Content Posted in 2023
Abandoned Children: A Study of the Factors in the Abandonment and Disposition of Children Admitted Through the Police to the New York Foundling Hospital in 1952, Marino Joseph Fanelli
Absconding and Chasing Across the Western Sephardic Diaspora, Daniel Strum
Absentee Children: The Growth of Attendance Services in the Board of Education of the City of New York; 1950–1961, Anita Cooper Pryce
A Case Analysis of Five Schizophrenic Veterans Compared With Five Schizophrenic Veterans Who Have Siblings in Mental Hospitals, Mary Louise Lanna
A Case Study of Fifteen Children Discharged From the Catholic Home Bureau to New York State Institutions for the Mentally Ill in the Years 1940 to 1950, Frances Agnes Owens
A Case Study of Fifteen Children Showing How the Catholic Home Bureau Uses Cardinal McCloskey School and Home in Meeting the Needs of Children, Nancy S Malvagna
A Case Study of Four Boys Ages Nineteen to Twenty-Four to Determine the Factors Affecting Their Community Adjustment Following Discharge From Bonnie Brae Farms for Boys, Millington, New Jersey, in 1950, Anastasia Celia Mantia
A Case Study of Six Boys Displaying Emotional Stresses With Treatment Involving Remedial Reading at Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Bronx Division, Thomas Joseph Brown
A Case Study of Ten Adoptive Applicants Who Rejected Children at Showing, Virginia Mae Ferri
A Case Study of the Use of Psychiatric Consultation by the Youth Consultation Service of the Diocese of New York, Helen Peters Behan
A Case Study of Twenty Children Discharged From St. Joseph's Villa, Rochester, New York and Placed in Foster Homes by Catholic Family Center, July 1, 1949 Through July 30, 1951, Jane Marie Gaffney
A Case Study of Twenty Negro Catholic Families in Saint Charles Borromeo Parish, Harlem, Receiving Aid to Dependent Children Because of Absence of the Father From the Home, Willie Agatha Backus
A Casework Model: The Characteristics Caseworkers Associate With Earlier and Later Interviews, Vincent J Frein
A Child-Caring Institution and Its Milieu: A Study of the Factors Involved in the Expansion of the Program at St. Paul’s Orphanage, Pittsburgh, 1963, M. Dolorita Lasky
A Consideration of the Emotional Factors in the Lives of Ten Veterans Who Received Treatment on the Neuropsychiatric Service of the Bronx Veterans Administration Hospital Between 1950 and 1953, Lawrence Thomas Barrett
A Contribution to the History of Our Lady of Victory Infants Home and Hospital, Lackawanna, New York, 1936-1946, Marie Kieran
A Contribution to the History of St. Michael’s Agricultural and Industrial School Hoban Heights, Pennsylvania Institution for Dependent and Neglected Boys 1916–1950, William James O'Haire
A Contribution to the Social History of Holy Name Hospital Teaneck, New Jersey: 1925 – 1950, Donald Francis Alfano
A Critical Phenomenology of Black and Latinx Student Trust in the Pandemic Landscape, Maria Cristina Soto
A Cytological Study of Prochromosomes in Impatiens balsamina, John W Flavin
Addicts in Distress: The History of a Volunteer Group Which Organized Itself Around the Problem of Narcotic Addiction in the Stamford Area in Connecticut, September, 1958 Through March, 1962, Jerome David Shanahan
Addressing Teacher Retention in a Small Independent School, Gretchen Marie Vice
Addressing Tensions in Textual Voice Construction, Marcela Ossa-Parra
A Decolonial Feminism to U.S. Humanitarian Policy in West Africa, Antonia L Jenkins
A Description of Services Offered in an Interim Child Care Agency-Based on the Policies of the Cardinal McCloskey School and Home, John M DeMartino
A Descriptive Case Study of Eleven Children With Speech Difficulties in Attendance at Bronx House Day Nursery During the Summer of 1949, Adeline Kunschman Ward
A Descriptive Case Study of Fifteen Runaways From St. Dominic’s School, Blauvelt, New York, Mary Ann O'Connor
A Descriptive Case Study of Four Adolescent Girls in Foster Homes of the Brooklyn District of the New York Foundling Hospital, Clare Jeanne Berger
A Descriptive of the Community Release Program of the North Jersey Training School, Totowa, New Jersey, as Seen in a Study of Twelve Mentally Defective Girls Committed to the School, Helena Christina Jani
A Descriptive Study of Six Churches in the Lower Bronx With Emphasis on Their Educational and Recreational Facilities, Rita Mary Long
A Descriptive Study of Ten Cases of Maternal Rejection Wherein Stealing Was a Problem, Benjamin L Zinda
A Descriptive Study of Ten Negro Adoptive Couples Who Have Rejected One or More Children Offered to Them, Angela Marie Gentile
A Descriptive Study of Ten Unmarried Mothers Whose Out-of-Wedlock Children Were Known to the Catholic Guardian Society Between the Years 1945 and 1951, John Francis Cleater
A Descriptive Study of the Adoption Program in a Private Urban Sectarian Agency, Loretta Pearl Tarczynski
A Descriptive Study of the Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Manhattan: 1922-1950, George Matthew Shea
A Descriptive Study of the Dependent Delinquent Adolescent Girl Based Upon Cases Known to the Catholic Guardian Society and Committed by the Wayward Minor Court for Correctional Care at Villa Loretto, Audrey Veronica Gallon
A Descriptive Study of the Development of the John T. Mather Memorial Hospital at Port Jefferson, N. Y. in Relation to the Community Which It Serves, Winifred Lorraine Sheridan
A Descriptive Study of the Home Care Program at Morrisania City Hospital of New York, Carrie Gustava Miller
A Descriptive Study of the Overt Clinical Manifestations of Material Over-Protection as Seen in Five Cases at Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Joseph Poggioli
A Descriptive Study of the Patient Orientation Program Given at Veterans Administration Hospital, Castle Point, New York January 2, 1949—December 31, 1949, William Peter Tillman
A Descriptive Study of Twenty-Five Youth Board Referrals to the Jewish Board of Guardians From October 1849 Through June 1951, Marguerite Regina Nugent
A Descriptive Study of Twenty-Three Cases of Delinquent Boys Who Were Referred From Children's Court, Brooklyn, to the Italian Board of Guardians in the Period From 1946-1951, Frank Joseph Sisko
Adjustment Problems of Six Children With Rheumatic Fever in Foster Care, Under Supervision of the New York Foundling Hospital, Helen Morris
Adler, Lucille, Sophia Maier Garcia
Admission Program in a General Medical and Surgical Hospital With Neuropsychiatric Patients: A Study and Evaluation of the Admission Program at the East Orange New Jersey V.A. Hospital, 1954-1958, Wilbur Ernest Wright
Adolescence in Psychiatric Treatment: A Study of Five High School Girls in Treatment by the New Interdisciplinary Group, 1957, at St. Joseph Hall, Brooklyn, Barbara Jeanne Quinn
Adolescent Addition: A Study of Drug Users Between the Ages of 16 and 19 Adjudicated Youthful Offenders and Placed on Probation, Brooklyn Criminal Court, 1944 to 1966, Rose Gregory Ryan
Adolescent Developmental Tutoring for Potential Indigenous Leaders: A Survey of the Fordham On-Campus Tutoring Program, Conducted by Student Volunteers with Previous Tutoring Experience, the Bronx, 1965-1967, William Charles Panepinto
Adolescent Girls: A Follow-Up Study of Six Patients Who Received Group Psychotherapy at the Mount Carmel Guild Guidance Institute During 1964, Grace Marie Castellano
Adolescent Reaction to the Returning Parent: A Study of the Effect of the Parents' Renewed Interest in Three Adolescent at Sheltering Arms Children's Service, Manhattan, Vera Bernice Johns
Adolescent Suicide: A Study of the Family Relationship of Six Adolescents Ages Fourteen and Fifteen Admitted to Kings County Hospital for Threatened and Attempted Suicide in 1956, Danute U Vieraityte
Adopted Children: A Follow-Up Study of Twenty-Three Children Legally Adopted Through Angel Guardian Home Adoption Department During the First Two Years of Its Operation 1948-1949, Catherine Mary Gerecitano
Adopted Children, Fourteen Years Later: A Follow-up Study of Forty-Six Children Placed Adoptively in 1948 by the New York Foundling- Hospital, New York City, With Emphasis on the Areas of Adoptive Interpretation and Self-identity, Margaret Stanislaus O'Toole
Adoption: An Analysis of the Thirty-Five Adoptive Placements Which Failed to Terminate in Legal Adoption During the Supervisory Period at the New York Foundling Hospital January 1, 1955 to December 31, 1960, Lillian Gertrude Wilson
Adoption: A Study of Ten Adoptive Couples Whose Children Were Placed Between 1943 and 1956 by Catholic Charities, Bridgeport, Connecticut and Who Requested Treatment for Emotional Problems Between 1960 and 1966, Dorothy Wittman Probert
Adoption: A Survey of the Practice of the Ten Adoption Agencies in the Borough of Manhattan, New York, for the Years 1960-1965, Barbara Anne Gaynor
Adoption Fromm Abroad: A Study of the Adjustment of Forty-Five Related Nominated Children and Forty Non-related Nominated Children, Placed and Supervised by the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, New York, 1951 – 1961, Sister Mary Francene Horan
Adoption of Handicapped Children, Mary Louise Amend
Adoption: The Telling Process: A Follow Up Study of Twenty-Two Adoptive Families From the Division of Adoption Services, Department of Social Services, N.Y.C., 1968, Antigone A Alexander
Adoptive Parents and the Community: A Survey of Catholic Adoptive Applicants, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1953-1957, Joseph E Reiter
Advancing United Nation’s Gender Mainstreaming: Female Peacekeepers in Haiti and Liberia, Evening S. Huddleston
Adverse Social Factors in Allergic Children: A Study of Twenty Children Known to the Children's Allergy Clinic of St. Mary's Hospital, Lois Anne Maurillo
A Follow-up of Twenty-Eight Patients Found to Be Diabetic During the 1948 and 1949 Annual Diabetic Detection Campaigns, Sister Mary Antonia
A Follow-Up Study of the Referrals Made in Forty Cases of the Juvenile Aid Bureau of the Police Department of the City of New York From May, 1949 Through April, 1950, Mercedes Theresa Ferraris
African Women Students in the United States, 1958-1961: A Survey of Educational and Cultural Problems Facing Twelve African Women Students and Gaps in the Programs Designed to Meet Their Needs, Sunku Gertrude Mofokeng
After Care: A Study of Four Adolescents and Their Adjustment to the Community After Long Term Placement at St. Agatha, Nanuet, New York, 1965-1967, Bettie Jean Mizelle
After Care Supervision: A Study of Ten Children With Backgrounds of Delinquency Who Were Referred From Normal Child Care Institutions to the Catholic Guardian Society of New York, 1954 to 1960, Robert Joseph La Franco
A Functional Study of the Foster Home Department at the Leake and Watts Children's Home, Yonkers, New York, 1944-1952, Anne Cecilia Moroney
Aggressive Behavior in Nursery School Children: A Case Study of Five Boys Referred to the Hudson Guild Counseling Service, 1948-1952, Edith Magdalene Pressley
Aggressive Children in After-Care a Study of Four Closed Cases Supervised by Brooklyn Catholic Guardian Society, 1955, Luz Salvador Alcid
Aging in Semi-Protected Environment: An Interview Study of Twenty-Five "Campus" Residents at Kundig Center, a Multi-Service Agency of the Archdiocese of Detroit, 1956, Robert V Monticello
A Greener Shade of Blue and Yellow: Sweden's Path to Environmental Leadership, Katherine Delfay
A Grounded Theory Study of Grieving Among Asian Immigrant Women in the U.S. During the Covid Pandemic, Jae Hun Shin
A Group Study of the Senior Peoples Forum at the Salvation Army Red Shield Club, New York City: 1949-1950, William Francis Ryder
A Group Work Program to Meet the Basic and Specific Needs of Boys, Seven to Nine, at Madison Square Boys’ Club, New York City, Antonia Rose Pagano
A Group Work Service for Dependent and Neglected Children: Introducing Group Work at the Little Flower House of Providence Childrens' Institution, Wading River, Long Island, New York, 1963, Donald Robert Schaefer
A Historical Sketch of the United States Railroad Retirement System, With Emphasis on the Origin and Development of Its Old Age Insurance Features, 1934 – 1949, John Michael Arrigo
A History and Survey of Casita Maria, a Catholic Settlement House in New York City’s Spanish Harlem: 1935–1950, John Thomas Connors
A History of the Catholic Charitable Bureau, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1916-1951, John Vincent O'Malley
A History of the Catholic Welfare Bureau, Stamford, Connecticut: 1931-1950, Jane Anne Williams
A History of the Community Chest and Council of Greater Bridgeport and Stratford, Connecticut, 1931-1955, Peter Joseph Tutoli
A History of the Development of the Catholic Welfare Program in Suffolk County, Long Island, 1925-1954, James Aloysius Green
A History of the Federation of the Handicapped, Inc., New York: 1935–1949, James Joseph Mallon
A History of the Rehabilitation Program at Bellevue Hospital With Emphasis on the Orthopedically Handicapped Patients: 1947-1950, Frieda Frances Frei
A History of the United Neighborhood Houses of New York, inc., 1900-1951, Doris Convery Murphy
A History of the United States Family and Children's Society of Plainfield, New Jersey: 1942-1951, Shirlee Amelia Repak
A Human-Animal Dialogue: Positive Reinforcement Training in Zoos and Aquariums, Kathryn Bennett
Aid to Dependent Children: Trends in Title IV of the Social Security Act From 1935 to 1960, Ezra Privman
Aim in Education, Sister Mary Maratha Donovan
Alabama Mission Band: A History of the Social Services of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity in North Alabama, 1937 – 1957, Sister Henry Elizabeth Luking
Alcoholics and the Termination of Treatment A Survey of Twenty-Three Alcoholics Which Terminated Casework Treatment at the State University Alcoholic Clinic, Kings County Hospital, From September 1955 to June 1956, William Francis Guttieri
Alcoholic's Haven: A Study of the Rehabilitation Program of Mount Carmel Guild Social Service Center, Paterson, New Jersey, 1955-1958, Sister Shawn Maria Leahy
Alcoholism Among the Puerto Ricans: A Statistical Study of the Patients at the State University Alcoholism Clinic, Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, 1955-1958, Nicholas Mollenido Mondejar
Alcoholism and Its Professional Treatment a Survey of the Facilities for the Professional Treatment of Alcoholics in New York City, 1955–1956, Maria T Villamor
Alcoholism and Marital Stability: A Case Study of Six Married Male Alcoholics in Treatment at the New York State University Alcoholic Clinic, Brooklyn, 1960, Joseph M Sullivan
Alcoholism and the Role of Education: A Study of the National Council on Alcoholism, New York City, 1944-1958, James Francis Kinhan
Alcoholism: Compulsion, Involvement and Counteraction: A Study of Ten Active Alcoholics Anonymous Members in the North Bergen Alcoholics Anonymous Group, 1966-1967., Robert J. Vincenti
Alcoholism in Hard Core Families: A Study of Treatment Methods Used in Six Multi-Problem Cases at Catholic Charities Family Service, New York City, 1944-1957, Katherine Mary Maye
Alcoholism: Professional Responses to Drinking Problems of Clients; Catholic Charities Family Service, White Plains, 1962, Richard Anthony Bielemeier
A Leadership Study of Efforts to Improve Special Education Teachers Use of Tier I Strategies to Support SWD in Grades 4–5 in ELA, Natasha B Bracey
A Leader’s Journey: Self-examination & Implementation of the Schema-Based Instructional Model in Service of Homeless and Highly Mobile Students, Melitina Hernandez
A Manual of Operations: Case Study Unit, Bureau of Attendance, New York City, 1959, Solomon Rabinowitz
A Manual of Policies and Procedures for a Social Agency Involved in Foster Home Care: A Functional Guide for Caseworkers at the Catholic Guardian Society, Archdiocese of New York, 1967, Thomas William Hannah
