Content Posted in 2021
2020 Medieval Object Assignment and Instructions, Maryanne Kowaleski
Abbot Suger of St. Denis: His Role in Early Twelfth Century Monasticism, James S Donnelly
A Bulgarian Essay on Beowulf: Translation and Commentary, Walter Paska
A Case Study in Consumer Cooperation, William Thomas Hogan
A Cell Shape Study of Three Mosses, Bryum roseum, Catharinea undulata, Mnium cuspidatum, and of Ulva lactuca, Matthew Northrop
A Charlotte Bronte Dictionary, Mary Patricia Biggins
A Chronological Study of the Style of Saint Augustine's Sermons, Thomas V Bermingham
Acid and Alkaline Phosphatase Determination in Sheep Cell Membranes, Richard C Mawe
A Comparative Cytological Study of Vigna sesquipedalis Wight and Zea mays Collins, Mary Vincentia Kimsal
A Comparative Historico-Psychological Study of the Exercises of Prayer Proposed by St. Ignatius Loyola and St. John Baptist De La Salle, Benedict Victor Cronin
A Comparative Morphological Investigation in the Genus Papilio linnaeus, Louis Sheppard Marks
A Comparative of the Eye of the Owl and the Cat with Reference to Their Nocturnal Powers, Josephine F Bicak
A Comparative Study of Cell Shape in the Liverworts Nardia crenulata and Jansoniella autumnalis, and the Epithelium of the Midgut of Culex pipiens, Marie Bernard Witte
A Comparative Study of Cortisone and Alloxan on the Reducing Properties and Hemoglobin Content of Rabbit Blood, Conrad Joseph Floridia
A Comparative Study of Performance Tests, Eugenia Ditolla
A Comparative Study of Pigmented and Non-Pigmented Forms of Euglena gracilis var. bacillaris, Joseph Daniel Lisa
A Comparative Study of Polysomaty in Cucumis melo and Cucumis sativus, George Stephen Pappas
A Comparative Study of Polysomaty in Cucurbita Maxima and Cucurbita Pepo, Edward V Byrne
A Comparative Study of Polysomaty in Primary and Secondary Root Tips of Spinacia olearacea, Andrew Butz
A Comparative Study of Reaction Times Under Conditions of Binocular and Monocular Stimulation, Maureen J Begley
A Comparative Study of Reaction Times Under Conditions of Binocular and Monocular Stimulation With Varying Intensities of Light, John B Lovecchio
A Comparative Study of Streptomyces in Surface and Subsurface Soils, John Bogacz
A Comparative Study of Streptomyces Isolated From Four Ecologically Different Areas, Benedict L Suplick
A Comparative Study of the Anatomy of the Leaves of Ilex opaca and Ilex verticillata, Norman Peter Batt
A Comparative Study of the Antibacterial Spectra of Streptomyces Species, Alberta Marie Albrecht
A Comparative Study of the Bacteroids Found in Two Species of Leguminosae, James Joseph Aldrich
A Comparative Study of the Historical Fiction of Scott and Sienkiewicz, Celine Maleszka
A Comparative Study of the Karyotypes of Allium cepa and Allium fistulosum, Mary C Barsa
A Comparative Study of the Lipid Content of Vertebrates, Michael A Del Pomo
A Comparative Study of the Meristem of Spinacia oleracea and Beta vulgaris With Special Emphasis on the Pattern of the Various Strata of the Cells as Seen in the Meristem, Richard Bonaventure Power
A Comparative Study of the Scores Obtained by Institutional Adolescent Girls on the Bell Adjustment Inventory and the P-F Test, Marie Elaine Sandra
A Comparison Between the "De Officiis" of Cicero and the "De Officiis" of Ambrose, Winifred Mary McMahon
A Comparison of Autokinetic Movement as Experienced by a Group of Introverts and Extroverts Designated as Such by the Minnesota T-S-E Inventory, Cyril R Sutter
A Comparison of Critical Flicker Frequencies Under Conditions of Monocular and Binocular Stimulation, Fred H Ireland
A Comparison of Critical Flicker Frequency in Brown-Eyed and Blue-Eyed Individuals, Donald N Lombardi
A Comparison of Delayed and Immediate After-Effects in Human Learning, Donald J Maroldy
A Comparison of the Antibiotic Effect of Penicillium Notatum Westling, Penicillium Expansum Link and Penicillium Viridicatum Westling, Jean Helen McGovern
A Comparison of the Cornell Index, Form N2 With the Psycho-Somatic Experience Blank, Marie E Williams
A Comparison of the Effects of Praise and Reproof on the Performance of Children, Maria Mietzelfeld
A Comparison of the Influence of Differential After-Effects upon Weak and Strong Associative Tendencies, Henry N Ricciuti
A Comparison of the Influence of Immediate, Specific After-effects and General Knowledge of Results Upon the Reduction of Choice Reaction Time, Joseph Zeidner
A Comparison of the Performance of a Bilingual Group on a "Culture Free" Test Administered in English and in Spanish, Fernando A Cordova
A Comparison of the Polytene Chromosomes in the Salivary Gland Cells and Mid-Gut Cells of the Third Instar Larvae of Drosophila funebris, FABR, Edward Joseph Feeley
A Comparison of the Prominent Greek Conceptions of Happiness With the Idea of Beata Vita in St Augustine, Donald V Paone
A Comparison of the Reaction Time of Track Men Before and After Racing, and Non-Track Men, Joseph T Fucigna
A Comparison of the Reaction to Frustration in Negro and White Children as Measured by the Rosenzweig P-F Study, Edmond R Frascadore
A Comparison of the Relation of the Thurstone Interest Schedule to the Kuder Reference Record and to Self-estimated Interests, Joan Marie Daly
A Comparison of the Retention of Interrupted and Completed Melodies, Eleanor M Gallagher
A Comparison of the Similes in Homer and in Virgil, Victor Ralph Labrie
A Comparison of White and Negro Pre-school Children in Good Enough I.Q. and Language Development, Rita Y D'Angelo
A Conference About the Next Succession to the Crown of England (Part I) by Robert Parsons, Edited, With an Introduction by Thomas H. Clancy, Thomas H Clancy
A Consideration of Community as Found in the Problem of Christianity by Josiah Royce, Robert J Curran
A Consideration of the Economic Future of the the Rotary-Wing Aircraft Industry, Samuel A. Constantino
A Critical Approach to the Problem of War Causation Based Upon the War Data of P. A. Sorokin, Leo J Martin
A Critical Edition of Samuel Johnson's Taxation No Tyranny With Introduction, Mary Louis Lougnot
A Critical Index Nominum to the So-Called Commentary of Probus on the Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil, James E Hennessy
A Critical Index of the “Scholia Bernensia” on the Third and Fourth Books of Vergil’s Georgics, Mary Daniel Brackett
A Critical Study of George Meredith's Modern Love, Isabel A Santos
A Critique of Edouard Le Roy's "Le Probleme De Dieu", George J McMahon
A Critique of the Schmidt "Religion Essentials Test" and Its Restandardization in Grades Five to Eight, Walter J Smith
A Cytological Investigation of the Chromosome Number and Morphology of Polemonium Van Bruntiae, William F Lynch
A Cytological Investigation of the Effects of a Lack of Oxygen on Allium cepa, Joseph F Beaver
A Cytological Investigation of the Effects of Chloral Hydrate on Allium cepa, Roch G Belmonte
A Cytological Investigation of the Mitotic Spiral Prophase in Allium cepa, Joseph B Hanzely
A Cytological Investigation of the Shoot of Zea mays, Jane K McElligott
A Cytological Reinvestigation of Microsporogenesis of Luzula purpurea, Margaret M Truland
A Cytological Study of Allium cepa and Phaseolus lunatus, John Francis Burns
A Cytological Study of Cassia marilandica L, Raymond Mitchell Moraski
A Cytological Study of Gleditsia, Josephine Marie Criscione
A Cytological Study of Indigofera dosua Buch.-Hamilt. and Acacia catechu Willd., Henry J. Laurencot
A Cytological Study of Salvia officinalis Linnaeus, Salvia sclarea Linneaus, Stachys discolor Bentham, and Teucrium chamaedrys Linnaeus, Bernard F Murphy
A Cytological Study of Several Species of Hosta, Vincent Paul Stouter
A Cytological Study of Spermatogonial Divisions in Triturus viridescens viridescens, Morton Schloss
A Cytological Study of the Chromatin-Like Bodies in the Microsporocytes of Scilla campanulata and Their Relation to the Tapetal Cells, Mary Althea Donnellan
A Cytological Study of the Development Lilium regale Wilson, John Joseph Bauer
A Cytological Study of the Effects of Chloroform and Caffeine on the Roots of Allium cepa, Mary Eleanor Martin
A Cytological Study of the Effects of Naphthalene Acetic Acid on the Shoot of Allium cepa, Adele Clifford
A Cytological Study of the Effects of Uranium Nitrate on the Roots of Allium cepa L, Thomas Edward Hennessy
A Cytological Study of the Hepatic Cells of Triturus viridescens, Ernest V Orsi
A Cytological Study of the Nucleus in Yeast and Bacteria, Benjamin Michael Sparano
A Cytological Study of the Ovary of Sciara ocellaris, Joseph E Schuh
A Cytological Study of the Prochromosomes in Lycopersicon esculentum, Patricia Ann Williams
A Cytological Study of the Root Meristem of Ricinus communis L, Chrysostom John Linhardt
A Cytological Study of the Root Tip of Gomphrena globosa L, Jesus B Guerrero
Adaptation of the Psychogalvanic Response (PGR) to a Visual, Auditory, and Ideational Stimulus, Gloria A Tarsitano
Addison as a Critic, M. Terentia McNulty
A digital environmental approach: four technologies that will disrupt social work practice, Lauri Goldkind
"Aerenthal": A Study in Austro-Hungarian Pre-War Policy, Augusta Lichtenegger
A Factor Analysis of Hiring Interviewer Judgments of Executive Trainee Applicants, Paul J Barnes
After the Summer: A Play in Two Parts and Prologue, William Herman
A Further Study of Learning Without Awareness of What Is Being Learned, Richard S Levine
A Further Study of the Effect of Mental Practice on the Improvement of Motor Skill, Norma J Lutz
A Further Study of the Effects of Sleep Upon Retention, Walter W Leader
Age and Sex Differences in Critical Flicker Frequency Among Children and Adolescents, Ignatius McCormick
Age Differences in Color Determination, Lois A Ouellette
Age-Sex Categories Relating to Youth in Polish Rural Society, Chester A Jurczak
A Glossary of the Chivalric Vocabulary in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Miriam Matthew O'Connell
A Glossary of the Irish Mythology in the Early Poems of W. B. Yeats, Catherine A O'Mara
Agobard of Lyons and the Jews, John M Lomagno
Agrippa d'Aubigné Renowned as a Literary Genius Rather Than as a Military Hero, Frank L Giambalvo
A Guide for Instructors and Students: MLD Mapping Project, Maryanne Kowaleski
A Histological Study of the Brain of Musca domestica, Mary M Begley
A Historical Study of George Lillo's London Merchant, John F Sexton
A History of David Garrick's Bon Ton, Edwin B Broderick
Aid Memoir, Larry Hollingworth
A Investigation of the Reliability of the SRA Primary Mental Abilities Test for Ages Eleven to Seventeen, John D Drake
Albion Winegar Tourgee, the Reconstruction Novelist, as an American of the Socio-Political Scene in North Carolina, Jeremiah B Sullivan
Alcoholism: A Study of Emotional Maturity and Homosexuality as Related Factors in Compulsive Drinking, John V Quaranta
Alcuin and the Schools of the Carolingian Age, Marie de Lourdes Ahern
Alexander Pope in Nineteenth-Century France, Pierre Decary
Alexander V. Pisan Pope, 1409-1410, Francis J Gray
A Lexicon of the Works of Jean Renart [Vol. 1], Camillus Casey
A Lexicon of the Works of Jean Renart [Vol. 2], Camillus Casey
A List of Editions and Translations of the Classics Published in Great Britain: 1701-1750, Harry J Wolff
A List of Editions and Translations of the Classics Published in Great Britain: 1751-1800, Mary Ignatius Spencer
A List of Miscellaneous Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century English and American Plays in the Fordham Universiry Library: Part II, Mary E Pavlicek
A List of Miscellaneous Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century English and American Plays in the Fordham University Library: Part I, Nicholas J. Drohan
A Living City: Food Accessibility and Urban Growth in New York City, Kat Coleman
Allegory and Mystic Symbolism in Sedulius' Paschale Carmen, L. Hamilcar Bianco
Alliteration in Samson Agonistes, Mary Mathias Hare
A Logical Analysis of the Argument of Boethius' Consolatio Philosophiae, Caroline M Berberick
A Longitudinal Study of the Readability of Text and Advertizing Copy, Including the Recent Trends in Important Physical Characteristics of Advertizements, Kendall I Trenchard
Alternating Current Stimulation on Single Muscle Fibers, Alfred J. Jacques
Ambassador James Bryce: Advocate of Anglo-American Cordiality, 1907-1913, Mary Agnes Farrell
Ambition Should Be Made: A Play, Will Walsh
A Meadow From Above: Expanding Green Roof Implementation in NYC, Lydia Hallett
A Medico-ethical Approach to the Problem of Human Transplantation, Joseph A Mahoney
American Catholic Opinion on the European Crisis, September 1938 to September 1939, Saint Callista Begnal
American Diplomacy Concerning the Manchurian Crisis, Mary Emmanuel Atwood
American Far Eastern Policy in the Western Pacific Area, 1917-1921, Harry W Kirwin
American Press Opinion Concerning the Bolshevik Revolution, November 1917 - December 1919, M. Pierre Kennedy
American Press Opinion of German Reparations, November, 1918 to June, 1919, Edward Arthur Callahan
American Public Opinion and the Washington Arms Conference, Bernard J Fleming
American Relations With Corea, 1882-1888, Mary Eileen McManus
American Women in War Industry; With Particular Reference to the Impact Upon the Home, Katherine M Murphy
A Morphological and Histological Study of the Oesophagus, Crop and Proventriculus of Musca domestica L, S. Linton Hopkins
A Morphological and Histological Study of the Salivary Glands in the Adult House Fly, Musca domestica L, Carmen Luisa Freixas
An Alphabetical Index to Allardyce Nicoll's Hand-List of Early Nineteenth Century Plays and to Addenda Published Elsewhere, Mary Elizabeth Sweeney
An Analysis and Evaluation of Export Controls, Richard J Winters
An Analysis of Ferdinand Toennies' Community and Society, Joseph Bogusas
An Analysis of Frustration Behavior in a Puzzle-solving Situation in Relation to Scores on the Rosenzweig Picture-frustration Study, Harry Bornstein
An Analysis of Geometric Ability, John E Murray
An Analysis of Pietro Giordani's Inscriptions, John P Bowden
An Analysis of Supreme Court Decisions Dealing With the Regulation of Businesses Affected With Public Interest, Mary L De Meo
An Analysis of the Development of Quantitative Concepts of Credit Control in the Federal Reserve System, Lawrence J Dondero
An Analysis of the Interest Patterns of High School Seniors on Form Ch of the Kuder Preference Record, Damian Hamill
An Analysis of the Kierkegaardian Formula "Truth Is Subjectivity", Joseph J Carpino
An Analysis of the Material on the Restoration Stage in Downes' Roscius Anglicanus, Joan M Thellusson
An Analysis of the Problem of Man as Seen From the Viewpoint of the Modern Humanities: Oliver Leslie Reiser, Paul Elmer More, and Lewis Mumford, Cyril C McDonnell
An Analysis of the Readability of Employee Handbooks, Cosimo A Carlucci
An Analysis of the Rhetoric in The Kingis Quair, Mary Patrick Candon
An Analysis of Worker Ratings Made by (A) Reading Job Descrptions and (B) by Direct Job Observaion, Marvin H Trattner
An Analytic of an Employee Assessment Program for Clerical and Secretarial Workers in a Middle-Size Chemical Company, Elizabeth C Kelley
An Analytic to the Measuring of Employment Stability in a Metropolitan Area Such as New York City in the Period 1939, 1940, 1941, Mildred A Dunne
An Anatomical and Histological Investigation of the Digestive System of the Mature Larvae of Musca domestica L, Edward W Haggarty
Anatole France as Judged From Moral and Literary Viewpoint, James Francis Meehan
Anatomy of the Central Nervous System of the Housefly, Musca domestica L., Raymund Gully
An Attempt to Develop a Modification of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test for Retarded Readers, Rita Anne Houlihan
An Attempt to Develop a Modification of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test for Retarded Readers, Rita Anne Houlihan
Ancient Ritualism in the Elegies of Tibulius, Francis X Bisciglia
An Economic Study of the Maine Sardine Industry, 1933-1947, With Suggestions for the Future, Madeleine Dinora Giguere
An Economic Survey of the Agrarian Problem in Italy, Jerome Arthur Ciaccia
An Empirical Determination of Test Reliability by Different Experimental Designs, John P Kernan
An Evaluation and Comparison of the Wechsler Memory Scale and the Hunt-Minnesota Test for Organic Brain Damage, Gloria Fanelli
An Evaluation of the Perceptual Adequacy of a New Hapto-Kinesthetic Gestalt Test, John J Fleming
An Evaluation of the Proof of the Existence of God According to Blaise Pascal, Christian Molloy
A New Metaphysics of Person: An Interpretation of the Thought of Gabriel Marcel, John J Anderson
An Examination of the Content of Recent Non-Scholastic Philosophy as Reflected in D. S. Robinson's Anthology of Recent Philosophy, Francis J Hurley
An Examination of the Effect of Administering a Digit Span Test Serially and With Interspersed Activities, Thomas E Tierney
An Experimental Investigation of the Relative Efficacy of Direct and Indirect Suggestion, Henrik S Arnesen
An Experimental Investigation to Discover the Relationship Between Subliminal Perception and Suggestibility, Paul T Conway
An Experimental Study of Emotional Adjustment as Reflected in the Written Language of Children, Annette Marie Mulry
An Experimental Study of Mediate Association, John P McGuinness
An Experimental Study of Motor and Spatial Abilities of Blind and Seeing Children, Ann Maie Herbert
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Benzene Vapor on Mitosis in the Root Tip Cells of Allium cepa, Bernard J Sullivan
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Naphthalene-Acetic Acid on Mitosis in Allium cepa, William John Garvin
An Experimental Study of the Interrelation of the Psychogalvanic Response, Memory and Affective Tone, Nicholas D Covatta
An Experimental Study of the Osmotic Properties of the Nuclear Membrane of Triturus viridescens, Regina Maurice Duffy
An Experimental Study of Thresholds Variability to Wavelengths 622 Mμ and 670 Mμ, Aime Haman
An Experimental Study on Confidence, George F Cassidy
An Experiment in Musical Interpretation and Personality, Julius Segal
An Experiment in Profit Sharing: The General Profit Sharing Plan of the General Electric Company, William W Flanagan
An Exploration of Words Their Way, Alison Leveque
An Exploratory Investigation of the Validity of the Flesch Readability Formulae, Joseph Ruocco
An Exploratory Multicase Study of Mainstream Teachers' Experiences Teaching English Learners, Jane Cullen Ragno
An Exploratory Study of Correlates of Accidents Among Dairy Routemen, Seymour Halpern
Angelic Knowledge According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, Philip Mary Purcell
Anger Trends in Pre-Adolescent and Post-Adolescent Girls, May T Fagan
