strax
Principal Self-Efficacy: Exploring the Role of Teaching Experience on Principals' Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Frank O Hernandez
Principals' Leadership Style and Student Achievement in Catholic Schools: Mediating Effect of Faculty Trust, Michael Sebastian Udoh
Probability Matching, Risk Taking, and Impulse Control in a Decision-Making Situation, Edward J O'Keefe
Problems and Possibilities of Private Equity and Environmental Sustainability, Katherine N. Elliot
Problems in the Transition to Kindergarten and the Teacher's Ratings of Kindergarten Performance, William M Bannon Jr
Professional Problems of Sisters Teachers in the United States, Rose Matthew Mangini
Program Satisfaction in Enriched Housing: The Congruence Factor in the Area of Independence - Control, Hartman Lillian Rosen
Progressive Political Identity Construction in Web-Based Social Network Environments, Michael Plugh
Protective Factors Mitigating the Risk Between Early Life Trauma Exposure and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Abigail L Wren
Providence in Its Social Bearing, Thomas I Reilly
Provisions for Teaching Social Justice in Selected Diocesan Courses of Study for Catholic Elementary Schools in the United States, Gloria Fitzgerald
Psychology and Dramatic Art, Susan Catherine Marie Paula Duffy
Psychology of Attention and Its Application to Classroom Problems, Mary Antonita Emge
Psychosocial Factors Pertaining to Natural Family/foster Child Visitation, Ivy Frenkel
Publication Description & Guidelines for Submission
Public Service Broadcasting in Emerging Democracies: The Case of Sierra Leone, James Tamba Lebbie
Public Television and Digital Conversion: Reexamining the Public Interest, Public Sphere and Public Opinion, Sean Steven Simplicio
Public Welfare: An Exploratory Study of the Attitudes of the Social Investigator Toward the Unwed Mother Receiving Public Assistance in the New York City Department of Welfare, 1965, Malcolm Rudolph Robinson
Pushing the Envelope: A Socio-Cultural Analysis of Propagandistic Speeches Made During Academy Awards Telecasts, 1973-2003, Ryan Thompson
Pushing the Field & Practice: Ofelia García’s Reflective and Responsive Approach to Educational Innovation, Laura Ascenzi-Moreno and Sara Vogel
Radical Botany: Plants and Speculative Fiction [Table of Contents], Natania Meeker and Antónia Szabari
Radicalization through the Internet: How ISIS became So Successful and Why the United States Needs to Catch up, Ana Sofia Florez
Raising an Indoor Generation: Outdoor Environmental Education Impact on Adolescent Development, Daisy Elizabeth Bewley
Rastafarianism and Delinquency: An Emblem of Social Neglect, Amos N Farquharson
Rebuilding a Society and Its Schools: Reconstruction of the Primary Education System in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Janet Dagmar Mulvey
Reconstructing Childhood: The Impact of Media on the Nature of Childhood, Lisa Ruby Clark
Recovery of Operant Responding Following Emotional Conditioning Previously Established to Different Number of Pairings of Light and Shock, James J Terleph
Reducing Peri-Natal Depression: How Do Life Events and Social Support Impact Upon Pre-Natal Depression in Minority Women, Keneca Boyce
Reinventing the Newspaper: How Newspapers Cover Breaking News in Age of 24-Hour Cable News Channels and the Internet, Tatiana Deligiannakis
Relationship of Individual and Academic Characteristics on Dropout and Persistence in Adult Degree-Bound Students, Mathilda Graceros Catarina
Relationship of Social Media Use and Fundraising in Jesuit Secondary Schools: What the Data Suggest, Anthony DiFato
Relationships Among Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Pain Sensitivity and Emotion Regulation in Nonclinical Sample, Blair W Morris
Religion as Social and Cultural Capital: How the Influence of Religion on Political Participation Varies Across Classes, Veronica Momjian
Religion in Catholic High Schools of the United States: A Survey of Content, Method, and Teacher-Training, Thomas Maria McCann
Religion in the Writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Robert F Taft
Reported Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Food Allergies and Factors Associated with Anxiety: A Cross Sectional Study, Melissa Rubes
Research in Life Events and Psychopathology: A Secondary Analysis of the Literature, Ronald William Toseland
Research in Selected Schools Carrying on Projects During 1954 and 1955, Jean Helen McGovern
Resources Perceived Most Effective by First-Generation College Graduates for Job Attainment, Catherine Ann Sklarz
Responsibility for and Evaluation of Administrative Practices in Caring for Socially and Emotionally Maladjusted Pupils in Junior High Schools, Edwin John Haas
Retention Among Child Protective Service Workers: An Exploratory Study, Wendy Brown
Rhetorical Influences in Ovid, David L. Morison
Role Analysis of Linkage in Undergraduate/graduate Social Work Education, Barbara Bielawski
Role Construction, Self-Efficacy, and Achievement Goal Values as Predictors of Parental Involvement, Daniel Seth Levine
Role Stress, Self-Efficacy, Support for Research-Based Effective Teaching Behaviors, and Teachers' Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education, Giovanni Mendez
Roman Catholic Identity in a Pluraristic Age: Zen as a Spiritual Key for Religious Education of Roman Catholic Adults, Mark T King
Sacred Shelter: Thirteen Journeys of Homelessness and Healing [TABLE OF CONTENTS], Susan Greenfield
Saint Augustine on the Person: Five Features of His Approach to the Problem, Giorgio Buccellati
Salvadoran Migration to the Us and Australia: A Comparative Perspective on the Role of Immigration Policies, Melissa Regina Alvarenga
Satisfaction with Housing and the Larger Environment Among the Enriched Housing Residents, Janet G Horton
Saving Space: A Spatial Recasting of the Divine/Human Encounter and Cooperation for an Urban Theology, Malik J.M Walker
Schools Board Regulations Affecting Teachers, Charles A Bird
Science Education Reform in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Past for Educational Leaders, Anchala Sobrin
Seasonality & the Local Food System: The Role of Seasons in Local Food Education in New York City, Sarah Joan Benoit
Secondary School Mathematics in General Education, John S Benassi
Secondary Schools Teachers in the Territories and Possessions of the United States, Alberta R Crespi
Secondary School Teacher Education in the Catholic Colleges and Universities of the United States, Clarissa Doyle
Selection and Validation of Items in Physics Course for Premedical Students, Albert J Genua
Self Concept and Personal-Social Ciscumstances Related to Ability and Achievement of Academically Talented High School Students, Conrad J Dionne
Self-Disclosure and Psychopathology in Black Male Adolescents, Stuart Aaronson
Self-Esteem and Correlates to Components of Poverty for Fifty-Seven Low Income Women, Maureen Carey
Self Esteem and Maternal Coping Ability of Prepubertal Adolescents Recovered from Depression, Margaret T Jordan
