Content Posted in 2022
A Basic Demographic Survey in the Greater Antilles, Edward Henry Hart
A Biometric Comparison Between Two Geographically Separated Populations of Drosophila meloganster Meig, John Cantius McCann
A Brief Analysis of M. Maurice Blondel's l'etre Et Les Etres, Heinrich G Wolz
A Case Study on Mental Health Gatekeeper Training for Academic Advisors, Lonnie Kussin
Accuracy of Item Parameter Linking Accounting for Uncertainty in Parameter Estimates, Jessica Marie Plourde
A Century of Educational Contributions by the Sisters of Charity in New York, Bernardine Miriam Comerford
A Classification of Comic Techniques in the English Cycle Plays, Baldwin Peter Bonventre
A Clinical Study of Conduct Disorders Among School Children, Margaret Patricia Liss
A Comparative Analysis of the Leisure-Time Radio Interests and Listening Habits of 200 Public School Subjects and 200 Parochial School Subjects, Sheila Brennan
A Comparative Study of CFF in Negroes and "Nordic Type" Individuals, Nicholas T Morano
A Comparative Study of the Attitudes of Catholic Public School and Catholic Parochial School Children Towards Religious Participation, Thomas Daniel Ryan
A Comparative Study of the Curricula in the Elementary Public Schools of Connecticut During the Periods 1838-1890 and 1890-1938, Mary Coletta Steele
A Comparative Study of the Digestive Tract of the Three Castes of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (Isoptera), Paul Wilfred Blanchard
A Comparative Study of the Educational Views of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, Anna M. M Verrier
A Comparison between the Problems in Social Life of Catholic High School Boys in the United States and in French Canada, Arthur Hebert
A Comparison of Asymmetric Item Response Theory Models, Xing Chen
A Comparison of Autokinetic Movement With Traits of Introversion-Extraversion, John Walter Eberhard
A Comparison of Expressed and Tested Interests of Several Pre-Professional Groups at Beginning and End of College Curriculum, Louis La Rosa
A Comparison of Filipino and American Cultural Patterns, M. Virginia De Vos
A Comparison of Hearing and Reading Comprehension of Vocabulary Among High School Freshmen, Mark Kelly
A Comparison of Hearing and Reading Comprehension of Vocabulary among High School Seniors, Mary Burton
A Comparison of Modern Schools of American Jurisprudence, William R. White
A Comparison of Rating Ability to Organize with Mental Ability, Personality Adjustment and School Achievement, Edward Rogalin
A Comparison of Religious Attitudes of American and Latin American Catholic College Students, Rosa Aurora Arsuaga
A Comparison of Scores in Lithographed, Mimeographed and Printed Forms of a Standardized Reading Test, M. Edmund Reh
A Comparison of the Berne Scholia with the Servian Commentaries on Vergil's Eclogues I-VI, Mary Ursula Healy
A Comparison of the Idea of God in Descartes With That of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Margaret A Heizmann
A Comparison of the Methods of Handling Group Therapy in the State Mental Hospital With Group Therapy Employed With Convalescent Patients, Formerly Patients at a State Mental Hospital, Marie Therese Wallace
A Comparison of Three Experimental Procedures Employed in the Determination of the Effect of Administration Time Upon the Validity and Reliability of a Test, Vincent J Sharkey
A Comparison of Two Cycles of English Mystery Plays Ludus Coventriae or Plaie Called Corpus Chrisi and the Towneleys Plays, Jessica Therese Wassmer
A Comparison of Two Types of Reading Performance in Their Relation to School Achievement, Helen Foland Graham
A Comparison of Word Frequency in Nine Issues of the Periodical "America" With the Thorndike Word List as a Partial Basis for a Catholic School Vocabulary, Mary Immaculate Ryan
A Concept of Freedom, Julia A Dunne
A Concordance to the English Poems of Richard Grashaw, Mary Theophane Saunders
A Consideration of Anthony Raftery and His Relationship to His Times, Margaret Rittenhouse
A Consideration of the Thematic Effect of Certain Rhetorical and Realistic Patterns in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, Mary Rose Brosnan