A Manual of the Policies and Procedures of the Bureau of Catholic Charities of Wyoming Valley, the Diocese of Scranton Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 1966, Peter Paul Anthony Gillott
A Medical Social Study of Factors in Adjustment of Eight Cardiac Patients Over Sixty as Seen in the Cardiac Clinic of Jewish Memorial Hospital, Marilyn Gloria Rummelsburg
An Active Learning Framework for Trustworthy Classification over COVID-19 Multilingual Fake News Dataset, Tianyao Pu
An Adoption Program: A Study of the Development of the Spence-Chapin Adoption Service With Emphasis on the Present Program of Services, 1960, Christine Margaret Ksiazek
An Analysis of Discretionary Fund Appeals Made by the Health And Welfare Agencies in New York City to the Greater New York Fund for the Year 1946, Joseph Francis Gentile
An Analysis of Intake Process at Catholic Charities, Family Service, Archdiocese of New York, September 1, 1950 to September 1, 1951: A Study of 24 Cases That Were Referred to the District for Continued Service, Adelaide Grace Kreigenhofer
An Analysis of Language Errors in Seventh and Eighth-Grade Girls' Directed and Undirected Compositions, Mary Christina Pratt
An Analysis of Stenotrophomonas Chitinase Variation and Its Impact on Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Growth Inhibition, Mary Catherine Lally
A Negro Youth Center: Saint Charles Borromeo Youth Project, Harlem, New York, 1950-1953, Lester Gaither
An Evaluation of Psychiatric Changes in Mentally Retarded Adolescents Undergoing Group Therapy, Mario Santamaria
A New Cold War: How West Africa Has Become the New Stage for Power Politics Between the West and China, Eric S. Schneider
An Experimental Study of the Influence of Visitors on the Adjustment of Boys at St. Dominic's School, Blauvelt, New York, August John Vielbig
An Experiment in the Supervised Study Method of Teaching Spelling as Compared With the Class Study or Presentation Method, Eudora Fletcher
An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Medicare and Medicaid on Inpatient and Outpatient Care at Brookdale Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York, Lisbeth W Orgel
Angel Guardian Home: A History of the Boarding Department of a Child-Caring Institution in Brooklyn, New York (1943–1959), Thomas Peter Edward Cassels
An Historical Study of the Catholic Worker Movement, 1933-1951, Julia Reveille
An Historical Survey of the New Jersey State Commission for the Blind 1909–1949, Helen V McGrath
An Historical Survey of the St. Francis Sanatorium for Cardiac Children, Roslyn, L.I., 1937–1951, With Emphasis on the Social Service Department, Sister Mary of Blessed Claude de la Colombiere Dufault
An Improved Approach to Capitalism: Trust, Authenticity, and Balance, Albert J Bartosic
An Investigation of Bayesian Approximate Measurement Invariance with Longitudinal Data, Ye Feng
An Oasis in Crisis: Lesotho Highlands Water Project Turned Drought, Justine Wendt
An Orthopsychiatrically Oriented Program at Children’s Center, New York City: October 10, 1949 – July 31, 1956, Joan Lourdes Hall
An Outline Guide for Social Group Work Recordings, Robert Anthony Johnston
A Path to Achieve European Energy Security, Nicholas Wolf
A Person-Centered Approach to the Study of Psychological Well-Being in Emerging Adulthood, Neshat J Yazdani
A Position Survey of Children's Center, New York City, January to May, 1950, Joseph Adrien Judge
A Queer Vocation: Growing into Power, Mark J Suriano
“A Question Making Time”: Corita Kent, the White Catholic Imagination, and American Catholicism, Timothy J. Dulle
Aretha Franklin and Janis Joplin: Women Take the Lead as the Vietnam War Politicizes Popular Music, Mark Naison
A Review of the Shelter Home Program of the Archdiocese of New York, 1946 – 1950, Anita Marie Barrett
Armenia: Overcoming Economic and Geopolitical Obstacles, Chester English
A Role for Conflict in Catholic Social Thought: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Conflict as an Analytical Lens, Taylor J Ott
A Social History of St. Francis Hospital, Jersey City From 1864 to 1914, Helen Gertrude Norton
A Social History of the Holy Name Day Nursery: 1921-1950, Betty Brown
A Social History of the New York Catholic Big Brothers, 1916–1951, Joseph Vincent Cotrone
A Social Study of Cardinal Hayes Convalescent Home for Children, Millbrook, New York, 1941–1920, Sister Mary Eanswida Camacho
A Social Study of Rockland State Hospital Orangeburg, New York: 1931–1949, Betty Melavsky
A Social Survey of St. Joseph’s Home Jersey City, 1885–195O, Alfred B Vuocolo
Assertive Casework: A Study of the Methods of Thomas Augustine Judge, C.M., 1899-1933, Nicholas J Langenfeld
Assessing Biodiversity in Madagascar with Leech-Derived iDNA: Methodological Advancements and Ecological Insights, Mai Ahmed Ezzeldin Fahmy
Assessing the Effectiveness of Networked Improvement Communities to Advance Improvement Science-Continuous Improvement Through Inquiry-Based Learning, Ainsley Courtney Rudolfo
Associations Between Neighborhood Context and Mental Health Among Youth of Color: Sleep as a Moderator, Shadane Johnson
A Statistical Study of the St. Finbar Nursery School Families, Brooklyn, 1948, Thomas John Aiello
A Statistical Survey of Cases Accepted at Intake by the Italian Board of Guardians for Treatment in 1950, Nicholas J Langenfeld
A Study of a Formed Group Within the Day Camp Program of the Coney Island Community Center, With Selected Descriptions of Four Types of Reactions to the Program, John James Litrio
A Study of a Pre-Adolescent Boy's Group at the Salvation Army Red Shield Club, New York City, September 1951 Through May 1952, Thomas Aloysius Duane
A Study of Cardinal McCloskey School and Home, 1941-1951, Rosemary Cotter
A Study of Concurrent Group Psychotherapy With Five Parents and Individual Psychotherapy With the Child in a Child Guidance Center, Helen Catherine Verdeyen
A Study of Eight Surrendered Adolescents Who Were in Boarding Homes Under the Supervision of the Catholic Home Bureau as of May 1950, Catherine Teresa Butler
A Study of Forty-Five Children Discharged From the Catholic Home Bureau to Regular Child Caring Institutions From January 1, 1940 to December 31, 1949, William Francis Canovatchel
A Study of Foster Home Applications at the Catholic Home Bureau, January 1950, Catherine Elizabeth Cron
A Study of Four Financial Assistance Cases Emphasizing Four Levels of the Treatment Process in Casework, Rita Marie McMahon
A Study of Homemaker Service for the Aging, Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of New York, Margaret Therese Tuite
A Study of Nine Cases Discharged by the Catholic Home Bureau to the Catholic Guardian Society From January 1947 to January 1950, With Emphasis on Adjustment During After Care, Kathryn Marie Horan
A Study of Nine Freshmen and Ten Sophomores in a Compensatory Education Program at Marymount Manhattan College, 1968-69, Bessie Wright
A Study of Old Age Beneficiaries, Chronically Ill, Receiving Care in Nursing Homes in 1948 Division of Public Assistance, Hartford, Connecticut, Lorraine Rose Loiacono
A Study of Perception and Its Relationship to Judgment Formation, Timothy J Clougher
A Study of Preprofessional Social Work Education at Brooklyn College With Emphasis on Its Pre-Social Work Counseling Program, Anthony Joseph Lenzo
A Study of Present Intake Practice of the Catholic Home Bureau Illustrated by Five Cases to Show the Development of This Service in Accordance With Current Trends in the Intake Process, Elizabeth T Fitzpatrick
A Study of Prospective Boarding Parents, the New York Foundling Hospital, 1950, Frances Mary Furey
A Study of Selected Puerto Rican Children Discharged From Catholic Child Caring Institutions to the Catholic Guardian Society in 1949, Julia Theresa Dunne
A Study of Six Childless Foster Parents Active With the New York Foundling Hospital, Albertine O Thomas
A Study of Social Needs Significant in Emergency Admissions As Seen in Twenty-Six Cases Admitted the Emergency Department of Saint Vincent's Hospital of the City of New York, 1950-1951, Mary Raymonda Dillon
A Study of Teacher Attitudes and Knowledge Concerning the Attendance Teachers and Their Functions in New York City Schools, Lillian H Friedlander Weiss
A Study of Ten Adolescent Boys Admitted to Kings County Hospital Prison Ward During 1948, Mary Joanne Howe
A Study of Ten Adolescent Boys Formerly in Institutional Care: Now Under the Supervision and Guidance of the Catholic Guardian Society, Anthony Vincent Landolfi
A Study of Ten Children Placed for Adoption Who Were Formerly on a Boarding Out Basis in the Same Home, Gladys Jacqueline Haile
A Study of Ten Gases Placed on Suspended Payment From the Catholic Home Bureau for Dependent Children in New York, Which Resulted in Replacement, Frances Anne Boratyn
A Study of the Adjustment of Fifty Boys Residing at New Jersey’s Boystown June 30, 1963 to December 31, 1963, Francis Xavier Connolly
A Study of the Carroll Club Volunteer Training Program: 1951-1952, Lillian Ann Harnett
A Study of the Cases Referred for Psychiatric Treatment by the Children's Court of Westchester County, Abraham Freedman
A Study of the Children Placed for Adoption With Parents With an Own Child, Anne Elizabeth Hayes
A Study of the Cleary Oral School, a Private Boarding and Day School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children, Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island, 1930-1950, Charles Edward Gannon
A Study of the Clubfoot Clinic at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, 1947-1950, With a Description of Ten Cases, Catherine Iannone Princiotto
A Study of the Crippled Children's Clinic and Workshop, 1939-1949, Bridgeport, Connecticut, Barbara Jane Saksa
A Study of the Degree to Which High School Students Are Realistic in Their Vocational Preferences, Miriam Michael Popovich
A Study of the Ecological Problems of Puerto Rican Migration and Resettlement as Viewed Through Twenty Cases Referred to New York Catholic Charities Family Service Between 1948–1950, Marie Bernadette Dolan
A Study of the Effect of Placement on Primary Behavior Disorder; As Seen in Ten Children Referred to the Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Elaine Constance MacNicol
A Study of the Effect of Providing Increased Information About Social Work Services on the Number of Referrals Received From the Medical Profession, Arthur W Pirundini
A Study of the Effect of Racial Factors on the Adjustment of Five Adolescent Girls Under the Supervision of the New York Foundling Hospital, Honoria Mary Sullivan
A Study of the Expellee Program in Bavaria, 1945-1952, Siegfried Kamintzky
A Study of the Formation and Growth of the Twelve Apostles as a Group, John Richard Maloney
A Study of the Greenwich Hospital Social Service Department as It Meets the Needs of the Hospital, the Community, and the Individual, Patricia Margaret Prange
A Study of the Hudson Guild Neighborhood House, Chelsea, New York, 1895-1950, Mildred M Smith
A Study of the Influence of Psychiatric Observation on the Disposition of Six Cases in Kings County Court, 1950, Leo Wilfred Denno
A Study of the Institutional and Parole Adjustment of Five Boys Who Were Committed to Lincoln Hall in 1846 From Bronx Children's Court, Edward Joseph Hogan
A Study of the Interracial Group Work Program at Stanfield, Philadelphia, PA, Ladislaus Stanley Piotrowski
A Study of the Kingsbridge Veterans' Administration Hospital, Bronx, N.Y., 1922 to 1948, Joseph Albert Yuravich
A Study of the Means Tests in the Odd Age Assistance Programs in the United States, 1935 to 1945, Ralph Abramson
A Study of the Orthopedic Unit of Saint Agnes Hospital, White Plains, 1908–1950, Sister Mary Monica Denise Fay
A Study of the Post-Discharge School Response of Sixty-One Non-Recidivistic Boys Treated at Lincoln Hall for Truancy, Francis J MsSweeney
A Study of the Program for Emotionally Disturbed Children in New York State Mental Hospitals, 1924-1948, John William Murray
A Study of the Progress of Six Children of Dull Normal to Low Average Classification From Whom Legal Adoption Has Been Completed, Kathryn M Horan
A Study of the Psychological Principles of Personal Formation Contained in the Reglements of the Ursulines, Maria Carl Haipt
A Study of the Referrals of Delinquent Children Made to Family Service of Catholic Charities, Bronx Office, From September 1952 to September 1953, Gloria Marie Sibek
A Study of the Rejected Applications to the Boarding Department of the New York Foundling Hospital During 1948, Anne Elizabeth Shalvoy
A Study of the Role of an Institution in the Resettlement of Catholic Orphaned and Unaccompanied Children From Europe, Thomas Leonard Moroski
A Study of the Senior Peoples Choral Group at the Salvation Army Red Shield Club in Harlem, 1951-1952, Josephine Elizabeth Lees
A Study of the Senior Peoples Choral Group at the Salvation Army Red Shield Club in Harlem: 1951-1952, Josephine Elizabeth Lees
A Study of the Services Offered to the Unmarried Mother by St. Catherine Infant Home, Albany, New York, 1886–1949, Patricia Ann Dunn
A Study of the Social and Psychological Implications of Surgery As Seen in a Study of Twenty Cases Referred to the Surgical Diagnostic Clinic St. Vincent’s Hospital, New York, Juliet Mercedes Starace
A Study of the Social Worker's Function as Perceived by the Nurse in a Home Health Agency, Mary Dolores Mitchell
A Study of the Socio-Economic Adjustment of Post-hospitalized Tuberculous Patients as Seen in the Cases of Ten Veterans at the New York Regional Office, Veterans Administration, Social Service Unit, Ruth Devine Kelleher
A Study of the Use Made of Nasau Catholic Charities by the Parish Priest, Virginia Marie Hagan
A Study of the Use of an Institutional Job Placement for Twenty-Eight Mental Patients, Laurence Emmett Keefe
A Study of the Yonkers Juvenile Aid Bureau, 1941-1950, Edward Maxwell Sweeney
A Study of the Youth Leadership Project of the Tomkins Park Section of Brooklyn, New York, June 1947-June 1949, Joseph G Robbins
A Study of Thirty-Five Children Who Were Frequently Transferred in Foster Homes Under Care of Catholic Home Bureau 1939 – 1949, Daniel P Quinn
A Study of Thirty-Five Filipinos at Their Jobs in the Greater New York Area, Rene P Pacis
A Study of Thirty-Four Foster Children and Twelve Foster Homes Supervised by the County Office of the Catholic Home Bureau, Ann Hollis Johnson
A Study of Three Series of Foster Parent Group Meetings Sponsored by the New York Foundling Hospital, Olga Lavore
A Study of Twenty Children From Broken Homes Placed by Catholic Home Bureau and Their Emotional Disturbances During the First Two Years of Foster Care, John Thomas McTigue
A Study of Twenty Families Who Legally Adopted a Child Through Catholic Home Bureau in 1948, Eileen Adelaide O'Reilly
A Study of Twenty-Five Secondary Schools in Northwestern Ohio in the Use of Interracial Teaching Materials, Robert L Haas
A Study of Twenty Foster Homes Approved by the Children's Aid Society During the Years 1948-1950 in Which the Expressed Motive for Boarding a Child Was Companionship for an Own Child, Maxine Mary Orsenigo
A Study of Twenty-One Aid to Dependent Children Cases Discontinued by the Division of Public Assistance, Hartford, Connecticut in 1948 As Well As Follow-up Contact With the Families One Year Later, Marie Agnes O'Connor
A Study of Twenty Sibling Groups Under Care of the Catholic Home Bureau to Determine the Effect of Separation on Siblings 1940 – 1950, Agnes Dolores Dilworth
A Study of Twenty Unmarried Mothers Know to the Westchester County Department of Family and Child Welfare Who Came to a Decision About Their Babies, Kathryn Shurtleff McKenna
A Study of Withdrawn Foster Home Applications in the Suffolk County Department of Public Welfare, Jean K Gordon
A Survey and Analysis of Opinions and Practices of Parochial-School Pupils in Relation to Home Assignments, M. Jean Rosaire Bedotto
A Survey of East Cambridge (MASS.), Jail and House of Correction: 1920-1950, Marilyn Martha Roch