Anglo-American Law, the Perennial Philosophy and Modern Philosophies, Marie V Gough
An Historical Study of David Garrick's Cymon, William J Loughman
An Historico-Juridical Study of the Influences in the Formulation of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the Philippine Republic, Edward J Berbusse
An Illustration of Some Methods of Dating Manuscripts Paleographically, John W Larkin
An Index to the “Scholia Bernensia” on the First Two Books of Virgil’s Georgics, Mary Aquinata Herten
An Inquiry Into the Problem of Providing Equity Capital for Small Business, Vincent I Smith
An Inquiry Into Wordsworth's Concept of the Imagination, Paul S Aronica
An Introduction to the Problem of Being in Plato's Sophistes, Jeanne K Welcher
An Introductory Study of The Adventurer, Casimir McMahon
An Investigation of Evidence Cited by Medical Officer Interviewers to Substantiate Their Quantifications of Judgment of Candidates for the Submarine Service, Leo Francis Walrad
An Investigation of Evidence Cited to Substantiate Quantification of Judgments on the Part of Hiring Interviewers, James J Regan
An Investigation of Interviewers' Ratings to Check the Feasibility of Measuring the Extent of "Halo," "Errors of Central Tendency," and "Errors of Dispersion", Leo Alexander McCandlish
An Investigation of Periodicity of Mitosis in Spinacia oleracea, Richard J Anable
An Investigation of Polysomaty in the Shoot of Spinacia, Daniel McCoy
An Investigation of the Differences Between Binocular and Monocular Discrimination, Dorothy D McArdle
An Investigation of the Differentiating Characteristics of Active and Terminated Insurance Agents, Frank J McCabe
An Investigation of the Personality Characteristics and Attitudes of the Paraplegic Patient, Edward J McLaughlin
An Investigation of the Plantlet Formation in Bryophyllum calycinum, Benedict B O'Malley
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Competence of Raters and Their Ability to Discern Forced Choice Key, Martin J McDonnell
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Variability and Ability on the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale, Francis M Gilhooly
An Investigation of the Validity of the Mental Deterioration Index of the Wechsler-Bellevue Scale in Indicating Organic Brain Pathology, John M Stanton
An Invetigation of Intra-Individual Variability of a Group of Schizophrenics on the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale, Vincent S Mendola
Anti-Semitism in the United States, Boleslaw A Michalik
Anti-Slavery Sentiment in Connecticut, 1850-1860, John R McDevitt
A Paired Comparison of Adjusted and Maladjusted Enlisted Personnel in the Air Force on Variables Extracted From Their Biographical Records, Patricia Ann Murray
A Paired Comparison of Enlisted Personnel in the Air Force Who Were AWOL With Enlisted Personnel Who Never Committed This Offense, Therese Amalie Blong
A. Part I MLD Mapping Assignment and Instructions, Maryanne Kowaleski and Camila Marcone
A Personality Study of Primary Glaucoma Patients, Paul A Collins
A Philosophical Justification of Christian Humanism, Elizabeth Howlin Farley
A Plan for a Stage Production of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Keith W Calkins
A Plan for the Modern Presentation of the Medieval Comedy "Ralph Roister Doister" by Nicholas Udall, William Shust
Apple Scab Disease (Venturia inaequalis): Review of Recent Literature, Berniece Jue
A Preliminary Investigation of the Differential Aptitudes Tests, Gerald J Coughlin
A Preliminary Study of Selected Cyclical Theories of Social Change: Spengler, Dwdon, Toynbee, Sorokin, Carl A. Wagner
A Preliminary Study of the Validity of a Sentence Completion Blank as a Measure of Personality Adjustment in Children, Florence C Brennan
A Qualitative Inquiry into Ethical Relationship and Boundary-Setting in Underground Psychedelic Healing, William Thomas Brennan
A Quantitative Study of the Lipid Content of Various Arctic Mammals, Guido W Battista
A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology: The Summa Halensis, Lydia Schumacher and Oleg Bychkov
A Reinvestigation of Meiosis in Dissosteira carolina l., Anasa tristis De Geer, and Lilium michiganense Farw, M. Colette Mahoney
"A Review of Soame Jenyns' Enquiry Into the Nature and Origin of Evil" by Samuel Johnson, Anne M Quilty
A Rhetorical Study of John Lydgate's Troy Book, Elinor G Andreoli
A Rhetorical Study of the Adhortatio ad Poenitentiam of Asterius of Amasea, Thomas J Wade
Aristotle, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Avicenna on the Relation of the One to Being as Given in Saint Thomas's Commentary on the Metaphysics of Aristotle, Elizbeth Marie Houlihan
Arturo Uslar-Pietri, His World in His Own Terms, Joseph Ray Mendoza
Asa Whitney and the Transcontinental Railroad, Agnes Teresa McManus
A Sea of Trouble: The Threat of Rising Sea Level in New York City, Claudia Kay Keech
A Shadow of Fear: An Original Play, Frederic De Feis
Asianism and Atticism as Conceived by Cicero, Martin J Neylon
“A Slow-Moving Disaster:” Early Coverage of the Coronavirus Pandemic at US Local Newspapers, Beth Knobel
A Socio-Historical Study of the Chinese Family System (1100 B.C. - 200 A.D.), Rita C Mao
A Sociological Study of New York City Politics Between 1846-1870, David J Scheider
Aspects of Relationship Between Theocritus and Vergil, Enrico Appierto
Aspects of the Genus Scopulariopsis, Type Species Penicillium brevicaule Saccaro, Albert Lamoureux
Aspects of the Medieval Revival in Eighteenth Century English Criticism: 1775-1800, Mary Loretta Perzanowski
A Study in Scientific Method - Philosophy of Physics of Max Planck, Charles C Cavalconte
A Study in the Parlement of Foules, Mary Esther Keating
A Study in the Permanence of the Expressed Vocational Interest of High School Sophomores, John Christopher Brickell
A Study of an Infection in Rats Caused by Micrococcus tetragenus, Dominic A Rotondaro
A Study of Attitudes in Relation to Conflicting Reference Groups, Joseph I. Clancy
A Study of Attitudes of Case Workers in a Public Relief Agency, Edward A Ricciuti
A Study of Broken Home and Orphanage Environments, Nationality and Socio-Economic Status as Factors in the Personality of Preadolescent Children, Mary Helena Whalen
A Study of Comparative Wages to Men and Women in Similar Occupations, Eleanor Maria Pettit
A Study of Delinquency Trends in the Imaginative Activities of Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Boys, Vincent A Flynn
A Study of Delinquent Adjustments Using Sociometrics as an Index to Group Organization, Joseph F Scott
A Study of Epicurian Theology Based Principally on Cicero's De Natura Deorum Book I and Lucretius' De Rerum Natura, William H Fitzgerald
A Study of Frustraton Patterns in a Group of Orthopedically Handicapped Hospitalized Pre-adolescents, Michael of the Cross Quinlan
A Study of Henry Garnet With Relation to John Donne's Ignatius His Conclave, Felton G O'Toole
A Study of Isaac Hawkins Browne's Poem On Design and Beauty: An Epistle, and a Comparison of This Poem With Charles Lesley's An Essay on Design and Beauty, Mary Aquin Raher
A Study of Martin Fierro, the Gaucho Poem by Jose Fernandez, in Relation to Spanish Tradition, William Sharky
A Study of Melancholy in Dr. Johnson, Veronica V Brophy
A Study of Metaphor and the Cursus in the Ancren Riwle, Mary Austin Kelleher
A Study of Natural Occurring Polyploidy in Mimosa pudica, Olga Rosemarie Di Salvo
A Study of Phthonos Theon and Nemesis in the History of Herodotus, Marguerite C Stahl
A Study of Pupillary Diameter and the Decrease of Critical Flicker Frequency After 50 Years of Age, John A Vollenweider
A Study of Reaction to Frustration in Only and Non-Only Children, Raymond A Dansereau
A Study of Religious Attitudes of a Group of Catholic College Women, Marie Edmund Harvey
A Study of Representative Editions of Allan Ramsay's The Gentle Shepherd, Martha Nicholson Kemp
A Study of Serial Section of the Cytoplasmic Constituents in Pelomyxa carolinensis, Stanislaus T Gerry
A Study of Some Social Aspects of Conversion to the Catholic Church, John T Doherty
A Study of Spermatogenesis in the Painted Turtle, Chrysemys picta, Mary Ann Getchell
A Study of Spermatogenesis in the Snail Otala lactea Mueller, Mary Kathleen Murphy
A Study of Spermatogenesis on Mystery Snail, Ampullaria Cuprina, Margaret Mary Powers
A Study of the Agriculture of Virgil's Georgics, Thomas P O'Malley
A Study of the Antibiotic Effect of Penicillium brevi compactum With Comparison of the Metabolism and the Macro- & Microscopic Structures of Penicillium brevi compactum With That of Penicillium notatum, Francis Henry Orlowski
A Study of the Antibiotic Effect of Streptomyces Isolated From Different Soil Depths, David Louis Broadnax
A Study of the Applicability of the Hunt-Minnesota Test for Organic Brain Damage to Children Between the Ages of Ten and Sixteen, Sonia A Avakian
A Study of the Attitudes of Delinquent and Nondelinquent Girls Towards Their Cultural Background, Marie E Soprano
A Study of the Character of Falstaff in Henry IV and in The Merry Wives of Windsor, Mary Elizabeth Gardiner
A Study of the Character of Louis XI as Seen in His Lettres and in the Memoires of Philippe de Commynes, Mary George McAleer
A Study of the Chromosome Number of the Seedlings of Xanthisma texanum D.C, Richard Timothy Cronin
A Study of the Chromosomes in Picea abies L., Eugene Antony Galletta
A Study of the Chronology Problems in Vergil's Aeneid, M. Majella Berg
A Study of the Controversy Over Palestine From 1915 to 1923: The War Time Commitments to the Arabs and Jews, Albert J Kent
A Study of the Development of the F1 Hybrid Resulting From a Cross Between Allium cepa and Allium fistulosum, Belinda S Villacorta
A Study of the Disjunctive Particles in Cicero's De Legibus, Grace Alma Abban
A Study of the Distribution and Nature of the Nuclear Crystals in Galtonia candicans, Franz Schmid
A Study of the Duration of the Perceptual After-Effect of Monocular Chromatic Stimulation, Robert G Milligan
A Study of the Earliest Middle English Poem on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mary James Kelleher
A Study of the Early History of the Hudson's Bay Company and the Importance of the Red River Settlement in Its Development, Edward D Reardon
A Study of the Effectiveness of Training on a Reading Acceleration With Basic and Standard English Material, Rosalind H Shea
A Study of the Effect of 2,537 å Ultraviolet Radiation on the Cytolytic Reactions, Longevity and Fat Content of Pelomyxa carolinensis, Gertrude Marie Slane
A Study of the Effect of Rate of Presentation on the Memory Span for Digits, John H McCormack
A Study of the Effect of Various Amino Acids on the Rate of Tyrosinase Activity, Gaetano Frank Barbato
A Study of the Effects of Light on Paramecium Multimicronucleatum Powers and Mitchel Exposed to Aqueous Suspensions of DDT, Mary A Rossman
A Study of the Effects of Methyl Cellulose Agar and Quince Seed Jelly on the Water Content of Cytoplasm of Paramecium multimicronucleatum, Matthew Hardardt
A Study of the Effects of Phenyl-Acetic Acid on the Roots of Allium cepa, Ellen Jane Dullea
A Study of the Emotional Reaction of Cardiac Girls Through the Media of Wishes, Fears, Dreams, Daydreams, Natalie D White
A Study of the Essence of Composite Substances as Presented in the De Ente Et Essentia of St. Thomas Aquinas, M. Elizabeth Fowkes
A Study of the Fears of Catholic High School Students, Carmela Therese Sheridan
A Study of the Free Association Test With Boys and the Relation of Their Responses to Religious Knowledge and Behavior Ratings, Alphonse Cuk
A Study of the Growth of Various Bacteria on Limited Media, Michael Fitzgibbon
A Study of the Hind Gut of the House Fly, Musca domestica l., With Special Reference to the Rectal Papillae, Jose E Bosch
A Study of the Histological Structure and Enzymatic Activity in the Digestive Tract of Carassius auratus, Barbara H Doe
A Study of the Interrelationships Among Olfactory Perception, Affective Suggestion, and the Psychogalvanic Reaction, Elliot Norman Wineburg
A Study of the Knowledge, Interests and Attitudes of Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Boys, Walter J Kowalski
A Study of the Language Development and Goodenough I.Q. of Puerto Rican Preschool Children in New York City, Cruz de Jesus
A Study of the Personal and Literary Reputation (1535-1935) of Saint John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, M. Evelyn Hart
A Study of the Political Allusions in Euripides With Special Reference to the Heracleidae and the Supplices, Francis J Fallon
A Study of the Present Status of the Scholarship on Geoffrey Chaucer's Parlement of Foules, Nicholas J McNeil
A Study of the Psychometric Signs of Anxiety in the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale and the Rorschach Test, Frank S Puzzo
A Study of the Puns in Shakespeare, Redmond L O'Hanlon
A Study of the Readability and Interest of Promotional, Training, and Informational Publications of a Large Firm, Richard F Thornton
A Study of the References to the Passion of Our Lord Found in the Homilies of the Anglo Saxon Church, May Lorette Brophy
A Study of the Relation of Intelligence, Reading Speed and Certain Personality Factors to Mirror-Reading and Mirror-Writing, James J Kane
A Study of the Relationship Between Measures of Intelligence and Social Maturity in Mentally-Retarded Children, Joseph-Ovide Bedard
A Study of the Relationship Between Motor and Sensory Measures of Perseveration, William J McGill
A Study of the Relationship Between Visual Reaction Time and the Intensity of Light, Lawrence J Griffin
A Study of the Religious Themes in Lope De Vega's Doce Fiestas, Marianne Keane
A Study of the Responses of Stutterers and Non-Stutterers to Two Kinds of Personality Tests, Bob Hirsch
A Study of the Rhetorical Figures in Cicero’s De Legibus, Alfred A Humm
A Study of the Synthesis of Vitamin B12 by Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria, Francis Gaetano Gentile
A Study of the Synthesis of Vitamin B12 by Yeast, Molds and Mold-Like Bacteria, David Jerome Callahan
A Study of the Time Error in Multiples of the Standard of the Galton Bar, Harold W Collier
A Study of the Validity and Reliability of Forms H and J of the Miller Analogies Test, William F Tronca
A Study of Two Critical Theories of Thomas Stearns Eliot, John Thomas McSharry
A Study of Unionism at the Utica Knitting Company, Edward H Noonan
A Study of Vitamin B12 Activity, Lorraine Marie Murphy
A Study of Vitamin B12 Activity in Seven Chromatic Bacteria Using Euglena Gracilis Johnson Var. Bacillaris as the Essay Organism, Leo Jerome Kelly
A Study on Spermatogenesis in Musca domestica L, Raynund Davey
A Suggested Method for Studying Children's Reading Interests, Genevieve M Costello
A Survey of Recent Faust Translations Into English, Maria Berl
A Survey of the Accomplishments of Labor-Management Committees as Sponsored by the War Production Drive and an Evaluation of Their Significance, Richard Aloysius Michel
A Survey of the Financial Resources of the Chinese Government, 1937-1945, John B Ma
A Survey of the Images of Decay in the Anniversary Poems of John Donne, Marie Eugene Gotimer
A Survey of the Scholarship on the Pearl-Poet, Margaret Maria Guenter
A Theoretical Determination of the Chemical Composition of Timothy Hay Infusion, Joseph M McKenna
Attitude of the Eighteenth Century French Thinkers Toward Slavery, Elizabeth M Bova
Auguste Sabatier's "Outlines of a Philosophy of Religion": Analysis and Critique, Philip S McGregor
Author Checklist, Fordham Press
Authoritarianism and the Rentier State - Venezuela and Nigeria, Victoria Zobeida Castillo
Authority in Piers Plowan, Marie M Brennan
Autobiography in the Poetry of Lope de Vega, M. Aquinas Schweri
A Variorum Edition of William Butler Yeats's The Wanderings of Oisin, James F Gallagher
A Verification of the Association Value of Glaze's Nonsense Syllables, Henry P Lenczycki
Backgrounds of Puerto Rican Delinquency in New York City, Paul J Reiss
Becoming Diaspora: A Comparative Analysis of Palestinian Diaspora Groups in New Jersey and Lebanon, Reem Zidan Farhat
Benjamin Disraeli and the American Civil War, Joan F Heller
Benjamin Stoddert, First Secretary of the Navy, 1798-1801, Gerard C Kelley
Ben Johnson's Theory of Poetry and Horace's Ars Poetica: A Comparartive Study in the General Theory of Poetry, Robert J O'Connell
Beowulf and the Story of Tsuna, Augustine K Imagawa
Berkeley's Polemic Against the Abstract Idea, Joseph W Browne
Bernard De Chartres Versus Bernard Silvester of Tours, Joseph W Russell
Bishop and Presbyter: An Historical Study of the Christian Ministry From 200 A.D. To 400 A.D., Justin Vojtek
Bliss Carman's Poetry: With Edition of an Unpublished Manuscript Notebook, Rose Mary Bliss
Blood of Two Streams: Gender Balance in Parental Legacy, Francis Mading Deng
Blood Pressure Changes During a Commonplace Stress Situation, Francis J Wuest
Bodin and Bossuet, Prudentia Warren
Boileau and Pope: Their Theoretical and Practical Criticism, Rudolph Joseph Brodeur
Bossuet as Seen Through His Correspondence, Mary Agnes Heffel
Bossuet in the Eighteenth Century, Marian Francis Dillon
B. Part II MLD Mapping Instructions, Maryanne Kowaleski and Camila Marcone
Bridging the Realms Between Cyber and Physical: Approaching Cyberspace with an Interdisciplinary Lens, Lena Andrea Rose
British Appeasement of Italy, 1936-1940, Frederick W Schmidt
British Apprehensions of German Domination in the Low Countries, 1900-1914, Frank Murtagh
British Mediterranean Policy, the League of Nations and Bulgaria, 1918-1923, Beatrice Ryan
British Policy Toward Poland, 1919-1922, Warren H Reynolds
British Public Opinion During the Critical Period of the Polish Insurrection of 1863, Eileen Joseph Welch
British Pursuit of a Commercial Treaty with Spain in Mid-Nineteenth Century, Mary Ursula Cockerill
British Views of Russia in the 1840's, Marie A Shea
Burke and Charlemont: A Study of a Historic Freindship, Michael Harrison
Burke and the Regency Crisis, 1788-1789, Margaret Power
Burke and the Rockinghamites: Their Political Conduct on the American Revolution, 1775-1778, Donald F Salvatore
Burke's Satire of Bolingbroke: 'A Vindication of Natural Society', Walter Charles McCauley
Canadian Issues in British-American Relations, 1783-1794, Francis McCarthy
Capgrave's Life of Saint Augustine: The Latin Source and Notes on Capgrave's Text, Cyril L Smetana
Cardinal Newman's Concept of the Method of Personation, Richard J Dombro
Caste and Society in India, Peter C Gonsalvez
Categories Necessary for Understanding Plato's View of Art, John E Mintz
Catholic Beginnings in the Town of New Rochelle: The Mission Period, Frederick H. Paulmann
Catholic Social Principles and the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, Joseph J Corcoran