A Contemporary Evaluation of Thomas Aquinas’s Philosophy of Promising, Hannah Marie Daru
A Contribution to the Study of Community of Greenpoint, Margaret Patricia Piggott
A Critical Appreciation of Lord Dunsany, Richard J O'Brien
A Critical Evaluation of the Ultimate Aims of Education of Edward L. Thorndike and Arthur I. Gates, Ferdinand J Vonderhaar
A Critical Study of the Agnes Low Rogers Test of Mathematical Ability, Mary R Rieger
A Critical Survey of Japanese Foreign Policy, Janet P Munro
A Critique of Daughters of Atreus by Robert Turney from the Standpoint of the Aristotelian Standards of Tragedy in the Poetics, Thomas Gilshannon
A Critique on Criteria Evaluation in Escape-Clause Investigations Conducted Under Trade Agreements Legislation, Harold M Delaney
A Cytological Study of Cassia fistula L, Robert Thomas Mayer
A Cytological Study of Spermatogenesis in Desmognathus phoca, Ronald Joseph Geczik
A Cytological Study of Spermatogenesis in Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus, Carl Fiore
Adam Made in Christ: Time, Bodies, and Eternity According to Cyril of Alexandria’s Scriptural Commentaries, Alexander B Miller
Adapting to Environmental Crises: Humans’ Resilience to Humanity, Isabella Volonte
Adapting to Environmental Crises: Humans’ Resilience to Humanity, Isabella Volonte
Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations: The United Nations’ Institutional Efforts to Effectively Increase Peacekeepers’ Protection of Civilian Populations, Safiyyah Yasmeen Edwards
A Description and Classification of Thirteen Color-Blind Individuals, William E Collins
A Descriptive Study of Twenty-Four Infants Who Were Placed in the New York Foundling Hospital During 1942 and Who Received Institutional Care for at Least Six Months, Mary Alice Rogers
A Developmental Analysis of Auditory Processing and Adaptive Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mairin Claire Madison Cotter
A Discussion of Modern Methods of Teaching and Their Application to Present Day Curricula, M. Elizabeth McDermott
Administrative Problems of Catholic Schools From 1840 to 1900, Vincent J McLaughlin
Adolescents on the Move: Exercise and Executive Functioning, Natasha Chaku
Adoption: A Follow-Up Study of Thirty-Two Children Who Were Placed for Adoption by the Associated Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey Between the Years 1950-1953, Frances Storen Chase
'Adulting' when 'The Struggle Is Real': Does Executive Function Predict Career Adaptability in Emerging Adults, Heidi Arona Schibuk
Advance Care Planning for Adult Children of Parents Showing Signs of Early- to Mid-Stage Dementia, Rachel Faye Bloom
Advancing Racial Equity Leadership: A Driver for Systemic Change, Meisha Porter
Advisor Perspectives of Student Leadership in College Organizations for Students with Disabilities, Elizabeth A Watkins
Aeneas and Odysseus: Some Similarities and Contrast in Character, Joseph F O'Brien
Aesthetic Currents in Contemporary Spanish Philosophy, Marie Teresa Colayco
A Evaluation of the Recommendations of the Classical Investigation, Lorenzo K Reed
A Factor Analysis of Learning in the Dog, James R Schmitt
A Fifteenth Century Christian Humanist, William P Russell
A Follow-Up of the Women Graduates of a Catholic School of Education, Marydell Zimmermann
A Follow-Up Study of 340 Graduates of the Bronx Vocational High School, Helen Marie Godfrey Ryan
African American Women’s Adjustment to College: The Impact of Campus Climate and Social Support, Sudanë Firestar Del Valle
After-Care Adjustment: A Folllow-Up Study of the Forty-One Delinquent Girls Discharged From St. Germaine's Home in Peekskill, New York, 1960, Mary St. James Clines
After the Storm: How Environmental Racism Impacted the United States' Response to Hurricane Maria, Hadley Ankrum
A general history and theory of MIND CONTROL. Information Design, Commercial Truth and the Disinformation Crisis, Gabriel Isaiah Samandi
A Glossary of Topical Allusions in Edmund Spenser's Shepheardes Calender, Phyllis Elaine Hollar
Agness Repplier as Critic, Marie J Foley
Agricultural Life in Central Italy as Revealed by the De Agri Cultura of Cato, Frances L maher
A Grounded Theory Examination of Racial Identity Experiences of Multiracial Latinx Adults, Caitlin Rose Ferrer