A Survey of Existing Facilities of the Sixteen Catholic Psychiatric Hospitals in the United States in 1950, Anne Marie Forrestal
A Survey of Mental Health Services and the Need for a Service Complex in Northwest Essex County, New Jersey, Leopold F Mowatt
A Survey of Mobility Incorporated, a Rehabilitative Out-Patient Center in Westchester County, Kathleen Mary O'Hare
A Survey of Reading Disability With a Focus on Emotional Causality, Jerome Gregory Stewart
A Survey of Recruitment Programs for Negro Adoptions in Sixteen New York City Agencies, Ann Maura O'Keefe
A Survey of St. Mary’s Shelter for Unmarried Mothers, New York Foundling Hospital, 1869–1949, Sister Marian Jeanne Murphy
A Survey of the Bedford Mental Hygiene Clinic, From 1944 to 1952, Arthur Edward Spingarn
A Survey of the Educational Program of the Mission of the Immaculate Virgin, Mary Brosnan
A Survey of the Function of the Psychiatric Social Worker in the New York Post Graduate Hospital Mental Hygiene Clinic A Study of the Total Number of Cases Referred to Social Service From 1944 to 1946 Inclusively, Catharine Amelia Parham
A Survey of the Public and Private Recreational Facilities of the South Jamaica Area of Queens County to Determine the Need for Additional Recreational Facilities in That Area, John Vincent Kavanagh
A Temporary Child-Caring Institution for Dependent and Neglected Children. an Historical Sketch of Highland Heights, New Haven, Connecticut, 1852-1953, Marguerite Virginia Buckley
Attendance Bureaus: A Study of Attendance Practices and Procedures in Fifty of the Largest Cities in the Unite States, 1960-1961, Melvin Hambro
Attention Bias Heterogeneity and Brain Structure in Adolescents With Anxiety, Margaret Suzanne Benda
Attitudes of Probation Officers Towards Various Types of Offenders, Milton B Applewhaite
Attitudes Toward Placement in a Training School for Delinquent Boys: A Study of Eighteen Boys Aged 11–16 Committed to Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, New York, Between January 1963 and June 1963, Robert Paul Boeckels
Attributing Intentionality to Artificial Intelligence: An Investigation, Matthew David Johnson
Avila, Jose Francisco Interview part 1, Bronx African American History Project
Avila, Jose Francisco Interview Part 2, Bronx African American History Project
Becker, Ann Joy, Sophia Maier Garcia
Beyond Bilingualism: The Education of Immigrant Children, Elizabeth Ijalba
Biographical Study of Mental Retardation with Implications for the Social Work Profession, Jeanne-Marie Neilson
Birth Registration - A Study of Problems as Seen in Case Material From the Catholic Home Bureau; and an Interpretation of New York City Legislation for the Use of Social Workers, Joseph Thomas Loscalzo
Blessed Sacrament Parish: A Social Survey of the Oldest Catholic Parish in New Rochelle, May Adele Cecelia Geils
Blindness and the Blind in the United States, William Joseph Haley
Boredom–Not So Boring: An Investigation of Trait Boredom’s Relationship With Impairment and Psychopathology in Children, Emily Hirsch
Boys in a Community-Centered Residence: A History of Siena Hall, Wilmington, Delaware, 1943-1957, M. Rita Anne Fuchs
Brock, Joan, Sophia Maier Garcia
Brooklyn Catholic Youth Organization Serves Parish Youth: A Descriptive Study of Enablement Processes as Seen in the Administration of Two Major Programs, Charles Gerard Herder
Brooklyn State Hospital A Historical Sketch and a Survey of Its Program: 1935-1949, Robert Delmar Woods
Building the Capacity of Principals to Coach Teachers of Multilingual Language Learners, Maribel Hulla
Cabin Fever: A Study of Ten Cases From the Putnam County Community Mental Health Services, New York, 1965, Patricia Immaculata Wolke
Camp Molloy for Catholic Boys: A Descriptive Study of a Private Summer Camp for Boys, Aged Seven to Sixteen, at Mattituck, Long Island, James Joseph Nolan
Can We Better Beginning Teaching by Shifting Attention From the Child to the Beginning Teacher?, Florence G Duane
Cardinal Manning and the British Social Welfare: An Historical Study of the Contribution of Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, Archbishop of Westminster, England, 1865-1892, Helen M Lisenring
Carolyn Bowman, Mark Naison
Casework in Family Groups Where There Is a Mentally Defective Person, Ernest D Ficco
Casework Services With the Mentally and Emotionally Disturbed Client in the Westchester County Department of Family and Child Welfare, Eligia Francesca Del Guercio
Catholic Guilds for the Blind in the United States: A Survey of Eleven Diocesan Agencies for the Blind, 1936-1959, Paul Joseph Sauerland
Catholic Youth Council: A Study of the Youth Department, Diocese of Buffalo, 1941-1953, Robert Joseph Lanigan
Catholic Youth Organisation Neighborhood Center: A Study of the North Side Branch, Syracuse, New York, 1944-1952, Mary Elizabeth McCarthy
Census Data and Its Use in Conducting a Community Study in East Orange, New Jersey, 1967-1968, Martin L Parker
Charity and Social Service: An Analysis of the Role of the Christian Virtue of Charity in the Process of Relationship, as Seen in Casework, Group Work, and Community Organization, Eugene George Michael
Child Abuse: A Comparative Study of Eight Cases From the Luzerne County Child Welfare Association, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Carl Dominic Gaudiano
Child Abuse: A Study of Fifty Cases of Child Sex Victims, Six Years and Under, Known to the Brooklyn Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to 1965-1967, Mary Edna Thompson
Child Behavior Problems Referred to a Family Agency: An Analysis of Forty-Five Cases Referred to the Staten Island District Office, Catholic Charities Family Service, Archdiocese of New York, 1953, Robert Edward McDermott
Child Guidance in Foster Care: A Review of the Mercy Guidance Clinic Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, New York During the First Year of Its Existence-November 1, 1960 to October 31, 1961., Sister Mary Chrysostom Gunn
Child Placement Requests: A Descriptive Study of Twenty - Requests for Placement at the Bronx Catholic Charities From May I960 to June 1960, Maria M Camacho
Child Placement Requests From Puerto Rican Families in New York City: A Descriptive Study of Twenty-Nine Cases Known to Family Service of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, January 1, 1949 to December 31, 1949, Kathleen Jane MacDonald
Children Placed Under Care Through the Westchester County Department of Family and Child Welfare: A Comparative Statistical Study of 404 Children Placed During 1945 and 1949, Josephine Rose Angello
Children With Retarded Mental Development Under Foster Home Care, New York Foundling Hospital, Ena Constance McDonald
Child Welfare After-Care Supervision: A Study of Seventeen Children in Need of Re-Placement While Receiving After-Care Services in Their Own Homes From Catholic Guardian Society, Brooklyn New York, 1957-1965, Rosalinda Joven David
Child Welfare: An Exploratory Study to Explicate the Criteria Used in Selecting Children for a Residential Treatment Center at Little Flower House of Providence, Wading River, New York, 1966, M. Francine Oberhofer
Child Welfare Policies and Procedures in an Administration Setting - A Manual of Services Offered to Neglected and Dependent Children in St. Michael's Home, Staten Island as of January 1, 1957, Charlotte Marie Newell
Child Welfare Services Under County Commissioners: A Study of the Development of the Wayne County Pennsylvania Child Care Service, 1936 to 1957, Paul John Rickert
Christianity and Slavery in the United States, Richard C Walsh
Chronically Ill Patients Referred for Discharge From the Mount Sinai Hospital, January 1, 1951 to December 31, 1951 to Determine the Community Facilities With Emphasis on Difficult Dispositions, Josephine B Leonardi
Chronic School Nonattendance: A Study of the Nature and Characteristics of Fourteen Cases Known to the Case Study Unit V, Brooklyn, New York, 1960 to 1963, Catherine Eileen Kramer
Civilian-Military Coordination in Humanitarian Crises: An Examination of Advances and Challenges, Lindsay L Koch
Claiming Masculinity: Roman Ideologies of the Body and the Image of the Christian Man in Second and Third Century Christian Apologists, Alexander David Perkins
Clement, Irma, Bronx African American History Project
Cocreating Space for Engagement in Numeracy Education: Empowering Familial Linguistic Capital, Melissa Gwen Nadeau
Collaborative Learning to Increase General Education Teacher Self-Efficacy in Supporting Multilingual Learners, Christopher Keogh
College Male Athletes and Locker Room Talk: Clinicians and Researchers Propose Intervention, Suzanne A Brier
Colonial Enclaves in the 21st Century: A Study of Ethnic Russians in Estonia and Afrikaners in South Africa, Emma Jane W. Konkoly
Combating the Climate Crisis: Anishinaabe Philosophy and Environmental Justice, Margaret Hunt
Committee Formation: A Study of Some Factors Involved in the Formation of the 1968-1969 Residential Care Committee of the New Jersey Association for Retarded Children, Inc., Francis James Costello
Communication Between Foster Care Agencies and Public Schools: An Exploration of Existing Relationships With a View Toward Improving Service to Foster Children. Third Supervisory District, Suffolk County, September, 1960, Elizabeth May Wilshusen
Community Action and Poverty: A Study of the Formation of Neighborhood Action Councils in a Community Action Program in Long Beach, Long Island, Hugh Anthony Wilson
Community Development: A Study of This Process in a Voluntary Tenant Association in New York City 1965-1967, Caroline D Gionta
Community Mental Health: A Study of Some Selected Mental Health Needs and Resources in the Hunts Point Community Progress Center Area, Bronx, New York, 1965-1966, John Edward Wright
Community Organization: An Analysis of Six Mental Health Projects; New Jersey, 1964, Bertrand Michael Flynn
Community Organization-Community Development: A Comparative Analysis of Definitions, Principles, Methods, and the Role of Personnel, Milton S Rosner
Community Organization Method: A Study of This Process in the Community Renewal Program of the City Planning Commission in New York City, 1960-1963, Joseph Patrick Murphy
Community Organization: The Application of Its Principles and Practices in Colombia, South America in 1967, Ann Ruth Graham
Community Organization: The Issue of the Relocation of the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry in Newark, New Jersey, 1967, M. Stephana Tikalsky
Community School Principals: Advancing Equity Through Social Justice Leadership Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Adam Stevens
Comparing Propensity Score Weighting Schemes with CBPS and XGBoost in Causal Effect Estimation, Yue Teng
Concretizing the Teaching of Arithmetic, Mary L Drew
Conducting a Principal Professional Learning Community as a Retention Strategy, Amy Leigh Deal
Conflict and Coltan: Resource Extraction and Collision in The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Venezuela, Jenna Marie Goldblatt
Conflict and Coltan: Resource Extraction and Collision in The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Venezuela, Jenna Marie Goldblatt
Confronting Hate Antisemitism, Racism, and the Resistance, Magda Teter
Constructive Supervision of Instruction in the Elementary Schools, Felix Cummings
Convalescent Care for Children: A Review of Six Fordham University School of Social Service Dissertations, 1942-1951, Mary Jane Malone
Cooperative Housing: A Study of a Program Initiated by Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association to Provide Middle-Income Housing for Evictees From Yorkville, 1955-1963, Richard Charles Hennessy
Counseling: An Evaluation of the Services Offered to Young Business Women in the Residences Maintained by the Dominican Congregation of Saint Catherine De’ Ricci in Philadelphia (1901—1964), Sister Marie Elizabeth Klohoker
Counseling of Married Men: A Study of Five Husbands Receiving a Minimum of Six Months Counseling at Newark Family Service Bureau in 1961, Robert J Cashion
Covid-19 Stress, Adaptation, and Coping Among Male and Female U.S. College Students, Denise Nathalie Prieto
Creating the Worst Block in the City: East 100th Street, 1900-1970, Michael J McKenna
Critical and Culturally Sustaining School Practices for Engaging Diverse Families, Sarah Mae Olivar
Cuba and the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity: A History of the Social Services of This Religious Community in Cuba, 1948–1955, Mary John of Calvary Farrell
Cultivating Coherence and Inquiry Orientation Through Professional Learning, Melissa Ilana Szymanski
Cultivating Resilience for District Women Administrators of Color as Equity Leaders in Predominantly White Districts, Lizzette Ruiz-Giovinazzi
Cultural Erasure for Nationality Stability: Constructions of Uyghur and Hui Self-Identity, Maya Fatima Snowden
Cultural Factors That Affect Negro Child Development: A Psychological Approach to the Study of the Adjustment of Six Children Under the Supervision of the Bureau of Attendance, Brooklyn, New York, 1957-1958, Cora Marguerite Sobers
Culture, Context, and Cognition: A Meta-Analytic Study Examining the Role of US Acculturation in Neuropsychological Functioning, Maral Aghvinian
Curfew for Juveniles: An Exploration of Its Practice in Four Major Cities of the United States Having Populations of a Million and Over, With a View Towards Its Adoption in New York City, 1955 to 1959, Christopher John Horgan
Daily Fluctuations in Self-Concept Clarity and Emptiness as Predictors of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, Gabrielle Ilagan
Daley, Joy Elaine, Mark Naison
Day Care Center: A Survey of the Need for a Day Care Center in New York City's Chinatown, 1962, Angela Soo
Day Care for Children: A Survey of the Population of Eleven Day Care Centers in the Archdiocese of New York, 1963, Sister Paul Joseph Sheppard
Day Hospital: A Study of the Psycho-Social Functioning of Fifty-Five Mentally Ill Patients Admitted to the Day Treatment Facility at Queens Hospital Center Between May, 1965 and April, 1966, Jack Anthony Castina
Deaf Emotionally Disturbed Children: A Study of Pre-School Retarded Girl and a Hyperactive Boy at St. Joseph's School for the Deaf, Bronx, New York, 1956-1957, Arline Dorothy A'Hearn
Decisions Against Foster Home Placement: A Study of Five Cases Referred to the Catholic Home Bureau, June 1952- June 1953, Jane Estelle Hamilton
Decolonization & the Politics of Climate Change: The Cases of Brazil, Pakistan, and Indonesia, Celeste F. Gardy
Delinquency and Reading Retardation: A Study of Twenty-Four Selected Cases at the Treatment Clinic, Manhattan Children's Court, Domestic Relations Court, New York City, 1955-1957, Vivian Jones Thomas
Delinquency: A Survey of Delinquency Among Select Number of Girls of Migrant Puerto Rican Families in East Harlem, New York City, September 1962- May 1963, Peter James McNellis
Delinquent Adolescent Girls: A Study of the Motivations Behind the Acts of 14 Girls Adjudicated Delinquent by Girls' Term Court, New York City, and Committed to Villa Loretto 1960–1961, Sr. Mary of St. Christopher Ziegler
Delivering Understanding: The Goal of Philosophical Midwifery in Socrates, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche, Dylan Stiles Bailey
Democracy and Value: Towards a Pluralistic Value Epistemology, Javier Santolaya Fabiani
Descriptive Follow-Up Study of the Comparative Adjustment of Six Male Children Discharged as Improved From New York State Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, Patricia Teresa Tate
Designing A Comprehensive Waste Management Plan For K-12 Public School Systems: Ridgefield High School Zero-Waste Initiative Case Study, Caitlin Saoirse Boyle
Design Thinking and Catholic Social Thought: Resources for Addressing Structures of Sin and Grace in Business Ethics, Stephanie Ann Yu Puen