Catholic Teaching in the Novels of Francois Mauriac, M. Madeleine Andriot
Cato Uticensis in Classical Exemplum Literature, Mary Russo
Catullus Autobiographicus: A Composite Study of the Lesbia Poems and Carmina 61 - 67, Paul W. A Harkins
Cell Division in the Tapetum and the Pollen Mother Cells of Symplocarpus foetidus, James J Hanlon
Central Banking Policy and the Defense Program, Edwin W. Magee
Certain Aspects of the Character of Pliny Compared With That of Cicero as Revealed by Selections From Their Correspondence, Thomas P Stanton
Cervantes’ Literary Criticism of the Novel in the Quijote, Mary Eileen Manning
Challenging Students with High Abilities in Inclusive Math and Science Classrooms, Suzanne Freedberg
Change, Development, and Growth of Underdeveloped Economies, Sixto K Roxas
Changes in Critical Flicker Frequency Under Prolonged Continuous Stimulation, Edward P Buckley
Changes in the Concentration of Reducing Substances During the Metamorphosis of the Housefly, Musca domestica (Linnaeus), Robert James Delvecchio
Changes in the Distribution of Incomes - 1929-1946, Patricia Jose Crowley
Changes in the Distribution of Phosphorus During the Embryonic Development of the Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica Newman), John Viccaro
Changes in the Glucose Content of the Blowfly (Phormia regina) During Metamorphosis, Joseph George Wihby
Changes in Three Blood Components as a Result of a Commonplace Stress Situation, Rudolph L Zlody
Changing Attitudes Toward the American Negro in Occupation, in Education and in Justice, John J Mulroy
Changing Worlds, Changing Classrooms: Satellite Children and their Teachers in the Transnational Era, Ming-Hsuan Wu and Sonna L. Opstad
Character Descriprion in Livy and Polybius: A Comparison, Catherine E Nyberg
Characterization in the Lais of Marie de France, Charlotte Morehead
Character Portrayal in Martial's Epigrams, Elizabeth A McBrien
Charles Butler, Advocate and Memoirist of Catholic Emancipation, Marie du Bel Amour Hamelin
Charles Evans Hughes, a Liberal Justice of the Supreme Court, 1910-1916, Stanley G Mathews
Charles Evans Hughes, Reform Governor of New York, 1906-1910, Agnes Carmita Sheridan
Charles O'Conor, A Personal Study, Maria Baptista Morris
Charles Rollin - Educator, M. Ephrem Carmody
Chateaubriand Before 1802: From Philosophical to Aesthetic Naturism, M. Gabrielle Walsh
"Child Marriage Across Cultural Contexts: A Comparative Analysis Between South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa", Farhana Hussain
Chinese Currency Experience (1937-1949), John H. Y Tai
Chinese Writings of Agricultural Economics, Stanislaus Hsu
Christian "Honnêteté" in Saint Francois De Sales, Mary Uriel Gleason
Christianity and Classical Literature, or, What Did Christianity Do With Pagan Literature?, Madeline Lagomarsino
Christina Rossetti and Alice Meynell: Poets of Renunciation, Mary Denis Mahoney
Christina Rossetti's Contributions to The Germ, Rosemary Gelshenen
Christine De Pisan, Her Life and Works, Roselda Affolter
Church and State in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Phyllis Steinfurth Miller
Church Life in Eighteenth Century England, James C Southard
Cicero and Music, Lauretta M Guiltinan
Cicero De Summo Imperatore: Pro Lege Manilia 29–49 and Parallel Passage in the Works of Cicero, John M Wozniak
Cicero in the Res Militaris, with Special Reference to the Issue of War and Peace at the Time of the Philippics, Thomas F Magner
Cicero’s Family Life: A Study of Carcopino’s Criticism, Mary Bernardo Sweeney
Cicero’s Ideas on Hospitality as Revealed in His Correspondence, Mary Tarcisius Roche
Cistercian Economic Policy and the Alexandrine Tithe Exemption, M. Joel Read
Clement of Alexandria's Evaluation of Philosophy, Francis A Sullivan
C. MLD-Mapping Dataset 1250-1334, Maryanne Kowaleski and Camila Marcone
Coconstructing Community: A Conceptual Map for Reuniting Aging People with their Families and Communities, Tina M. Maschi and Lindsay Koskinen
Colchicine Effects on Root Leaf Primordia of Allium cepa, Frank J McCarthy
Colchicine Experiments with Lychnis chalcedonica, Mary Justitia Lawniczak
Cold War Reckonings: Authoritarianism and the Genres of Decolonization, Jini Kim Watson
Color Symbolism in the Irish Epics, Margaret J McVeigh
Commodifying the Commons: American Individualism and Corporate Agriculture, Sarah A. Cryer
Comparative Methodology in Testimony, Dorothy Eleanor Lush
Comparison Between Saint Francis de Sales and Bossuet as Spiritual Directors, Ann Loyola Dwyer
Comparison of Deaf and Hearing Preschool Children on a Non-Verbal Performance Test, Rita Cancelliere
Comparison of Matching Methods Versus Ranking Methods for Discrimination of Color, Dorothy E Maguire
Comparison of the Merit Rating Plan and the New York State Plan in Unemployment Insurance, Loretta Corcoran
Compensation for the Players: An Analysis of the Compensation for an NCAA Athlete, Michael A. Bongiovanni
Compress the Curve: A Cross-Sectional Study of Variations in COVID-19 Infections Across California Nursing Homes, Ram Gopal, Xu Han, and Niam Yaraghi
Concepts of Liberty in English Poetry: 1730-1770, Richard R Dunn
Conduct of the Foreign Affairs of the United States -- 1933-1940: A Study in Presidential Power, C. Richard Cleary
Consciousness, Quantum Physics, and Hermeneutical Phenomenology, Patrick A. Heelan SJ
Conservation and Murder: The Plight of Indigenous Land Defenders in Mexico, Costa Rica, New Zealand and the Philippines, Jillian G. Kenny
Conserving Chelonia mydas Populations in Oahu: The Impact of Plastic on the Hawaiian Archipelago, Hailey Arango
Consistency of the Psychogalvanic Response for the Individual and for the Group, Anne Frances Robertson
Contemporary Political Allusions in Cicero's De Amicicia, Mary Charlotte Russell
Contrast of Platonic and Aristotelian Ethics, James P Kehoe
Contributor Publication Agreement, Fordham Press
Cooperation Between Private Social Agencies and Public Welfare Agencies, Joseph R Maher
Cornell Index Score Characteristics of Patients in Different Medical Diagnostic Categories, Leonard Bernstein
Correlatives of Service Ratings, Edmund F Fuchs
Coventry Patmore in the Correspondence of His Contemporaries, Mary Anthony Weinig
Coverage of the Fair Labor Standard Act, Eugene J Bowe
COVID-Related Victimization, Racial Bias and Employment and Housing Disruption Increase Mental Health Risk Among U.S. Asian, Black and Latinx Adults, Celia B. Fisher, Xiangyu Tao, Tingting Liu, Salvatore Giorgi, and Brenda Curtis
Criticism in English Dramatic Prologues and Epilogues, 1700-1721, St. John of Parma Banks
Critique of Markell Radyshevsky on the "Spiritual Regulation", Georges Bissonnette
Critique of Spearman's Laws of Cognition and Two-Factot Theory, Paul T Sayers
Cross-country Differences in Stay-at-home Behaviors During Peaks in the Covid-19 Pandemic in China and the United States: The Roles of Health Beliefs and Behavioral Intention, Wei Hong, Ru-De Liu, Yi Ding, Jacquenline Hwang, Jia Wang, and Yi Yang
Cuba No; Miami Sí: Cuban Americans Coping with Ambiguous Loss, Rose M. Perez
Culture Methods for Spirostomum ambiguum, Frank A Mina
Curriculum by Design: Innovation and the Liberal Arts Core [APPENDIX], Mary Crane, David Quigley, and Andy Boynton
Cyclical Unemployment and Public Works, Myron Braunfeld
Cyrano de Bergerac, Precursor of the Eighteenth Century Spirit, Isobel C Richardson
Cyrano De Bergerac, the Man and the Legend, James J O'Brien
Cyril Tourneur, Martin Clement Carroll
Cyril Tourneur and The Transformed Metamorphosis, John S Blong
Cytological Effects of 2-Methylnaphthoquinpone on Cell Division in Allium cepa, A. Lawrence Rapuzzi
Cytological Effects of Streptomycin on Allium cepa L., Agnes Claire Becker
Cytological Effects on Different Concentrations of Some Fixing Agents on Roots Tips of Allium cepa, Edward J Kraviec
Cytological Studies in the Genus Aconitum, Dorothy Janet Longacre
Cytological Study of Coreopsis auriculata Nana hort., Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt and Coreopsis tinctoria atropurpurea Hook, James Joseph O'Grady
Cytological Study of the Development of Brassica oleracea L, Joseph Augustus Vena
Dante and Music, Dante Sena
De Aristotelis Poetica et De Electra Sophoclis Quomodo Ad Invicem Se Habeant, Joseph Espinosa Polit
De Facto Leadership: African American Baptist Adult Clergy Children’s Commitment to Ministry, Michele Brown
Deficit Spending and the Multiplier, Jack R Thurber
Demonstration of Mitochondria in Plant Cells, James Louis Harley
De Oratoris Optima Specie Et Quasi Figura Iuxta Ciceronem (The Ideal Orator According to Cicero), Emmanuel Acevez
Depositus and Depositio in Early Christian Epitaphs as Evidence of Belief that the Dead Will Rise, John J Jennings
Descartes as a Prose Writer, Clement H Regimbal
Descartes' Conception of the Unity of Knowledge, Joseph H Casey
Determination of Glycogen Content During the Metamorphosis of the Mealworm, Tenebrio molitor (Linnaeus), Paul Gerald Roussell
Determination of Influence of Knowledge of a Prior Criminal Record of the Defendant Upon the Jury Verdict, Justin O Carey
Development and Piloting of the Multiracial Microaggressions Scale, Steven Kevin Carter
Development of Trade Unions in Post-war Japanese Society, Peter F Munakata
Devices of Rhythm and Sound in Thomas Browne's Urn Burial, William Justin Power
Diction and Conventionality in Churchill and Pope, Miriam Carmel McGovern
Diction and Conventionality in Cowper and Pope, Marita Paul Neylan
Did Ovid Write Double Letters of the Heroides?, Mary P Carroll
Digital Medievalist article on Omeka and the Medieval Object Report Assignment, Maryanne Kowaleski and Esther Liberman Cuenca
Discrepancy in Intelligence Test Scores as Related to Psychological Adjustment, James Filella
D. MLD Mapping SAMPLE Coded Sheet, Maryanne Kowaleski
Doctor Johnson and the Philosophical Background of His Age, Eileen O'Gorman
Dominance, Spatial Orientation and Reading Ability, Lawrence Joseph Poirier
Don Juan: His Legend, Love and Religion as Presented by Tirso De Molina, Robert A Folchi
Drama in the Cyclic Plays of Mediaeval England, Mary Thaddeus Clark
Dr. Johnson and French Letters, John Alfred Gaudet
Dryden's Critique of the Elizabethans: Of the Work of Shakespeare, Jonson, Fletcher, Spencer, Chapman, Donne, Joseph C Kelley
E-advocacy in Human Services, Lauri Goldkind
E-advocacy in Human Services: The Impact of Organizational Conditions and Characteristics on Electronic Advocacy Activities among Nonprofits, Lauri Goldkind
Early Cult Places in Virgil's Aeneid, Veronica C Egan
Early Latian Cult Places in Ovid's Fasti, M. Irene Cody
East Harlem: Rezoned for Displacement?, Lakeisha Sparrow
Echoes of Juvenal in the Works of John Dryden, Alice C Gary
Economic Conditions in Maryland in the Seventeenth Century, Loretta J Hoffmann
Edmund Burke and the Beginning of Catholic Emancipation in England, 1776-1780, John E O'Brien
Edmund Burke and the Penal Laws Against the Irish Catholics in the Eighteenth Century, Alice Frances Gallagher
Edmund Burke and the Quebec Act of 1774, Luigi S. J Benincasa
Edmund Burke and the Schism in the Whig Party, DeRosa B O'Connor
Edmund Burke's Civil Establishment Bill, 1780-1782, Francis G Haas
Educational Leaders’ Perceptions of Digital Badges as Markers of Teacher Professional Learning and Knowledge, Michael Joseph Curtin
Education as Advocacy: The Foundations of Support for Immigrant Youth, Pamela D'Andrea Martínez
Edward Jerningham, Mary Ellen Murphy
Edwin Arlington Robinson's Treatment of the Tristan Legend, Vincent Stack Kenny
Effective Church Engagement with Young Adults: An Organizational Case Study, John J Dere
Effects of Colchicine on Cucurbitaceous Plants, Pio A Massetti
Effects of Restricted Food Supply on Chaos chaos, Sophie Jakowska
Effects of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff on the Foreign Trade of the United States, Charles J Walsh
Effects of Varying the Concentration of Ringer Solution on the Salivary Gland Cell Nuclei of Drosophila funebris, Francis X. Wazeter
Elements of Law in Cicero's De Officiis, Emeline A Garofalo
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Victorian Romantic: A Study in Her Social Thought as Reflected in Her Poetry and in Her Letters, Terry D Frazer
Emile, the Key to Rousseau's Social Theories, Martin E Oliverio
E. MLD Mapping EMPTY Sheet, Maryanne Kowaleski
Emotions in Stoicism and Christianity, St. Arsene Cailler
English and American Translators and Critics of Giacomo Leopardi, Mary Bagnara
Enhancing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in a Post-Conflict Setting: A Review of Central American Conflicts in the 1990s, Leticia Guadalupe Murillo
Ethical Teaching in the Middle English Religious Lyrics, Mary Teresa Moran
Euripidean Elements in the Tragedies of Racine, Robert W Gleason
Euthanasia in the Light of Christian and Some Non-Christian Philosophies, Lawrence A Mann
Evaluating Visual and Verbal Prompts: Acquisition of Grocery Shopping Skills in Adolescents with Autism, Karina Lynn Morales
Evaluation of the Jumpstart Preschool Program Curriculum Revision Pilot, Richmond B Carlton
Everybody Does It: The Pragmatics and Perceptions of International Chinese Graduate Students and their American Peers Regarding Gossip, Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth, Timothy John Ebsworth, and Chencen Cai
Evidence of the Mystical State in the "Terrible Sonnets" of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Philip J Scharper
Excitation Studies of Cut, Isolated Muscle Fibers, Harry E Klos
Executive-Legislative Relations in the Federal Government: An Analysis of Selected Recommendations, Frederick J Helbig
Executive Order 13950: Insufficient Grounds for Curbing Academic Freedom, Arianna Chen
Executive Power in External Affairs: Madison's Helvidius Papers, Frank B Costello
Experiences Negotiating Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions as Underrepresented College Students Pursuing STEM, Christie-Belle Garcia
Exploring Students’ with Learning Disabilities Perceptions of Faculty Support and Bias, Carolyn P Corbran
Exploring White Extremism as a Function of Historical Legacy, Globalization, and Populism in the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia, Catherine Gassiot
Exposure to Social Media Racial Discrimination and Mental Health among Adolescents of Color, Xiangyu Tao and Celia B. Fisher
External Nature in the Works of Saint Teresa, Regina Thérèse Casey
Fair Employment Practices: The Wartime Committee and Proposed Legislation, Elizabeth L Gallagher
Fair Enough: A Comedy in Two Acts, Patrick James Blaney
Fanny Barney as a Literary Critic, Frank Sinnott
Farm to Boardroom: How Improving Farm Conditions Leads to Sustained and Ethical Profit, Emily Mueller
Father Isaac T. Hecker, Pioneer in Nineteenth Century Catholic Journalism, M. Jeanne Dolores Kavanagh
Father Marechal's Theory of Intellectual Dynamism, Joseph V Dolan
Fenelon and the Question of Luxury, John F McKenna
Ferdinand Brunetiere's Philosophy of Moderation in Literary Criticism, M. Agnes Virginia
Fernán Caballero and Her Contribution to Spanish Letters, Anne Failla
Fighting for Education in a Globalized World: The Intersection Between Education Policy and Student Activism in Colombia and France, Caroline Magdalene Albacete
Finger Ratios as Psychometric Indices, Carlos A Garcia
F. Layers of London Grid Template, Maryanne Kowaleski
Floral Studies in the Genus fragaria, Mary Angela Vucovic
Fluctuations in Ambiguous Figures Under Conditions of Monocular and Binocular Vision, John B Murray
Food and Dining in the Middle English Non-Cyclical Metrical Romances, Patricia S Clancy
Foreign Trade and Exchange Controls of Germany (1931-1948), Peter C Peasley
Foreshadowing in the Prologue of Seneca's Troades, Mary Cleopas Keegan
Formative Influences of the Cistercians Upon Some Contemporary Religious Orders, Mary Honoria Daly
Forms of Legitimate and Illegitimate Interpersonal Influence, Jerome B Long
Francesca da Rimini by George Henry Boker, in a Revised Version, Prepared for Presentation on a Modern Stage, Rowland S Hughes
Frederick Ozanam, a Precursor of Modern Catholic Action, Timothy Joseph Dwyer
Free American Commerce: A Study in the Nationalism of John Q. Adams, Mario A Mich
Free Choice in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas, David J Crombie
Freedom in the God of Plotinus, Cassian Patrick Gorman
Free Thinking in the Seventeenth Century: A Result of a Series of "Contre-Sens" ?, Edmund V O'Sullivan
French-Canadian Folklore, Leo Sylvius Cote
French Foreign Policy and Poland, 1752-1770, Daniel S Buczek
French Revolution and American Nationalism, Clare A Spitsen
From General to Special Prevention: The Development of Child Legislation in the Netherlands, Gerhard H Veringa
Gamaliel Bradfod, a Critical Study, Katherine M Lynch
Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights: A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Civil Society Organizations in HIV/AIDS Responses in Brazil and Nigeria, Emma Stefania Schoppmeyer
Gentleman Usher on Parnassus: Horace Walpole and the Bluestockings, Joseph V Guerinot
George Gissing: A Critical Study, Anna L McNamara
George Sand's Idealism, Jeanne M Blanchet
Gerard Manley Hopkins: His Criticism of the Major Writers in English Literature, Eugenia Marie Garvey
Gilbert Keith Chesterton's Conception of Literature and Literary Criticism, Joseph L Caulfield
Giovanni Granelli e Il Teatro Gesuitico in Italia, Antonina A Tavormina
Grace and Free Will in the Golden Age as Seen Through Molinism and Three Principal Dramas, Adalbert Walter Lagonowicz
Graduate Training in School Psychology: Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Amanda Paige Marshall
Great Britain and Ionian Protectorate, 1815-1864, Finbarr Bohan
Great Britain and Russia, 1907-1917: A Study in World Politics, Elsie A Carrillo
Great Britain and the Annexation of Nice and Savoy to France in 1860, Gaetano L Vincitorio
Great Britain and the Free City of Cracow, 1815-1846, Francis J Zimnoch
Great Britain and the Jews of Palestine, 1838-1841, Margaret Mary Gahan
Great Britain and the Non-Intervention Committee During the Spanish Civil War, Adelaide A Hannan
Great Britain and the Pacification of Egypt, 1919-1924: A Study in Imperial Defence Strategy, Thomas A O'Hare
Grievance Clauses in Collective Labor Agreements and Their Social and Economic Importance, Joseph C Krug
Growth of Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria Under Different Forms of Nitrogen in Summer and Autumn, Timothy Y Wong
Harriet Martineau, Mary Figueira
Henri-Francois d'Aguesseau: Orator, Maria Emeric Donati
Henry Clay the Election of 1844, Benedict Henry Cruger
Henry George's Campaign for Mayor of New York City in 1886, James F Byrns