A Gut Feeling: Exploring the Relationship Between Nutrition, Mental Health and Wellbeing in Adolescents, Jessica Costeines
A Histological Study of the Pigment Development in the Skin of the Syrian Golden Hamster and the Albino Hamster With Particular Attention to the Ear, Mary Claudia Tice
A Historical Look at the Adult College at Fordham University, Est. 1944, Glen Redpath
A Historical Sketch and Survey of St. Barnabas Hospital for Chronic Diseases, Eileen M Tobin
A Historical Study of Some Monastic Contributions in English Medieval Art Education, Sister St. Thomas of Canterbury Shanahan
A History of the Bureau of Family Service of the Oranges and Maplewood, New Jersey: 1879-1948, Betty Wilson Spry
A History of United Seamen's Service, Incorporated, a Welfare Organization for Merchant Seamen of the United States and Other United Nations, 1942-1948, Katherine Celestine Price
A Hybrid Quantum-Classical System Using Tensor Networks and Variational Quantum Circuits, Ryan L'Abbate
A Journey Through New Amsterdam to New York (lesson plan), Elizabeth Gil
Alba Landa and Its Relation to Welsh National History, Dorothy C Bishop
Albert Camus: The Emergence of His Ethic, Edmund J Egan
Alcohol Use, Social Exclusion and Rejection in a College Sample, Bianca R Campagna
Alcuin and the Classics, John C Holahan
Alexander, Earle, Bronx African American History Project
Alexander H. Stephens' Concept of the Confederacy, Edward Lawrence Cashin
A Literary Interpretation of Mary Stuart, 1789-1933, Jean C Rossman
All Citizens of Christ: A Cosmopolitan Reading of Unity and Diversity in Paul’s Letters, Jee Hei Park
Allied Diplomacy and Admiral Kolchak, Carroll John Ryan
Allocation of Responsibility in the Administration of Interscholastic Athletics, Richard J Horne
A Look into How a Human-In-The-Loop Experience May Alleviate Algorithm Aversion, Yasmin Hussein
A Manual for a Social Agency Treating Delinquent Adolescent Girls: A Functional Guide for Caseworkers at St. Germaine's Home, Peekskill, New York, 1959, Mary St. William Hart
A Matter of Reflection or Evaluation?, Elizabeth Gil
America and Japan: How Political Relationships Affect International Understanding, Edward P McColgan
America Foreign Policy and Colonialism in the United Nations: The Indonesian Question, Joseph M Rigolio
American Idiom as Reproduced in English Fiction, 1900-1937, Claire Flynn
American Nativism and the Restriction of Immigration, 1920-1924, Richard P Adinaro
A Meta-Level Approach for Multilingual Taint Analysis, Damian Lyons and Dino Becaj
Amnesty for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: The Algerian War of Independence and the 1962 Evian Accords, Emma Lenore Orlando Budd
A Monte Carlo Framework for Incremental Improvement of Simulation Fidelity, Damian M. Lyons, James Finocchiaro, Misha Novitzky, and Chris Korpela
A Monte Carlo Framework for Incremental Improvement of Simulation Fidelity, Damian Lyons, James Finocchiaro, Misha Novitsky, and Chris Korpela
An Algorithmic Foundation for Fair, Secure, and Differentially Private Distributed Discrete Optimal Transport, Jason Hughes
Analysis of Biochemical Differences between the Wild Type and the "Ebony" Mutation of Drosophila melanogaster Meig, Mary Virginia Hartmann
Analysis of the Data From the Minnesota Mechanical Ability Investigation by the Thurstone Multiple Factor Method, Walter Joseph McNamara
An Analysis of a Case of Stuttering From the Point of View of Personality Disorder and Some Suggested Avenues of Treatment, Tyltyl Berkson Schreiber
An Analysis of Drinking Motives in the Maintenance of Co-Occuring Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms and Alcohol Use, Michael Phillip Randazza
An Analysis of Luigi Pirandello's Short Stories, Julius Henry Mannuzza
An Analysis of the Form and Content of John Donne's First Anniversary: An Anatomy of the World, Francis Arsenault
An Analysis of the Frustration Patterns of Pupils in Day and Residential Schools for the Deaf as Revealed by Rosenzweig's Picture Frustration Study, Rosalie Cooper Scheckel
An Analysis of the Interest Patterns on the Kuder Preference Record of College Students: Marketing Majors vs. Accountancy Majors, Doris Slater Mortola