Development and Validation of a Standardized Instrument to Assess Competency in Immigration Court, Maria Aparcero Suero
Development of Industrial Education in the United States, Marie Estelle White
Disabled Adolescents in Foster Home Care A Follow-up Study of Five Spastic Children in Foster Home Placement, Anne Celine Craig
Discharge Pattern of Sibling Groupings: A Statistical Study of the Discharge Patterns of the Family Units Upon Termination of Their Placement at the Children's Center, Manhattan, 1952 and 1956, George Casimir Uzdavinis
Distributed Integrated Leadership: An Analysis of High-Performing Elementary Schools in Low-Income Communities, Jordan David Simons
Distributed Learning in a Quantum-Classical Hybrid System, Anthony D'Onofrio
Does the Public Agency Provide Opportunity for Professional Development?, Ruth Milliot
Domestic, Religious and Public: The Use of Space by Jewish Women in Early Modern Italy, Federica Francesconi
Dominance Analysis with Model Uncertainty, Ying Han
Drug Addiction in Puerto Rico: A Study of Fifteen Patients of the Drug Addiction Research Center for Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts in Puerto Rico, 1966–1967, Maria Amada Rios Nieves
Early-Career White Counselors’ Self-Reflections on Racial Socialization and Broaching Race and Racism in Therapy, Stephanie Lucia Gutkin
Early Discharge From Trial Visit: A Case Study of Ten Veterans Discharged From the Veterans Administration, New York Regional Office Between January and December 1955, Leo Frederick Herrmann
Early Musical Drama: English Ballads and Plays, 1500–1649, Matthew D Lillo
EconomicDevelopment in the Postcolonial and Postwar era in East Asia: A Comparison of Taiwan and South Korea, Eliot R. Johnston
Edmonton Archdiocesan Welfare Program: A History of Its Organized Social Services, 1912-1961, William Irwin
Education and Welfare: Their Impact on the Experience of Poverty in India and The United States, Anushka Rajani
Education for Social Work: An Analysis of Freudian Psychoanalytical Concepts in Fourteen Undergraduate Psychology Textbooks by Catholic Authors, 1930-1964, Anthony J Finnerty
Education in the Monastery of Cluny During the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries, Timothy Ronald Charshaf
Ego Psychology: Contributions to Casework Theory and Casework Practice at the Spence-Chapin Adoption Service New York, 1967, Dorothy Montague
Emerging Adult Chinese Adoptees' Perspectives on Family, Relationships, and Parenthood Amid COVID-19, Hannah Meredith Wing
Emotionally Disturbed Children: A Survey of the Current Voluntary Psychiatric Clinic Facilities for Children in the Borough of Brooklyn, N.Y., 1958, Helen Bernadette Sheehy
Employment, a Factor in Parole Success of Inmates Released to the Springfield College Pre-Release Guidance Center, Luther C Jones
Enfleshing the Reign of God: Embodiment and Praxis in the Thought of Edward Schillebeeckx and Judith Butler, Adam J Beyt
Enuresis in Children: Toilet Training as a Cause According to a Survey of the Psychological Literature From 1926 to 1960, Michael J O'Connor
Environmental Factors, in the Development of Seven Adolescents Formerly Under the Care of New York Foundling Hospital, Margaret Kachur Alexander
Epilepsy and Social Attitudes: An Historical Review of the Evolution of These Attitudes, With Emphasis on Developments During the Years 1935 to 1958, Mary Theresa Melody
Epilepsy: A Study of Nine State Approved Convulsive Seizure Clinics for Children in New York City and Long Island, 1963, John J Hughes
Equity Ranking with Stochastic Dominance and Combinatorial Fusion, Nan Jiang
Essays in Applied Microeconomics, Ershang Liang
Essays in Development Economics, Jaclyn Yap
Essays in the Economics of Human Capital Accumulation, Anjali Chandra
Essays on Empirical Macroeconomics and Expectations, Mardoqueo Arteaga
Essays on Health and Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures, Jingyi Gao
Essays on Health and Out-of-Pocket Expenditures, Jingyi Gao
Essays on Implementing Non-Parametric Econometric Methods for Financial and Economic Decision Making, Meng Sui
Essays on the Payroll Protection Program, Chunyu Qu
Ethno-Religious Conflicts: The Role of Religious Education in Enhancing Justice and Peace for Muslim-Christian Relations in Kaduna State, Jonathan A Yabiliyok
Evaluating Parenting Experience and Impact of Having Children With Disabilities During COVID-19, Brittany Bucceri
Evaluating Strategies for Focusing on What Is Important: Text Presentation and Comprehension, Sarah Ann Barry
Everette Brown, Jacqueline, Mark Naison
Examining the Links Between Achievement-Related Mindset and Psychological Well-Being in a National Sample of First-Generation College Students, Cristina L Nardini
Exploratory Study of Anxiety in Aged in Isabella House: A Residence for the Aged, Ines C Monteverde
Factors Considered in the Adoption of Older Children: A Study of Six Children, Aged Three to Six, After a Period of Foster Home Care Under the New York Foundling Hospital, Rita Elizabeth Suttlehan
Factors Considered Prior of the Release on Convalescence of Ten Patients From Central Islip State Hospital, Loretta Josephine Shaughnessy
Family Care With Adolescents Diagnosed Schizophrenic: A Study of Twenty Adolescents Placed in Family Care by Kings Park State Hospital, Between 1944 and 1951, Muriel Agnes McInerney
Family Constellations of Twenty Delinquent Children Under Twelve Years of Age Remanded to the Observation Ward of the Kings County Hospital, Psychiatric Division From Brooklyn Children's Court, N.Y.C., 1958, Saunders Charlotte Louise
Fat and Fiber Consumption, Sociocultural Factors Influencing Food Choices, and Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease in Alabama, USA, and Cape Town, South Africa, Daphne Catherine Spyropoulos
Fatherless Families: A Study of the Father's Separation From the Home by a Long-Term Hospitalization of Four Months or Longer, Sea View Hospital & Home Staten Island, New York, Charles Ronald Daly
Fathers of Four Male Children With Primary Conduct Disorders: A Casework Study of Four Fathers, Whose Sons Indicate a Primary Disturbance in Conduct, Serviced at Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Carmen Michael Tolino
Female Bodies in Translation: Rethinking Agency in Postcolonial Literature, Jihyun Yun
Fifty Years in the Education of the Retarded in a New York City School District, Eleanor Gude-Harvey
Fighting for Change in the 21st Century: An Examination of Social Activism and the Role of Social Media in the US and France, Emily V. Cooper
Fighting Heat and Rain: New York City’s Climatic Problems and The Effect on The City’s Urbanism, Moises D. Lopez
First-Generation College Students’ Reports of Academic Self-Concept During the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Ariana DeJesus-Rodriugez
First-Generation Latino College Students: Institutional Practices that Support Four-Year College Degree Completion, Elizabeth Gil
Flashpoints in Small State Diplomacy: The Effects of Strategic Alignment, Democratic Norms, and Domestic Support in Ukraine and Taiwan on US Commitments, Cooper T. Wilson
Fluid Boundaries: Rivers and the Jewish Communities of Early Modern Ashkenaz, Debra Kaplan and Joshua Teplitsky
Fluxing Fellowship: Bodily Fluids and Forms of Community in Medieval Devotional Literature, Ellis Amity Light
Fogelman, Charles, Sophia Maier Garcia
Foster Care: A Descriptive Study of Sixty Homes Approved by the Catholic Home Bureau and Closed Within a Two Year Period, Selected From the Years 1956-1960, Mary Cornelius Shea
Foster Care: A Study of Thirty Children Who Have Experienced Frequent Transfers in Foster Homes; Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mineola Office, L. I. December, 1963, Mary Louise Gomez
Foster Care: A Survey of Factors Leading to Long Term Foster Care; Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, New York 1964, Desmond F Schwagerl
Foster Care: Educational Expectations of Lower Class Foster Children as Perceived by Twenty-Six Middle Class Foster Parents, Catholic Home Bureau White Plains District, 1967, Sharon Celeste Ganley
Foster Care: Five Single Women Licensed as Foster Mothers Under the Supervision of the New York Foundling Hospital, 1963, Richard Patrick Lee
Foster Care Research by Graduate Students: A Synthesis of Eighty-Five Dissertations on Foster Care Done at the Fordham University School of Social Service, 1927-1957, Ryan Richard Joseph
Foster Care: The Origin and Development of the Society for Seamen’s Children, Staten Island, New York, 1846–1961, Marie Almarell Ashhurst
Foster Families: The Relationship Between Initial Motivation and Length of Service to the Agency. A Study of 149 Foster Homes Operated by Angel Guardian Home in 1963, Mary McLaughlin Regan
Foster Grandparent Program: Study of Ten Children Under the Care of the Foster Grandparents at the New York Foundling Hospital During 1967-1968, Barbara A Williams
Foster Home Care: A Study of Thirty-Five Applicants Approved at Intake by the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia January to June, 1963, Sister Charles Eileen Greeley
Foster Home Licensing in the United States: A Survey of the Licensing Laws, Standards and Policies in the United States (Including Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the District of Columbia) in Relation to Foster Homes for Children, Anthony Francis Di Vita
Foster Home Replacement: A Study of Ten Children Who Received Multiple Placements While Under the Care of Jewish Child Care Association, 1958, William Danson
Foster Homes: A Study of Thirty-Three Foster Homes That Closed Within Two Years at Angel Guardian Home Brooklyn in 1965 and 1966, Robert Sylvia
Foster Homes for the Aged - A Survey of the Operation and Clientele of the Brooklyn Catholic Charities Program - August 1957, Elizabeth O'Connor
Foster Home Studies, New Methods of Selection: A Comparison of Objective and Subjective Measurements Used to Evaluate Applicants to the Boarding Home Department of St. Joseph's Hall, Brooklyn, 1967, Delia Catherine Kelly
Foster Mothers Discussion Group: A Methodological Study Involving Eleven Foster Mothers From the New York Foundling Hospital Who Live in Suffolk County, Long Island, 1955 to 1956, Peter Carmine Rocco
Foster Parent Selection: The Feasibility of Using an Objective Technique, a Statistical Study of the Administration of a Questionnaire to Twenty Adequate Foster Mothers and Twenty Inadequate Foster Mothers, Isabel Elaine Loscalzo
Foster Parents’ Motivation: A Study of Fifteen Current Foster Parents and Fifteen Applicants Who Withdrew at Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 1963, Sister Francis Therese Hampshire
"Foul Death, Bitter Death": On Ivan Illich's Amicus Mortis, Babette Babich
Franciscanism and Mental Health the Role of Love in the Growth of Personality as Seen in Franciscan Philosophy, Sister Mary Ann Michaela Gargan
From Affirmative Action to Reparations, Mark Naison
From Monolingual to Bilingual: Educator Language Ideologies and a New Dual Language Program, Natalie Madison Dronne
Gendered City: Women’s Experiences in Urban Public Transportation, Nisa Khurram Hafeez
Gendered Islamophobia, Religiosity, and Well-being: Exploring Muslim Hijabi Women’s College Experiences, Amira Nahshal
Gender Inequality and Economic Decline: A Comparative Analysis of Gender Roles and its Impact on Economic Development in Egypt and Iran, Kayla E. Joyner
Genius Amidst Tragedy- Wu Tang, Nas, Biggie, Jay-Z and Tupac’s Poetic Portrait of Inner City America in the 1990’s, Mark Naison
God-Talking in Liminal Spaces: A Phenomenological Study on Black Millennials Disaffiliation from Christendom, Teddy RaShaan Reeves
Graduate Education and the Priesthood, George Silberman
Group Cohesiveness: An Analysis of Its Theoretical Implications for the Practice of Social Group Work in an Institution for Delinquent Adolescent Girls, St. Germaine’s Home, Peekskill, New York, 1962–1963, Sister Mary of St. Patrice Geoghan
Group Conflict and Worker’s Interventions: A Study of Social Group Workers’ Actions to Handle Conflict in Two Groups at the Educational Alliance, New York, 1962, Maria Teresa Gnecco
Group Home: A Descriptive Study of an After-Care Facility Recently Established by the Astor Home for Children, 1964-1965, Mary Olivia Smith
Group Home - Transition From Institution to Community: A Background Study in Program Development, St. Germaine's Home, Peekskill, New York, 1966-67, Mary Jeanette Cuoco
Group Intake: A Study of Group Intake at Youth Consultation Health Center, Jersey City, N.J., 1965, John Edward Bakes
Group Work in the Elementary School: A Preliminary Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Group Work Program Offered by the Fordham Unit in PS 171 Q, Anna E Tascione
Gruder, Vivian, Sophia Maier Garcia
Hard Core Cases in a Private Agency: An Analysis of Six Multi-Problem Family Closed Cases on File at New York Catholic Charities, Pedro J Negron
Harrisburg Diocesan Welfare Program: A History of Its Organized Social Services, 1868-1957, Mary Katherine Goldbach
Hearts and Minds: Impact of Pre-Service Social Emotional Learning Training on School Children, Donna Josephs
Heatwaves in the Arctic: Their Effects on Northern Alaska, Tayler M. Rogers
Helen Diane Foster Interview, Mark Naison
Helen Diane Foster Interview, Mark Naison
Hemophilia: A Descriptive Study of the Psycho-Social Implications of the Illness for the Patients and Their Families, the New York Hospital Hemophilia Clinic, 1968, Walter E Vrindten
Historical Approach to the Relationship Between Juvenile Court and Child Guidance Clinic With Emphasis on the Procedure and Problems of Referral, Carolyn L Terpening
Historical Development of the Angeline Elizabeth Kirby Memorial Health Center, Kathleen Theresa Dorris
Historical Sketch of the Parole Commission of the City of New York, 1915-1952, Sylvia Newburger Rachlin
History and Evolution of the Associated Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, From 1853 to 1937 and a Description of Associated Catholic Charities in 1963, Edward Joseph McHugh
History of Junipero Serra Boy's Club, Marjorie Helen Szendy
History of the Catholic Social Welfare Bureau, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1920–1959, Eldred B Lesniewski
Hochberg, Herbert, Sophia Maier Garcia
Hochberg, Marc, Sophia Maier Garcia
Homemaker Service: Its Contribution to the Mentally and Emotionally Ill; Study to Be Based on the Cases of the Buffalo Family Service Society, Hopkins Agatha Francis
Home Relief: A Comparative Study of General Assistance in Alabama, Arizona and New York, Victor Paschevsky
Home Term Court in New York City A History of the New York Catholic Charities Program at This Court, 1946-1952, George Peter Eckes
Hong Kong Refugee Problem: A Study of the Various Approaches to Humanitarian Solution of the Refugee Problem in the Colony of Hong Kong, 1949-1962, Francis Kwok Ho Yeung
Hospitalization of the Child A Study of the Impact of Hospitalization Upon the Pediatric Patient, Marilyn Anne Blake
Housing for Older Persons: A Study of the Housing Conditions of the Aged in Greenwich, Connecticut, 1957-1958, John F. X Crowley
Housing Patterns in New York City: A Study of Social Conditions and Legislative Influences Effecting Open Occupancy in Private and Public Dwellings, 1960, Mary Lanier Just
How African American History Can Empower Everyone! The Bronx Experience, Mark Naison
How and Why They Came Together in Community: A Case Study of a Reentry Program for Women with a History of Incarceration, Susan Groman
How Foreign Policy is Manifested through Diplomatic Discourse: An Analysis of US Ambassador Rhetoric at the UN Regarding Israeli Settlement Expansion, Alexandra M. Sayegh
How Gender Shapes Music: A Comparison Within K-Pop, Payton Primer
HPV16 Induces Filopodia Formation to Promote Viral Entry in Human Keratinocytes, Alyssa Biondo
Hudson Guild Melts the Challenge of the Senior Citizen in the Chelsea District: A Study of the Membership Interests and Recreational Program in the Elliot Neighbors’ Club, Rita Josephine Walsh