Henry VIII, the Anglo-Catholic Pope, Elizabeth Anne McLaughlin
Her Father's Daughter: An Adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler, Frank Stein
Hibernation of Vertebrates, Dorothea J Kelly
High-Stakes Accountability: External Forces’ Influence on New York City High School Principals’ Experiences, Michele Rene Williams
Hispanism and Localism in Pereda's Art, Carmen Viejo
History of the Irish Labour Party, Daniel J Brady
Holden and Pearson: A Study in the Reconstruction History of North Carolina, Clare T Bauch
Homer's Gods: Poetic Technique, Florence C Sullivan
Home Rule in Spain: Catalan Autonomy and Its Historical Background, William P Mannix
Homo Psyche: On Queer Theory and Erotophobia [CHAPTER 6], Gila Ashtor
Horace Mann and the Secularization of the Schools, Margaret Mary Wright
Horace's Sincere Conformity to the Augustan Reformation, Mary Eleanora Murphy
Horace Walpole and Samuel Johnson, Harold E Hicks
Horace Walpole and the Stage, Darby T Ruane
House in a Sea: A Play in Two Acts, Cyril P Heiman
How Catholic Is John Donne?, M. Edmund Fallon
How Much Does the Distance in Distance Education Matter? Our Students Speak, Manoj Pardasani, Lauri Goldkind, Janna Heyman, and Bronwyn Cross Denny
How Secularism Engenders Citizenship: A Comparison of Secularism in France and Turkey, Naomi Janet Izett
Hugh of Saint Victor and the Pursuit of Learning in the Twelfth Century, Mery Josephine Byles
"Hungary: An Inflection Point for a Young Democracy in Decline", Patrick Rhinelander Rizzi
Hylomorphism in Modern Science, Joseph B D'Arcy
Ignatian Identity of School Educators in a Multicultural Society of India: A Comparative Study, Vincent Vinod Fernandes
Image and Meaning in the Two Poems of Francis Thompson, Eunice Rowley
Imagining Multimodal and Translanguaging Possibilities for Authentic Cultural Writing Experiences, Lucía Cárdenas Curiel and Christina M. Ponzio
Immigrants Labor in Manchuria, 1900-1940, Joseph Ch'eng Tung Wang
Immigration Status and Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation and Attempts among Latinos in the United States, Amanda de Jesús
Incentive Wage Plans and Their Limitation in Collective Agreements, Francis J Ullrich
Increasing military social work knowledge: An evaluation of learning outcomes., Mary Ann Forgey and Sharon L Young
Index of Proper Names and Analysis of Brevis Expositio on Virgil's Georgics, Casimir James Smith
Indian Nationalism Versus White Aggression: Pontiac, Indian Nationalist, Mary McNulty
Individual Variability in Sensitivity to Four Different Colored Lights, Henry H Masuda
Infectious Liberty: Biopolitics between Romanticism and Liberalism, Robert Mitchell
Influence of Age on the Critical Flicker Frequency of Adults, Joseph M Doblmeier
Influence of Prestige Suggestion on the Answers of a Personality Inventory, Catherine M Birch
Influence of Stoicism on Tacitus as Derived From the Dialogus De Oratoribus and the Annales [With Stress Laid on His Acceptance or Rejection of Any Given Docrine], Francis Altomare
Influence of the Kinesthetic Factor in the Reproduction of Linear Magnitudes, Ramon Gomez Arias
Interests and Attitudes of Cardiac Girls, Kathleen Marie Chambers
Inter-Individual Variability in Monocular Movement Parallax Thresholds at Two Rates of Stimulus Movement, Donald W Connolly
Intra-Individual Variability in Monocular Movement Parallax Thresholds for Two Subjects, Ellen M Casey
Investigating the Enactment of Core Teaching Practices for Multilingual Learners Across Teaching Contexts: A Case Study, Nancy Dubetz and Jennifer Collett
Investigation Into Extra-Sensory Perception Ability of Hallucinating Psychotics, Joseph M Lichtenstein
Investigation of Possible Relationships of the Object Assembly Subtest of the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale, Gerald A Reynolds
Investigation of the Effectiveness of Two Standard Color Vision Tests, George L De Nittis
Investigation of the Learning Involved in the Digit Symbol Subtest of the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale, Theodore E Burik
Investigation of the Relation of Differences in Verbal and Quantitative Intelligence Test Scores to Personality Adjustment, Gerard J McDonnell
Irony in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde: An Essay on Chaucer's Christian imagination, Alexander J. Burke
Isabella Andreini and Her Contribution to the Commedia dell' Arte, Cordelia Orlando
"Is It Viable to Have a Fully-Functional Multiethnic State in Modern Society? A Dual Regional Inquiry", Anike Tella-Martins
Issues in the Problem of Steel Company Expansion, Mary Marjorie Jones
Is Virginia Woolf a Novelist?, Mary Mildred Jennings
James Beattie's Minstrel: The Philosophical and Moral Background, Barbara E Schoen
James Buchanan, Fifteenth President of the United States, Lenard J Droste
James Clarence Mangan, Maria Patricia Devaney
James Otis' Constitutional Ideas, Matthew J Cox
James Thomson's Departure From the Neoclassical Technique in Winter, Charles A McAnulla
Jane Austen as Critic, Mary Teresa Brady
Japan and the United Kingdom: Island Peoples Coming to Terms with their Imperial Legacy, Trisha Ann Canessa
Japanese Immigration to the United States 1890-1924: A Problem in International Relations, Arthur P Sullivan
Jean Jacques Rutledge, a Minor Figure of the French Revolution, Charles E O'Neill
Jednota, as a Phase of Slovak-American Society, Michael J Jakub
Jerusalem in the Stacks, Fordham University
JMER Description & Guidelines for Submission
JMER Publication Description & Guidelines for Submission
Johan Wolfgang von Goethe's "Faust": A Theatrical Adaptation (Part one and Part two), Bernard Victor Abbene
John Burgoyne, M. P, Terence J Hoverter
John Dewey's Theory of Ethics, Benignus Gerrity
John Donne and the New Philosophy With Special Reference to Christopher Clavius, John Thomas Walsh
John Gerson, Patriot, John Davron Barry
John Locke's Conception of Knowledge and Probability, Patrick J Zafonte
John Louis O'Sullivan, Democratic Nationalist, John A Mauro
John Milton, a Proponent of False Supernaturalism, Daniel G McCarthy
John of Salisbury and His Knowledge of the Augustan Poets, Louis J Olivieri
John of Salisbury, the Outstanding Humanist of the Twelfth Century, Joseph E Hansbery
John Quincy Adams and His Relation to the Abolition Movement, Jane Cornelia Curtin
Johnson and the Classics, Thomas J Tarmey
Johnson's Life of Lyttleton: A Study of a Literary Quarrel, Mary Cecilia Dowd
Johnson's Moral Essays, John J Fitzgerald
Johnson's Pessimism, Mary de Lourdes Muench
John Stuart Mill's Theories on the Progressive State Contrasted With Those of John Bates Clark, Basil Stephen O'Hara
John Verulus of Anagni's Liber de Musica: An Introduction to a Study of a Musicologist of the Ars Nova, With Specimen Translations of His Work, Romolo J Fisichelli
John Wilkes and the Repercussions of The False Alarm, Austin Fergus McCarthy
Jonathan Swift and the Charge of Disbelief, Jean M McClelland
Joseph De Maistre, Exemplar of Modern Polemicism, Marie Ysabel Leach
Josephine Preston Peabody, Poet and Dramatist, Mary Priscilla McKillip
Judgment of Existence, Albinus of Mary Hefferman
Justice Felix Frankfurter's Concept of Judicial Review, Charles J Harris
Justinian I (483-565): A Great Builder and Destroyer, George A Hartmann
Katherine Mansfield, an Appreciation, Eileen I O'Shea
Keynes, Full Employment and Its International Relations, John On Fong Young
Knowledge in Relation to the Will as Described by John Henry Cardinal Newman, E Sullivan
Labor-Management Relations at E.R. Squibb and Sons, Incorporated, 1940-1951, Joseph F Hammond
Labor Relations in the Hotel Industry of New York City, Patricia A Riordan
Labor's Position in Federal Law: A Study in Social Change, Joseph L Cross
Labyrinths, Kevin M. Cahill M.D.
Lamartine and Wordsworth, Alfred J Kelty
Lamennais – From Champion of the Pope to Champion of the People, Alice M Wells
Lapis Manalis, Aquaelicium, Jupiter Elicius: A Study in Roman Weather-Magic, Paul Vincent Callahan
L. A. Thiers and F. Guizot. A Portrait of Two Frenchmen Who Not Only Related History but Made It, Clare R Costello
Latino Mental Health: Acculturation Challenges in Service Provision, Rose M. Perez
La tragedia Alfieriana e Saul, Thomas Pernice
Laval and the Franco-Russian Pact, 1935-1936, Margaret Genevieve Smith
La Vita E Le Opere Di Angiolo Silvio Novaro, Antonio Simone
Leaning Out: Exploring Organizational Advocacy Activities From an Open Systems Perspective, Lauri Goldkind
Léon Bloy, Medieval Mystic and Modern Pamphleteer, Grace Devota McConnell
Lewis Hallam, David Douglass and the Beginnings of the American Theater, Marie Virginia Conway
Liberating Instruction: A Critical Bilingual Literacy Approach for Latinx Students, Anel V. Suriel
Life and Manners of the Aztecs According to the Early Chroniclers, Joan of Arc Ferrer
Life in a Dream by Calderon: A Production Book, Joseph F. Eid
Life's Tragedy as Seen by Christian Friedrich Hebbel, Francis M Keady
Linguistic Acculturation and Context on Self-Esteem: Hispanic Youth Between Cultures, Rose M. Perez
Lipid Metabolism in the Frog, Rana pipiens, Mary-Emeline F Twomey
L'ironia E La Satira Nella Poesia Di Giacomo Leopardi, Giacomo Orlando
Listening to Latinx Students through Translanguaging, Patricia Velasco
Literary Criticism in the Noctes Atticae of Aulus Cellius, Philippa McMahon
Literary Response to Plague, Mark Host
Litvinov's Conduct at Geneva, 1934-1939., Jr James Francis
Livy, a Representation of the Augustan Mentality: A Study of Livy, Book I, Dorothy Rose Fulboam
Lord Grantham: A Placeman and Ambassador of George IIIs Reign, Mary Downey
Lord Rockingham's and Edmund Burke's Interest in Irish Affairs, 1779-1780, Frances Teresa Kane
Lorenzo Valla as Historical Critic, Mary Edgar Martin
Louisiana in World Politics, 1678-1721, Mary Cornelius Kelliher
Louisiana's Creole De Couleur: A Sociological Study of a Racial Sub-Group, Vincent V Mott
Love of Nature in the Silvae of Statius, Mary Regis Monaghan
Loyalty Oaths for Public School Teachers: The Constitutional Aspect, Edward F Cummerford
Lump Sum Appropriation and Itemized Appropriations: Which Is Better Method for the Budget Allotment of Funds by the State Legislatures, Ralph V Lucano
Lusty Juventus: A Study in Lutheran Drama, Virginia Stuart Kelly
Lute Song, Adapted by Sidney Howard and Will Irwin From the Original Chinese Classic "Pi-Pa-Ki" by Kao-Tong-Kia, Robert G Emerich
Lute Song, Adapted by Sidney Howard and Will Irwin From the Original Chinese Classic "Pi-Pa-Ki" by Kao-Tong-Kia: A Production Project by Robert G. Emerich, Robert G Emerich
Maculation and Subspeciation in the Lysithous Group of the Genus Papilio (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Edward Ralph Mattie
Madame de Maintenon - A Vindication of Her Honour, A. Lucy La Russa
Main Aspects of the Gregorian Reform in Spain, 1022-1085, Alberto Cibes-Viadé
Man in Wordsworth's Poetry, Joanne G Michelson
Marivaux and Le Spectateur Francais, Cecile de la Providence Comtois
Mathurin Regnier and the Social Satire of the Seventeenth Century, Miriam Seton Francis
Matthew Arnold and the Guerins, Vincent R Dolbec
Medievalism in the Early Edinburgh Review, 1802-1820, M. Antholine Kuhn
Medievalism in the Works Henri Gheon, Rose Mary Conlon
Memorability of Cigarette Slogans and Trade Names Among Smoking and Non-Smoking College Students, Virginia M Brantl
Mental Abstraction According to Suarez, Theodore B James
Mental Health Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Parents in High-risk, Low Income Communities, Dana Alonzo, Marciana Popescu, and Pinar Zubaroglu Ioannides
Merging for Survival: An Innovative Collaboration Effort, One Year Later, Lauri Goldkind and Manoj G. Pardasani
Metabolic Products of Growth in Colpidium campylum, Roland M Nardone
Methodology in the Poetics of Aristotle, John Neil Diamond
Methods of Stabilizing the Rate of Exchange After the War, Austin de la Salle Murphy
Michael Renna, A Normal Life, Matthew Edward Romano
Microplastics in the Big Apple: A look into plastic pollution of New York City Waters, Taina Colon
Microsporogenesis and Tapetal Cell Divisions in Rhoeo discolor, Norma Ilia Gonzalez
Microsporogenesis in Maianthemum canadense, Adrian Aloysius Ginchereau
Migration of Birds and Mammals, Marie G Murphy
Military Life and Its Influence on the Works of Stendahl, Donald F McCulloch
Milton's Paradise Lost: An Analysis of Representative 17th an 18th Century Criticism With Reference to Johnson, Ruth Ellen Hart
Mind, Man and the State: The Political Philosophy of Jacques Maritain, Cora Brady
Mink Coat: An Allegorical Verse Fantasy in Prologue and Nine Scenes With Music by Arthur North, Arthur North
Mirror Drawing Ability as an Indicator of Emotional Stability Among Normals and Juvenile Delinquents, John P McNamara
Missionary Accommodation to Korean Culture, Gabriel Lee
Missions and Culture Change (with Special Emphasis on the Problem in China), Albert Hanrion
Mitigating Isolation of People Aging With HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Brandon Brown, Jeff Taylor, and Celia B. Fisher
Mitosis in the Root Tip of Scilla siberica, Letizia Failla
Molly on the Shore and Other Stories, Aloysius Kevin Quinn
Monocular Movement Parallax Thresholds as Functions of Needle Offset and Speed of Stimulus Movement, Harold V Poland
Monocular Movement Parallax Thresholds as Functions of Needle Separation and Speed of Stimulant Movement, Edward B Burdulis
Monocular Movement Parallax Thresholds as Functions of Wavelength of Light and Speed of Stimulus Movement, Leon Laski
Morality and Its Basis in John Locke, William M Mayer
Moral Themes in the Works of Jean-Baptiste Massillon, M. Euphemia Frable
More Than the Sum of Its Parts: An Innovative Organizational Collaboration Model, Lauri Goldkind and Manoj Pardasani
Morphological Awareness in Relation to Reading Comprehension in Early Elementary School Students, Jessica Clark
Morphology of the Spleen in Vetebrates, John J McGill
Motivation for Night Work and Parents’ Work-to-Family Conflict and Life Satisfaction, Matthew Weinshenker
Multi-Modal User Authentication Using Biometrics, William Cheung
Musical Interest and Musical Aptitude in Adolescence, Anthony J Summo
Music in the Poetry of Robert Browning, Grace Francis Krenning
Mysticism in the Works of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Mary Ambrose O'Brien
Narrative Art in Renato Fucini, Marie Raphaël
Narrative Art in the Short Stories of Alfredo Panzini, Dominic F Carmicino
Nationalism in Old Irish Literature, Muriel Irene Desmond
Nationalism; the American Protective Association; the Catholic Schools, Albert L Gautraud
Nativism and the Campaign of 1928, Teresa Miriam Rafferty
Naturalism in the Novels of Alphonse Daudet, Francis Regis Conwell
Natural Parthenogenesis in Insects, Charles Edward Lillis
Nature and Good Sense: A Study of the Criticism of Richard Hurd, Jeanne Goode
Nature and William Cowper, Ann L Beaty
Nature in the Poetry of George Crabbe, Gregory Aquinas Lannon
Negro Participation in Alcoholics Anonymous: Case Studies, Edwin V Sullivan
New Year Letter: Auden’s Identification and Solution of the Problem of Civilization in His Time, Mary St. Virginia Berry
New York City Housing Authority: The Case of NYCHA Lehman Village Houses, Emma Mercer
New York Press Opinion with Reference to the Maintenance of American Neutrality, 1935–1936, Carmelo J Bernardo
Nonius Marcellus and the Transmission of Lucilius, Therese A Levesque
Nonstandard Parental Employment Schedules and Father Involvement, Matthew Weinshenker
Notes on Contributors to This Volume
Notes on Contributors to This Volume
Nuclear Division in the Budding Yeast Cell, Eugene A Healy
Nuclear Divisions in the Tapetal Cells of Lilium michiganense, Anita Maria Paglia
Nuclear Phenomena in the Tapetum of Magnolia grandiflora, Roland A Reed
Nucleolar Number as a Criterion of the Polyploidy Embryo-Sac of Lilium michiganense Farwell, John H Mullahy
Nutrition and Growth Studies of Amoeba proteus, Victor Baptist Prud'homme
Observations on Spawning and Early Development of the Brachydanio rerio, Mary Gerard Cleary
Observations on the Morphology of Spirostotum ambiguum (Ehrenberg), Mary Judith Hennig
Observations on the Nucleolus in the Polysomatic Plant Spinacia oleracea, Linn, Philip H O'Neill
Observations on Threshold Stimuli of Multiple Isolated Muscles Fibers, Albert T Bernardini
Obstacles to Membership in the Federal Reserve System, Margaret A O'Meara
Oedipus Rex by Sophocles: Interpretation and Production for Modern Audience by Gloria R. Jaffer, Gloria R Jaffer
Of Quiddities Which Can Be Known When Only Their Opposites Have Been Experienced, William A Marra
Of Royal Government, Translation of the De Regno of Saint Thomas Aquinas, James Vaughan
On the Forms and Content of Aeschylean Prayer, John H Ramsey
On the Use of Antithesis and Polarity as a Rhetorical Device in the Theognidea, Thomas W Buckley
ood for the Ghosts: Reading Ruin’s Being With the Dead With Nietzsche, Babette Babich
Opening of Diplomatic Relations With Japan, With Special Reference to the Townsend Harris Mission, Bartholomew E Kilcoyne
Optatus of Milevis and the Development of the Primacy of the Roman Bishop, Gemma Slaba
Oral Vocabulary Instruction Practices of Teachers of Nonacademic Adult English Language Learners, Carol Cochi
Organic Development of Mankind in the Philosophy of History of Saint Augustine, Margaret Gorman
Orphaned Landscapes: Violence, Visuality, and Appearance in Indonesia, Patricia Spyer
Osmotic Changes and the Role of Bacteria in Excystment of Didinium nasutum, Thomas J Lowery
Our Lady in Old English Poetry, John P Murphy
Ozanam, the Historian, Jeanne Marie Wittrock
Paradise Lost: Older Cuban American Exiles’ Ambiguous Loss of Leaving the Homeland, Rose M. Perez
Parallels in Ennius and Virgil According to Servius and Macrobius, Augustine William Prange
Parliamentary and Cabinet Opposition to Sir Edward Grey's Foreign Policy, 1911-1914, John C Olin
Parson Brownlow, Reconstruction Governor of Tennessee, Bro. Thomas K Pytelewski
Patrick Aidan Heelan’s The observable: Heisenberg’s philosophy of quantum mechanics, Paul Downes
Patriotism, Sentimentalism and Narrative Art in Edmondo De Amici's Short Stories, Rose M Masciarelli
Patristic and Theological Background of St. Thomas More’s Treatment of Justification and Predestination in the Dialogue, Gerald Kernan
Personality: A Study of Diarchy, Marie Kenny
Personality Changes Resulting From Shock Therapy Measured by Three Psychological Test Procedures, May F Soll
Personality Correlates of Expressed Preferences for Necktie Patterns, C. Thomas Goldsmith
Personal Values, Achievement, and General Verbal Ability as Determinants of Visual Recognition Thresholds, Joseph P Loftus
Perspectives in a Pandemic, Kevin M. Cahill M.D.