An Analysis of the Principles of Religious and Moral Guidance Applied in the Federation of Catholic Guides of the Province of Quebec, Raymond de Jesus Dion
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Individual Authoritarian Expectations of Group Members and the Expression of Satisfaction With the Group Product, Albert C Higgins
An Analysis of the Study Habits of the Students in a Catholic High School in New York City, Esther Camden
An Analysis of Thirty Out-of-Town Inquiries Referred to the Catholic Guardian Society of New York City in 1933, Mary Dorothy Fater
An Analysis of Transfer of Training to the Left and Right Foot When Only the Right Hand Is Trained, Halim Ozkaptan
An Appraisal of Modern Education, Lena K Rakoff
An Appreciation of the Sources of the Fasti and the Use Which Ovid Made of Them, Paul Wilfred Brunelle
An Attempt to Discover the Value of Logic, Florence R Fischer
Andre Maurois, Exponent of Romanticism: Biography, Andrew A Zaccagnino
An Economic Evaluation of Advertising, John B Eccles
An Empirical Study of the Distribution of "T" for One Thousand Samples of Four and Four Hundred Samples of Ten Drawn From a Normal Universe, Daniel F Fitzpatrick
An Enrichment of the High School English Literature Course Through a Corpus of Specialized Discussion Materials, Gerald B MacKinney
An Enrichment of the High School English Literature Course Through a Corpus of Specialized Discussion Materials, Gerald B MacKinney
An Evaluation of a Test of Sensori-Motor Precision With Children From Six to Eighteen Years, James G Lehey
An Evaluation of Selected High School Religion Textbooks, Richard Leo Fallon
An Evaluation of Supervisory Objectives and Practices in Jesuit Secondary Schools in the United States, John William Kelly
An Evaluation of Supervisory Practices of Principals of Elementary Schools Conducted by Sisters of Mercy Scranton Province, Andrew Hennigan
An Evaluation of Teacher Judgment of Pupils' Intelligence and Achievement From the Viewpoint of the Administrator, Margaretta M Reilly
An Evaluation of the Oral Directions Test of General Intelligence as an Effective Predictor of On-the-Job Performance of "Blue Collar" Workers, Samuel C Campbell
An Evaluation of the Recommendations of the Classical Investigation, Marguerite L Benedict
An Evaluation of the Revelations of Julian of Norwich, Mary Paul Conniffe
An Evaluation of the Worth of the Elementary School Teacher, Gertrude McDermott
An Evaluation of Viennese Tests, Emilie Durschang Schloemer
A New Approach to Predict Lupus Flare Level Using Calibrated Ensemble, Man Qin
A New Interpretation of the Characters in Willa Cather's Writings, Julia C O'Connor
An Examination of the Epistemological Dualism of the Crtical Realists, Mary Kiernan
An Experimental Comparison of the Test-Study and Study-Test Methods of Teaching and Spelling in the Third Grade, Helen Maria Shubik
An Experimental Comparison of the Test-Study and Study-Test Methods of Teaching Spelling in the Eighth Grade, Gervase Blanchard
An Experimental Comparison of the Validity of Five Methods of Assigning Weights to Multiple Choice Items in Interest-Attitude Tests, Alexander Wesman
An Experimental Investigation of Cognitive Defusion Using Emotion-Eliciting Films, Brian C Pilecki
An Experimental Investigation of Feeling and the Relation of Feeling to Imagery, Richard S Ritzel
An Experimental Investigation of Telepathic Phenomena in Twins, Fabian L Rouke
An Experimental Investigation of the Factors Involved in Attention, Richard T Zegers
An Experimental Investigation of the Process of Analysis in Concept Formation, Joseph Francis Kubis
An Experimental Investigation of the Relationship Between Difficulty and Reliability in Tests, Harold Anthony Voss
An Experimental Study in Attention: Sex Differences, Marie A Fitzgerald
An Experimental Study of a Left Handed Group, Estelle Elizabeth Doyle
An Experimental Study of Auditory Imagery in the Deaf, Beatrice A Le Craft
An Experimental Study of Comprehension and Rate in Silent Reading With an Accelerated 5A Class, Alice Gertrude Kirkpatrick
An Experimental Study of the Spread of After-Effects, Madeline A Crawford