Identification of Potential Therapeutics for the Treatment of β-Thalassemia, Faaria Fasih-Ahmad
Identity Among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors: An Exploratory Qualitative Study, Rebecca Tutino
Identity vs Institution: Political Violence Against Environmental Activists in Colombia, Sophie Genolio
Immigration Policy After COVID-19 and Cultural Resistance at the U.S.-Mexico Border, Grace Ayres-Doyle
Impact of Teacher Practice and Student Growth Mindset on Students with Disabilities Proficiency in Mathematics, Maria A Santiago
Improving Reading Outcomes for Students With Disabilities Using a Multi-Tier Professional Development Intervention, Ybelize N Pilarte
Improving Self-Efficacy in Pre-Service Teachers by Expanding Classroom Management Skill Development, Lauren M Golubtchik
Improving Students' Sense of Belonging in Middle School After the Pandemic, Meghan Meyer
Increasing Kindergarten Student Engagement through the Use of Social Emotional Learning and Improved Teacher Practice, Michelle Tween
Increasing Student Engagement Through Student-Teacher Relationships, Autonomy, and Student-Centered Pedagogy, Salvatore Lima
Increasing Student Performance Through Teacher Collaboration and Tier I Differentiation, Rachel A Viegas
Indigenous Land Back in Malaysia: Capturing Orang Asal resistance through #KembalikanTanahAdat, Tarchithaa Chandra Sekharan
In Quest of a Shared Planet: Negotiating Climate from the Global South, Naveeda Khan
Inquisitorial Prison as a site of Cross-Cultural Encounter: the Case of Manuel Cardoso de Macedo aka Abraham Pelengrino Guer, Ronnie Perelis
Institutional and Foster Home Placement Under One Administration: A Study of He Little Flower House of Providence in Wading River, Long Island, New York, 1945-1953, Paul Benedict Van Wagner
Institutional Transfers: Analysis of Five High Schools Girls Who Were Removed to the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Home, Bronx, New York, September, 1956, Sister Mary Sean Hally
Intake in a Children’s Institution: A Comparative Analysis of Admissions to St. Joseph’s Home of Peekskill, N.Y., 1951 – 1961, James D O'Leary
Intelligence Tests and Educational Standards, Sister Mary Aloyisius Martin
Intensive Magnitudes in the Metaphysics of Gilles Deleuze, Geoffrey Robert Engel
Inter-Agency Referral of Resistive Clients as Seen in a Study of Fifty Cases Referred From the New York City Youth Board to Catholic Charities of Brooklyn Queens County Family Division, 1955-1956, Louis Joseph Perrucci
International Parents Navigating Parental Involvement in a U.S. School: A Call for Intentionally Responsive Schools, Elizabeth Gil, Şerafettin Gedik, and Dion Efrijum Ginanto
Inter-Racial Adoption: A Comparative Study of Legislation and Practice in the Fifty United States of America, 1966, Lawrence William Malette
Intersecting Identities, Education, and Economic and Subjective Well-Being: A Qualitative Testimonio Study Among Latina Single Mother Community College Students, Carolyn Peguero Spencer
Investigating Sense of Belonging in Chinese International Students, Madina Ahmed
Investigation of the Use of an Informational Tool to Combat Juvenile Delinquency, New York, 1967, Jean G Marks
Irish Families Known to Catholic Charities Diocese of Brooklyn, Family Service, Queens Office, August, 1950 to December, 1951: A Statistical Study of Ninety-Nine Cases, John Bartholomew Hanley
Iterative Quantum Search in a Hybrid System, Zihao Jiang
Jackson, Sheila and Ann Myers, Mark Naison
Jacobs, Stuart, Sophia Maier Garcia
Jakubovitz, Bruce, Sophia Maier Garcia
Japanese Foreign Policy in the Shadow of Hegemonic Shifts, Noah Lawrence Nirenstein
Jewish Community Center: Intermediate Program for Boys, Joseph Jay Brudno
Jewish Life in the Bronx, Julian Voloj, Reyna Stovall, and Sophia Maier
JMER Podcasts, Ming Zhu
Journal for the Philosophical Study of Education, Allan Johnston and Guillemette Johnston
Journal of Multilingual Education Research, Volume 12
Juvenile Court: A Historical Study of the Juvenile Court of Luzerne County in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, With Particular Emphasis on Its Growth and Development, 1933-1962, Stanley Peter Warkala
Juvenile Delinquency Studies: A Synthesis of Forty-Four Fordham University School of Social Service Dissertations of the Causation, Treatment, Recidivism and Prevention of Delinquency, Marie Therese McLaughlin
Katz, Gloria, Sophia Maier Garcia
Ladies of Charities: The Functions of a Volunteer Group in the Bureau of Catholic Charities, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 1953-1958, George Joseph Sarnecky
Land Dispossession and Native American Climate Adaptation: The Hopi Tribe, Jessica M. Curran
Language as a Cultural Factor in Understanding Our Clients, Carmen Gloria Rodriguez
Latino Families in N-12 Catholic Education: A Study of Customer Satisfaction, Valerie Therese Serpe
Leadership Actions and Organizational Practices to Improve Academic Progress for Students in Temporary Housing, Jennifer Alexander Ade
Leadership in High-Needs School Contexts: Assessing Principals’ Problem-Solving, Resilience, and Hope, Pamela Rene Russell
Leadership in Mission: A Protestant Pastor’s Implementation of an Afterschool Program, Earl Y. Thorpe
Leadership Practices to Support Teaching Mathematical Word Problems to Students With Disabilities, Dionne Olivene Williams
Learning Difficulties Correlaed With Personality Development in Five Children With Average or Above Average Intelligence, Frances Patricia Morgan
Leisure-Time Activities for Adolescents Girls: A Survey of the Public and Private Agencies in the Two Bridges Neighborhood of New York's Lower-Lower East Side in 1958, Isabel Joan McGolrick
"Len", Sophia Maier Garcia
Leveraging Innovative Digital Media Technology: Voicing Scholarship on Multilingual Education, Ming Zhu
Lewis County Home, Lowville, New York: An Historical Sketch of a Home for the Aged, 1824-1950, John Raymond Sturtz
Lincoln Hall – The Evolution of a Modern School for Delinquent Boys With Emphasis on the Present Program, Mary Ellen O'Connell
Linking Emotion Dysregulation to a Dimensional Model of Maladaptive Traits and Personality Dysfunction, Isabella Manuel
Living Slowly: John Dewey and Deliberate Aesthetic Experience, Molly Kathleen Kelleher
Look in the Mirror Test A Test Devised for the Study of the Personality and Behavior Problems of Adolescent Youth, Brother Aquinas Thomas Nugent
Louise De Marillac's Contribution to Social Service: A Study of Relief Methods and Theoretical Concepts as Seen in the Work of the Co-Foundress of the Vincentian Sisters of Charities 1591-1660, Marcella Mary McDonald
Loving,Julia, Mark Naison
Macroproblems Require Microsolutions: The Case for Microgrids in the U.S. Energy Infrastructure, David Howie
Madonna House: A Catholic Social Settlement in Lower Manhattan, Mary Monica Donella
Malasky, Michael, Sophia Maier Garcia
Mangum, Claude, Mark Naison
Mapping with Midwives: Sources about Jewish Midwives in Eighteenth-Century Amsterdam, Jordan Katz
Maribel Gonzalez Interview Part 1, Mark Naison
Maribel Gonzalez Interview Part 2, Mark Naison
Marital Discord: Psychiatric Implications Manifested in Four Continued Service Cases in Brooklyn Catholic Charities, Nassau County Office, June Catherine Schmidt
Marlene Taylor-Ponterotto Interview, Mark Naison
Marriage Counseling: A Study of Techniques Used in Treating Five Wives Receiving a Minimum of Three Months of Casework at Catholic Charities Family Service, Mineola, L.I. 1966-1967, Jose de A Mendonca
Marshall Sanitarium: A Social History of a Mental Institution, Troy, New York 1851 – 1950, John Francis Purcell
Maryknoll Sister's Clinic: A Study of the Maryknoll Clinic in Pusan, Korea, as a Community Service During the War and Post-War Period, 1951-1955, Joseph Mary Toohig
Maternal Overprotection and Casework Treatment: A Study of Two Overprotective Mothers Who Received Treatment at New York Psychiatric Institute From October 1961 to April 1952, Katharine C Corrigan
Media Coverage of Humanitarian Emergencies and Humanitarian Funding, Matthew Sloan
Medical Social Service in the Philippines: A Study of Its Development From World War II to 1957, With Emphasis on Three Hospitals That Inaugurated a Medical Social Service Since 1949, Carmelita Reyes-Carandang
Mental Health Diagnostic Concepts in School Social Work: A Review of Selected Concepts in Mental Health Diagnoses Useful to School Social Workers, With Particular Reference to the Attendance Teacher, 1940–1960, Maurice Murray Kaufman
Mentally Defective Children With Schizophrenia Characteristics: A Study of Parental History of Six Children Admitted to Psychiatric Division, Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, 1955-1956, Elizabeth Bernadette McManus
Mentally Retarded Children and Their Job Placement: A Follow-up Study of Four Children Discharged From the New York Foundling Hospital Between 1954 and 1955, Sallie Agnes Honan
Mental Patients in a State Hospital: An Historical Study of the Institutional Care of Patients With Emphasis on the Social Service Department at Fairfield State Hospital, Newtown, Connecticut, 1931-1957, Edward Stanley Laskowski
Mental Patients in Family Care A Descriptive Study of the Boarding Home Program at the Norwich State Hospital, 1940–1953, Thomas Peter Melican
Mental Rehabilitation Through Team Approach: The Use of Various Disciplines as a Method of Returning Chronic Mental Patients to the Community From Central Islip State Hospital, New York, 1956–1963, Jeanne Geraldine Kick
Mental Retardation: A Content Analysis of the Adolescent Group Project of the Flower-Fifth Avenue Hospital Mental Retardation Clinic, Barbara Tangredi
Mental Retardation: A Psychosocial Study of the Effect of Retardation on Negroes, New York, 1963–1964, Natalie Haynes Coppin
Mental Retardation: A Study of the Effect of a Mentally Retarded Child on Family Social Functioning, New York, 1962-1963, George David Metrey
Method and Procedure for the Survey of a Health Education Department in Secondary Schools, Frank A Hulshof
Middle School Career Readiness Pedagogy, Exploration, and Engagement Through Counselor-Driven Practice, Janelle Williams-Todman
Migrant Children: A Statistical Analysis of Seven Summer School Programs for Children of Migrant Parents Which Were Conducted by the New York State Education Department During the Summers of 1956 to 1962, Rudolf Milton Callender
Migrants: A Study of a Private Agency's Involvement in a County Initiated Program Affecting Migratory Workers Riverhead, New York 1964 and 1965, Patrick John Carroll
Military Psychiatric Social Work in an Overseas General Hospital July 1951 –July 1952, John Alfred Walsh
Mirror Work: Impacting Culturally Responsive Practices Through Racial Literacy, Cultural Competence, and Professional Learning, Denise Louise Williams
Mississippi Negroes in Rural Madison County A Study of the Social Services Rendered by the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, 1943–1962, Sister Francis Regis Hillow
Mother Boniface Keasey: First Superior General of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity Her Contribution to Social Service in the United States and Puerto Rico 1916 – 1931, Sister Mary Elizabeth Flynn
Motivation for Treatment: A Study of the One and Two-Parent Families – Staten Island Mental Health Clinic, New York City, 1961–1963, Patrick M Cunningham
Multilingualism at the Margins, Estrella Olivares-Orellana
Multiple Sclerosis: Its Personal and Social Implications to Five Ambulatory Patients Seen at the Multiple Sclerosis Program, Veterans Administration, New York Regional Office, Dorothy Louise Brodie
Music as a Psychotherapeutic Agent: Its Use in the Recreation Program at Pilgrim State Hospital West Brentwood, New York, 1962, Elizabeth Dinehart
Naming in Bilingual Youth With Epilepsy, Melanie Rose Somekh
Narcotic Addiction and Local Social Action: A Survey of the Legislative Campaign of the New York Neighborhood Council (Greenwich Village Association) on Behalf of Narcotic Addiction, July 1958- March 1959, Felipe E Ortiz-Cintron
Narcotic Addition: A History of the Drug Addiction Legislation of New York State, 1893-1965, Osbert Tomlinson Chevers
Narcotic Drug Addiction and Tuberculosis: A Study of the Methadone - Chest Disease Program at the Nathan B. Van Etten Hospital, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, New York City, 1966-1967, Lawrence Weissberger
Narcotics Strike at Youth: A Survey of How New York City Is Meeting This Problem, Lewis E Menechino
Navigating Ideals: Latter-Day Saint Women and Latter-Day Saint Cultural Master Narratives, Elizabeth Ann Ostler
“Necesito Romper El Silencio”: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Disclosure Experiences of Latinx Immigrant Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, Rosaana Conforme
Negro Adoption Through Foster Care: A Study of Twenty Six Foster Families Who Adopted Children at the Spence-Chapin Adoption Service New York N.Y. 1967, Francesca Morosani Thompson
Negroes and Mental Health Acceptance of Mental Health Services by Middle Class Negroes in Hollis and St. Albans, New York, 1963, Yvonne Ann Nelson
Newman, Ellen, Sophia Maier Garcia
Nigerian Child Welfare Services: An Historical Sketch of Voluntary and Public Services for Children 18O7-1956, Ada Alice Amadi
Nursing in the Homes of the Poor: A Study of the Social Service Implications in the Apostolate of the Dominican Sisters of the Sick Poor, Archdiocese of New York, 1876–1960, Sister Mary Noel Whelan
Nursing the Sick Poor: A Descriptive Study of the Services Rendered by the Sisters of the Infant Jesus to Needy Patients in Their Own Homes, Mary Carolus Williams
Orphaned and Unaccompanied Catholic European Children Immigrating Into the United States Under Displaced Persons Act of 1948 as Seen From the Files of the Catholic Committee for Refugees (Including Refugee Children) N. C. W. C, Alexander Stanley Jaksina
Outline and Methods for Proposed Course in Fabric Analysis for High Schools, Textile Schools and Junior Colleges, George Edward Linton
Overcoming the Challenges of Privatizing Medical Peacekeeping Support: Analytical Lessons Learned from Kosovo and Ukraine, Ray Mitchell
Overseas With an American Voluntary Agency Refugee Programs Implemented by Catholic Relief Services of the National Catholic Welfare Conference in Italy 1952 – 1955, John Joseph Garra
Parental Attitudes as Seen in a Study of Six Cases Presenting Behavior Problems Treated at the Italian Board Guardians, Carmine Joan Salerno
Parental Attitudes in Twenty Cases of Children Attending the Allergy Clinic of St. Vincent's Hospital of the City of New York, September 1950-September 1951, Sister Mary Basso
Parents of Handicapped Children: Their Problems and Attitudes as Seen in a Study of Six Cases Selected From the Hospital for Special Surgery, Grace Frances Auer
Parent-Teacher Relations in Selected Catholic Elementary Schools of Metropolitan Detroit, Engelhardt M Roswitha
Parish Adult Councils: A Study of Holy Name Parish Council, Coordinating Youth Activities in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, N. Y. 1958–1962, Martin P Bannan
Parolees: A Follow-Up Study of One Hundred New York State Parolees Who Received Emergency Loans From the Fund for Destitute Parolees Administered by the Correctional Association of New York Between November 1, 1962 and October 31, 1963, Middleton Alexander Harris
Parole in New York State: A Study of the Structure, Functions and Major Procedures of the Division Parole, 1930-1960, Alfred M Stamm
Parole Status and Wages: (A Study of the Effect, if Any, of the Former on the Latter), James J Morris
Parole: The Post-Release, Situational Aspects of Female Absconders, From Bedford Reformatory, September 1964 Through June, 1965, Brenda Alice Nolan
Partial Focus on Relationship in Case Studies Drawn From the Veteran Administration Trial Visit Program, Lawrence Robert Boland