Peter Celestine, the Hermit Pope, Mary R Wright
Petroleum in Venezuela, Georges Gudefin
Phaedra: An Original Play Adapted From the Greek Myth With an Introduction on the History of the Myth in the Theatre, Lucille Kenny Brothers
Philosophical Themes in Cicero's Catilinarians and Philippics, Kevin J Aylward
Philosophy and Common Sense, Daniel J Hurley
Physick Lies a Bleeding, M. Alicia Murphy
Picturing Modernity: Modernism and Graphic Narrative, Olivia Badoi
Pierre Adet, French Minister to the United States, 1795-1797, James E Bunce
Platonic Elements in the Consolatio Philosophiae of Boethius, Robert J Roth
Plato's Concept of Pleasure in the Gorgias and the Protagoras, James G Blewett
Pliny and Seneca: A Comparative Study of Their Social Interests, Stanislaus P Jablonski
Plotinian Influence in the Dialogues of Cassiciacum, Ruth M Dowd
Poetical Theory in the Metaphysical Poets, John D Boyd
Pointing Rhythm and Rhyme: The Role of Manuscript Punctuation in English Literary Form, c. 1000-1300, Leslie Ann Carpenter
Political Aspects of the Literary Polemic in Cicero's Second Philippic, Myles Parsons
"Political Stability in the Eye of the Storm: An Institutional Analysis on the Social Effects of Water Management in Jordan", Madelaine Michelle Diaz Durufour
Pope Innocent III - The Union of the Churches and the Fourth Crusade, Maria Concepta Mulhern
Pope's Essay on Man and Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John P Driscoll
Porteus' Qualitative Maze Test as a Measure of Delinquency, Manuel Lopez Grajales
Portrayal and Interpretation of Nature in the Works of Gabriel Miró, Mary Peter Power
Prayer and Sacrifice in Marcus Porcius Cato's De Agricultura, Concetta Catherine Bellini
Préciosité and Mille de Scudéry, Mary Imelda Shannon
Preference for Geometric Designs in Relation to Measures of Introversion-Extroversion, Philip Daniel Cristantiello
Preliminary Studies in the Cytology of Two Species of Physalis, Irene M McLaughlin
Preliminary Studies of the Effects of Some Polyploid-Inducing Agents on Digitalis lanata, Laura T Filmyer
Preservation of the North: Evaluating the Influence of Indigenous Rights Laws & Commitments on Saami Self-Determination, Courtney Marie Bergsieker
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Use of the Veto Power, James R Brown
President Grover Cleveland and the Hawaiian Question, Peter Damian Holzer
Presidential Succession Due to "Inability" Under the Act of 1886, Neil P Hurley
Presidential Succession Legislaion: An Analysis of the Acts of 1792, 1886, 1947, Edward J Kennedy
Prince Adam Czartoryski and His Concept of Europe, Leo John Haczynski
Private International Investment of the United States and Its Problems, Anthony Shih-Chieh Shuen
Production Book for William Shakespeare's King Lear, Mary T Finnerty
Production Book for William Shakespeare's Othello, Charles R Fass
Production for Profit in New England, 1830-1850, Edward G McGlinchy
Productivity in the Light Flat-Rolled Segment of the Steel Industry, Thomas F Walsh
Profit Sharing, Hubert F Schiffer
Prolegomena to a Study of the Structure of W. H. Auden’s For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio, Edward T Callan
Proposals for Electoral Reform: 1948-1951, Thomas R McCarthy
Protective Webs: Exploring a Role for School Social Workers on Behalf of Delinquent Youths, Lauri Goldkind
Proteinase Activity in Frog Muscle Tissue, Jerome H. P Gruszczyk
Protozoan Blood Parasites of Fishes, Margaret T Bohmert
Prudentius in the Light of Modern Hagiography, Mary Ellen Schiff
Pseudo-Science and ‘Fake’ News ‘Inventing’ Epidemics and the Police State, Babette Babich
"Public Space and the Urban Village: How People Weave Together the Urban Village and the Surrounding Urban City", Anne Louise Pestaña-Lee
Puerto Rico in Transition: A Study in Cultural Change, Joseph J Grau
Pupillary Diameter and the Critical Flicker Frequency in Children, Roland D Vitaletti
Pupillary Diameter and the Decrease of Critical Flicker Frequency With Age, Andre Godin
Quantitative Analysis of Hay Infusion, Anthony J Barraccia
Race and Socioeconomic Status Effects on School Psychologists’ Understanding of Problematic Behavior, Michaela Buckley
Race Relations, Race Riots, and the Catholic Response: An Analysis of the Contemporary Negro-White Pattern in New York City, Pauline J Cattano
Ratios of Sodium to Potassium Required to Maintain the Heart Beat of the Cockroach, Periplaneta americana L., Mary-Louise Burns
Raymond Lull, Thirteenth Century Knight-errant of Spain, Mary Francis Xavier
Reaching Climate Resiliency: The Challenge for Urban Areas, Anita Gitta
Reaction Time in Adolescent Girls, Miriam E Crowley
Realism in the English Short-Story of the Nineties, Richard J Burke
Reality and Appearances in Luigi Pirandello's Novels, John L Guido
Recent Work on Horace, Satire I, 9, Charles W. Da Parma
Reception of Jay's Treaty in the United States, 1795-1796, Arthur F Murphy
Recognition of Facial Expressions of Emotion: A Comparison Between Children and Adults, Joseph A Barsa
Reconstructing the Genomic Diversity of a Widespread Sub-Saharan Bat (Pteropodidae: Eidolon Helvum) Using Archival Museum Collections, Brian Patrick O'Toole
Rectitude in Three Dialogues of St. Anselm, Edward L Rousseau
Reflection Trained on Mystery - An Exploration of the Concrete Relations of Faith and Reason in Modern Debate on Christian Philosophy, Alexius T Portz
Relationship Between Intelligence and Multiple-Meaning Vocabulary Ability, M. Ursula Hanlon
Relationship Between Machover's Drawing of the Human Figure Test and Certain Variables on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Jerome A Andrulonis
Relationship Between the Visual Phenomena of Critical Flicker Frequency, Latent Period and Duration of After-Images, Sebastian M Cabrer
Religion and Astronomy, the Dominant Influences on the Culture and Civilization of the Mayas, Irene Louise Parker
Religion and Communism in Changing China, Gertrude H. T Loe
Religious Life in the High Middle Ages as Represented in Illuminated Manuscripts, Mary Manuella Gillies
Renegotiation: Its Background, Scope and Practice, Edward Fagan
Reorganization of Administrative Units: Centralization of School Districts, New York State, Paul W Brayer
Research on the Thought-Process and Its Connection With Imagery, Rev. Nicasio Viso
Reverence in the Interpersonal Sphere, John J McDermott
Richard Croker of Tammany Hall, William J Murphy
Richard Doddridge Blackmore, the Man and His Work, Veronica Mary Dolores Hammarth
Richard Fitzralph Archbishop of Armagh and His Relations With the Mendicant Friars, Elizabeth T Britt
Richard Hooker and the Medieval Political Tradition, Joseph Peter Scottino
Richard of St. Victor and the Paradiso, Blassi J Opulente
Richard Rolle, and His Use of the Holy Name, M. Camillus Collins
Risk Factors and Preventive Services: Associations with Repeat Child Maltreatment in the State of Connecticut, Stephanie A Bosco-Ruggiero
Roadblocks of Retribution: The Problems with Internationalized Criminal Tribunals as a Mechanism for Reconciliation, Elizabeth Anne Weinman
Robert Bage as a Novelist, Edward J Lawler
Robert Browning's Religion in an Era of Skepticism, Emil Fardellone
Robert Buns and the Spirit of Independence: A Re-Valuation, John J Reynolds
Robert Calef and the Aftermath of the Salem Witchcraft Trials, Joseph Abel McManus
Robert Hugh Benson, Catholic Novelist, Julia B Lowry
Robert James Turnbull and the Nullification Controversy in South Carolina, David McKenna
Robert Southey's Attitude Toward Catholicism, Mary Rebecca Doyle
Robertus, His Theory of Overproduction and Crises, Robert Joseph Sammon
Roger Marston's Augustinianism, Thomas A McGovern
Roland in the Chanson de Roland and in the Orlando Furioso, Vincent Colimore
Romain Rolland: Théatre de la Révolution, Andree Penot Spanos
Roman Elements in the Elegies of Propertius, Mary Carmody Courtney
Romanticism in French Art, Mary P Olsen
Rufus Brown Bullock, Reconstruction Governor of Georgia, Maria Ignatius Landy
Rufus King and the Federal Constitution, Peter W Wiley
Russian-American Relations, From March to November, 1917, Catherine Patricia Chesney
Rutebeuf and His Time, Maria Felicitas Meissinger
Saint Augustine's Proof for the Existence of God, Henry J O'Brien
Saint Bonaventure, Saint Thomas, and the Anselmian Proof for the Existence of God, Mary M Clarke
Saint Bonaventure's Concept of Man, Willian V Bangert
Saint Francis de Sales as Seen Through His Correspondence, Jeanne Charlotte Johnson
Saint Teresa as an Adviser, Alfred T Zodda
Saint Thomas and the Truth of Things, Augustine Porter
Saint Vincent De Paul as Revealed in His Letters, Marie de St. Albert Olsen
Salvatore Abbate e Migliore’s Contribution to American and Italian Culture, Matilde M Macaluso
Sam Houston and Secession, Edward R Maher
Samuel Gompers as a Labor Leader, Helen R Nolan
Samuel Johnson and the English Epic, John James Clarke
Samuel Tilden and the Barnburner Revolt, John P Sullivan
Sarcotis, by Jakob Masen, s.j., As a Source for Milton's Paradise Lost, William B Hill
Satire and Humor in the Ragguagli di Parnaso and the Pietra del Paragone Politico of Traiano Boccalini, Frank A Cimini
Satire in Johnson's Idler, Riccardo W Fernandez
Saving in the Learning of Scrambled Lists as Influenced by Degree of Familiarity With Nonsense Syllables, Norma Goldstein
Scatter Analysis on the Wechsler-Bellevue Scale as an Indicator of the Personality Adjustment of Normal Subjects, Nicholas Vistica
Scholarship on Thomas Hoccleve, Betty Curran Wynne
Science and the Philosophy of Nature, Benignus Lawrence Eich
Scots Poems of the Forty-Five: A Survey, Jessica F Edgerly
Scriblerus and Gulliver: A Comparison, Mary E Ryan
Secondary Boycotts, 1947-1950: 3 Years Under Section 8 (B) (4) (A) of the LMRA of 1947, Joseph T Hart
Secretary Knox and the American Intervention in Nicaragua, Catherine Paulini
Section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, William A Hahn
Seeing in Writing: A Case Study of a Multilingual Graduate Writing Instructor’s Socialization through Multimodality, Cristina Sánchez-Martín
Selected Aspects of the Sociological Content of the Jesuit Relations of New France, Theodore Louis Beauchamp
Seneca's Epistulae Morales in the Light of His Citations From Virgil, Pius Victor Bellefeuille
Seneca's Knowledge of and Appreciation of Cicero, Betty E Seittelman
Senior Centers and Policy Advocacy: Changing Public Perceptions, Manoj G. Pardasani and Lauri Goldkind
Sepulchral Poetry in Nineteenth Century Italy, Diana M Caputo
Session to Session Variability of the Standard Deviation of Log-Gaussian Frequency of Seeing Curves at TW Wavelengths, Jaime C Bulatao
Seven Short Stories, Raymond Durocher
Seventeenth Century Manners and Customs as Seen in the Letters of Madame De Sévigné, Mary Adrien Thériault
Sex Differences in Monocular Movement Parallax Thresholds, Donald Joseph Dillon
Sexuality Education for Students with IDD: Factors Impacting Special Education Teacher Confidence, Kathleen Elizabeth Doyle
Shakuntala by Kalidasa: A Production Book, Mariette A Barkhorn
Shared Decision-Making in Humanitarian Cash Transfers, Jeff Paddock
Shelley's Contemporary Poetical Reputation in America: Backgrounds and Problems, Blanche Marie Moore
Shift Work, Father Engagement, and the Cognitive Development of Young Children, Matthew Weinshenker
Silencing Students' Voices in an Era of Academic Language, Aida Nevárez-La Torre
Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch as Critic and Prose Fiction Writer, Thecla Dolores Tschabrunn
Sir James Graham: A Study in Victorian Conservatism, Mary Andrew MacDonagh
Sir Walter Scott's Treatment of the Medieval Church, Margaret Ann Schroeder
Sir William Temple as a Critic of Learning, Mary Ambrosia Jackiewicz
Skelton's Phyllyp Sparowe: A Commentary, Mary Hilde Bollingier
Skin Pigmentation, Skin Color and Skin Color Changes in Primates, James Forbes
Sleep disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic An Investigation of AIAN, Asian, Black, Latinx and White young adults, Tiffany Yip, Ye Feng, Jillianne Fowle, and Celia B. Fisher
Social Criticism in the Prose Works of Jacinto Benavente, Christopher Thomas Duane
Social Influences Tending to Modify the Doctor-Patient Relationship, Gordon F George
Social Movements in the Novels of George Gissing, Joseph A Trimargo
Social Work and Artificial Intelligence: Into the Matrix, Lauri Goldkind
Social Workers as Senior Executives: Does Academic Training Dictate Leadership Style?, Lauri Goldkind and Manoj G. Pardasani
Socio-cultural and Educational Aspects of Multilingual Multicultural Learners and Communities, Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth
Sociological Unanimism in the Work of Jules Romain, Fay Strumwasser
Some Aspects of Don Luigi Sturzo's Socio-Political Theory, Sally W Cassidy
Some Aspects of the Analogical Concept: The Use of the Physical Science Analogy in Sociology, Joseph F Scheuer
Some Aspects of the Contribution of the Small State Representatives in the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Ruth M Bonaventure
Some Aspects of the Medieval Revival in Eighteenth Century Prose Criticism: 1749-1774, Helen M Prunty
Some Contributions of Nineteenth Century Literature to a Proper Concept of Culture, Martin E Glynn
Some Descriptions and Interpretations of the Holy Grail in Medieval Texts, St. Pierre Drury
Some Effects of DDT on the Leucocytes in Rana pipiens, Warren T Ward
Some Immediate Political Consequences of Luther's Thought, Jack Lamb
Some Modern Gaelic Religious Poems of Ulster, Marie Berchmans
Some Observations on Samuel Johnson's Theory of Poetry in the Light of Our Present Critical Sensibility, Mary Rita McDermott
Some Presuppositions in American Value Theories, Robert D Sweeney
Some Recent Commentaries on the Second Book of Virgil’s Aeneid in the Light of the Servian Commentaries, John Joseph Powers
Some Recent Contributions to the Interpretation of Horace, Satires, II, 3, John P McNamara
Some Relationships Between Self-Estimated and Measured Vocabulary and Interest, Lawrence L Hassell
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and Her Time, Frances Carmelite Murphy
Sorokin and the Sociocultural: A Critical Analysis of P. A. Sorokin's Social and Cultural Dynamics, Alexander J Humphreys
Soul and the Idea of Motion in Plato, Joseph L Papay
Soviet-Nazi Relations, 1933-1941, Edward M Foley
Spain in the work of Victor Hugo, Maria Milagros Brau
Spain in the Works of Beaumarchais, J. Marita Paul Colla
Spectral Sensitivity of the Human Foveal Cones as Determined by the Method of Flicker, Marilyn T Murphy
Spermatogenesis in Dissosteira carolina, Clare Marie O'Keefe
Spermatogenesis in Haemopis marmoratis, Arthur Philip Braniff
Spermatogenesis in Necturus maculosus stictus, Josephine C Vito
Spermatogenesis of Romalea microptera, Gregory Walter
Spisz and Orawa: The Settlement of 1918-1924, Thaddeus V Gromada
Spontaneous Chromosome Aberrations in Allium cepa, Joseph Patrick
St. Anselm's Teaching on Freedom of Choice, Thomas V McMahon
State Controls and the Freer Trade System, Lucille Koo
Statesmanship of St. Dominic, Rosarii Healy
Steel Production in Chicago-Gary Area, Casper G Wolf
Stevenson and the Modern Spirit: A Study in Reaction, Francis X Connolly
St. Jerome and the Classical Tradition of Exemplary Citation, Thomas J Gradilone
Stoicism in the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus, Marie White
Stoicism in the Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Mary St. John Berchmans Bernier
St. Thomas À Becket in Middle English Verse, Angela Merici Carson
St. Thomas Aquinas on the Possibility of an Eternal World, Lloyd F Alaga
St. Thomas Concept of Creation and Its Relation to the Problem of the Origin of the World, Robert M Barry
St. Thomas' Dynamic Concept of the Natural Law as a Valid and Practical Foundation of Modern Jurisprudence, Pacifico A Ortiz
Studies in the Genus Spirilium, Ernest A Sarao
Studies in the Latin Consolatio With Special Reference to Pliny the Younger, Augustine J Di Blasi
Studies on the Permeability to Distilled Water and to Ethyl Alcohol of the Cellular and Nuclear Membranes of the Erythrocytes in Triturus viridescens viridescens, Ruth Paula Alscher
Study of Differences in Autokinetic Movement Under Conditions of Monocular and Binocular Stimulation, Emma M Riccardi
Study of the Relation of Autokinetic Movement to Reversals of Lissajous Figures, Robert F Barron
Study of the Relations Obtaining Between Perception and Memory in Henri Bergson's Matière et Mémoire, A. Leo Fleming
Study of the Reliability of Autokinetic Movement as Observed by Mental Patients, Annabelle Neander
Style and Symbolism in the Fiction of Ernest Hemingway, Wieslaw S Furmanczyk
Subject Variability on Wave Lengths 575 Mμ and 609 Mμ of the Visible Spectrum, William J O'Halloran
Sulpicius Severus' Vita Sancti Marini as Rendered Into Verse by Paulinus of Perigueux and Venantius Fortunatus, Bertram C Rusher
Sydney Smith Public Spirited Man, Nicholas Whiteside
System for Evaluating the Information Contained in Brochures Used for the Recruitment of College Men, John J Jensen
Table of Contents for Volume 10
Table of Proper Nouns With Variants Found in the Twelfth Century French Romances, Robert Bennett Tucker
Tacitus: A Laudator Temporis Acti, Stephen Morrison
Taine’s Philosophy of Art in Relation to His Philosophy of History: A Critique, Helen Konvalinka
Talleyrand as an Exile in America, 1794-1796, Paul A Fitzgerald
Tapetal Cell Divisions in Antirrhinum majus, Angela Helen Amorosi
Tarrytown and Its Immediate Environs in the American Revolution, M. Peter Elliot
Temporary Disability Insurance, Eleanor Gray Brady
Testimonia of Quintilian, Juvenal, Cicero, and Horace on Lucilius, Thomas Arnold Robinson
Thackerey, The Essayist, Margaret Crowley
“That’s the Beauty of it”: Practitioners Describe the Affordances of Direct to Consumer Tele-Mental Health, Lauri Goldkind and Lea Wolf
The Acquaintance of Adam Mickiewicz With English Writers and English Literature, Joseph S Bajorek
The Adaptation of Pelomyxa carolinensis to Various Concentrations of Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, and Calcium Chloride, Xavier J Musacchia
The Address of the Soul to the Body: A Study, Marie Celestine O'Connell
The African Works of Louis Bertrand, Mary Damien Cleary
"The Aftermath of Terrorism: The Islamophobic Rhetoric of Donald Trump and Narendra Modi", Joshua Jonathan Somrah
The Alabama Reconstruction Debt and the Legend of Reconstruction, Francis X Holbroock
The Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, Fred A Benincasa
The Allegorical Interpretation of Virgil's Eclogues According to Servius Grammaticus, Stephen V Duffy
The All-Embracing Birth: The Liturgical Background of Crashaw's Hymn on the Nativity, Edwin J Scherzer
The American Family in Modern Times, Archduchess of Austria Adelaide
The American Intervention in Haiti, 1915-1930, Rocco Michael Paone
The American Position on the Question of French Security, 1919-1920, Mary Cecilia Lane
The Analysis and Critical Study of the Nature of Authentic Happiness, John Paul Talty
The Anatomy and Histology of the Female Reproductive System in Musca domestica L, John F Tafuri
The Anatomy and Histology of the Male Reproductive System of the House Fly, Musca domestica L, Joseph J Licata
The Anglo-Italian Entente, 1923-1929, Carmen F Donnarumma
The Anglo-Spanish Conflict for Supremacy on the Southern Frontier, 1600-1748, Mary Daniel Coghlan
The Anselmian Proof and a Theory of Knowledge, Robert J Ginnane
The Antibacterial Effects of Bacillus megatherium Against Sarcina subflava, Sarcina subflava Var. Alba, and Sarcina lutea, Robert P Kenna
The Anti-Ottoman Policy of Eugenius IV, Thaddeus V Tuleja
The Anti-Romanism of Sir Richard Steele as Seen in His Complete Writings, James J Lynch
The Aquinate Proofs of the Existence of God: A Refutation of an Article of the Same Title, by v. Burdwood Evans, in Philosophy, July 1932, Mary Dolores Hayes
The Aristotelian Doctrine of God, William J. McGuire
The Aristotelian Entelechy -- Dynamism of the Concept of Substance in the Metaphysics of Aristotle, Benjamin P Javier
The Articulations Between the Social Structure and Religion Among the Hopi Indians of Arizona, James Robert Larson
The Artistic Criteria of Jonathan Richardson in Relation to the Poetry of the Period, 1725-1745, Antoinette Margot Maher
The Atheistical Philosophy of Joseph Mccabe, Marcellus P Manzo
The Athenian Oracle and the War of the League of Augsburg, Helen F McCabe
The Attitude of Sir Richard Toward Drama, Thomas J McLaughlin
The Author of The Epistle to Diognetus as an Atticist, James Joseph Colwell
The Author, Sources and Style of A Talkying of the Loue of God, Mary McCarthy
The " A. W. Farmer" Pamphlets in Westchester County Politics, 1774-1775, Thomas S Fitzgerald
The Background of the Foot Resolution, Marie Louise Connell
The Battle of Aboukir Bay as Contributory Influence to the Final Downfall of Napoleon, George T McNamara
The Bee in the Latin Literature of Early Christianity and the Early Middle Ages, Helen Katherine McCaffrey
The Beggar of Grenoble, Alban Maurice Grant
The Beginnings of the Christian Apology in the Greek Writers of the Second Century, Thomas G Fahy
The Beowulf - Grendel Fight in Beowulf, Catherine A Ryan
The Bitcoin Standard: The Pursuit of Sound Monetary and Environmental Management Systems, Yuta T. Kobayashi
The Brooks-Baxter War, John Tricano
The Cantiche of Silvio Pellico, Arthur D Imerti
The Career and Influence of Cassiodorus, Elizabeth E Dailey
The Career of Doctor Edward Bancroft, Revolutionary Spy, James J Finnigan
The Carinthian Problem at the Paris Peace Conference, Joseph G Mitchell
The Carmen Saeculare: Its Occasion, Raison d'être and Criticisms, Gregory Warmcastle
The Catalan Grand Company: Their Wars Against the Turks, Byzantium, and Frankish Greece, 1302-1311, Robert Ignatius Burns
The Categories of Being in Plato and Plotinus, Joseph P Fitzpatrick
The Catholic Approaches to American Society, Wilfred D Lahaie
The Catholic Hierarchy and American Labor Since Rerum Novarum, Madeleine Baxter
The Catholic Note in Ruskin, Anne V Dowd
The Causes, Use, and Effect of Martial Law in North Carolina Under Governor Holden, Stephen Miriam Dormer
The Centennial Cult of the Constitution, Virginia C Fitzpatrick
The Changes in pH of a Perfusing Solution and Their Effects on the Heart of the Cockroach, Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, Edwin R Tefft
The Changes in the Attitude of William Corbett Toward the Political Principles of Thomas Paine, James A McMahon
The Characters in the Satires of Horace, Mary Augusta Maroney
The Christian Adaptation of Cicero’s Oratorical Theory in the Fourth Book of St. Augustine’s De Doctrina Christiana, Dorothy T Quranta
The Christian Tradition in the Writings of Émile Baumann, Amedy Bernard Conway
The Cistercian Abbey of Waverley and Its Affiliated Houses, Francis L Ryan
The Clausulae of Cicero's De Legibus, John J Scanlan
The Colours of Rhetoric and Lydgate's Fall of Princes, Maria Denise O'Neill
The Commentary of Pietro Alighieri on the Divine Comedy, Joseph T Quintavalle
The Competitive Position of Brazilian and American Cotton, Robert J McEwen
The Conception of an Ideal Society as Found in “Paul Et Virginie” of Bernardin De Saint-Pierre, Robert B Collins
The Concept of Authority of Thomas More, as Evidenced in His Utopia and as Compared With That of St. Thomas Aquinas, Martha M Haley
The Concept of Avaritia in the Works of Quintus Horatius Flaccus, George V Fogarty
The Concept of "Cupido Gloriae" in the Annales of Tacitus, Anna H Fritzmann
The Concept of Human Nature in Montaigne's Essais, Marie Elizabeth Dugan
The Concept of Humor in Molière, Christiana P Reordan
The Concept of Morality in the Writings of Jeremy Bentham, Joseph G Scully
The Concept of Natural Law in the Thought of Bolingbroke and Burke, Eldon M Talley
The Concept of the Active, Contemplative and Mixed Lives in the Poem, Piers Plowman, Edward F Kenrick
The Concept of the Warner in Herodotus, Robert J Meyer
The Consolatione Philosophiae of Boethius Compared With the De Planctu Naturae and the Anticlaudianus of Alain of Lille, Joseph Lucille McCarthy
The Constitutional Development of the British South Africa Company's Charter Into Responsible Government in Southern Rhodesia, Joseph Birri
The Constitutional Status of Territories of the United States, Marie R Carey
The Constitution of the United States Presupposes the Principles of the Declaration of Independence, Arthur F Nugent
The Construction of Subjective Brightness Scale Using the Method of Constant Stimuli, Elizabeth Jane Borrone
The Consulship of James Leander Cathcart at Tripoli, 1799-1801, Raymond F Aubé
The Contemporary Grammatical References in Servius' Commentary on the Aeneid, Charles Borromeo La Cugna
The Contribution of Dom Augustine Baker, O.S.B. To the Devotional Literature of the Seventeenth Century, Jane K Ivers
The Contribution of Saint Thomas More to the Translation of the Old Testament, Mary Elizabeth Waldron
The Contribution of the Early Church to Political Thought, Charles T Broderick
The Contributions of St. Thomas More to English Bible Translations, Mary John McCarthy
The Controversy on the Cost of Living Index, Lillian C Bourke
The Controversy Provoked by Edmund Burke's Letter to a Noble Lord, Dennis J McCarthy
The Crack Epidemic and the Transformation of Hip Hop: A Bronx Tale, Mark Naison
The "Crepuscolarismo" of Sergio Corazzini, Mary La Rocca
The Critical Flicker Frequency for Three Levels of Illumination in Young Adults, Catherine Hisa Terazawa
The Critical Period of the English Reformation - 1559, Mary C Powers
The Critical Principles of Dr. Johnson, Leonard McCarthy
The Critical Terminology of Cicero's Rhetorica, Patrick S Collins
The Cult of Charlemagne, Regina Anne Farrelly
The current pandemic, a complex emergency? Mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on highly vulnerable communities in Guatemala, Dana Alonzo, Marciana L. Popescu, and Pinar Zubaroglu-Ioannides
The Cytological Effects of Removal of the Root Tip on Allium cepa, Jean McMahon
The Declamatio in Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria, Leo Scannell
The Demand of Organized Labor for Free Public Education From 1828 to the Present, Gladys M Conway
The Deposition of Pope Gregory VI, 1046, Berenice A Hopper
The Determination of the Lipid Content of Some Marine Annelids, Winifred Marie Bayors
The Development of a Projective Type Measure of Personality for Use in Industry, Harold E Brewer
The Development of Bog Asphodel, Dorothy L Hagedorn
The Development of the English Ode in the Eighteenth Century, Jeanne Pierre Mittnight
The Dictiones of Ennodius, Margaret R Finn
The Difference Between Practical and Speculative Knowledge, According to the Doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas, Mary Judith Mietzelfeld
The Differentiation of Delinquent From Non-Delinquent Boys by Means of a Homonym Free Association Test, Richard F. D Heinemann
The Diplomatic History of the New Haven Colony, Helen Geary
The Dispute Between Italy and Greece: 1923, Dorothy J Prink
The Distribution of Nitrogen in the Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus) as Determined by Two Methods of Fractionation, Willie Reeves Smith
The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce: A Study in Milton's Thought and Personality, Thomas G O'Connell
The Doctrine of Abstraction According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, Charles J. F McManus
The Doctrine of the Conceptio in St. Thomas Aquinas, Pascal Kelly
The Dramatic Career of Lady Gregory: A Bibliography, Theresa A Halligan
The Early Life of George Bancroft, 1800-1849, Helen T McDonald
The Early Poetical Career of George Crabbe, Clementian Francis Bowers
The Economc Causes and Effects of the British Occupation of Egypt in 1882, Sam M Betty
The Economics of Collective Bargaining in the Tugboat Industry in New York Harbor, 1937-1950, Daniel P Mulvey
The Educational Theories of Thomas More and Francis Bacon: A Contrast, Marie Campion Dircks
The Effect Hydroquinone on Mitosis in Allium cepa, Cyprian Andrew Westman
The Effect of Acenaphthene on Mitosis in the Root Tips of Spinacia oleracea, M. Josita Uhlrich
The Effect of Acenapthene on Mitosis in the Root Tip of Allium cepa, Margaret Mary McQuillan
The Effect of a Decline in Occupational Level on Avocational Interests, Peter V Vygantas
The Effect of an Immediate Report upon a Delayed Report in the Obtaining of Testimony, Martin R. G Wenzel
The Effect of Association Value and Positional Differences Upon the Memorization of Nonsense Syllable Lists, Carl M Wagner
The Effect of Atropine on Coramine-Induced Seizures in the White Rat, Regina M Molloy
The Effect of Bilingualism on Intelligence Test Scores as Measured by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Anne Marie Kralovich
The Effect of Changes in Temperature on the Concentration of Glucose, Urea and Uric Acid in the Blood of Chrysemys picta, Joseph F Schanno
The Effect of Cholesterol on Growth and Demonstration of Sites of Phosphatase Activity in Colpidium campylum, William D Sullivan
The Effect of Colchicine on Growth of Colpidium campylum in Natural Light and in the Dark, Morris Lewis Bader
The Effect of Competition Upon Tests of Simple Mental and Motor Abilities, Sally Morris Ruttle
The Effect of Crossed and Uncrossed Fibers, Variations in Retinal Sensibility, and Eye Dominance on Reaction Time to Visual Stimuli, Leon W Lussier
The Effect of DDT on Paramecium multimicronucleatum, Azarias Thomas Reilly
The Effect of DDT on the Protoplasm of Amoeba proteus, Gerald R Seaman
The Effect of Divided Attention on the Psychogalvanic Response, Dorothy H Beebe
The Effect of Hydrogen Ion Concentration on the Heart of the Cockroach, Pariplaneta americana, Mary Danutha Suchyta
The Effect of Indole-3-Acetic Acid on the Curvature of Stems, Mary Joan Haley
The Effect of Interpolated Activity Upon Testimony, Josephine E Sisti
The Effect of Mental Practice on a Motor Learning Task, William Lee Pease
The Effect of Mental Practice Upon the Learning of Motor Task, Joseph F Potter
The Effect of Naphthalene Acetic Acid and Colchicine Upon Germination of Seeds of Lycopersicon esculentum, Belen Maria Cestero M.
The Effect of Nicotinic Acid on Growth and Reproduction in Tetrahymena geleii, Strain H, Alfred J Kilp
The Effect of Oxyquinolene on Mitosis in Allium cepa, Azarias Victor Kirwan
The Effect of Phosphorus Upon Chromosomes of the Seedlings of Allium cepa, Catherine Monica Olsen
The Effect of Preceding Affective States on the Goodenough Draw-a-Man Test of Intelligence, Ann F McHugh
The Effect of Specific Training on Higher Thought Processes, Iris A Sangiuliano
The Effect of Starvation on the Non-Protein Nitrogen of the Blood of the Japanese Beetle Larvae (Pupilla japonica Newman), Walter Patrick Cullen
The Effect of Temperature and Dye Concentration on the Photodynamic Hemolysis of Rabbit Erythrocytes, Constantine J Neohoritis
The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Protoplasmic Clotting, Rita Mary McMahon
The Effect of the Direction of the Attention upon Observation and Report, Boniface Joseph
The Effect of the Fungus Exobasidium vaccinii on Vaccinium corymbosum, Marie Luke Cooney
The Effect of the Number of Needle Passages on Monocular Movement Parallax Thresholds for Various Rates of Stimulus Movement, Frances T Gomes
The Effect of Trypsin on Frog Erythrocytes, Nicholas A Parisi
The Effect of Urea and Uric Acid on the Contractile Vacuole of Amoeba proteus, Irene E McGuire
The Effect of Urethane on Mitosis in Allium cepa L., Mother Marie Louise Hogan
The Effect of Various Concentrations of Growth Substances on the Polarity of the Willow, Bernard George Nolder
The Effect of Various Temperatures on the Cross Striae of the Living Striated Muscle of the Brine Shrimp, Artemia salina, Bernard Metz
The Effect of Varying Foreperiod Intervals Upon the Reaction Time, Both Visual and Auditory, Josef E. Windbiel
The Effects of Coramine on the Facilitation of the Audiogenic Seizure in the Albino Rat, Turchioe Rita Marie
The Effects of Coronavirus Victimization Distress and Coronavirus Racial Bias on Mental Health Among AIAN, Asian, Black, and Latinx Young Adults, Celia B. Fisher, Xiangyu Tao, and Tiffany Yip
The Effects of DDT on the Composition of Larval Blood of the Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica Newman), Anthony J Bartolotta
The Effects of Indole Butyric and Phenyl Acetic Acids on the Growth Rate and Pleomorphism of Serratia marcescens, Ralph G Biondi
The Effects of Interval and Duration of Visual Stimuli Upon the Time Error, Gerald J Fox
The Effects of "Square Span" and Conventional Arrangement of Reading Matter on Speed and Comprehension of Reading, Bert Friedman
The Effects of the Integration of Social Security Legislation Upon the Pension Plan of the United States Steel Corporation, William J Flynn
The Effects of Various Concentrations of Potassium Cyanide on Pelomyxa carolinensis, Louis A Susca
The Effects of Varying Concentrations of Ascorbic Acid and Choline Chloride on Growth in the Ciliate Colpidium campylum, Edward M Goroszewski
The Effects of Varying the Tonicity of a Perfusion Saline on the Heart of the Cockroach, Periplaneta americana L., William Diamantis
The Election and Abdication of Amadeus of Savoy, Carmen Matilde Hernandez-Gonzalez
The Election of 1880, Joseph R Morice
The Enduring Influence of School Size and School Climate on Parents’ Engagement in the School Community, Lauri Goldkind and G. Lawrence Farmer
The Enforcement of Union Responsibility Under the LMRA: The Construction Industry, Edmund J McHugh
The Escape Clause in Reciprocal Trade Agreements, Brendan K McCormick
The Essential Criticality of Comprehensive Physical Exercise Programs for the Elderly in Taiwan, Su Fen Chen
The Eternal Verities in the Philosophy of René Descartes, John B Noone
The Ethical Structure of the De Officiis of Saint Ambrose, James M Carmody
The Evolution of American Judicial Opinion concerning the Attempt of Labor to Organize, 1806–1842, Cornelius K Roche
The Evolution of Ethopoiia in Early Orations of Lysias, James H Reid
The Evolution of the British West Indian People, Dom Basil Matthews
The Evolution of the Financier Type in the French Drama of the Nineteenth Century, Chester W Obuchowski
The Existential Person in His World: An Interpretation of the Thought of Gabriel Marcel, Charles J Estrada
The External Morphology of Latrodectus mactans, Walter M Janer
The Factors Involved in the Location of Plants for the Production of Armaments, James Miskin Hedley
The Failure of Parole, Harold O Small
The Falkland Islands Dispute, 1766-1771, David D Ruddy
The Fate of the Righteous Heathen in St. Erkenwald, Piers Plowman and Divina Commedia, James L Tyne
The Feasibility of a Single Tax on Land Value in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century, Anthony John Glennon
The Fiber Tracts of the Mesencephalon of Felis leo, Ruth Hanada Elsasser
The First Civil Government in the Philippines Islands, Mary Angela Dalton
The First Round of Wage Increases at the General Motors Corporation, 1945-1946, Robert I Desrochers
The First Royal Governor of New York, Thomas Dongan, Margaret Ormond
The Food Stamp Plan, Rita L Reynolds
The Forerunner of Communism as Seen in the Major Works of Fyodor Dostoevsky, William P Mara
The Forma Corporeitatis in the Early Works of St. Thomas Aquinas, John E Daly
The Formation of the Literary Ideas of Victor Hugo as Far as the Preface of Cromwell, Edward J Henry
The Formation of the State of West Virginia, M. Pierre Hill
The Form of Pelomyxa carolinensis in Various Solutions of Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, and Calcium Chloride, Daniel P Cirelli
The Franco-American Parish in New England, George Robert Plante
"The Frauds of Scapin": A Practical Actors' Version of "Les Fourberies De Scapin" by Moliere, Richard A D'Anjou
The French and Italian References in Joseph Warton's Essay on Pope, Mary Gonzaga Hickey
The Friendship Between Cicero and Atticus in the Light of the De Amicitia, M. Hildegarde Munday
The Function Description in the De Rerum Natura of Lucretius, Mary Evangelist Thompson
The Fundamentals of Alfred Weber's Sociology of Culture, Bruno J. G Dechamps
The Funeral Games in Homer and Virgil, Michael F Kowalczyk
The Gaspee Incident and American Independence, Marilyn Bernese Luke
The General Theory as a Critique for Economic Maturity, James Reilly
The Genesis and Early Development of the Underconsumption Theory, Pieter G Van der Spek
The Grammatica Speculativa of Thomas Erfurt, John J Lynch
The Gram Stain Reaction, Bernice Adelaide Baumann
The Great Yemeni Chess Game, John Frederick Mueller
The Growth and Development of the Nocturne, Louis T Mitchell
The Growth of Revisionist Views in the United States, 1920-1934, Joan M Smyth