An Experiment in Methods in Geography, Frances F Piegler
An Experiment to Determine the Possibility of Red-Green Color Vision in the Dog, Eugene J Milano
An Exploration Study of Compressed Air Work, Joseph B Tamney
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Lauren Elizabeth Ross
An Expose of Home Relief as Carried on in the City of Yonkers, Mary Blake
An Exposition and Critique of Corliss Lamont, Bertrand Gregory McGill
An Historical and Analytical Survey of Delinquency in the Elementary Schools of New York City, 1907-1934, Viola F Spellman
An Historico-Critical Survey of Legislation Concerning Education in Colonial America, Geraldine McConaughy
Anima -- Animus and Related Words in the Tuscalan Disputations of Cicero, Hildegarde Marie Mahony
An Index to the Phylargyrian Explanatio I (a Commentary on the Eclogues of Virgil) with a Critical List of Old-Irish Glosses, Anne Bernadette Kehoe
An Inquiry Into the Contentions of Helper's "The Impending Crisis of the South", Rita Mary Long
An Inquiry Into the Development of the Executive Power in the Constitution of Cuba, Helena Marie Real
An Inquiry Into the Interrelationship Between Ballads and Plays, With a Collation of Rollins' Analytical Index and the Short-Title Catalogue, Laurence Michel
An Inquiry Into the Secondary Education of Girls in England and in the United States in the Nineteenth Century, Thomas Marie Brennan
An Inquiry Into the Social Consequences of the Albigensian Heresy, Brendan Byrne
An Inquiry Into the Study Habits of the Deaf Students Attending Two Public Residential Schools for the Deaf, Joseph Henry Tessier
An Inquiry Into the Study Habits of the Deaf Students Attending Two Public Residentials Schools for the Deaf, Joseph Henry Tessier
An Intake Study of One Hundred Elected Cases Admitted to the New York Foundling Hospital From January 1, 1935 to June 1, 1935 and Discharged Within the Year, Cecilia M Boylan
An Introduction to a Study of the Mathematical Nature of the Monad, Richard A Rancourt
An Introductory Exploration of Depth as a Basic, Spiritual Quality, Stephen D Schwarz
An Inventory and Projective Personality Study of a Religious and Lay Group, Robert C Fehr
An Investigation of Ancient Greek Atomism in the Light of Modern Nuclear Conceptions, Celestine Paul Wilson
An Investigation of Certain Personality Characteristics of Accepted and Isolate Adolescent Girls, Maureen Mahoney
An Investigation of the Existence of an Airplane Pilot Appearance Stereotype, Albert J Bushong
An Investigation of the Verbal Scores of Normal School Children on the McCarthy Psychological Appraisal Test, Monica M Gimo
An MMPI Scale for Seminary Candidates, William A Barry
Antibiotic Spectra of the Possible Mutations of Streptomyces rimosus, Sobin, Finlay, Kane, Robert Marie Lindsay
A Paradigm for the Study of Cultural Assimilation, Francis X Femminella
A Personal Case Study: My Faith Journey After My Children's Disaffiliation from the Catholic Church, Donald Kremer
A Phenomenological Analysis of the Expansive Roles and Nuanced Attunement Experienced by Mothers of Young Children on the Autism Spectrum, Anne Marie Norberto
A Phenomenological Inquiry of Sexual Assault, Disclosure and Self Concept within the Therapeutic Context, Margaret Dunigan McGuire
A Phenomenological Study of Black and Latinx Parents’ Experiences Using Digital Technology Choosing Schools, Enrique Figueroa
A Philosohical Approach to the Neutralist Teacher, Mary Rose Barral
A Pilot Study of an Extension of the Goodenough Draw a Man Test, Douglas S Ogilvie
A Plan for the Application of Family Case Work Principles to a Selected Institution, Rosemary A Sheridan
A Plan for the Mentally Slow High School Student, Catherine J McEntegart
Applying Catholic Principles to Nationalistic Trends: Opportunity Offered to the Teacher of American History in the Catholic High School to Cooperate in the Mitigation of Nationalism by Inculcating the Catholic Spirit in Her Pupils, Mary Therese Anna O'Neill
A Production Book for Maurice Maeterlinck's Pelléas and Mélisande (English Text by Richard Hovey), John Raymond Freimann
A Production Book for Richard Steele's The Conscious Lovers, Mary Rose Dempsey