Patricia Payne Interview, Mark Naison
Patriotism and the Mass Line: CCP Ideology from Mao to Xi, Anne Elizabeth Weston
Perceptions of Principals’ Leadership Style Influencing Teachers’ Job Satisfaction: Catholic High Schools in Ghana, Kofi Osei-Owusu
Perinatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Understanding Risk Factors for Black Women, Alexis Zollo
Personnel Practices and Training Programs in Homemaker Service as Practiced in Six Agencies in New York City, 1952-1953, Barbara J Kuehn
Phenomenological Inquiry of Disclosures in Romantic Relationships Among Undocumented Immigrants with DACA, Gabriela Munoz De Zubiria
Phenomenological Inquiry of Intersectional Microaggressions and Identities as Experienced by Psychology Trainees of Color, Cindy Molina
Philippine Social Welfare A Survey on Public Social Services and Community Development During the Post–War Years: 1945 – I960, Godofreda Hernandes Cruz
Pica: A Multi-Disciplined Approach to the Etiology of This Phenomenon With Emphasis on Four Children Admitted to Kings County Hospital With a Diagnosis of Lead Poisoning, Summer, 1963, William Nicholas Galasso
Placement Planning for the Emotionally Disturbed Child: A Follow-Up Study of Twenty-Four Children Referred for Placement by Kings County Hospital, Psychiatric Division, to Children's Placement Service, July 1, 1954 Through June 30, 1955, Margaret Loretta De Nicola
Play Therapy as a Casework Technique: A Comparison of Five Lower Class Negro Children to Five Middle Class White Children in Their Response to Play Therapy at Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Yonkers, 1967-1968, Geraldine Marie Greene
Policy and Practice at the Salvation Army Home and Hospital, Jersey City, New Jersey, Kavin,Regina
Polish Displaced Persons in the United States a Study of Fifteen Cases Know to Family Division of Catholic Charities Diocese of Brooklyn, 1951-1955, Bronislava Teresa Bojnowska Zaroda
Population Study of Children in a Temporary Care Setting A Study of Dependent and Neglected Children in Children’s Center, Manhattan, 1947 – 1955, Louise Isabel Charles
Post-Traumatic Stress and Perspectives on the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Erzulie Coquillon
Practices in Curriculum Construction in the Catholic Diocesan Elementary Schools in the United States, Miriam Fidelis
Pre-Assembly Methods for Cognitive Diagnostic Multistage Adaptive Testing, Jungwon Rachael Ahn
Premature Infants: A Comparative Study of the Maternal Attitude of Protectiveness, Anne Marie Menary
Pre-school Services as an Integral Part of a Settlement House Program: A Survey of Nine Agencies in the Borough of Manhattan, 1957, Alice Elizabeth Lamont
Priests and Social Workers: A Study of the Relationship Between Priests and Social Workers, Catholic Charities, Bergen County, 1967, Frank P Soltesz
Priests and Social Workers: A Study of the Relationship Between Priests and Social Workers, Catholic Charities, Essex County, 1966., Richard T Sullivan
Probation as a Treatment Method A Critical Analysis of a Single Active Case of Probationer With Fetishistic Tendencies, Queens County Court Probation Department, October 1958 to May 1959, Patrick Joseph Lennon
Probationers, Classified by Personal and Property Offense - A Statistical Comparison of One Hundred Adult Probationers Discharged From the Probation Department of the Court of General Sessions, Manhattan, 1955, Thomas Joseph Pottenburgh
Probation Prediction: Ohlin Scale Applied to Ten Assault Cases Which Terminated Supervision in the Queens County Court, 1955, John Paul Szulgit
Probation: Trends in Adult Probation in the United States as Reflected Primarily in the Annual Proceedings of the National Institute on Crime and Delinquency, 1946-1961, Joan Klintworth Walsh
Problems Encountered in Placements and Adjustment of Refugee Children as Seen in the Records of the Catholic Home Bureau, New York, Nello Joseph Rotondo
Problems Faced in the Placement of Children of Puerto Rican Background in Foster Homes as Seen in the Cases of Forty Children Referred to Catholic Home Bureau in 1949, Louise Fletcher Shaw
Problems of the Adolescent Unmarried Mother a Study of Ten Cases Known to the Angel Guardian Home From 1938 to 1948, Marie Therese Petgrave
Prognostic Understanding, Anxiety, and Prognostic Acceptance in Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Mediation Analysis, Laura Christine Polacek
Program Activities for Young Adults Retardates: An Analysis of Their Effects on Behavior of Thirty-Nine Participants Based on an Application of Vinter's Principles, 1963, Charles William Weis
Program Planning for the Mentally Retarded: An Analysis of the Program Content Used by a Social Group of Young Adult Retardates at the Bronx House, a Jewish Community Center in New York City, October, 1961 to March, 1962, Thomas Bernard Scullion
Psychiatric Aftercare: A Study of the 1965 Changes in the Admission Laws of the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene as They Affect Treatment at the Queens Aftercare Clinic, April 1966-December 1966, Mary Ann Priore Tague
Psychiatric Orientation to Child Care: An Historical Sketch of La Salle School for Boys, Albany, New York, 1854-1960, With Emphasis on the Last Decade, Amian Robert McCann
Psychiatric Social Work: A Perspective of Functioning at the Catholic Charities' Guidance Clinic, Queens Division, 1962, Gloria Ann Bibona
Psychological Implications of Accessing SITB-Related Online Content, Brianna Pastro
Psychologists’ Perceptions of the Impact of the Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment Model on Their Work, Katherine Claire Lantier
Psychotherapy with Parents and Adolescents, at Youth Consultation Service Mental Health Center, Jersey City, New Jersey, 1967, Joan Michele Adams
Psychotic Adolescents: A Study of Twenty-Nine Cases Committed to New York State Hospitals, June 1951 to June 1952, From Kings County Hospital, Psychiatric Division, Joseph Philip Pirro
Psychotic and Non Psychotic Mental Defective, Frank John O'Hara
Public Assistance in Chautauqua County, New York: A Statistical Study of 1600 Active Cases, 1960, Elizabeth Ann Galloway
Publication Description & Guidelines for Submission
Public Funding: Its Impact Upon the Voluntary Social Welfare Service System of the Five Towns, Nassau County, New York, 1966, Charles A Langdon
Public Housing: An Analysis of 29 Families Referred to the Casework Unit of the New York City Housing Authority by the Tenant Review Board, 1962, Charles Arnold Jones
Public Relations in Social Work: A Survey of Allied Professional and Lay Attitudes Toward Social Work and Acceptance of the Field as a Profession, Vito George Pardo
Public Relations in Two Catholic Agencies A Study of Publicity Employed by Catholic Charities of New York With Implications for Manila Archdiocesan Charities – 1955, Protacio Guevarra Gungon
Public Relations Practices in the Catholic Secondary Schools of the Diocese of Trenton, Mary Josita O'Hara
Public Welfare in New York State State Residence as a Requirement for Public Assistance, Walter Foster Clarke
Puerto Rican Clients on a Suspended Payment Basis: A Study of Ten Closed Cases in the Department of Family and Child Care of the New York Foundling Hospital, Rosa Maria Gandia
Puerto Rican Leadership: Efforts of a Minority Group in Selecting and Training Leaders, as Evidenced Through ASPIRA Agency, New York City, 1961–1963, Anne Marie Olecko
Puerto Rican Migrants in a Bronx Parish: A Survey of Fifteen Puerto Rican Families Residing in St. John Chrysostom's Parish, and Their Problems of Adjusting, 1957, Rose Marie Valenza
Puerto Rican Migration Office: History and Functions of the Office of the Government of Puerto Rico in New York City, 1940-1952, Pedro Gonzalez
Puerto Ricans in New York City: How the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity Seek to Meet the Needs of the Puerto Rican Migrants in a Great City, 1953–1956, Sister Maria Roseann Fernandez
Puerto Rican Use of Parish Services: A Study of the Program at Our Lady of Monserrate Mission Chapel, Brooklyn, to Help the Integration of Puerto Ricans Into the American Parishes, 1954 to 1957, Angel E Pabon-Collado
Puerto Rico and the Fatima Sisters: A Survey of the Work of "Nuestra Senora Del Rosario De Fatima" Order in Seven Towns, 1949-1966, Maria Benedicta Delgado Perez
Putative Fathers: A Study of 104 Cases Referred for Maternity Shelter Care to the Bureau of Child Welfare, New York City, 1960, Catherine Rose Murphy
Pythian Camp for Children: A History and Descriptive Survey of Pythian Camp at Glen Spey, New York, 1941-1950, Mary Elizabeth McHugh
Racial-Ethnic Socialization: Korean American Mothers' Perspectives and Messages on Racism and Discrimination, Nani Fueting
Rapid Development and Neighborhood Change in Mott Haven, Kayla L Velez
Reaching Youngsters in a Summer Community Action Program: The Yonkers C.A.P. Program - Summer of 1967, Joseph E Freeman
Reading and Teaching Le Morte Darthur in the Light of Postcritique, Robert Evan Byers
Recidivism in Probation: A Case Study of Ten Delinquent Children Who Appeared Before the Children's Court of Westchester County and Later Appeared as Adult Offenders, James Joseph Flanagan
Recision and Adoption: A Study of Decisions to Rescind at the Spence-Chapin Adoption Service, New York, Alexandra Tesoro Miller
Recognizing Race in an Ecclesiology of the Built Environment, Edward Dernehl Dunar
Recounting Trauma: Adjusting for Differences in Extreme Responding on PTSD Measures Between Pan-Ethnic Groups in the United States and Mexico, Camille Simone Zolopa
Recreation, a Host Setting for Social Work: The Feasibility of Integrating the Basic Methods of Social Work in the Boy's Athletic League, Inc., New York, 1958-1959, John Patrick Walsh
Recreational Needs and Facilities in Byram, Connecticut: A Pilot Study of the Recreational Needs and Facilities for Children Between the Ages of Eight to Seventeen in Byram, Connecticut, Vito George Rigillo
Referral of Non-service Connected Veterans With Neuropsychiatric Disabilities to Mental Hygiene Facilities, Alverada Pullie
Referrals: An Evaluation of the Process Used in the Integrated Socio-Recreational Project by the New York Service for the Orthopedically Handicapped, 1960-1965, Thomas F Zetterstrom
Referrals Within a Mental Hospital: A Statistical Study of Requests for Social Service at Fairfield State Hospital, Newtown, Connecticut, 1957, Richard Downs McDowell
Refugee Cuban Children: The Role of the Catholic Welfare Bureau of the Diocese of Miami, Florida in Receiving, Caring for and Placing Unaccompanied Cuban Refugee Children, 1960 – 1963, Dominick Joseph Adessa
Rehabilitation of the Physically Handicapped: A Study of Some United States Programs That Could Be Adopted to the Italian Social Welfare Structure, 1961-1962, Anna Sofia Mattioli-Belmonte
Rehabilitation of the Tuberculous as a Teamwork Process, Gloria Carmen Seale
Rehabilitation Teamwork: Services and Facilities at New York University-Bellevue Medical Center That Prepares Physically Handicapped for Return to Daily Living, 1958, Anita Franciska De Villareal
Reimagining the Just City: Social Selves, Substantive Justice, and the Concept of Property, Nicholas Berry
Relating the Curriculum to the Supreme End of Education, Gonzaga L'Heureux
Relationship: A Study of the Application of the Existential Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel to the Theory of the Casework Relationship, Sister Mary Ethel O'Donnell
Remember the Hand: Manuscription in Early Medieval Iberia, Catherine Brown
Renovating America's Electrical Grid: Renewable Sources and Resilient Delivery, Justin O'Hare Giffee
Requests for Adoption of Their Own Child by Full Legitimate Parents: A Study of Seventeen Cases Known to the New York Foundling Hospital During the Period, January 1947 Through December 1952, Adelaide Marie Mackey
Research-based activities to promote student flourishing, Helen Hampson, Christina Hinton, Ayse Yemiscigil, Mark Beverley, Jon Beale, and Ben Hill
Resistance as Manifested in Case Work Situations by Ten Schizophrenic Patients in the Trial Visit Program of the Veterans Administration, New York Regional Office, Walter Henry Mendez
Retarded Children A Study of the Development of a Religious Education Program for the Mentally Retarded Catholic Children in Syracuse, New York, 1959 – 1961, Rose Marie Walsh
Retarded Children: A Study of the Origin, Development and Current Program of the Association for the Help of Retarded Children, inc., New York City, 1949-1957, Edward Michael O'Donnell
Retarded Children in Day Care: A Study of the Problems Relative to the Organization and Operation of the Kennedy Child Study Center, a Diagnostic and Treatment Service Center for Retarded Children and Their Families, 1955-1961, Sister Louise Francis Macchia
Rifkin, Howard, Sophia Maier Garcia
Robust Demographically-Adjusted Normative Data for Unsupervised, Self-Administration of the Cogstate Brief Battery, Jordan Stiver
Role Perceptions: A Study of Patient and Staff Views, the Hospital for Special Surgery, March-July 1968, Margaret Powell Alexander
Rooted in Strength: Grounded in Research Communities and Building on Pedagogical Leadership, Lorraine T. Falchi
Rosen, Michael, Sophia Maier Garcia
Rothstein, Richard, Sophia Maier Garcia
Rotman, Diana, Sophia Maier Garcia
Rudnick, Stuart, Sophia Maier Garcia
Runaways From Foster Care: A Study of Five Teenagers Who Ran Away From Foster Homes at the Catholic Home Bureau New York City, 1950 - 1955, Clara Mae Moore
Ruthenians in the New York City-Scranton Area Social Services to a Minority Group During the Years 1934 to 1954, Andrea Marie Stim
Saint Christopher's Home, Sea Cliff, New York, a Home for Dependent Pre-School Children: 1947-1952, Thomas Gerard Morrissey
Saint Joseph Children's and Maternity Hospital, Scranton, Pennsylvania: 1888-1952, Benjamin F Killino
Saints in Caesar’s Household: Spirituality’s Impact on Self Perceptions of Leaders in Public Institutions, Cynthia Ebele Nwizu
Salinger, Marianne, Sophia Maier Garcia
Salmon Says: An Examination of Salmon Farms and Sustainability, Ashley Morales
Sanabria, Bobby, Mark Naison
Schizophrenics Returning to the Community: A Study of Past and Present Perceptions of Living Patterns Held by Six Former Mental Patients Now Living in Fountain House Foundation Apartments, Manhattan, 1965, Marilou A Formichelli
Scholarship Aid, A Study of Forty-Three Alumni of the Social Work Education Program Sponsored by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Brooklyn, 1932 to 1955, Thomas E McNally
School Absenteeism and Casework: A Survey of the New York City Bureau of Attendance Case Study Unit, 1953-1957, Stanley Berger
School Decoration - It's Aims and Their Fulfillments, Coppner,L
School Desegregation and the Intergroup Committee on New York’s Public Schools: Analysis of Attempts at Integration and Equalization, 1954–63, Robert Sidney Bartlett
School Dropout and Psychosocial Factors: A Comparative Study of Seventy-One School Leavers and Twenty-Five High School Graduates Known to Catholic Guardian Society, New York, on an After Care Basis, 1961–1962, Panchita Elizabeth Rowe
School Phobia: A Follow-Up Study of Thirteen School Phobic Children, Bertha Margaret Ferrer
School Retardation: A Study of Predominant Factors Among Children Under the Supervision of the Bronx District of Catholic Home Bureau, William Pascal Friscia
School Social Work: An Historical Study of the Development of School Social Work in New York City From Its Beginning in 1906 to 1962, Paul Jacob Cooper
School Social Work: An Historical Study of the School Social Work Program With Particular Emphasis on School Social Work in Newark, New Jersey, From 1926-1961, Thomas Gerald Gallagher
School Social Work - Education of Emotionally Disturbed Children: A Study of the Role of the Social Worker in 5 Cases of Children Attending the Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Third Supervisory District, Suffolk County, New York, 1962-1963s, Margaret Mary Gillen Hurley