Self-Esteem as an Influence on a Traditional vs. A Nontraditional Perspective of Social Work Practice, Grossman Lori Susan
Self-Narratives in the Naturally Occurring Conversation of Four Children at Camp Mariah, Anne E Shaknis
Self-Regulated Learning, Math Achievement and Self-Efficacy of High School Students with Learning Disabilities, Elizabeth B Fuentes
Self-Regulated Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Instructional Practices among Teachers in New York City, Allison McLaren Haslett
Selling Power and Happiness: A Philosophy of Advertising, Brian J Altenhofen
Seniors and Schools: The Major Correlates of Senior Satisfaction in the School Volunteer Experience, Judith S Adler
Separate Education as Opposed to Co-Education in Secondary Schoold, M. Agnes Everett
Serum Thyroxine and 125 I-L-Thyroxine Degradation After Long Term Ingestion of Polychlorinated Biphenyl and Polybrominated Biphenyl in Rats, Ellen A Hanson
Services for the Mentally Retarded Before and After the 1962 Amendments to the Social Security Act, City of New York Department of Welfare, 1964-1965, June Molson Shurland
Sex, Drugs, and Political Tool: Using Rock 'N' Roll for the Purpose of Political Gain, James O'Rourke
Sexual Activity and Family Life Experience in Black Male Adolescents, John T Sloma
Sexuality as a Topic in Professional Social Work Education: Needs and Realities, Caren Michele Leaf
Shakespeare and the Supernatural, Thomas G Taaffe
Shared Decision Making, Teacher Morale, and Pupil Performance in Public Schools, Hettiyadura Newton Stanislaus Silva
Shuffle-Exchange Networks and Generalized Shuffle-Exchange Digraphs, Hongfang Liu
"Sickness Behavior" and Cytokines: Exploring the Link, Kristen Tobias
Sigismund Krasinski: Polish Philosopher and Poet, Francis Szubinski
Significant Personal Change: A Phenomenological Understanding, Bojun Hu
Simple and Verbal Response Time as a Function of Varying Foreperiods for Stutterers and Nonstutterers, Gennaro A Ottomanelli
Simplicity: The Distinctive Quality of Japanese Spirituality, John T Brinkman
Singing Out Between Tradition and Rebellion: Folk Music, Folk Womanhood and American Feminism in an Era of Social Change, 1954 - 1985, Christine A Kelly
Single Mothers Living in a Shelter: Negotiation of Parenting Roles with Their Children's Fathers, Caroline Lee Brachfeld
Sir Edward Coke's Use of Bracton's Theory of Kinship, B. John Muller
Smartphone-Based Visitor Analytics, Andrew Grosner
Smoking Behavior Study, Margaret F Dugan
Social Capital: Influence and Implications in Judicial Proceedings, Sara Gallagher
Social Experiences of Seniors in Education on the Campuses of the Municipal Colleges of New York City, Victor G Kane
Social Influences and Behavior Outcomes: A Study to Determine an Adolescent Profile At-Risk for Substance Abuse, Miriam D Cahn
Social Skills in Adhd Children: Differences Based on Adhd Subtype, Sabrina A Pope
Social Support, Agency and Depression in Filipino and American College Students, Sheena Jeswani
Social Support, Religious and Non-Religious Coping, and Positive Outcomes in Adolescence: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of High School Population, Andrew J Cavanagh
Social Support, Stress, and Depression: A Prospective Study of the Buffering Hypothesis, Loraine M Ferraro
Sociocultural and Neuropsychological Predictors of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in an Urban Advanced HIV+ Cohort, Jennifer Monzones
Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Homeless Youth in New York City, Sandra Watson
Some Chapters on the Education and Position of Women in the Middle Ages, Marie K Gallagher
Some Phases of the Educational Philosophy of H.G. Wells, Jane A Carney
Sources of Consultation Efficacy in School Psychology Interns, Kathleen Dempsey
Soviet Youth in Opposition to the Communist Regime as Depicted by Soviet Writers in the Years 1954-1960, Vera M Kern
Spatial Partitioning of Soil Fungi Along an Urban to Rural Gradient, Rosalind Becker
Spatial Population Genomics and Landscape Ecology of Urban Brown Rats (Rattus norvegicus), Matthew Aaron Combs
Speech Education in Te Catholic Secomdary Schools of the United States, Xavier Nevens
Spirit of the Digital Age: The Synergy of Cyberculture and Hip-Hop, Tara Barroqueiro
Spiritual Bodies and the Afterlives of Ancient Democracy in Early Paulinism, Steven T Payne
Spiritual Transcendence as Moderator of the Relationship Between Psychological Mindedness and Self-Actualization, David Green
Sri Aurobindo as a Poet, Peter Theodore D'Souza
SSI: Its Impact on the Aged Clientele and Problems of a Large, Urban, Private Social Service Agency, Guy Shapiro
Standardization of School Tests, M. Victorine Loughlin
Statistical Variation in the Use of Core Tract and Area Average in the Construction of Shevky-Bell Indices for Analysis of Parish Localities, Terence Sullivan
Status of the Lay Teacher in Catholic High Schools in the United States, Henry Marshall Tracy
Stigma and Subjective Social Status Among Chinese Americans with Schizophrenia and Their Relatives, Hong Ngo
Stimulus Discrimination in Paired-Associate Verbal Learning, Joseph Brendan Moriarty
Storm on the Horizon: Climate Change, Hurricanes, and the Future of the Eastern Caribbean, Joseph P. Odegaard
Street Survey: A Comparison of the West and East End of 49th Street, Manhattan, with Special Emphasis Upon Social Problems, 1964-1965, Robert Paul Sables
Stress, Anxiety, and Body Image, Jane Daniels Moffett
St. Teresa: A Classic, Mary Raymond Sandiford
Student Government in Catholic Colleges for Women in the United States, Kathryn I Scanlon
Student Problems in Extracurricular Activities. A Study of the Daughters of Charity Schools for Girls in the Philippines, Rosalia Garingalao Gemarino
Student-Teacher Relationship Quality and Students' Emotional Engagement in School, Depressive Symptoms and Social Competence in Middle Childhood, Batya S Rotter
Studies on a Variable Hemadsorption-Negative State in Mouse Cells, Emerita M Caputo
Study of Classification and Diagnosis of Depression in Prepubertal Children (Development of Kiddie-SADS), Joan Brennan Quattrock
Study of Effectiveness of Preparatory Classes, Frank Williams
Study of the Critical Thinking in the Social Studies of Sixth Grade Children in the Public Schools of the City of New York, Katherine Cotter
Successful Adoption of the Older Child: A Measure of Attitude, Alice Mac Donald
Success of Clients in Drug Treatment, Christopher McKay
Suggested Course in Cotton Textiles for Use in a Textile High School, George E Linton
Suicide in the Novels of William Faulkner: The Definitive Gesture, Ralph J Confessore
Supervision and Supervisors in the Catholic Elementary School System of the United States, Mary Patrice McNamara
Supervision in Catholic Secondary Schools, Lawrence Wilson
Supervision of Instruction in Elementary Schools: An Inquiry Into the Theory of Supervision and the Reaction of Teachers to Supervisory Practices, Stephen F Bayne
Supervision of Practice Teaching in Colleges of Liberal Arts, Florence Carleton Jacque
Supporting the Reading Comprehension of Black Students Labeled with a Learning Disability, Dana Andrae Gathers