A Proposal to Implement Zoom Link Uniformity and a Two-Minute Grace Period, Phillip Krehbiel, Olivia Quartell, and Thomas Reuter
A Psychiatric Clinic in a Children's Court, Mary Regina Reedy
Archibald Lampman, 1861-1899, Henry J Cromey
A Recheck on Learning without Awareness, Howard A Matelli
A Reevaluation of the Concept of Community, Madeleine Leuthardt
A Resource-Aware Container Management Scheme in a Heterogeneous Cluster, Yiwen Chen
A Response to a Call from Pope Francis: Fashioning a Profound Theology of Women in the Catholic Church, Elizabeth Marian Tamposi
Armstrong, Gregory, Bronx African American History Project
Arnold of Brescia, Political Opportunist, Walter Reeve
Artistic Satire in Villiers De l'isle-Adam, Adeline Leonora Tozzi
A Scholastic Criticism of Behaviorism, Joseph Augustine Daly
A Settlement Study Including a Practical Program for a Catholic Settlement, Margaret M Weinig
Asian American University Students’ Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study, Jacqueline Hwang
A Skeptical Problem for Public Reason: Religious Beliefs and Human Rights, Brock Michael Mason
A Social History of Bonnie Burn Sanatorium for Tuberculous Diseases, Union County, New Jersey: 1912-1947, Elizabeth Mary Schirmer
A Social History of the Westchester County Home, Hawthorne, New York, 1828-1949, Sally Elizabeth Walsh
A Social History of Toledo State Hospital: 1888-1948, Dorothy Marion Wideman
A Social History of Villa Loretto, Peekskill, New York 1928-1948, an Institution for the Rehabilitation of Wayward Girls and Women, Tarcisius Andersen
A Social Survey of Westfield, New Jersey, Alice Mullin McGough
A Sociological Study of Suicide in New York City, 1924-1938, Christopher Mahoney
Aspects of Participation in Parish Organizations, Patrick J Sullivan
Aspects of Realism in Virgil's Aeneid, John J Reed
Aspects of the Cromwellian Conquest of Ireland, Elizabeth Mary Winters
Aspects of the Personality of Lope De Vega as Revealed in His Lyric Poetry, Dolores Marie O'Brien
Assessing the Perceived Value of Spiritual Care to the Catholic Health Care System, Caterina Mako
Associations among Executive Function and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Young Adults, Ziyun Wang
Associations between Friendship Racial Composition and Ethnic/Racial Identity Over Time: The Role of School Racial Diversity, Kyle Lorenzo
Associations Between School-Based Extracurricular Activities and Access to Informal Mentoring for Low-Income Youth, Vincent Donofrio
A Statistical Study of the Population on Union Settlement, 1934-1935, Edward Clarence Harold
A Study and Comparison of the Characteristics of Noninsured Commercial Banks for the Years 1939 and 1954, Daniel W Lynch
A Study and Evaluation of Probation as Practiced in the Cases of Twenty Adolescent Girls by the Queens County New York Children's Court: January, 1944, to December, 1946, Mildred S Schiller
A Study in Social Control, Patrick G Clarke
A Study in Spelling Difficulty in the Seventh and Eighth Grades, Dorothea McInerny
A Study in the Dynamic of the Small Group: Jocist Case Studies Relevant to a Pareto-Homans Conceptual Scheme, Edmond F Hammer
A Study of Backward Associations Established in Learning Paired Associates in the Forward Order, Helen E Kenny
A Study of Bridge House, New York City Bureau of Alcoholic Therapy, 1943-1948, Nancy Carmella Tarantino
A Study of Carcopino's Criticisms of Cicero's Proconsulship, Ann J Byron
A Study of Catholic Religious Practices of Puerto Rican Migrants in the United States, James F Muldowney
A Study of Certain Factors Affecting the Occupational Choice of College Juniors and Seniors, L. Augustine Grady
A Study of Certain Leisure Interests and Activities of a Group of Self-Supporting Catholic Women in New York City, Virginia Elizabeth Voigt
A Study of Cicero's Afterthoughts on the Catilinarian Conspiracy, Bernardine O'Sullivan
A Study of Cogenesis in Leucophaea maderiae Rhen, William Stephen Bartek
A Study of Competitive Examinations for Social Work Positions Conducted by the Department of Civil Service of New York State From 1926 to 1935 Inclusive, Edward Gerard Dolan
A Study of Day Care for Children in Yonkers, New York, 1943-1948, Elizabeth V Walsh