School Social Work: The Role of the School Social Worker as Perceived by the Teachers in the Newark School System, 1962-1963, Elizabeth Anne Sheehan
Schwalb, Susan, Sophia Maier Garcia
Selected Problems of Rural Elementary School Principals in New York State: Based on a Study of Twenty-Two Schools, Marie Therese Pomares
Settlement House Services in Two Public Housing Projects: A Study of the James Weldon Community Center, East Harlem, New York, 1947-1957, Carlos Valenzuelo Morales
Several, Ruth, Sophia Maier Garcia
Shifting Power Dynamics in the Humanitarian Sector: The Realization of Localization and Decolonization by Humanitarian Professionals, Ryan Patrick Heffron
Sibling Care A Study of the Lieutenant Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Home, Bronx, New York, a Cottage Plan Institution for Dependent and Neglected, Catholic, School Age Siblings: 1950 – 1954, Teresa Rita Santoro
Sick of Zoning in Metropolitan Chicago: Healing Environmental Racism and Investing in a Segregated City, Caroline M. Sandoval
Sight Unseen: Vision and Eighteenth-Century British Fiction, Vivian Zuluaga Papp
Sleep Disordered Breathing and Cognition Among Young Adults, Theresa Lin
Smith,Yvonne Marie, Mark Naison
Social Class and Mental Illness: A Study Based on 220 Cases From the Putnam County Community Mental Health Clinic, Brian A Cronin
Social Class and Mental Illness: A Study Based on 220 Cases From the Putnam County Community Mental Health Clinic, Theodore Dominic Salomone
Social Class and Social Structure: A Study of Fourteen Twelve Year Olds: Five Lower Class Youths, Nine Upper Middle Class Youths, Stephen Joseph Levin
Social Determinants of Mental Health Diversion Success: The Influence of Social and Environmental Factors on Program Completion and Post-Program Recidivism, Zoe Rose Feingold
Social Group Work With Six Senile Psychotic and Arteriosclerotic Female Residents at the Mary Manning Walsh Home in New York City From October 1962 to February 1963, Sister Mary Joachim de Lourdes Bean
Social History of the Church of the Master and Morningside Community Center With Emphasis on Present Program and Services: 1938-1950, Franklin Harris Holloway
Social Realities and Purposeful Learning in Multilingual Contexts, Patricia Velasco
Social Service as a Staff Function of Management A Partial Survey of the Present Employment of Trained Social Workers by American Industrial Management, Peter Barent Van Deventer
Social Service Department of St. Vincent’s Home for Boys, Brooklyn A Study of Its Organization and Function, 1945-1956, Vincent Paul Cosentino
Social Services Available in St. Cloud, Minnesota as Revealed by a Study of the Social Service Agencies, M. Charitas Schlegel
Social Welfare Services A Study of the Social Welfare Services of the Sisters of Christian Doctrine in the Light of the Conceptual Framework Proposed by Harriett M. Bartlett in Analyzing Social Work Practice by Fields: Madonna House, New York City, 1910-1960, Sister Mary Catharine Burke
Social Work as a Vocational Choice: The Effect of Birth Order and Other Factors as Seen in a Questionnaire and Rating Scale Study of 136 Students at Fordham University School of Social Service, NYC. 1957-1958, Alphonse James Semenza
Social Worker on the Trial Visit Program of the Veterans Administration Regional Office as Liaison Between Hospital and the Community, Kathryn Jane Martin
Social Work Professionals’ Knowledge, Perceptions, and Experiences with Hoarding Disorder in Older Adults, Annette M Hintenach
Sociocultural Influences of Sleep Health Among Latinx Youth, Ayurda Pathak
Some College Students Attitudes Towards the Social Work Profession, Ardelia M Cloyd
Spanish Social Welfare Services with Emphasis on Family Allowances, 1939-1965, Alvaro A. J Salinero
Spanish-Speaking Residents of East Harlem: A Study of Fifty-Two Short Term Cases Serviced by Catholic Charities Family Division, 1952, Rose Ruiz Canales
Span of Study Extending From Childhood Dependency to Adolescent Delinquency, Based on Four Cases Known to the Saint Agatha Home for Children, Manuet, New York, and Adjuvated Delinquent During 1955, Marian Veronica O'Connell
Specks: Spectrogram of Large Scale Knowledgebase for Interpreting Stereotypes in Dataset, Kyle John Ryan
SPOCK: Subjective Projection for Optimizing Deep Neural Classification Models Based on Contextual Representation From Large Knowledgebase, Naseem Machlovi
State Run Dry: How California Manages Inevitable Drought Due to Climate Change, Rachelle Yang
Stereotypes and Public Stigma Against People Experiencing Homelessness, David Pilla
Stern, Mark, Sophia Maier Garcia
Stress, Coping, and Adjustment of International Students During COVID-19: A Mixed-Methods Study, Ying Wu
Suicide Deterrent: A Study of the “Red Telephone” Established at King’s County Hospital, Brooklyn, August 1963, Nancy Lee Kennedy
Survey of Eighteen Parish Recreational Programs for Adolescent Girls in the City of Yonkers, New York, Rita M Kiley
Sweet, Harry, Sophia Maier Garcia
Syrians in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn: A Culture Case Study Involving Six Catholic Families in the Middle Income Bracket With Emphasis on Mental Health Implications, 1957, Margaret Patricia Al Akl
Teachers, Power, and the Belief in School Meritocracy, Jonathan Edward Harvey
Teaching Religion in the Elementary Grades, Wm. R Kelly
Team Approach in a Pre-school Unit for Deaf Children Study of Three Cases at St. Joseph’s School for the Deaf, Bronx, New York, 1956, Eugenia Digney Leary
Technology-Related Professional Development Experiences of Secondary Mathematics Teachers in Response to COVID-19, Kelli Anne Sciarra
Temporary Care: A Study of 20,808 Admissions to the New York City Department of Welfare Children's Center, New York, 1951-1961, Ronald M Prusko
Ten Progressive Years - The Development of the Italian Board of Guardians, an Affiliate of the Brooklyn Catholic Charities, 1939-1949, Michael Joseph Petrizzi
The Adolescent Foster Girl and Her Problem Around Identity: A Case Study of Four Adolescent Girls Who Have Had Long Time Care in Foster Homes in the Westchester District of the New York Foundling Hospital, Genevieve Mary Izinicki
The Adoption Department of the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, New York, 1947-1959, Elizabeth Ann Borden
The Aged and Chronically Ill in a Modern Jewish Home: A Study of the Services of Beth Abraham Home, Bronx, New York, January 1961-December 1961, Anthony Solimene
The Aged in a Catholic Home: A Study of the Facilities and Services of the Mary Manning Walsh Home, New York City, January 1952- May 1953, M. John Joseph Bachmann
The Aged: Some Philosophical Implications of Social Casework With Persons Over Sixty-Five Drawn Principally From the Writings of Gabriel Marcel, 1963, Sister Marie Raymond O'Connor
The Aging American: A Study of Needs and Attitudes of Forty-Four Applicants to the Office on Aging of Bergen County New Jersey, 1969, Senta Johanna Jurgensen
The Alcoholic's Wife: A Survey of Twenty-Seven Alcoholics, Married Ten Years or More, With Emphasis on Five Wives of Alcoholics, New York University Alcoholism Clinic, 1958, Catherine Kelly Keeney
The Anthracite Valley of Pennsylvania a Study of the Social Services Rendered by the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity to Mining Families 1940–1955, Sister Maries Desales Gaffney
The Battered Child: A Study of the Protective Trends in the Medical, Legal and Social Work Professions, United States, 1946 Through 1966, Anne Marie O'Neill
The Biblical Space and Jewish Identity, Pnina Arad
The Boy's Athletic League, inc., New York City, 1926-1951, Nicholas J Langenfeld
The British West Indian Negro Within the Negro Community of New York City, Muriel Goodridge
The Brownsville Boys' Club, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1940-1954: The Story of an Agency Initiated by Youth Acting Autonomously, Denis Alvin Dryden
The Camping Program Sponsored by the Herald Tribune Fresh Air Fund, With Emphasis on Its Recent Developments in Camp Decentralization, William C D'Auria
"The Card Games Ended After the Towers Fell" - The Post-9/11 Transatlantic Novel: From Postmodernism to the New Sincerity, Peter William Krause
The Casework Implications in the Brooklyn Catholic Charities Vacation Home Program, Francis John Peropat
The Catholic High School Its Aims and Objectives, M. Hyacinth Martin
The Catholic Social Agency as a Force in the Community. A Study of Catholic Charities in the Triple Cities: Binghamton, Johnson City and Endicott, New York: 1937–1950, Stuart Hurlbut Anderson
The Child Welfare Bureau in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: A History of Public Services for Children in the Island of Puerto Rico, 1943-1956, Carmen Milagros Rivera
The Clinic Intake Conference: A Study of Thirty-Five Cases Closed at Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Manhattan, During 1957, With Particular Reference to Those Cases Rejected for Treatment, William Levine Wagner
The Community Mental Health Approach to Problem Drinking: A Design to Evaluate a Demonstration Project, Susan Marjory Haimoff
The Community Survey, a Problem-Solving Process in Planning Social Services for Children and Their Families: A Descriptive Study, Gertrude Layden
The Connection Between Colorism and White Supremacy: Colorism as a Tool of White Supremacy in the Contemporary Age in the United States and Puerto Rico, Taylor Nicole Bell
The COVID-19 Pandemic as Trauma on Secondary Educators and Their Students: A Phenomenological Study, Jean Marie Hurley
The Criminal Psychopath A Case Study of Ten Offenders, Diagnosed as Psychopaths and Institutionalized at Clarks Summit Mental Hospital, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, Frank Xavier Schneck
The CYO Camp in Coney Island: A History of the First Catholic Day Camp in Brooklyn, an Answer to a Community's Need, 1951-1958, Carmen Marie Ortega
The Data Struggle Is Real: Building Teacher Capacity to Engage in Continuous Improvement, Gail Joyner
The Delinquent School Child - A Study of Ten Cases Brought Before the Westchester County Children's Court, at the Request of the School, Murray Pescow
The Delusion of Reform: Punitive Psychiatry in Soviet History, Garret J McDonald
The Demonstration Officer in a Community Mental Health Setting: His Perceptions of Function and Role, Elizabeth Dane Oliver
The Development of Disordered Eating and Body Image Issues in Latina Adolescent Girls: A Grounded Theory Approach, Tatyana Bidopia
The Development of New York State Law Regarding the Definition of Mental Illness, the Provisions for Care and the Treatment of the Mentally Ill and the Procedures for Their Commitment and Discharge, Vincent Joseph Guarrera
The Doctor White Memorial Settlement: A Study of a Catholic Settlement in the Navy Yard Section of Brooklyn, 1916-1953, Patrick Joseph Tufano
The Door of Hope: A Case Study of Five Unmarried Mothers Who Were Referred for Psychiatric Consultation, Margaret Rose Shields
The Dynamic Humanitarian: Has Traditional Humanitarianism Become Obsolete?, Camille Elisabeth de Carbonnel
The Educational Directives of Pius XII, Timothy C Donohue
The Effects of State Mindfulness on Motivation to Quit and Smoking Risk Among Individuals With Mood Disorders, Murat Hosgor
The Emergence of the Psychosomatic Approach in Illness as Seen in "The Family", 1920 Through 1949, Geraldine Elizabeth McCarthy
The Eunuch as a Rhetorical Trope in Matthew 19 and Its Afterlife in Early Christianity, Ian Thomas Kinman
The Family Department of a Catholic Agency Reviews Its Services to Clients: An Analysis of Twenty-Three Cases Assigned to the Family Department of the Catholic Charities of Buffalo During the First Ten Months of 1950, Catherine Elizabeth Pierce
The Flushing Hospital and Dispensary, 1884-1950, Ruth,Elizabeth
The Function of the Medical Social Worker in a Syphilis Clinic, Lucille G Lewis
The Geriatric Patient on Home Care: A Study of the Needs and Need Fulfillment of Twenty Geriatric Patients on the Methodist Hospital Home Care Program, Kathleen Therese Spruyt
The Geriatric Rehabilitation Center: A Study of a Pioneer Psychiatric Treatment Program for Mentally Ill Aged at Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, New York: 1955 to 1957, John Finbarr Fortune
The Glass Menagerie of Refugee Resettlement: Securitization post 9/11 and Refugee Resettlement Regimes in Germany and Canada, Sabina Abdukahhorova
The Green Core of The Big Apple: The Significance of Urban Green Spaces in New York City & Beyond, Grace Dailey
The Group Study Plan, Frances G. V Kenny
The Group Work Program (The Specialized "B" Program) in the Catholic Youth Organization of the Archdiocese of New York, September 1949 to January 1952, Francis Joseph Horsley
The Growth and Development of St. Benedict’s Day Nursery New York City, 1923 – 1950, Sister Agnes Marie Farrelly
The Growth of Children’s Center as a Temporary Care Shelter in New York City, 1945–1949, Howard Lee Whitmire
The Health Advisory Service: A Descriptive Study of a Function of the New York Tuberculosis and Health Association, 1920-1953, Harold Carlton Vincent Smith
The History, Development, and Application of Play as a Useful Factor in Education, Agnes D Cavanagh
The Homemaker Service Program of Family Service Society, New Orleans, 1946-1956, Joyce Marie Miller
The Impact of BIPOC-Matched Mentoring Relationships on Youth Internalizing Mental Health Symptoms and School Engagement, Tripat K Rihal
The Impact of Central Office and Principal Joint Work on Multilingual Language Learners' Outcomes, Sandra Montañez-Diodonet
The Impact of Central Office Leaders in Supporting Principals’ Inclusive Practices, Tamar Walker
The Impact of Mentoring for Successful Women Leaders in Higher Education, Susan Adelaide McGowan
The Impact of Political Will by Donor Governments on Humanitarian Funding Decisions: A Comparative Study, Emily Lucchesi
The Impact of Teacher Leadership and Peer Collaboration on Middle School Teacher Retention, Nicole Fabian Engelke
The Impact of Tenure Status on the Perception of Shared Governance in Higher Education, Brett Cetron
The Impact of World War II on Five Adolescents in Placement Under Catholic Home Bureau Supervision, Fred Joseph McLorn
The Impact of World War II on Five Adolescents in Placement Under Catholic Home Bureau Supervision, Fred Joseph McLorn
The Imperative Needs of Girls in a Roman Catholic High School, Mary Antoine Signorelli
The Indifferent Father A Study of Three Cases Known to Catholic Charities of New York City, Reflecting the Misbehavior of Youth as a Result of Negative Paternal Attitudes: 1955–1957, Marcedes de Ocampo Fisher
The Influence of Newspaper Publicity at the Five Towns Community House, W. Gordon Edgley
The Initial Social Service Program at the Rockland State Hospital, April 1, 1949 - March 31, 1950, Paul J. Treanor
The In-Service Training Program of the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention Home, Cleveland, Ohio, 1945-1952, Thomas Lee Briggs
The Institutional Adjustment of Ten Boys Committed to Lincoln Hall Lincolndale, New York in 1954, Brother Alfred Hyland
The Interrelationship Among Social Workers, Family Assistants and Parents in the Project Head Start of the Archdiocese of New York, Summer 1967, Rosa Hernandez
The Kolping House: A Study of a Catholic Society for Young Workingmen in Manhattan, 1888-1952, Florence Paula Engelhardt
The Light of the Revival: Stained-Glass Designs for Restituted Synagogues in Ukraine, Eugeny Kotylar and Magda Teter
The Marijuana Problem: An Exploratory Study of 223 Cases of Drug Use, the Youth Council Bureau, Manhattan Office, December 1965 to December 1967, Patricia Anne Guilfoyle
The Marriage Forum in the Archdiocese of New York, 1949 to 1951, Arthur John Foerenbach
The Mathematical Content of High School Chemistry, Sister Mary Pierre Delaney