Survey of Asian Needs in New York City, Jong-Su Ryu
Survey of Attitudes in a Jewish Community Center Among Two Selected Groups Regarding Specific Topical Issues, Patricia K Ozcomert
Synthesis and Characterization of 2-Phenylazopyridines and Their Use as Ligands in Platinum (II) Coordination Complexes, Donna Marie Fanelli
Table of Contents for Volume 9
Talking Weather from Ge-Rede to Ge-Stell, Babette Babich
Taoism and McLuhan: A Media Ecology Study, Megan Avery Rogers
Teacher- and Child-perceived Relationship Quality in Upper Elementary School and Child Academic and Behavioral Outcomes, Madeline Alyssa Barry
Teachers' Attitudes Towards School Social Work: A Survey, Catherine Anne Lennon
Teachers' Self-Assessment and Professional Development Through Their Classroom Journals, Michael James Marotto
Teacher Support for Self-Regulation and Use of Differentiated Instructional Practices: A Mixed Method Analysis, Maria Caceres Tuccillo
Teaching Quantum Computing with Videos, Daniel A. Sabol, Avery Leider, Lewis Westfall, and Jack Glinka
Temperature Regimes on Sandy Point, St. Croix and Implications for Sex Determination of Hatchlings Leatherback Sea Turtles, Susan J Basford
Tenants Rise: Resistance to the Gentrification Process in West Harlem, Miles Elijah Gamble
Terrorism Comes to Africa: The Spread of Radical Islamic Terrorism into Algeria and Nigeria, Norah Miriam Aamoum
Tertiary Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart Catholic Education in the United States, M. Jane T Gorman
Testing a Theoretically-informed Diathesis-stress Model of Non-suicidal Self-injury, Emily H Brackman
Testing Programs in the Schools and Colleges Conducted by the Brothers of the Christian Schools in the United States, Daniel William Rahner
Textures of the Ordinary: Doing Anthropology after Wittgenstein [Table of Contents], Veena Das
That Further Shore: A Memoir of Irish Roots and American Promise [Table of Contents], John D. Feerick
The Abbreviated Dysregulation Inventory: Examining the Factor Structure and Testing the Associations with Adolescent Aggression, Spencer Cruz-Katz
The Achievement, Interests, and Personality Adjustment of Slow Learners, Judith V Gepana
The Adjustment Problems of Indian Graduate Students in American Universities, Herman D'Souza
The Administraion of Job-Placement Programs for Men in Catholic Colleges in the United States, Patrick Joseph Caulfield
The Administration of Selected In-Service Activities in Elementary Schools Conducted by the School Sisters of Saint Francis, Aloys Schulte
The Administrative of Pupil Traffic in the Senior High School. A Study Based on Fifty Urban Senior High Schools, Vincent Kavanagh
The Administrative Side of Character Training, Aquin M. Thomas
The Agency Operated Boarding Home Program in the New York City Bureau of Child Welfare, Rosanne Rothenberg
The American Primer, Catherine Lanigan Plover
The Anatomy of Ethnoreligious Violence in Nigeria: Religious Education as a Second Language of Religious Encounter in the Practice of Revelation, Innocent Amasiorah
The Antiphonary of Bangor: A Translation, Manus McGettigan
The Applicability of the Megargee MMPI-Based Offender Typology to New York State Offenders with a Substance Abuse History, Mary Esther Breining
The Art of Literary Criticism in the High School, Mary Lawrence
"The Art Within the Soul": Emily Dickinson and the Metaphysical Style, Karl W Weber
The Assessment of Malingered Incompetence to Stand Trial Using ECST-R, Lia N Rohlehr
The Assistant Principal in Public Schools of the United States, Anna C Sullivan
The Association between Foster Youth Permanency and Well-Being, Jeena Williams
The Associations among Discrimination, Grit, Self-esteem and Chronic Stress among College Students, Alexandra Ehrhardt
The Bagel Economy: What an Iconic Urban Food Can Teach Us About the Immigrant Life in New York City, 1880-1910, Jamie S Feigenbaum
The BBC's On-Line Initiatives and "Imagined Community:" A Case Study of 1Xtra, Vivienne Perry
The Bearing of St. Thomas' Doctrine on Substantial Union on the Science of Ethics, Alice M Wynne
The Breakdown of Developing Democracies: The Cases of Turkey and Chile, Omer K Alptekin
The Breath of the Bronx: Limited Greenspace and Poor Respiratory Health, Eric Patrick McLoughney
The British Interests and the Suez Canal, 1882-1888, Ann Thek
The Building of a Medieval Cathedral: A Study of Religious Enthusiasm in Thirteenth Century France, Eugene J MacDonald
The Case Studies of Three Arab Families: The Processes of Their Assimilation, Mariann C Mazzullo
The Casework Process: A Study of Techniques Used in the Beginning, Middle, and End of Treatment, Mark E Chernin
The Catholic Conception of the Training of the Teacher, Mary Teresina
The Catholic Secondary-School Population: A Direct and Comparative Study of Some of the Social and Economic Backgrounds of Students in the Catholic High Schools of the Diocese of Brooklyn, Elizabeth W Scanlon
The Church Was Not Responsible for the Fall of the Roman Empire, Mary Angelica
The Civilian Conservatory Corps: A New Kind of Educational and Vocational Training, Richard H Heep
The Cognitive Effects of Aging Self-Stereotypes in Older and Middle-Aged Adults, Michelle Paggi
The Cognitive Effects of Caregiving for Patients with Alzheimer's Disease, Francesca B Falzarano
The Color Word Interference Test as a Measure of Cognitive Style, Joseph Keinberger
The Commercial Mathematics Curriculum: A Validation of Some Basic Items, Walter Francis Cassidy
The Concept of the Object Scale and Cognitive Style: Measures of Differentiation and Their Relationship to Empathy, Jonathan Krieger
The Congregation of Notre Dame in Ontario and the United States (The History of Holy Angels' Province), Alfred of Rome Baeszler
The Constantinopolis of Ubertino Posculo: Translation and Commentary, Book 4, Bryan Alan Whitchurch
The Continued Improvement of the Elementary School Teacher in Service in the Public Schools of New York City, Catherine Veronica Evers
The Contribution of Catholic Trilogy to Certain Aspects of the Catholic Theory of Education, John F Dwyer
The Contribution of the Catholic Church to the Progress of the Negro in the United States, Willis Nathaniel Huggins
The Conversion of American Negroes to Roman Catholicism: Some Types of Conversion Processes, Richard Renoff
The Correlation of English Ability and General Ability, Mary Patrice Farley
The Critical Edition of the 1845 Penny Dreadful, "Varney the Vampire; Or, The Feast of Blood" by James Malcolm Rymer, Curt Warner Herr
The Cultural Expression of the Experience of Mystical Union, Paula Peck
The Degree of Congruence Between Responses of Children and Their Parents, Ellen S Murphy-Hackett
The De Regimine Claustralium of Abbot Johannes Trithemius: A Study of His Sources and Method of Composition, Giles Sharkey
The Determinaion of per Pupil Costs in Roman Catholic Schools, Joseph P Owens
The Development and Validation of the Meanings of Adolescent Masculinity Scale, Matthew Oransky
The Development of Non-Social Insurance in Imperial Russia, Paul J Best
The Development of Supervisort Concepts in American Educaiton, Vincent James McLoughlin