The Harrowing of Hell in Middle English Literature, Muriel C Heide
The Heroine of the Gothic Romance, Mary Mercedes Fanning
The Histology of the Muscles of the Housefly, Barbara V Norton
The History and Scope of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, David N Edelstein
The History of Christian Trade Unions in Germany From Their Inauguration Until 1914, Stanislaus K Treu
The History of St. Brigid's Parish in the City of New York Under the Administration of the Rev. Patrick F. McSweeny, 1877-1907, Patrick D O'Flaherty
The History of the Chinese Eastern Railway, Marie A Finley
The History, Organization, and Influence of the American Labor Party in New York State Politics -- 1936 to 1950, Thomas V Cooke
The Hoare-Laval Plan: An Indication of British Foreign Policy in 1935, James Marie Devine
The Human Digital Formula as an Index to Schizophrenia, Richard L Herbstritt
The Humanism of St. Francis of Sales Studied in His Works, Ma T Guevara
The "Humanitas" of Aeneas in Relation to the Development of His Character, Augustine Loes
The Human Thumb as a Psychometric Index, George J Franghiadi
The Idea in Descartes and Spinoza: (Meditations, Principles, I, Improvement of the Understanding, Ethics, II), Eugene T Fontinell
The Idea in the Philosophy of Locke, Thomas S O'Brien
The idea of intellectual progress in the works of Alfred de Vigny, Larry R Williams
The Idea of Man in the Founding Fathers, Mary Angela McHugh
The Ideological Content of the Works of Antonio Machado, Emile Dayon
The Imagery of James Thomson, Rose Therese Callahan
The Impact of the Second World War on Juvenile Behavior in America, Stephen J Fitzgerald
The Importance of the "Lettere Dedicatorie" in Bandello's Novelle, Fortunata Patelli
The Importance of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” in the Minds of His Contemporaries, Marietta Marinan
The Impressionist Art of Marcel Proust or a Pictorial Transfiguration of Reality, Emile Dante Criscitiello
The Inconsistencies in Homer's Iliad, Patrick A Sullivan
The Influence of Alexandrian Elegy on the Art of Propertius, Vincent F Seyfried
the Influence of Ancient Greek Philosophy on Greek Medicine, as Evidenced in the Hippocratic Corpus, C. Stanislaus Zamoyta
The Influence of Auxins on the Growth Rate and Morphology of Sarcina lutea, Joan M Daly
The Influence of Clasical Latin Biographies on Patristic Biographies, Joseph D Riordan
The Influence of Courtly Love on the Legend of Tristam and Iseut, Alfred R Desautels
The Influence of Fenelon Upon Certain Concepts of Voltaire Concerning Political Economy, Simone Deitz
The Influence of Five Different Intensities of a Tone of 1,000 Cycles on the Ability to Memorize Nonsense Syllables, Thomas J Lawrenson
The Influence of Goethe's Faust on Byron's Manfred: A Survey of Scholarship, Raymond A Wiley
The Influence of Manumotor Activity Upon the Learning Process, Frank l Catalano
The Influence of Mental Practice on the Improvement of Motor Skill, William Duncan Woodworth
The Influence of Montaigne’s Essais on the Idea of Man in the Pensees of Pascal, M. Maurice Boyer
The Influence of Saint Francis de Sales on the Society of the 17th Century, Marie L Pomerleau
The Influence of Set and Prejudice Upon the Syllogistic Reasoning, Agnes M Bauer
The Influence of Speed of Rotation and Complexity of Pattern on the Number of Reversals of Apparent Movement in Lissajou Figures, Vincent R Fisichelli
The Influence of St. Augustin on the Constitution of the United States of America, Kathryn J McGuire
The Influence of the American Short Story Writers on Alphonse Daudet, Mary A Burke
The Influence of the Eighteenth Century Salon, Margaret D Leach
The Influence of the Natural Science of the Pre-Socratic Philosophers on the Epistemology of Aristotle, Jose M Eleazar
The Influence of the Pagan on Christian Consolatio as Exemplified in the Consolatory Letters of Seneca and of St. Jerome, Joseph M Stella
The Influence of the Pagan on Christian Consolatio as Exemplified in the Consolatory Letters of Seneca and of St. Jerome, Joseph M Stella
The Influence of the Scriptural Commentators on Milton's Paradise Regained, James J O'Loughlen
The Influence of Vertical Field Edges on Monocular Movement Parallax Thresholds for Various Rates of Basic Stimulus Movement, Veronica T Gaffney
The Influence of Welsh Alliteration Upon the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Jean Kenny Patterson
The Influence of Wordsworth on Keble, Mary Robert Reddy
The Institutionalist Tradition in the History of Modern Family Sociology, Richard Marco Blow
The Integration of Foreign-Born Dominicans in Spain and the United States 1990-2011: Historical, Spatial, & Racial Considerations, Petros Akosta Gkalinto
The Inter-Area Clearance System of the New York State Employment Service, Howard T Ludlow
The Intercorrelation of Masculinity-Femininity Factors in Various Questionnaires Used in Vocational Guidance, Edward A Koepplin
The Interfacial Angles and Crystallographic System of Crystals in Pelomyxa carolinensis, John F. Keane
The Interrelation of Anglo-Saxon Art and Literature Particularly in Northumbria, Elizabeth Kane
The Interrelationship Between Discriminative Reaction Time and Identification of Aircraft Representations, Vincent Michael Murphy
The Interrelationship of Articulation, Lateral Dominance, and Intelligence of Preschool Children, Elvira R Caggiano
The Intuition of Duration, a Bergsonian Approach to the Philosophy of Time, Elizabeth Kraus Anderson
The Jacobite Poetry of Scotland and Ireland, Charles Quinn
The Jesuit Theatre in Italy From Its Origins to the Eighteenth Century, Victor R Yanitelli
The Judeo-Christian Traditionalism of Benjamin Disraeli, Patricia E Monaghan
The "Judicial Power" Theory in United States History Until John Marshall's Decision in Case of Marbury vs. Madison, Leo P Brophy
The Keiley Incident, Mary Gertrude Donahue
The Labor Force in Two World Wars, Marion T Schlinkert
The Labor Management Relationship of the Typographical Unions and the Newspapers Publishers: A Case Study of the Conflict of Law and Custom, Patrick J Trainor
The "Ladder" Motif as Seen in Walter Hilton's Scale of Perfection and in Philosophical and Ascetical Writings Preceding Him, Marie Albert Walsh
The Lancelot and Tristram Legends in Tennyson, Arnold, and Morris, Esther Redmann
The Lansing - Ishii Agreement, Alice T Gallin
The Later Reputation of Saint Thomas More, Thomas W Cunningham
The Latin Epicidium, Anthony B Bregolato
The Law Against Discrimination of New York State, Edward Patrick Scully
The Law and Insanity, Joseph Russell Sherlock
The Legend of Don Juan in the French Theater, Louis F Forest
The Legend of Oedipus in Classical French Tragedy, Vincenza C Zema
The Letters of Pliny the Younger and Sidonius Apollinaris: A Comparative Study, John R Courtney
The Lettres Persanes--"Roman De Moeurs", Robert Olaf Waring
The Life and Character of the Author of The Vision of Piers Plowman, Joan F McElligott
The Life and Death of King John by William Shakespeare: In Cut Version, Revised and Prepared for Presentation on Modern Stage, Don L Johannes
The Life of Blessed Dominic Savio, Peter Lappin
The Lipid Content of Arctic Mammals, John W Poutsiaka
The Literary Criticism of Spenser's Faerie Queene, Elbert J Rushmore
The Literary Evolution of the Sermons of Bossuet, Joseph Marie Bouchard
The Literary Form of S. Ambrose's " De Obitu Valentiniani Consolatio", Terence J Fitzsimons
The Literary Form of the Epistles of Saint Ignatius Together with Appendices on Their Language, Syntax and Style, James J McGinley
The Literary Framework of the Seven Chief Sins as an Aid to Criticism of Social Evils in the Works of Mannyng, Langland, and Chaucer, Theresa Gloria Burchetta
The Literary Reputation of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Jean Joseph Robinson
The Literary Taste of Charles Burney, Nell C Merrigen
The Literary Theories of Edgar Allan Poe in Poetry and Fiction, Therese A Scott
The Literary Work of Armando Palacio Valdés, Francoise Therese Clark
The Living Tradition of Hellenism as a Phase of the Renaissance at Florence, John V Walsh
The Localization of Pleasantness-Unpleasantness and Bright-Dull Pressure, Thomas F. J Kelly
The Longitudinal Line and Simian Line as Indices of Social Comportment, Melvin E Carney
The Lower Orders in Gaelic Ireland: Ancient Documents and Modern Opinions, Joseph V Cotter
The Loyalty Program, Joseph F Maloney
The Lyricism in the Tragedies of Philip Quinault, Nicholas A Fiorenza
The Main Steps in the Evolution of the Valet From Molière to Beaumarchais, Valerie Norma Stoppani
The Meaning of Man in St. Augustine, Albert B Hakim
The Meaning of Pragmatism, George E Brantl
The Medievalism of Paul Claudel, Mary Tesse Kiewert
The Metaphysical and Moral Good According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, Robert P Goodwin
The Migrant Diaries, Lynne Jones
The Miltonic Theory of Education, Stephen J Boudreau
The Mind and Matter Relation in Leibniz, George Pepper
The Mind-Body Problem in the Philosophy of William James, William F. Reilly
The Mind of Man as Image of the Trinity According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, Nancy Eleanor Bone
The Minor Criticism of Edgar Allan Poe, Richard J Sexton
The Mitotic Nucleolar Cycle in Pisum sativum, Mary Jo Striebich
The Modern Family in the Conception of the Church, Science, and Public Opinion, Cecelia Darby
The Monastery of Grace Dieu and Its Relationship to Welsh Nationalism, Garry J Kelly
The Monk and the Friar of the Canterbury Tales, Helen R Parks
The Moral Propaedeutic to Philosophy in Augustinian Thought, Edward G Taylor
The Multidimensionality of Hermeneutic Phenomenology: From Philology Through Science and Technology to Theology, Babette Babich
The Multidimensionality of Hermeneutic Phenomenology: From Philology Through Science and Technology to Theology, Babette Babich
The Nationalist Tradition of the Federalist Party, W. Leo Batten
The Natural Activity of the Separated Soul According to St. Thomas Aquinas, William G Acker
The Natural Occurrence of Polyploidy in the Development of Albizzia lophantha, Marie Christine Maloney
The Nature and the Role of Truth in Newman's Philosophy of Education, Mary Twibill Clark
The Nature of Being in Plato and Plotinus, Sophia A Pytel
The Nature of Hope, Edward J Trant
The Nature of Human Liberty According to Suarez, William N Clarke
The Nature of Man as Image of God, Margaret Evelyn Halligan
The Nature of the Common Good as Revealed in the Writings of Francis Suarez, Eugene Bertrand Brien
The Nature of Uti and Frui in the Philosophy of Saint Augustine, Alice Jourdain
The Need for Economic Diversification in the Oil-Dependent Nations of Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Nigeria: Possible Pathways and Outcomes, Alia Alzubair
The Negotiation of the Anglo-American Zanzibar Conventions of 1902, 1903, and 1905, M. M. Ethelbert Toomey
The Negro Integrated, Nicholas S Falcone
The New British Colonial Policy and Its Application to the West Indies, Philip N Blake
The New Nationalism of Theodore Roosevelt, Daniel Curran
The New Style in Minucius Felix, John J Moore
The New Style in the Apologeticum of Tertullian, Antoinette J Shohfi
The New York Newspaper Guild, Its Formation and Development, John B Darby
The Normal Development of Allium cepa Through the Formation of the Third Leaf, Alvira Mercie DeMello
The Normal Development of Allium tricoccum, Virginia Marie Cotter
The Notion of Intuition in Bergson's Philosophy, Paul J Jones
The Notion of Participation in the Prima Pars of the "Summa Theologiae" of St. Thomas Aquinas, Michael Edward Farrell
The Novel in Chile, Lilia Gabriele Giammartino
The Novels of Wilkie Collins, Margaret M Bourke
Theodore Roosevelt and His Family, Mary Genevieve Donovan
The Ontological Reality of Ideas in Descartes' Thought, Alfred Paul Di Lascia
The Opinions of Jose Marti on the United States, O'Toole,Alois
Theories and Manifestations of Eighteenth Century Spanish Drama (Neo-Classicism Versus Nationalism in the Theatre), Josephine Castán
The Origin and Development of the Miracles of the Virgin, Joseph E Grennen
The Origin of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, M. Teresia O'Connor
The Origins of the Homestead Act, Peter Louis Trottier
The Origins of the Rome-Berlin Axis, Julius S Gassner
Theory and Practice of Timing Investment Plans, Hsiao Pei-Hsiung
The Outlook of St. Basil on Pagan Literature in His Address to Young Men on Greek Literature, William L Reilly
The Paganism of Comtesse de Noailles, Marguerite A McCabe
The Palatine Immigration to New York in 1709-1710, Dorothy Wrede Weber
The Participation of Lexington Massachusetts in the War of Independence, Andrew Anselm Gallivan
The Part Played by Jonathan Worth in the Reconstruction of North Carolina, Mary Catherine Garvey
The "Pastoral Care" of John of Wales, Daniel Joseph Phelan
The Patriotism of Leopardi, Ida R D'Avella
The Pearl in Writings Prior to and During the Middle Ages, Jane Anne Markey
The Permeability Constant of Amoeba proteus to Water, Thomas A Whalen
The Persecution of the Catholic Church in the Third Reich: Its Method, James T Nolan
The Personal and Literary Relations of Edmund Spenser and Sir Philip Sidney, Roger T Gilmartin
The Phenomenon of Finality in the Playing of Musical Selections, Mary Salvina Skorobogata
The Philosophical and Literary Contributions of Pierre-Simon Ballanche to Nineteenth Century Thought, Patrick Kinney
The Philosophic Formation of Bossuet, Robert J Sealy
The Philosophy of Mateo Aleman as Depicted in Guzman De Alfarache, William P Mara
The Physiology of Digestion in the Earthworm Lumbricus terrestris, John J. G Alexander
The Picketing as Free Speech Doctrine of the United States Supreme Court, Fortuny R Melina
The Place of Gerald Griffin’s Novel The Invasion in Nineteenth Century Interests in Anglo-Irish Literature, Mark J Kearney
The Place of the Lyrics in the Drama Before 1550, Elizabeth Marian Murray
The Plan of Pope Benedict XV for a Just and Durable Peace, George J Murphy
The Platt Amendment, Joseph J Doyle
The Plays of Lady Gregory, Rose P Sullivan
The Poetical Reputation of Alexander Pope, Paul A Doyle
The Poetics of Aristophanes, John P Hughes
The Poetic Theory and Practice of Stephen Hawes as Revealed in The Pastime of Pleasure, Joseph V Landy
The Poetic Theory of William Butler Yeats, John J Kearney
The Poetry of Abbe Le Cardonel, M. Cosmas McNamara
The Policy of the United States Towards Germany, 1920-1925, Eleanor C Delaney
The Polish Clergy and the Union of Brest, Joseph P Przygocki
The Polish-Lithuanian Vilna Dispute Before the League of Nations, Albin R. V Treciokas
The Political Emancipation of the American Woman, Rosaline De Gregorio
The Political Ideas of Chateaubriand, Mary Andrew Doyle
The Political Life of Robert T. Livingston, Grace Friere Skiba
The Political Motives Behind Some of the Proposed Marriages of Queen Elizabeth, Jean Mary O'Reilly
The Political Philosophy of the Italian Fascist State, Louis R Sprigg
The Political Rights of the Negro in South Carolina, 1865-1876, Vincent N DeVivo
The Political Thought of Pope Pius XII, Sophie Hollis
The Portrayal of Clerical Figures in the Austen Novels, Mary Genevieve Smollins
The Portrayal of the Jungle in Contemporary Latin American Prose, Rita M Carlin
The Position of George Berkeley in the Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonius, Francis J Lodato
The Possibility of Moral Affirmation in Ernest Hemingway, Edmund Naughton
The Potassium Calcium Ratios Necessary to Maintain the Heart Beat of the Cockroach, Periplaneta americana L, Kathleen Marie Tracey
The Preponderance of Sir William Cecil's Influence on the Policy of Queen Elizabeth From 1559-1572, Marie M Dunn
The Prepositions, Pronouns, and Subordinate Clauses in the Sermones Ad Fratres in Eremo, Loretta C McGowan
The Presence of Ascorbic Acid in Various Protozoa, With Special Reference to Pelomyxa carolinensis, James J Deeley
The Present Dollar Shortage in Argentina, Joseph R Guerin
The Presidential Campaign of 1928, Walter V Danahar
The Presidential Election of 1912, Mary Paul Lafferty
The Presidential Election of 1920, Donald Thomas Kennard
The Prevalence and Social Determinants of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders among American Indians and Alaskan Natives, Micah J Savin
The Problem of Competitive Bidding, Lucille R Stoeppler
The Problem of the Classicism of Samson Agonistes, Mary Joannes Christie
The Production of Tyrosinase by Bacteria and Molds, Basilian Amedy Sands
The Proof of the Existence of God From Motion According to St. Thomas Aquinas, William J Bryar
The Prose Style of Edmund Burke, Kevin Campbell
The Psychological Implications of Diary Writing, Eleanor R Cashen
The Quadruple Alliance of 1834, John J Drolet
The Question of Christian Tragedy, Joseph P Clancy
The Question of Cicero's Literary Activity in 49 - 47 B.C., Helen Rita Sheehan
The Question of Cicero's Literary Activity in Cilicia, 51-50 B.C, Margaret de Lourdes Conlan
The Radicalism of William Lloyd Garrison, Leo Vincent Wall
The Reaction of the American Business Press to Japanese Aggression in Manchuria, September 1931 - March 1932, Richard J Allen
The Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Norma L Beltramo
The Rectitude of the Prudential Judgment, Mary Monica Archer
The Red Regime of China: A Brief Analysis of Its History and Legal Structure, Jack Teh-Tsao Chia
The Re-Emergence of the Morality Play, Regina Marie Hefferman
The Reform Program of Thomas of Lancaster During the Piers Gaveston Crisis, 1307-1313, Elizabeth Mercedes Hooke
The Relation Between Personality Traits and the Psychogalvanic Response, Dorathy E Rescigno
The Relation Between the Raven Progressive Matrices Test and the Stanford-Binet in a Group of Gifted Children, Isabel Struhs
The Relation of Dexterity Tests and Other Variables to Shop Success in the Junior High School, Julia Frances Kenny
The Relation of Mental Test Performance and Personality Traits to Iron-Deficiency Anemia, Kathryn E Ryan
The Relation of Mirror Drawing Ability to Certain Personality Traits, Catherine MacDonald Burns
The Relation of Pleasantness and Unpleasantness to Bright and Dull Pressures, Mary A Bermingham
The Relation of Reaction Time to the Duplication of a Time Interval, John W Lyttle
The Relation of Tension and Relaxation to the Psychogalvanic Reflex, Virginia Mary Staudt
The Relation of the Psychogalvanic Response to Insight and Closure, Louise T Beccaris