A Study of Gifted Pupils in the First Year of a Senior High School, Katherine E Reif
A Study of Hawthorne's a Wonder-Book and Tanglewood Tales, Mary Lucy Varnado
A Study of Home Conditions of 37 Girls Examined at a Psychiatric Clinic, John Francis Fitzsimons
A Study of Innocent III's De Contemptu Mundi and Its Influence on English Literature, Walter Edward Kelly
A Study of Mechanical Drawing as Considered in Various Types of Schools, John W. E Olin
A Study of Methods Employed in Adult Probation in the Application of Religion as a Channel of Rehabilitation, James Eugene Flavin
A Study of Nature in the De Planctu Naturae of Alain de Lille and in Chaucer's Parlement of Foules, Margaret M Green
A Study of Perseveration in the Card Sorting of Younger and Older Feebleminded Subjects, John E Wood
A Study of Pollen Grain Mitosis in Xanthisma texanum DC, Roger Francis Beaulieu
A Study of Reading Disabilities in a Group of Children of Average or Superior Intelligence, Bernardita Kelly
A Study of Scatter in the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Tests, Richard F McGrath
A Study of Self-Insight and Adjustment in Delinquent Adolescent Girls, Mary of St. Victoria Andreoli
A Study of Skelton's Bouge of Court, Marie Michel Guerin
A Study of Spermatogenesis in Gryllus domesticus Linnaeus, Joseph Henry McSweeney
A Study of Spermatogenesis in Nemobius Fasciatus Vittatus Brachypterous, Yvan Carrier
A Study of Spermatogenesis in the American Cockroach Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, Henry M Muschio
A Study of Spermatogenesis in the Giant Tropical Cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, Robert Jones
A Study of the Ability of Twelfth Grade Girls to Apply the Principles of the Gospels to Hypothetical Life Situations, Dorothy Marie Herbert
A Study of the Adjustment of Stutterers and Non-Stutterers and the Attitudes of Their Mothers, Zaira Diniz d' Ayalla
A Study of the Adjustment of Thirty Adolescent Boys Discharged From Child Caring Homes, Clara Anne Ball
A Study of the Administration of Ability Grouping in the Elementary Schools of Queens Borough, New York City, Charlotte M Weihe
A Study of the Antibiotic Effect of Streptomyces before and after Passing through the Digestive Tract of Earthworms, Aseffa Tekle
A Study of the Brace Motor Ability Scale, Kathryn Marie Meehan
A Study of the Constancy of Individuals' Responses to the Garretson-Symonds Interest Questionnaire and a Comparison of the Constancy of Response to the Various Items of the Questionnaire, Mary Ellen Van Eastern
A Study of the Constancy of Responses to the Items of the Dunlap Academic Preference Blank Over an Interval of One Year, Gertrude B Cahill
A Study of the Coronary Circulation in the Northern Subspecies of the Copperhead, Agkistrodon mokeson mokeson (Daudin), Richard C Bothner
A Study of the Dirae and the Lydia, Mary F Murphy
A Study of the Effectiveness of Several Methods of Placing Guiding Questions, Bernardine Scavotto
A Study of the Effectiveness of Three Methods of Placing Guiding Questions, Francis Therese Condouris
A Study of the Effect of Auditory Distraction Upon Rhythmic Visual-Motor Performance, James J. Keenan
A Study of the Effect of Catholic Kindergarten Training on the Religious Knowledge of Preschool Children, M. Rita Flaherty
A Study of the Effects of Experimental Frustration on Cognitive Ability, Ann M Marmorale
A Study of the Effects of the Use of Latin in the Poetry of John Skelton, Mary Kieran Walsh
A Study of the Efficiency of Admission Policies in a Three Year Hospital School of Nursing, Susan Casey
A Study of the Estimation of Quantity in Relation to Intelligence in Six-Year-Old Children, Mary Patrice O'Brien
A Study of the Extent of Integration in an Interracial Parish and the Role of the Church in That Integration, Francis J Demers
A Study of the Extent of Mastery of Algebraic Concepts by Ninth Grade Pupils, Wulstan McNelis
A Study of the Extent of Mastery of Mathematical Concepts by Pupils in Grade 7B, Gertrude Callahan
A Study of the Factors of Age, Sex, Smoking and Blood Type in Relation to Taste Reaction to Phenylthiocarbamide, Francis W Mc Aloon
A Study of the Feminine Characters in the Works of Émile Augier, Grace Thérèse Murray