The Development of Teacher Knowledge of Teaching Multimodal Argument to Students with Learning Disabilities, Christy Marie Brockhausen
The Development of the Hungarian Constitution Under the Árpáds, 997–1301, Zoltan Joseph Kosztolnyik
The Devlopment of Teacher Education in Austria, Helen Constance Lahey
The Direct and Transfer Effects of How-to-Study Course Upon Pupils of Different Levels of Intelligence, Salvatore G DiMichael
The Disintegration of New York City: How a Supreme Court Decision Affected the Political Landscape for Minorities in the Five Boroughs, Zellnor Myrie
The Disposition of Nature: Environmental Crisis and World Literature [Table of Contents], Jennifer Wenzel
The DSM-5 Controversies: A Phenomenological Analysis, Sarah R Kamens
The Eastern Question in Franco-Russian Relations, 1805-1812, Eileen J Sauer
The Eastern Screech Owl Reintroduction Program in Central Park, New York City: Habitat, Survival, and Reproduction, Nagy Christopher
The Educational Importance of the Reductions in Paraguay, Joseph Loretto Dunne
The Educational Philosophy of Matthew Arnold, John C McDermott
The Educational Principles of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mary Ahearn
The Educational Significance of Wechsler-Bellevue Test Scatter Attained by College Students of Superior, Average, and Inferior Academic, Sepncer J Hayden
The Educational Theories of John Dewey, Joseph Francis Cashman
The Educational Thought of the American Hierarchy, Joseph Loiselle
The Educational Work of the Amityville Dominicans in Puerto Rico (1910-1960), Francis Maureen Carlin
The Effectiveness of Films and Films Strips in Teaching Mathematics in the Junior High School, Dorothea Lyden
The Effectiveness of Two Methods of Using Informal Objective Type Unit Tests Upon the Retention of Factual Materials, Mother M. Gervase Lapadula
The Effect of Acetophenetidin and Anacin on the Latency of Pricking Pain Sensation, Mary Carol Cahill
The Effect of Alternative Floral Resources on the Pollination of Cucumbers (Cucumis Sativus) in New York City Community Gardens, Shannon Uriel Morath
The Effect of a New Religion Program Upon Social Mindedness, Thomas C Smith
The Effect of Behavior Support Services on Attitudes, Knowledge of Behavior Management Techniques and Maladaptive Behavior Ratings, Sandra Nohavicka
The Effect of Believing in an Involved God on Volunteering Likelihood, Robert Russell Martin
The Effect of Bilingualism on the Measurement of Intelligence, Julius Carl Gfrörer Seidl
The Effect of Bilingualism Upon the Measurement of the Intelligence of Children in Preschool Age, Natalie T Darcy
The Effect of Childhood Chronic Illness Longitudinal Mental Health Outcomes, Meera Parbhakar
The Effect of Configuration on the Apprehension of Discrete Visual Stimuli, Joseph E Champagne
The Effect of Consequence on Individual and Group Decision Making, Daniel A McElwreath
The Effect of Contiguity of Highly Similar Items on Learning Paired-Associates, Thomas P Hogan
The Effect of Early Life Stress and Minority Status on Neurocognitive Functioning in Diverse Adults Living with HIV, Emily Patricia Morris
The Effect of Fluphenazine on the Level of Social Functioning in the Chronic Ambulatory Schizophrenic, Roger W Sherman
The Effect of In-Utero Crack-Cocaine Exposure on Development: A Comparative Study of Foster Children, Wendy Breitner
The Effect of Meprobamate on Absolute Visual Thresholds, Robert J Zenhausern
The Effect of Meprobamate on Brightness Discrimination, W. Ronald Salafia
The Effect of Meprobamate on the Spiral After-Effect, Josephine A McMahon
The Effect of Military Service on Social Supports and Veteran Homelessness, Keith Alan Howey
The Effect of Narcotic Addiction on CFF, Digit Symbol and the Benton Visual Retention Test, Thomas N Grant
The Effect of Pricking Pain Threshold on Two Types of Suggestion, Andrea J Seiver
The Effect of Prolonged Repetitive Stimulation on the Pricking Pain Threshold in Man, Stephanie T. A Rappa
The Effect of Social Mobility Among the South African Bantu, George R Martens
The Effect of Speed Ratio Between Interacting Geometrical Objects on the Perception of Mechanical Causality, Edward F Rizy
The Effect of Stimulant and Tranquilizer Placebos on Healthy Subjects in Real-Life Situation, Donald W Brodeur
The Effect of the Orientation During Stimulus Familiarization on Subsequent Paired-Associate Verbal Learning, Wallace J Orlowsky
The Effect of Urbanization on the Population Dynamics of the Invasive Plant Alliaria petiolata (Garlic Mustard), David J Waring
The Effect of Verbalization on the Learning of Reversal Shifts in Children, Kathleen Gentile
The Effect of Verbal Suggestion on the Reversal Rate of the Ames Trapezoid Illusion, Margaret Kathleen Cappone
The Effects of Collective Self-Esteem on Individual Self-Esteem in an Online Sample with Varying Dimensions of Body Modification, Julie A Hicinbothem
The Effects of Extensive Teacher-Reading of Poetry: An Experimenal Study With Junior High School Pupils, Rose Manicoff
The Effects of Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen and Host Tree Species on Ectomycorrhizal Fungi, Meghan Lynn Avolio
The Effects of Participation in Advocacy on Youth Civic Efficacy and Civic-Political Attitudes, Lisa M DeBellis
The Effects of Skin Color on the Marital Assimilation of Latinos in the United States, Michael Hajime Miyawaki
The Effects of Surrounding Land Use Patterns and Stream Quality on the Composition of Darter Assemblages in Tennessee, USA, Stephanie R Tougas
The Effects of the Digital Revolution on Photography, Elizabeth McNamara
The Effects of the Language Environment on Sixth Graders' Learning and Attitudes in Social Studies, Florence Denise Musiello
The Effects of Three Different Methods of Testing as Motivating Factors in Learning, Aloysius Raphael Cecchini
The Effects of Two Instructional Interventions in Mathematics Anxiety on Achievement of Remedial College Students, Teresa Lipsett
The Emergence of Translanguaging Pedagogy: A Dialogue between Theory and Practice, Jim Cummins
The Essence and Subject of Habit, Louise Keyes
The Evolution of English as Related to Its History as a School Subject, Marie Keese
The Evolution of Fernand Braudel's Concept of History: 1923 to 1962, June Mann
The Evolution of the Arts in a Gentrifying Bushwick, Laura Elizabeth Dash
The Experience of Blackness Amongst Second Generation Puerto Rican and Dominican Youths in New York City, Ruben Kennedy
The Experimental Induction of Depersonalization and Derealization in Individuals with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Elliot Weiner
The Factors Associated with Length of Stay in Residential Treatment Center for Adolescence with Conduct Problems, Stephen Naughton
The Factors Associated with Recidivism, Michael F Genovese
The Fashion Model as a Celebrity: from Coat Hanger to Supermodel, Delicia L Harvey
The Fate of Foreign Organic Compounds in the Body of the Fowl, James H Crowdle
The Fault with Asphalt: Towards Absorbent Urban Design in New York City, Scott Paul Redfern Brown