The Mental Patient in the Community: A Study of the Social Adjustment of Ten Former Mental Patients Who Are Active Members of Fountain House, Manhattan. 1961–1962, Caesar Thomas Brunelli
The Miseducation of Black Boys: The Impact of Leadership Support on the Implementation of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Keisha Green-Martinez
The Negro College Graduate: A Study of the Problems Encountered by Seventy-Eight Newcomers to New York City, 1956-1966, Jean Lenore Providence
The Negro Middle Class: A Comparison Study of Ten Negro and Ten White Middle-Class Families in New York City, 1967-1968, Fay Alyce Alston
The Organization and Operation of the Volunteer Training Course of the Catholic Youth Organization in the Archdiocese of New York: 1949–1950, James Francis Coughlin
The Origin of the Christian Latin Hymns and Their Development Until the End of the IV Century, Joseph A Cinquino
The Out-of-Wedlock Pregnancy, an Identification Process: A Study of Ten Out-of-Wedlock Girls Later Unmarried Mothers Serviced by the New York Foundling Hospital, New York City, 1941-1967, Donald Joseph Young
The Parish Priest With Casework Training: A Questionnaire Study and Case Analysis of the Pastoral Value of Professional Casework Training, 1958, Gerald John Ryan
The Past, Present, and Future of Reading: Portraits of Recent High School Graduates, Gordon Van Owen
The Perception of Colors in Moses Chayyim Luzzatto’s 18th-Century Kabbalah, Federico Dal Bo
The Philosophy and Practice of Summer Programming at St. Michael’s Home for Dependent and Neglected Children, Staten Island, 1946 to 1949, Francis Xavier Shevlin
The Polish Immigration Committee in the United States: A Historical Study of the American Committee for the Relief of Polish Immigrants, 1947-1952, Thaddeus Theodore Krysiewicz
The Politics of Abortion in France and the United States: A Case Study on the Laws, Legislation, Activism, and Advocacy that Determined Abortion Laws Today, Annick Marie Strebin
The Politics of the Northern Ireland Question: From the Good Friday Agreement to Brexit, Nora A. Hayes
The Power of Project-Based Learning, Cicely C Warren
The Principle of Self-Determination and Its Relation to the Thomistic Concept of the Will, Richard Victor Paczkowski
The Problems of Re-adjustment to Civilian Life of Japanese-American Evacuees From the West Coast, Haruko Kuroiwa
The Progress of the Negro in Adoption: A Comparative Study of Those Children Placed for Adoption in the Two Years of 1940 and 1950 Through the State Charities Aid Association, Doris Lucille Peterson
The Project Method Its Genesis and Its Application in the High School, Elizabeth Veronica Caveney
The Proxy Mother: A Study of Six Applications From Volunteers for Foster Care at the New York Foundling Hospital, 1947-1950, Elizabeth Anne Storms
The Psychiatric Social Worker at King's County Hospital, Mental Hygiene and Child Guidance Clinics, Brooklyn: A Study of Ten Cases Referred to Social Service for Treatment in the Adult and Children's Divisions, Sister Ste. Mechtilde Labrecque
The Puerto Rican Clientele in East Harlem Catholic Charities a Survey of Problems and Services of the Family Service District Office May 1951 to December 1956, Angelita L Camunas
The Puerto Rican Family Institute: A Description of Its Services to Preserve the Integration of the Puerto Rican Migrant Family, New York City, March 1962- March 1964, Heriberto Algarin
The Response to Treatment of Emotionally Disturbed Children in Foster Care: A Follow-Up Study of 40 Children Identified as Emotionally Disturbed by the Catholic Guardian Society of Brooklyn, Susan Elizabeth Thompson
The Rise, Development and Progress of the Elementary School System in the United States, Mary Joanella
The Role of Data-Driven Decision-Making in Organizational Transformation: A Case Study Analysis of Leadership and Organizational Actions, Shannon Terell Smith
The Role of Egr1 in Driving Sex-Specific Transcriptional Programs and Anxiety-Related Behavior, Devin Rocks
The Role of Future Goal Importance and Expectations Among Adolescents with Court Involvement, Clairmond A Berantuo
The Role of Morphological Awareness in Elementary Students Early Reading Skills, Quadrina Noori
The Role of Partner Organizations in a Career and Technical Education School, Giovanni D'Amato
The Role of Positive Future Thinking in Suicidal Ideation, Hae-Joon Kim
The Role of the Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Minor Capsid Protein L2 N Terminus During Infection of Human Keratinocytes, Anthony Vincent Morante
The Role of the Parish: The Application of Ives Congar’s Theological Principles to the Theory and Content of Four Social Service Programs as Described in Studies Between 1958 and 1962, Jerome Patrick Frain
The Role of the Social Worker in the Political Process: Adoption in New York State, Barbara J Wells
The Role of Wiltwyck School, Esopus, New York, in Rehabilitating Delinquent Boys, Eight to Twelve: 1950-1951, William Elmo Clairborne
The School Dropout: An Analysis of the National Problem With Special Reference to the Mentally Retarded, Prevention, and Specific Programs, 1900-1967, Lillian Marian Cilmi
The Scout Movement as a Transitional Aid to the Puerto Rican Boy Aged 12 – 15 Years, East Harlem, New York City, 1949 – 1950, Charles St. Vincent Perii
The Shared Traumatic Reality of COVID-19 in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Lived Experiences of New York City Psychologists, Cara Elizabeth Bigony
The Social, Emotional, and Physical Components in a Case Study of Ten Children With Celiac Disease in Babies Hospital in New York City From 1943 to 1950, Dolores Joan Peters
The Specific Contribution Made to the Community by Catholic Social Settlements as Seen in the Analysis of the Catholic Approach in Meeting the Needs of Settlement Clients, Thomas A Mitchell
The Student Adjustment Center: A Study of New Trends in School Social Work as Reflected in the Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Third Supervisory District, Suffolk County: 1957 – 60, Andrew Eugene Casazza
The ‘Surplus’ of Siem Reap: A Comparative Study of Cambodia’s Urban Recyclers, Karin Schroeder
The Unmarried Father - Has He Changed? A Statistical Analysis of 200 Cases Active in St. Mary's Shelter, New York Foundling Hospital, 1939 and 1949, Marie Antoinette Cecilia Zaccardo
The Unmarried Mother: A Study of Three Cases at Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, New York, Showing the Detrimental Effects of Inadequate Family Relationships, From I960 Through 1962, Amalia Margerita Ianora
The Unmarried Mother in a Closed Shelter: A Survey of the Unique Program Operated by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd for Unwed Mothers, Adjudicated Delinquent Aged 12–21, at St. Gerard’s Residence, 337 East 17th Street, New York City, 1955–1960, Sister Mary of St. Celestine Hannon
The Unprecedented Response to the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine: Speed and Funding Allocations, Nicole Ann Hubka
The Unresolved Conflict Over Revelation in American Protestantism: Reshaping Congregational Practices through Revelatory Teaching-Learning, Barbara E Senecal-Davis
The Unsuccessful Adoption Placement - A Study of the Factors Evident in the Personality Structure of the Adoptive Mother Resulting in Termination of Placement Prior to Legal Adoption, Elizabeth Anne Odry
The Use of Cardinal McCloskey School for Interim Care for Children Awaiting Foster Home Placement at the Catholic Home Bureau, Marion F Horan
The Use of Five Levels of Manpower in Four Catholic Welfare Agencies in New York and Brooklyn, New York, Kate G Bagley
The Use of Foster Homes for Dull Normal Children: A Study of Twenty-Five Dull Children Placed in Foster Homes by the Catholic Home Bureau of the Archdiocese of New York, 1949-1953, Eileen Barbara Honan
The Use of Illness as a Protective Device as Seen in a Study of Eight Children Selected From St. Vincent's Hospital, Elizabeth Jane Gosling
The Use of Play Techniques as an Aid to Diagnosis and Planning in the Cases of Six Children Studied at Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Marie Theresa Klug
The Value of Interpreting Social Service to New Cancer Patients as Seen in Their Subsequent Visits to Social Service, Ethel Margaret Bradley
The Value of Zoos and Aquariums; A Perspective Via The Bronx Zoo and New York Aquarium, Reiariel D. Garcia
The Vocabulary of Third-Grade Children's Free Writing in School, Clare Marie Bright
The William Hodson Center An Historical Survey of a Day Center, 1943-1950, Angelo Mario Patrissi
The Work of the National Catholic Educational Association: As Revealed by the Annual "Proceedings and Addresses", James F Garrett
The Worlding of Arabic Literature: Language, Affect, and the Ethics of Translatability, Anna Ziajka Stanton
Three Private Family Agencies in Richmond and Their Methods and Resources in Handling Mental Health Problems, Bernard John Wiest
Together in the Atrium: An Intergenerational Adventure of Religious Education, Michelle M Smith
Topics on Fractional Trading and Trade–Growth Nexus, Janhavi Shankar Tripathi
"To the General Reader:" How 16th-Century Paratexts Evolved the Reader, Madison Bennett Forbes
Toward Humanization: The Marcan Jesus as a Source and Guide for Humanization Today, Scott Geminn
Towards Summer Day Camp: A Presentation of Five Major Areas for Initiating a Day Camp Program From Material of the East Flatbush Neighborhood Center, Jewish Association for Neighborhood Centers, Joan Natalie Rubinstein
Tracing Modernist Time “Back through our Mothers”, Bronwen Maher Durocher
Transference and Countertransference in Casework: A Study of Casework, Psychological and Psychiatric Literature From 1940–1960, Frederick F Cerny
Transfer Learning Framework for Warping From Representations to Point of View (TWARP), Rahul Ohlan
Translating the Fantastic in Old Norse-Icelandic Literature, Sean Patrick Spillane
Trapped in the Margins: Russia, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the Story of Afghan Refugees in Tajikistan, Meredith Schutt
Trauma-Informed Teaching of Literature to Multilingual Learner Refugees: In Search for Balance between Cultural Responsiveness and Curriculum Sensitivity, Ekaterina Midgette and Jordan González
Trauma Screening at Juvenile Probation Intake With the Child Trauma Screen (CTS): Exploring Demographic Differences and Screening Decisions, Angela Cristine Glover
Trends in the Development of Adoption Laws in Connecticut From 1864 to 1948, Geraldine Marie Sullivan
Truancy: A Study of Psychosocial Factors in Twenty-Five Adjusted Cases in the Case Process Program of the New York City Bureau of Attendance, District Office 21, Bronx, 1960–1961, Edith Elkes Ettlinger
Uncovering and Mitigating Energy Inequity During New York City’s Clean Energy Transition: A Data Science Approach, Spring Bailey Clark
Understanding the Role of Adaptation and Improvisation in Humanitarian NGO Responses to COVID-19, Seana Epley
Under the Southern Cross: The Story of Irish-Argentine Literature, Cathal Patrick Pratt
Unmarried Adolescent Mothers: A Case Study of Mother – Daughter Relationships of Seven Unwed Mothers Before and During Their Placement in a Treatment-Oriented Institution, St. Germaine’s Home, Peekskill, New York, 1961, Sister Mary Our Lady of Fatima Rutowski
Unmarried Fathers: A Statistical Comparison of the Extent of Participation in the Planning and Surrender of the Illegitimate Child by Unmarried Fathers and the Husbands of a Surrendering Couple, Known to the Spence Chapin Adoption Service, New York, N.Y., 1963, Marguerite Alice Giebel and Karen Ann Moran
Unmarried Mothers: A Comparative Analysis of Ninety-One Cases Known to the Bronx Office of Catholic Charities Family Service in 1952 and 1962, Kathleen Ann Brennan
Unmarried Mothers: A Statistical Study of 125 Cases Referred to the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, January 1st to March 31st, 1961, Sister Jean Vianney McCarthy
Unmarried Mothers: A Study of Fifty Unmarried Mothers Known to St. Martha's Residence, Newark, 1963-1964, Margaret M Gilhooley
Unmarried Mothers: A Study of the Attitudes of Eighteen Caseworkers From a Private Sectarian Agency Toward White Unmarried Mothers Who Keep Their Children, 1963, Mary Diane Smyth
Unmarried Mothers: A Study of the Spiritual Aspects in Catholic Maternity Homes, M. L. Hugette Beauchamp
Unmarried Mothers: A Survey of Resources Available for the Education of Adolescent Unwed Mothers in New York City, 1963, Patricia Kathryn McCabe
Unmarried Parents A Statistical Study of Twenty-Nine Cases Known to St. Joseph’s Children’s and Maternity Hospital Scranton, Pennsylvania 1958, Sister Mary St. Dennis Walsh
Urban Versus Low Income Housing: A Study of the Development of the Housing Program in Mount Vernon, New York, 1952–1962, Marcia B Knight
Use of Predictive Analytics in Humanitarian Operations, Aleksandra Christine Jelonek
Using an Intersectional Lens to Explore Civic Engagement and Discrimination Experiences Among Young Black Women, Jasmine B Johnson
Utilization of Flax Techniques as Part of the Psychotherapeutic Approach With Emotionally Disturbed Pre-adolescents, Joseph Paul Hopkins
Verbal Aggression: An Analysis and Evaluation of Eleven Emotionally Disturbed Girls Referred to Youth Consultation Service, Newark, New Jersey, for Temporary Care, 1960-1961, Andree Marie Carter
Vision & Change: A Regional Study of Student Activism in the American Midwest 1960-1964, Ryan Fallon
Voces de Los Perdidos: A Latina School Leader Empowers English Language Learners Through Ypar, Amy Andino
Wanny Angerer Interview, Mark Naison
Watering the Grassroots: The Importance of a Comprehensive Approach to Conflict in the Sahel, Chanelle A. Dortch
Water Remunicipalization: Insights and policy implications from Atlanta, Georgia case study, David L. Fretz
Water Scarcity In Lebanon: The Edge Of Collapse, Gregory B. Yared
Weaponization of Religion: The Manipulation of Religion in the Pursuit of Political Power in Yugoslavia and Syria, Kathryn Echele
Welfare Services in the Porto Rico Iron Works (1929–1961) and Its Extension Into the Community of Ponce Playa With Emphasis on the Work of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity, Sister Marie Lucita Cangemi
Western Corporations and Colombian Labor: Cycles of Transhistorical Colonial and Economic Oppression in Colombia, Isabella Lazzarino-Buendia
What About Your Friends: Using a CFG to Make CRSE Instructional Approaches Practical and Palpable in Secondary Classrooms, Andrine Lissent Wilson
What's My Superpower?: The Interconnection that Exist Through Sneakers and the Commodification of Blackness, Cameron S Hooks
White Psychodynamic Therapists’ Experiences of Intersectionality With Patients of Color: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Belkis Yajaira Martinez
Whiting-Hogans, Monica, Mark Naison
Why Are You Here?: Exploring the Personal Motivations of Leaders in Cristo Rey Schools, Elizabeth Mary Parr
Why Black History is YOUR History: Three Black Songwriters Who Left an Indelible Impact on Every American Teenager, Mark Naison
Why Public Housing Did More to Stabilize the Bronx Than Destroy It, Mark Naison
Widows and Widowers: A Study of the Staten Island NAIM Conference and How It Helps Its Members to Meet Their Needs, New York, 1963, Robert H Lorenz
Will Calhoun Interview, Mark Naison
Will Calhoun Interview, Mark Naison
Withdrawal Behavior and the Role of the Father A Case Study of Six Cases of Withdrawal Manifestations at St. Charles Child Guidance Clinic, Anthony Bongiorno
Worked Example Instruction of Decomposition Strategies in Two-Digit Multiplication Problem Solving, Laura Ann Weinberg Pellerzi
Yelloz, Eva, Sophia Maier Garcia
Yorkville: A Survey of Services Offered and Services Needed, New York, 1969, Carolyn E Joyce
Youth House, a Detention Home for the Temporary Care of Adolescent Delinquent Boys in New York City (1944–1950), Joseph Theophelus Carey