The Relation of Thurstone's Primary Mental Factors to General Intelligence and Cognitive Ability, Marie Lucille Farrell
The Relation of Thurstone's Primary Mental Factors to Success in Various School Subjects, Anita Mary Driscoll
The Relationship Between Emotionality as Measured by a Verbal Disrimination Scale and the Bell Adjustment Inventory, William F O'Connor
The Relationship Between "Level of Aspiration" and Self-Confidence in Jewish and Italian High School Students, Anthony F Donofrio
The Relationship Between Reaction Time and Handedness Under the Condition of Monocular Stimulation, Joseph J Duetsch
The Relationship Between Ribonucleic Acid and the Gram Staining Reaction, Eleanor Elizabeth Deschner
The Relationship Between Speed of Concept Formation and Five "Primary Mental Abilities", Gene S Micheli
The Relationship Between the Psychogalvanic Response and Cortical Potentials in Emotional and Non-Emotional Laboratory Situations, Margaret A Extitus
The Relationship Between the Thurstone SRA Primary Mental Abilities Tests and the Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Test, George J Becker
The Relationship of Intelligence and Personality Traits to Selling Ability of Department Store Girls, Francis A Winiarz
The Relationship of Metachromatin to the Growth Rate in Yeast, Edmund Marie Lennon
The Relative Influence on Learning of Immediate and Delayed Application of After-Effect, James S Duva
The Relative Utilization of Positional Associations and Inter-Item Associations in Learning Series of Items Sequence, William J McGuire
The Reliability of a Nut and Bolt Assembly Test and Its Relation to Other Tests of Manual Dexterity, Virginia Mary Carter
The Relief of Jewish Civil and Political Disabilities in England, Cecelia M McGowan
The Religion of Paul Verlaine, Maurice X Mathews
The Religious and Philosophical Thought of Alfred de Vigny, Lillian E Sel
The Religious Ideas of Vittoria Colonna and Marguerite De Navarre: Renaissance Mystics, Cristina N De Rose
The Religious, Scientific, and Patriotic Element in Giacomo Zanella's Lyrics, Joseph A Tursi
The Renaissance Concept of a Poet, Alphonsus P Campbell
The Reproduction of Spatial Distances and Temporal Intervals and Its Relationship With Introversion - Extroversion, Silvia S Turrou
The Republican Campaign of 1860, M. Antoine Campbell
The Reputation of the Gothic Novel, 1764-1777, Nilda C Servando
The Reputation of Thomas Gray in the Eighteenth Century, John Francis Rieger
The Revolution of 1688, Catherine Watson
The Rhetorical Form of the Consolation Exemplified in the Sermon of St. Ambrose and of St. Gregory Nazianzen, Francis V Courneen
The Rise and Development of the American Conservation Movement, Harry G Vavra
The Rithmus de Die Mortis of Saint Peter Damiani, Mary Sylvester Gallagher
The Rockingham Whigs and the Townshend Acts 1767-1770, John J Dodd
The Rockingham Whigs on the Eve of the American Revolution, John E Comey
The Role of Athanasius in the Arian Conflict, Sr. Mary Aquinata O'Donnell
The Role of HCV Infection on Neurocognitive Outcomes in Persons Receiving Opioid Agonist Treatment, James Pat Olsen
The Role of Motivation in a School-Based Physical Activity Intervention, Samantha Adelsberg
The Role of Saint Joseph in Early French Dramatic Literature, Dorothy Mercedes Finn
The Role of the House of Canossa, and in Particular of Matilda, in the Reform Struggle of the Eleventh Century, Lucille Paone
The Role of the United States in the Economic Recovery of Liberia in the Twentieth Century, Robert V Scanlan
The Role of the Will in the Act of Contrition, Leo R Downey
The Role Plato Assigns to Mathematics in His Theory of Education, Edmund Fournier
The Roman Diatribe, John J Stolz
The Roman Patriarchal Family Structure of the Benedictine Monasteries, Dom Benedict Kominiak
The Romanticism of Eugénie de Guérin, M. Dulcidia Kramer
The Romanticism of Petrus Borel, Catherine Rita Martin
The Royal Marriage Act of 1772, Albert C Witterholt
The Rule of Saint Benedict as the Basis for St. Thomas More's Utopia, Luke Driscoll
The Rusticatio Mexicana of Landivar: A Mirror of Its Time, Xavier Gomez Robledo
The Saint Nicholas of Tolentine Free Employment Service Bureau, Joseph P. F Gallagher
The Salivary Glands of the Adult Housefly, Musca domestica l., With Special Reference to the Mitochondria in the Secreting Cells, Eleanor Rita Lappano
The Sallustian Problem From Antiquity to the Present Time, Alphonsus C Yumont
The San Juan Island Water Boundary Controversy, 1846-1873, Eleanor C Towey
The Satirical Element in the Amores of Ovid, Nancy P Toal
The Satirical Poetry of The Gentleman' Magazine, 1731-1746, Giles Turbee
The Settlement of the Anglo-American Controversy Over Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 1856-1860, Robert T Schneider
The Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus, Ann Eddy Gray
The Seven Capital Virtues in the Canterbury Tales, Agatha Maria Burns
The Seven Deadly Sins in the Pre-Reformation Morality Plays, Anne Gertrude Coleman
The Shakespeare Jubilee of David Garrick, Mary J Reardon
The Shorthand Theory as an Explanation to the Quarto of King Lear, Miriam James Carroll
The Significance of Dr. Johnson's Irene, Richard J Dircks
The Significance of Metaphysical Evil in Ennead I:8 of Plotinus, Bernard A Neubauer
The Size of Chromosomes in the Root Tip of Spinacea oleracea L, Anna Marie Davis
The Slave Identity Question in Anglo-American Relations, 1814-1826, Eileen Claire Fitzmaurice
The Social Adjustment of Representatives of Minority Groups in a Catholic College, Vera Marie Wingerter
The Social Impact of War on an Industrial Community (Bristol, Connecticut), Helen I Przygocki
The Social Philosophy of William Morris, Edmund Holmes
The Social Satire of Beaumarchais, Eric N Compton
The Soil Theme in Modern Irish Literature Exclusive of Works Written in Gaelic, M. Paulinus Sullivan
The Source of Morality in the Human Act According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, John F Schlight
The Sources of Newman's Scriptural Quotations in His Sermons, Donald Coffey
The Spaniard Maligned; Spanish and English Indian Contacts, Joseph E Keily
The Spanish Inquisition Under Early Bourbon Kings, 1700-1788, Albert J Loomie
The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd, Edmund T. R Mellendick
The Spermatogenesis of Helisoma corneus (Linné), Mary Catherine Kenny
The Spider's Path: An Adaptation of Richard III by William Shakespeare, Submitted by Helen C. Petretti, Helen C Petretti
The Spiritual Element in Marie Noel's Poetry, Mary Irma Forest
The Spiritual Odyssey of Maurice de Guerin, Gerard E Vincent
The State: A Corporate Moral Person, Thomas F Troy
The Sterling Area, 1931-1948, John F Feit
The Study of the Application of Otto Behaghel's Law in Cicero's Four Catilinarians, Mary Ambrose O'Grady
The Style and Language in the Writings of Saint Teresa, Maria Rosa Deiso
The Style of the Epistles of St. Cyprian, M. Virginia Brennan
The Sugar Economy of Puerto Rico, Jaime M Vila
The Suppression of the Parlement of Paris, Robert G Pinard
The Survival of Dulles: Reflections on a Second Century of Influence, Michael M. Canaris
The Survival of the Religious Spirit in the French Theatre after the Suppression of the Mystery Plays, James Joseph Kearny
The Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus in the Civil War, Chester A Wisniewski
The Synthesis of Ascorbic Acid by Nymphs of the Cockroach, Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, Michael Francis Filosa
The Synthesis of Folic Acid by Microorganisms, Robert A. James
The Tablet (1941-1952): The Story of a Crusading Newspaper, James F. Griffin
The Temporal Binocular Summation of After-Images, Carl C Lozito
The 'Testament' of Jean de Meun: Morgan Ms. 324, Aimee Céleste Bourneuf
The Teutonic Knights and Jagiello King of Poland and Lithuania, Anthony J Rzeszutek
The Theatrical Criticism in The Tatler and The Spectator, Saint Frances of the Redeemer Creeden
The Theories of "Imitation" in the Eighteenth Century, Mary Aloysia Quinn
The Theory of Employment Applied to the Philippines, Francisco Araneta
The Theory of Illumination in Saint Bonaventure From the Point of View of Creation, Mary Aloysius Shannahan
The Theory of the Microcosm in the Seventeenth Century Literature, Aimee Mardenborough
The Theory of the Will in the Philosophy of William James, Bernard P Brennan
The Theory of Toleration in the Works of Pierre Bayle, Timothy F Dobbins
The Thomistic Critique of the Platonic Epistemology, Lydia Cassandra Salvati
The Three Fiddlers, Patricia Anne Sheridan
The Three William Kings of the Eighteenth Century With a Check-List of Their Writings, Ethel J Smith
The Thymus Gland, Mary R Needham
The Traditional Background of the Declaration of Independence, Francis J Grogran
The Traditional Ballad in Newfoundland, John Patrick Keane
The Tragedies of Silvio Pellico, Ermelinda Cordasco
The Treatment of Death in the Poetry of John Donne, Mary Christopher Pecheux
The Treatment of South Korean Women Has Changed Since Japan’s Military Comfort System Because of Stronger Laws and More Diverse Support Groups, Arianna Daria Fiorentini
The Trend in Supreme Court Interpretation of "Bigness", Mary F Morris
The True Cost of Clothes: Sustainability Issues in the Fashion Industry, Grace Costa
The Truth Teller: A Study in Early American Catholic Journalism, Mary Damien Murtha
The Two Hyperions, John J Scowcroft
The United States and the Balance of Power, 1812-1818, Margaret Telscher
The United States Government's Investment in and Disposal of Property for World War II, William J Manning
The Unity of Man: Contrasts in Ideals With Special Regard to the Affections, Andrew T Walsh
The Unity of the Art Theme Underlying the Aesthetic and Social Criticisms of John Ruskin, Marie Charles McAuley
The Unity of the First Elegy of Solon, Francisco Demetrio
The Universality of Hermeneutics in Joseph Kockelmans’s Version of Hermeneutic Phenomenology, Dimitri Ginev
The Universality of Hermeneutics in Joseph Kockelmans’s Version of Hermeneutic Phenomenology, Dimitri Ginev
The Unlimited Power of God, Thomas P McCaffrey
The Uropygial Gland, Edwin F Corlis
The Use of a Battery of Serial Dotting Tests to Obtain Measures of the Time Required for the Disjunctive Function, Robert H Salke
The Use of Discrepancy Scores in Predicting Performance of Insurance Agents, Arthur D Kellner
The Use of the Bender-Gestalt Visual Motor Test as an Instrument to Differentiate Institutionalized Boys From Those Non-Institutionalized, Marie E Maddock
The Use of the Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Test in Differentiating Delinquents From Non-Delinquents, Jacqueline A Moore
The Use of the Sentence Completion and Visual Motor Gestalt Tests in the Discrimination of Clinical and Control Groups, Dorothea B McDonough
The Use of the Term Civitas Dei and the Related Concepts by St. Augustine and Otto Freising, Hugh C Fallon
The Use of the Wechsler Memory Scale in Differential Diagnosis, Joseph J Silva
"The Use of Water as a Weapon Against Public Health in Palestine and Kashmir", Evan D. Gumas
The U.S.S.R. and the League of Nations, Miriam L Moran
The Value of a Daily Operating Report: A Case Study in the Public Warehouse Industry, Ralph P Anzano
The Veterans' Administration, Virginia L Ryan
The Victorian School as Depicted in Representative Works of Dickens, Anthony McCoy
The Villains in the Non-cyclic English Metrical Romances, Muriel E Merkel
The Vilna Dispute, 1919-1923, Christopher T. Garrahan
The Vindication of Benjamin F. Butler as Military Commander of New Orleans in 1862, W. E Drayton
The Virgilian Influence in the Thebaid of Statius, Thomas C Hennessy
The Voyages of Montesquieu and Their Influence upon the Development of His Thought, Paul H Daley
The Wages of Sin: An Adaptation of "The Changeling" by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley, John Henry Johnson
The Wanderer: A Critical Survey of Research With an Analysis of the Structure and Poetical Idea of the Poem, Richard Webb Sullivan
The Work of John Howard and Elizabeth Fry in Reforming Penal Institutions With a Consideration of Some Modern Prisons and Practices in Reforming the Criminal, Belinda Agnes Carmody
Thomas Day, Author of Sanford and Merton: An Experiment in Education, Dorothy A King
Thomas Delony and the Beginnings of the English Novel, Ethel R Madden
Thomas Moore, Poet and Social Celebrity, Genevieve Elizabeth O'Reilly
Thomas Rymer “The Worst Critic That Ever Lived”, Floyd W Tedrow
Thomas Wolfe: A Study of His Genius, Paul J Centi
Thorstein Veblen's Critique of the Neo-classical Theory of Value, Rita Marie
Three Comedies by Fletcher and Massinger, James K McGuire
Thurlow Weed and the Election of 1840, Daniel Andrew Kopecky
"Thy Kingdom Come": A Passion Play in Two Acts, John McCabe
Time Comparisons of the Same Responses to Tests Given Under Conditions of Free Association and Controlled Association, David Jacobson
Tom Moore and the Irish Melodies, John Gabriel Keogh
Towards an Adequate Labor Policy With Particular Emphasis on the Theory and Practice of the New York State Labor Relations Act, Margaret Donnelly
Towards an Understanding of the Ontological Argument, Joseph A Casey
Towers of Trash: Dissecting India’s Solid Waste Management Crisis, Maya L. Reddy
Toxicity of Orthodichlorobenzene, Trichlorobenzene, and 6 Chloro, 4 Nitrotoluene to Reticulitermes Flavipes Kollar, Azarias Raphael Browne
Traces of Spanish Authors in Shakespeare, Mary Michael O'Mara
Traits of Donne's Thought and Personality Derived From Selected Poems, Theodore Cunnion
Trans-Carpathia, 1918-1939, John Peter Rebovich
Trends in American Divorce, William S Harrington
Tsar Alexander I of Russia: His Plan for Europe, 1804, Evrard H Stueber
Twelfth Century Feudal Relations of the County of Nevers, Morrison V Swift
Twenty-Five Years of Marxism in Soviet Russia, Marie Raymund McKay
Two Imitations of Plautus' Aulularia in the Fourth and Twelfth Centuries A.D., Miriam J Newcomb
Two Reformers: St. Bernard and St. Malachy, Helen R Burke
Typical Situations in the Germanic Poetry, Catherine Ebben
Ugo Foscolo and the Epistolary Novel, Rocco N La Femina
Ugo Foscolo as a Literary Critic, Agnes Carmel Miccio
Una Comunidad Catolica: U.S. Hispanic Popular Catholicism Among College Students at a Catholic University, Milton Javier Bravo
Unconditional Surrender in World War II, Jerome J Haggerty
"Underage Marriage: The Global Cultural Paradigm", Alexandra Ciociola Murphy
Understanding College Sexual Assault in the 'Me Too.' Era: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Jennifer Emily Stewart
U.S. Seaweed Farming: How We Can Remedy and Revolutionize our Industrialized Food System, Gabrielle Alexis Perez
Utopianism From Its Origins to Jean Bodin, Caesar C Altomare
Validities of Abbreviated WAIS Scales, Eileen Marie Maxwell
Variability of Spectral Sensitivity of the Human Foveal Cones as Determined by the Method of Flicker, Marianne M O'Donnell
Variability of Visual Responses on Two Wavelengths 435 Mμ and 460 Mμ, C. Claude Brodeur
Various Interpretations of the Economic Effects of the Decreasing Rate of Population Growth, Walter Tobbe
Varying Concepts of Simony During the Gregorian Reform: Cardinals Humbert and Deusdedit, Fulgentius A Mathes
Vegetative Multiplication in the Spermatophytes With Special Reference to Aconitum Lycoctonum, Thomas Aquinas O'Leary
Venetian Acquisitions in the Fourth Crusade, Anthony F Czajkowski
Vergil in the Work of St. Francis de Sales, Marietta Larkin
Video 1: Logging into Your Layers of London Account, Camila Marcone
Video 2: Setting up the Base Map in Layers of London, Camila Marcone
Video 3. Adding a Record and Locating your Property, Camila Marcone
Video 4a. Filling in a Layers Record 1, Camila Marcone
Video 4b. Filling in a Layers Record 2, Camila Marcone
Video 5. Editing a Layers Record and General Tips, Camila Marcone
Visual Learning: A New path for JMER, Patricia Velasco
Vocational Work as a Help in the Adjusting of Problem Boys, Francis J O'Neil
Voice as an Index to Personality, James P Casey
Voltaire's Comedies Larmoyantes, Mary Karen Zahn
Voltaire's Huron: l'ingénu, Eugene K Culhane
Volume 16: Senses and Perceptions, Magda Teter
Vox and the Legacy of Franco: A Study of the Rise of the Populist Radical Right in Spain, Daniel Robert Berenston
Wade Hampton and the Gubernatorial Election of 1876, Thomas J Hickman
Welsh Law at the Time of the Edwardian Conquest, Mary J Rabbett
Western European Monetary Arrangements, 1947-1952, William R Crotty
What is Past is Present: How “Forgetting” in Spain and the United States Has Caused Past Problems to Persist, Abigail Grace Conroy
Wilhelm Tell by Friedrich Von Schiller: Translation and Adaptation for the Modern Stage, Tehrie Holden
Willam Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream": An Adaptation for Children's Theatre, Aurora Priscilla Zablan
William Blake in the Twentieth Century, Dorothea D Higgins
William Cullen Bryant, an Editor of Vision, Mary I. C Relihan
William Dowdeswell and the Genesis of the Party of the Rockingham Whigs, Marie Consilia Boran
William Henry Seward, New York Politician, 1854-1858, Dorothy E Muller
William of Ockham's Critique of the Doctrine of Duns Scotus on the Problem of Universals, Joseph D Hassett
William of Saint-Thierry, Medieval Mystic: His Ontology of Progress and His Epistemology of Love, Jacques M Cabaud
William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: A Television Adaptation, Edward Paul Cosgrove
William Wordsworth's Impressions of English and Non-English Writers, Mary Thomas Breslin
Willingness to Attend Sex Venues in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City: Results from an Online Survey with Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals, Étienne Meunier, Anne E. Sundelson, Stephen Tellone, Daniel Alohan, Celia B. Fisher, and Christian Grov
Winston Churchill and British Foreign Policy, 1919-1929, Veronica J Condon
Wolsey and His Designs on the Papacy, Thomas J Manahan
Women and Children in the Cotton Textile Industry before 1860, Mary Hugh Cunningham
Women in Marivaux's Works, M. Barbara Fitzgerald
Woodrow Wilson, the "Corridor", and Upper Silesia, Eugene F. V Kusielewicz
Work Demands, Recovery Experiences, Sleep, and Burnout in Clinical and Counseling Psychology Doctoral Students, Anne Gentry Torell
Working Memory Load and Automaticity in Relation to STEM Undergraduates’ Mental Multiplication Performance, Jolene Trimm