The Financial Support of Catholic Diocesan Secondary Schools, Carmine Carl Robusto
The Foresight of a Foreign Observer: An Examination of Alexis de Tocqueville's Warning for Democratic Nations, Haley Karen Costello
The Form and Function of the Split Song Repertoire in the Stripe-Throated Wren, Cantorchilus leucopogon, Jesse C Ross
The French Sources of Modern Education, Catherine P. Mary Henrica Lilly
The Function of Intermediate Institutions in the Relationship of the People to Their Government as Seen in the Writings of Bertrand De Jouvenel, William R Luckey
The Fundamental Theology of George Tyrrell, John R Lyons
The Golden Sessions: The Inspiration Behind Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing, Kristine E Gasbarre
The Google Library Project: Stakeholders and Panoptic Implications, Paul Vinelli
The History and Development of the Parochial Schools in the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, John D Redden
The History of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Brooklyn, Alexander F Balmain
The History of St. Bonaventure University, Mark Vincent Angelo
The History of the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists 1937-1947, Vincent Gorman
The Immigration and Assimilation of the Hungarian Refugees of 1956, Zoltan Geczy
The Impact of Academic Emotions on Academic Achievement at the Elementary School Level, Nicholas Bolt
The Impact of a College Anxiety Support Program on Students' Academic Performance and Anxiety, Alisha Williams-McCorvey
The Impact of Social Networks and Human Capital on Puerto Rican and Dominican Migrants' United States Destination Selections, Jessie Anne Rochford
The Impact of Televised Images on the September 11th Terrorists' Attack on Children: (A Research Study of the Children of St. Charles School, Staten Island, New York), Albin Roby Antony
The Impacts of China's Monetary Policy and Demand Factors on Commodity Prices, Leqin Chen
The Impossibility of Fairness in the Media: A Historical Study of Why the Media Cannot Be Balanced and Unbiased Due to Political Affiliations, Media Ownership and the Over-Commercialization of Communication, Jonathan C Eichberger
The Incremental Roles of Comorbid Antisocial Personality Disorder and Substance Use Upon Neurocognitive Function in HIV Infection, Diane L Scheiner
The Ineffectiveness of Peacekeeping and the Absence of Crucial Peacebuilding Initiatives in the Kashmiri and Northern Irish Conflicts, Alexandra Stephanie Brennan
The Influence of Conduct Problems and Callous-Unemotional Traits on Relational and Academic Development Among Youth, Jacqueline M Horan
The Influence of Contextual Variables on Teaching, Social, and Cognitive Presence in Adult Students, Michael Thomas Walsh
The Influence of Herbert Spencer's Evolutonary Naturalistic Philosophy on American Education, John Richard Hart
The Influence of Home Family Structure on a Child’s Acceptance of Stereotypical and Non-stereotypical Cartoon Characters, Tara Mary Boyle
The Influence of Parents' Social Support on Parenting Practices and Children's Aggressive Social Cognitions, Suzanne Elgendy
The Influence of Physical and Chemical Factors on the Germination of Phacelia Tanacetifolia benth, Richardis Schulz
The Influence of Place of Residence on Attitude Toward School Desegregation: A Social Area Analysis of Norfolk, Virginia, Richard A Lamanna
The Influence of Racial Socialization Message Concordance on Early Adolescent Academic Performance and Experiences of Racial Discrimination, Isaiah Bruce Pickens
The Influence of Sex, Season, and Habitat Restoration on Travel Distance and Home Range Size in Bog Turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) in New York State, Alvaro Cure Dominguez
The Influence of the Black Labor Force Participation on Occupational Status Scores, Ann M Lencyk
The In-Service Training of Religious Secondary School Teachers in Congregations of Women in the United States, Ralph Fahey
The International Politics of the Delimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf, Howard Paul Rennell
The Internet and Print Journalists: The Threat or the Promise?, Margaret Ann Funicane
The Intersection of Deforestation and Economic Growth in the Brazilian Amazon, Victoria Oceguera
The Invention of the Little Magazine: Chicago, 1910–1920, Mary K O'Brien
The Isolation of Crystalline Vitamin B Hydrochloride From Rice Polishings by the Use of Permutit, Douglas J Hennessy
The Johannine Approach to Mission: A Contextual Study of John 4:1-42, Teresa Okure
The Just Price Theory of Leonardus Lessius, Brendan Gottschall
The Land-Grant Colleges and Their Contributions to American Life and Thought, Mary Melita Varner
The League of Nations Idea, Sylvester J Hemleben
The Legacy of the Encyclopaedists in the Field of English Law, Thomas Francis Hennessy
The Letters of William Cullen Bryant: Volume I, 1809–1836, William Cullen Bryant II and Thomas G. Voss
The Letters of William Cullen Bryant: Volume II, 1836–1849, William Cullen Bryant II and Thomas G. Voss
The Letters of William Cullen Bryant: Volume III, 1849–1857, William Cullen Bryant II and Thomas G. Voss
The Letters of William Cullen Bryant: Volume IV, 1858–1864, William Cullen Bryant and Thomas G. Voss
The Letters of William Cullen Bryant: Volume V, 1865–1871, William Cullen Bryant and Thomas G. Voss
The Letters of William Cullen Bryant: Volume VI, 1872–1878, William Cullen Bryant II and Thomas G. Voss
The Level of Understanding of the Role of the Social Worker by Medical Professions in a Nursing Home, Carrie Garcia McDonald
The Life Skills Employability Program: The Protestant Ethic Revisited with a Twist, Russell H Van Kampen
The Literary Qur'an: Narrative Ethics in the Maghreb [Table of Contents], Hoda El Shakry
The Lost and Forgotten: A Comprehensive Examination of Outpatient Drop-Out from the Maimonides Community Mental Health Center, Robert C Saal
The Making of a New Superpower: An Examination of China's Journey to Superpower Status, Sabrina Abigail Focht
The Male Genitalia and Terminal Segments of Four Species of the Genus Myrmecocystus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Francis C Ford
The Manic-Depressive Experience, Margo Zarro
The Masters Curriculum in Nursing Education, Kathleen K Guinee
The Means of Knowledge Acquisition Alters the Quality and Heeding of Advice, Daniel M Benjamin
The Mission of Mercy: Catholic High Schools, School Presidents, and Pope Francis, Brendan Joseph Moloney
The Modern Idea of God Among American Protestant Theologians, Clarence C McIntyre
The Modern Mind as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge, Mary Moycik
The Multiracial Bronx: A Unique Cultural Incubator in Post War America, Mark Naison
The Myth of Reality Television, Robert Freda
The Nail that Sticks out Gets Hammered in - A Comparative Analysis of Social Withdrawal in Japan and Taiwan, Kelly Lee Armetta
The National Education Association and the Recent Federal Education Bills, Frederick J Junker
The Nature of Medieval Medicine: Chaucer's Doctour's of Phisik and His Tale, Paula Marchetta
The Nature of the Liberal Arts, John E Wise
The Necessity of Age Expansion in Defining the Young Adult Chronic Patient, Mindy Ann Bart
The Neglected School Population, Walter H DeMott
The Neuropsychological Correlates of PTSD Symptoms in Central and West African Torture Survivors, Christina J Supelena
The New Jersey Courts on Local Boards of Education, Stephen F Roach
The New Veggie Tale: Increasing Access to Sustainably-Grown Food in the U.S., Vanessa Ryan
The New York City Home Care Programs: A Study of Unsuccessful Applicants, Irene D'Alessio
The New York Courts on the New York Common Schools, Frank J Higgins
The Norwalk Hospital Emergency Department: An Exploratory Study of Visits Which Could Benefit from Social Work Intervention, Pauline Franck
The Notion of Error in Descartes' Theory of the Embodied Self, Stuart B Martin
The Objectified Culture of Racism, Hubert Gude
The Oratio of Decimus Magnus Ausonius, Giovanni Vignuolo
The Organization and Administration of the Grade Advisership System in the New York City Senior High Schools, Edwin Manuel Kelly
The Organization and Administration of the Guidance Services of Selected Academic High Schools of New York City, Arthur Finkelstein
The Organization of the Catholic School System of the Diocese of Brooklyn, M Mancini
Theory and Practice of Discipline: A Study of Boys' Catholic High Schools, John B Titzer
The Paradigmatic Character of Livy's Ab Urbe Condita: A Study of Books XXIII-XXV, Jean Angello Williams
The Pas Reaction in the Pituitary of Normal and Regenerating Newts, James O Young
The Patentability of Computer-Related Inventions, Andrew Joseph Hollander
The Path to Building Resilience in Sri Lankan Rice Farms, Tarea Karunaratne
The Patient Speaks - Do We Listen? A Research Study of Outpatients' Expectations as a Predictor of Later Events in Therapy, Eva B Weiner
The Peculiarity of Chinese Marital Relationships: Parental Hierarchy and Societal Expectation, Xinyun Wang
The Phenomenon of Migration of Families to the United States from the Dominican Republic with Emphasis on Undocumented Single - Parent Aliens, Alicia B Castillo
The Philosophical Differences Between Heisenberg and Bohr, Patrick Heelan
The Philosophical Problems of a Universal Language, Anna Gabris
The Place of Practice: Therapist and Client Perceptions of the Mental Health Treatment Room, Jamie Keaton Jones
The Place of the Faculty Theroy in Educational Psychology, Margaret Marhsall
The Poetry of Vicente Aleixandre, Joseph C. Jones
The Political Leadership of International Security in the Middle East, Kelly Jacqkeem Worthington
The Political Thought of Albert Gallatin, Leo Schelbert
The Population Genetics of Adaptation to a Drought in the Annual Plant, Brassica Rapa, Rachel Shannon Welt
The Position of Mexico on a Permanent Inter-American Peace-Keeping Force, Regina A Mezei
The Prediction of Academic Success from Biographical Data, Charles E Schaefer
The Prediction of First Semester French and Spanish Grades in a Liberal Arts College, Catherine F Reid
The Prediction of Grades in Freshmen English From a Battery of Tests of Mental Ability, Interests and Aptitudes Administered to Students Entering a Liberal Arts College, Virginia Thompson Zwilling
The Presence of Archaea in Freshwater Lakes in New York State, Jeremy Kamen
The Presentation of Hispanic in the Media: An Analysis of the Hispanic Market, Rosemary Martinez
The Prime Mover and the Concept of Nature in Teilhard and St. Thomas, Louis J. Brune
The Pristine Landscape in Selected Writings of D. H. Lawrence, Frank Moliterno
The Private School Headship: Leadership Choices Among Aspiring, New, and Experienced Heads, Brian Mahoney
The Problem of Steel Imports, Joseph W Ford
The Problems and Personality Adjustments of Adolescent Girls, Helen M Ryan
The Process of Adjustment and Cultural Assimilation of the Vietnamese Refugees in the New York Metropolitan Area, Joseph Phan
The Process of Sex-Role Socialization and Its Effects on Female/male Responses to a Aging, Mary Ann Zimmermann
The Professional Education of School Administrators, Mary Karen Riso
The Psychogalvanometric Response as a Technique in Differentiating Between Advertisements Whose Readership Values Have Been Independently Identified, Thomas R Duggan
The Puerto Rican Family in a Period of Cultural Transition, Thomas Marie Ferré
The Question of Tehuantepec in United States-Mexican Relations, Nettie Rementeria McKenna
The Reading Process of Twelve Esl High School Seniors Reading Four Texts: Two Literary and Two Non-Literary, Frances Morano
The Reformation and Education, William Francis Corley
The Registrar in the Administration of Catholic Institutions of Higher Earning in the United States, William Francis McAloon
The Rehnquist Supreme Court & American Federalism: Promoting Federal Authority While Preserving State Sovereignty, Gerard M Deenihan
The Relation Between Graduate Student Socialization in the Responsible Conduct of Research and Moral Reasoning Abilities, Kaori Kubo Germano
The Relation of Birth-Order to Certain Aspects of Personality Adjustment, Coralita Cullinan
The Relation of Language Functions to Sociodramatic and Thematic-Fantasy Play in Preschool Children, Daisy Tomassini
The Relation of the Person to the Community: George Herbert Mead's Contribution to the Problem, William A Proefriedt
The Relationship Between Anomie and Social Isolation of Homeless Families and Joining a Self-Help Group: An Explanation Study, Lisa Caraisco
The Relationship Between Auditory Threshold and Body Temperature, Dominick R Marino
The Relationship Between a Western Diet and the Hippocampus: An Investigation in Children and Adolescents, Jill M Stadterman
The Relationship Between Emotional Status and Memory, Despina Hadjikuriakou
The Relationship Between Faculty Training and Pedagogical Practice in Post-secondary Music Conservatories, Margaret Koozer
The Relationship Between Fatty Acid Composition, Torpor, and the Evolution of Seed Hoarding in Mammals, Anne Alana McDonough
The Relationship Between Life Events and Family Functioning, Gail L Ashcraft
The Relationship Between Movement Responses to Inkblots, Creativity and Verbal Intelligence, Richard M Quane
The Relationship Between Personal Characteristics of Enriched Housing Residents and Their Level of Moral, Lillian M Figueroa
The Relationship between Problem Solving Styles and Servant Leadership, Nicole Elizabeth Delgado
The Relationship Between Selection of Teachers for Promotion and Their Effectiveness in Teaching, Eugenue C Hausle
The Relationship Between Social Values and Social Work Practice: An Exploratory Study, Douglas Haigh Reiniger
The Relationship Between Specific Trauma Events, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomatology and Aggression in Male Juvenile Offenders, Matthew Stimmel
The Relationship Between the Context for Learning and Interpersonal Interactions for At-Risk Students and Teachers, Diane Catherine Massimo
The Relationship Between the Perception of the Fluctuation of Ambitious Figures and Brain Damage, Regina Brady
The Relationship Between Types of Maltreatment and Social Functioning of Children in Foster Care, Joanne Marrero
The Relationship Between Value Systems and Personality Integration, William Maria Cleare
The Relationship of Anxiety Symptoms and Swine Flu Fears, Joseph Brand
The Relationship of Religious Coping and Spirituality to Psychopathology and Adjustment in Urban Early Adolescents, Cydney J Van Dyke
The Relationship of Threat Bias to Aggression and Anxiety, Fawad Viqar
The Religious Knowledge, Moral Judgment, and Personality Structure of a Selected Group of Catholic Delinquent Girls, Maria del Carmen Bernardo
There Must Be Something in the Water: Understanding PFAS Contamination of Groundwater as a National Security Issue, Kylie N. Ford
The Retention of Certain Secondary-School Subject Matter Over the Period of the Summer Vacation, Barbara Geoghegan
The Rise of the Public School and the Catholic School Systems of Maryland, M Dolores
The Role of Attachment in the Relationship between Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Substance Abuse, Hannah Rose Wertz
The Role of Dose, Neurocognitive Functioning, and Psychosocial Factors on Medication Adherence in Patients Receiving Opioid Agonist Treatment, Travis M Scott
The Role of Early Executive Function on School Readiness and Transition Outcomes: A Pre-K to 3 Approach, Neshat Yazdani
The Role of Family Accommodation and Therapeutic Alliance in Intensive Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Outcomes for Youth Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, William R Taboas
The Role of Galectins in Photoreceptor Outer Segment Renewal, Nicholas John Esposito
The Role of Identity Development and Prospective Role Taking on Alcohol Use and Alcohol Influences and Values in Emerging Adults, Emily Lichvar
The Role of Joint Attention Deficits on Social Development in Children with Autism, Brianna L Jordan
The Role of Outreach and Advocacy in Making Services More Accessible to SSI Recipients, Gail Weiss
The Role of Response Mediation in the Retroactive Paradigm, Louis M Hsu
The Role of Social Case Work in the New York City Department of Social Services, Roger A Levin
The Role of Sociotropy and Interpersonal Stress in Suicide, Hae-Joon Kim
The Role of Television "Free Time" in Brazil: A Study of the 1989 Presidential Election in a Comparative Perspective, Leone Campos de Sousa
The Role of the Social Worker in the School, Digna Rodriguez
The Role of the Visceral Ganglion in the Control of Gill Lateral Cilia of Mytilus Edulis, Edward J Catapane
The Role of Tradition Im Modern Ecclesiological Problems, Mara Colette Kelly-Zukowski
The Romance of Conversion: Crossover in Late-Medieval Literature, Danielle Lisa Sottosanti
The Science of Language and Its Place in General Education, Francis Patrick
The Scientific Grading and Classification of a School, Adelaide Schenone Isola
The Semiotics of South Park, Ashley Teitelbaum
The Sense of Threat and Partial Integration: A Study of the Hurons of Lorette, Canada, Marc J. D Belanger
The Significance of Human Relationship According to Jean-Paul Sartre, James E Giles
The Social Medical Characteristics of the Hospitalized Elderly and Factors Related to Discharge Planning, Marrijane Raptopoulos
The Sound of Sense: On Writing in Natural Language, Sally Whiting Tomlinson
The Source of Some Amino Acids in the Animal Organism. Synthesis of Glycocoll and Glutamine in the Human Organism, George J Shiple
The Spanish Catholic Center in Philadelphia: A Survey of Casa Del Carmen, a Multi-Function Center 1954-1964, Michael Marie Paguag
The Spirit of the Abbey Theatre Drama, George S Monahan
The Stated Programs and Measured Personality Adjustments of Junior High Schools, Andrew Phillip Mulligan
The Statute of Praemunire, Philip Furlong
The Stories that We Weave: Narratives of Spiritual Migrations and Identity, Martha M Cruz
The Supervision of English in a New York City High School, John F McNeill
The Support Systems of Gay Men: A Preliminary Examination, David W Phillips
The Systems Approach to Evaluate Research, Ross Diener
The Talmud Torahs: A Study of the School, the Pupil, and His Home, Herman Natelson
The Teacher and Public Relations, Alice M DeBros
The Teaching of Arithmetic in the Elementary School, Mary Beatrice Dunlevy
The Termination of Foster Children to Self, Ruth Beverly
The Theater of Dr. Roberto Sarah, Marita Carmel De Mola
The Theories of Paulo Freire and Social Change: An African Case Study, Sean J Healy
The Transfer of 14C - Hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB) from Inorganic Particulates to a Green Alga (Scenedesmus Quadricuada), Louis L Punto
The Treatment of Women in the Hip-Hop Community: Past, Present and Future, Tracie Babb
"The Turmoil and the Torment", Robert Michael Zietz
The Umbilical Cord: Corrections, Connections, and the Role of Media in America's Prisons, Jessica Kathleen Crowell
The Unacknowledged Economic and Political Forces Which Shaped the Rise of Rock and Roll, Mark Naison
The Uncertainty Relations, Patrick Heelan
The University Greening Movement: Is Carbon Neutrality Enough to Avert a Climate Crisis?, Sean R. Finlay
The Use and Abuse of Eminent Domain in Relation to Urban Development, Marina Ristic
The Usefulness of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) in Assessing Clients Referred to a Stop-Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Program, Ivone M Delgado
The Use of Public Assistance by Employed Mothers Following Childbirth: A Multivariate Analysis of the Effects of Unpaid Maternity Leave, Katherine Renee Belcher
The Uses of Ambiguity, Ge Jin
The Utilization of Social Welfare Services by English Caribbean Residents in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York City, 1973, Peter Sidley Thompson
The Validity as a Factor in Test Validity, Abraham Kroll
The Value of Standard Tests in the Administration of a School, M. Concepta Smith
The Wives of Canterbury Tales and the Tradition of the Valiant Woman of Proverbs 31:10–31, Frances Minetti Biscoglio
The Young Teacher's Problems, With Suggestions for the Teaching of Mathematics, Mary Bertrand Miller
Thin Within: The Fat Suit in Contemporary Comedy, Elizabeth Lee Agosto
This Land is My Land: The Complex Land Ethics at the Heart of the Occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Fi V. Whalen
Thomas Mulholland: His Work at Fordham University School of Social Services and the National Catholic Welfare Conference, Immigration Bureau, Port of New York, 1916-1961, Joan Phyllis O'Leary
Thomistic Evaluation of the Epistemological and Ontological Bases of John Dewey's Instrumentalist Philosophy, John J O'Farrell
Time Out of Mind, Mind Out of Body: The Consequences of Darl's Paranormal Abilities in As I Lay Dying, Charles E Gannon
Title IX and Sexual Assault & Misconduct: Prevention and Response at Two Catholic Universities, Angelica Joy Ermitano Concepcion
Todays's Students, Tomorrow's Teachers: A New Regional Collaborative Precollegiate Minority Teacher Recruitment Model, Bettye Harris Perkins
Topographical Anatomy of the Cat, George Michael Maxwell
Topology Discovery in Dynamic IP Network, Wei Zhang
Top Ten Lessons Learned from Ofelia García: Researching, Teaching and Living from the Heart, Tatyana Kleyn and Kate Seltzer
Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding and Operationalization of Mindfulness, Aisha Collins
Towards Lakosian Multilingual Software Design Principles, Damian Lyons, Saba Zahra, and Thomas Marshall
Toward Theory of Communal Decision in a World of Change, Peter J Dwyer
Traditional Arts School Versus Liberal Arts School: A Study of Student Expectations and Outcomes, Gina Marie Dandrow
Training for Citizenship in the New York City Public High Schools, Louis Caine
Training Student Workers for Cross-Departmental Success in an Academic Library: A New Model, Kindra Becker-Redd, Kirsten Lee, and Caroline Skelton
Transethnic Foster Placement and the Mental Health Status of Hispanic Foster Children, Danielle G Barranca
Transgender Young Adults' Negotiation of Gender Consciousness in Relation to Others' Behaviors and Attitudes, Jennifer Anne Opromalla
Translanguaging into Raciolinguistic Ideologies: A Personal Reflection on the Legacy of Ofelia García, Nelson L. Flores
Transmission and Transgression: The Presentation of Rock 'N' Roll on Television, Gary S Kenton
Trauma Symptoms and Distress in Cancer Survivors: The Role of Prior Trauma and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Yeraz Markarian
Treatment and Mechanical Compliance in a Multicomponent Smoking Cessation Program, Joan R Falk
Treatment of the Wives of Alcoholics: A Follow-Up Study of Seven Wives Known to Brooklyn Catholic Charities, Family Division from January 1960 - March, 1963, Joseph John Liquori
Truant Recidivism: A Study of Regressive Familial Factors in Six Reopened Cases in the New York City Bureau of Attendance, 1960-1965, Beatrice Pruden
Trump Supporters' and Trump Opponents' Attitudes toward an Opposing Group Member: Effects of Perspective-Taking, Anne Marcia Alpers
Understanding Factors that Promote Baccalaureate Degree Attainment among Low-Income, First- and Second-Generation Mexicans and Dominicans, Joann Gonzalez-Generals
Understanding Implicit Racial Bias and Disciplinary Decision-Making in School Mental Health Professionals, Sophia M Hoffman
Understanding the Experience of Patients with Depression in Split Treatment, Rachel Levine Baruch
Understanding the Lived Experiences of Mothers Post-Incarceration, DeVonne Allen
Uniquely Okinawan: Determining Identity During the U.S. Wartime Occupation, Courtney A. Short
Urban Formalism: The Work of City Reading [Table of Contents], David Faflik
Urbanization Effects on Nutrient Cycling and Soil: Extracellular Enzyme Function, Alison Marie Cucco
Use of the Minnesota Counseling Inventory in Identifying Male Adolescent "Nonconformists", James Joseph Canty
Using Correspondence Analysis to Extract Meaningful Information from the 2011 New York City Parent, Student, and Teacher School Surveys, Jennifer Lord-Bessen
Using Expert Opinion to Define Flipped Learning and Characterize Its Impact on Learning, Nathan Charles Snyder
Using New Media Effectively: An Analysis of Barack Obama's Election Campaign Aimed at Young Americans, Ekaterina Alexandrovna
Using Profile Analysis via Multidimensional Scaling (PAMS) to Compare Cognitive Profiles for Participants in the National Education Longitudinal Study: 1988-2000 (NELS:88), Andrea L McNamara
U.S. Resettlement Policies and Their Impact on Refugee Wellbeing: Service Providers’ Response in New York City, Pinar Zubaroglu-Ioannides
Utilization of Services by Haitians in New York City, Marge Grabarek
Utilization Study of the A. Philip Randolph Senior Citizens Center, Harlem, New York, 1976, John P Esquivel
Utilizing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as College Enrollment Support for Low-Income Individuals, Debra Greenwood
Validation of VIP-V with Psychiatric Patients, Ekaterina Pivovarova
Variability of Emotional Resonses in Children with Behavioral Disorders, Jamie Rose Listokin
Variation in Exposure to Early Elementary Classroom Racial/Ethnic Diversity and Child Development in a Nationally Representative Sample, Christina L Rucinski
Varieties of Doxastic Attitudes, Samuel Kampa
Video Games in Education: A Meta-Analysis, Janyce E Osenbach
Video Target Tracking Using Combinatorial Fusion Analysis, Jizhou Ai
Vital Administrative Problems of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Louisville Since the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, John Robert Clancy
Vital Problems in Modern Chinese Education 1862-1945, Mark Tsai
Vocational Education for Girls, Marcella A Bartley
Vocational Needs of the Puerto Rican Migrant in New York City, Paquita Arreche
Voice of the Faithful: Prophetic and Pedagogical Voices in Exile?, Antony R Gatt
Volunteer Satisfaction - A Study of Factors That Create Satisfaction for the Volunteers at the Greater New York Fund / United Way, Marguerite C De Angelo
Wasteful Talent: Eliminating Entertainment Waste and Enhancing Experience, Alexandra Lucia Sottile
Waterfront Redevelopment at South Street Seaport: Where Water and Land, Collaboration and Planning Converge, Kathryn Anne Lorico Tipora
Webisodes: The Evolution of Television in the Digital Age, Kristen Foley
Welcoming Finitude: Toward a Phenomenology of Orthodox Liturgy [Table of Contents], Christina M. Gschwandtner
We May Find Ourselves in Art: The Artistic Purpose of Defiant Indigenous Women, Alexa Goldstein
We the People: A Critical Analysis of the Constitution as Democratic Document, Gergely Klima
What a Difference a Day Makes: The Impact of 9/11 on the Image of Rudy Giuliani, Noelle T Daidone
Who Are We Protecting? Statutory Rape Laws and the Control of Black Female Sexuality, Kemi Soyeju
Who Believes in Roswell?, Frank Borzellieri
Whose Middle Ages?: Teachable Moments for an Ill-Used Past [Table of Contents], Andrew Albin, Mary C. Erler, Thomas O'Donnell, Nicholas L. Paul, and Nina Rowe
Why Do Teachers Stay? Analyzing Working Conditions and Attrition in Publicly-Supported Private Schools for Emotionally-Disabled Students, Brant Mathew Goldsmith
Why Hip Hop Began in the Bronx- Lecture for C-Span, Mark Naison
William Hazlitt: A Study, Jesse H Haley
William James: The Experimental Tempter and Its Relevance for Contemporary Education, William E Kiernan
William Mason's Imitations of Greek Tragedy, Jean S Hundley
Will They Stay for TV: A Study of the Use of Video-Tapes to Increase Attendance in a Mental Health Facility, Joseph Indelicato
Women on the Road: Female Liberatiion and the 1970s Feminist Picaresque, Erin Regina Carroll
Women's Self-Esteem and Secondary Prevention Among People Living with HIV/AIDS, Rachel L Hertel
Women's Support for Gender-equality Policies: The Roles of Sexism Experiences, Sexist Beliefs, and Psychological Distress, Stephanie Grossman
Working Class Ineligibility for New York City Care Services, Harris Christopher Hawthorne
Worldwide War: The Internet and the War on Terror, Philip Tanfield
Xenocitizens: Illiberal Ontologies in Nineteenth-Century America [Table of Contents], Jason Berger
You Can Judge Books by Their Covers, Fordham University
Youth and the Junior High School Movement, Emmett J McGuire
Youth Media Use and Attitudes About Politics, James W Lauckhardt