A Study of the Functional Value of Children's Concepts, Sheila Ita O'Reilly
A Study of the Furfey Developmental Age Scale in Relation to Grade Retardation and Performance in Achievement and Intelligence Tests, Sophie Claire Hourgil
A Study of the Imagery Found in John Donne's Sermons at St. Paul's, 1624-1627, Ann Regis Bergin
A Study of the Influence of Chemical Carcinogenic Substances on the Regenerative Potency of the Newt, Triturus viridescens (raf.), Donald Joseph Pizzarello
A Study of the Interests and Achievements of Ninth Grade Boys in a Select Catholic High School, Joseph F Connolly
A Study of the Learning of Concepts by Mental Defectives, Edmund J Rubin
A Study of the Leisure-Time Interests and Activities of Catholic High-School Boys, Edward F Donahue
A Study of the Leisure-Time Interests and Activities of Church and Lay Students Attending a Catholic Secondary School for Boys, Thomas Joseph Tuohy
A Study of the Marking System of a Small Catholic College, Victor John Rafinski
A Study of the Negro Welfare Project Administered by the Lutheran Welfare Council, New York City, Bernice Elmere Samuels
A Study of the Northern Passion in the C.86 Rawlinson MS., Peter V Marinelli
A Study of the Parish Club in Terms of Youth Guidance, Perpetua Lafferty
A Study of the Personality and Adjustment of Puerto Rican Migrants, Pedro A Sifre-Franco
A Study of the Poems of Michael Drayton, Helen V Murphy
A Study of the Population of Saint Patrick High School, Elizabeth, New Jersey, M. Alexandra Kavanagh
A Study of the Process Used in the Selection of Foster Home Applicants in New York State, 1900-1948, Eunice M Schillroth
A Study of the Psychological Principles of Character Formation as Contained in the Ratio Studiorum of the Society of Jesus, Eugene J Devlin
A Study of the Psychological Principles of Character Training Embodied in the Book of Studies and the System of Character Training of Mother Cornelia Connelly, Elizabeth Scowins
A Study of the Relationship between Psychosomatic Disturbances and Blood Pressure Level under Stress, David W Carroll
A Study of the Short Fictional Works of Guillaume de Machaut, Paula Prokopoff
A Study of the Social Themes in Dicken's Works With Special Attention to A Christmas Carol and The Chimes, Mary Magdala Schnitzler
A Study of the Struggle to Maintain Religion in Education in Massachusetts During the Years 1820-1850, C. Andrew Martin Lennon
A Study of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in the Diocese of Newark, Mary Teresa Mooney
A Study of the Teachers of Nature Study in New York City, Sarah Weinraub
A Study of the Thymus With Respect to the Origin and Function of the Concentric Corpuscles of Hassall, Agnes Claire Bicak
A Study of the Transferals of Children from the Parochial Elementary Schools of One City to the Public Elementary Schools of the Same City for Reasons Other Than Change of Residence, Agnes Joseph Peters
A Study of the United States Supreme Court Decisions in the Texas White Primary Cases, Ronald J Taggiasco
A Study of the Validity and Reliability of the Alcadd Test as Psychometric Instrument for the identification of Male Alcoholics, Mario G Barillas
A Study of Thirty-Three Umarried Mothers Previously Under the Care of the New York Foundling Hospital, Veronica Gale Sammel
A Study of Thomas Garter's The Virtuous and Godly Susanna in Its Relation to the Morality Tradition, Mary Hurley Enders
A Study of Vocational Patterns of Boys in a Select Catholic High School, Thomas J Fitzgerald
A Study to Determine the Extent of Which Pupils of the 8B Grade Have Mastered Concepts in United States History and Civics, Berenice Smith
A Study to Determine the Mastery of Geographical Terms by Pupils in Grade 7B, Sister Mary Bernadette Schaber
A Study to Determine the Relative Inflence of the Three Types of Competition on Achievement in Arithmetic, Gertrude Maleszka
A Survey of Employment Trends for All Occupations in the City of New York during the Years 1929, 1933, 1935, Charles A Grant
A Survey of Guidance Facilities in the Ten Largest Catholic Secondary Schools for Girls in the Archdiocese of New York, Marie Theresa Gallagher
A Survey of Juvenile Delinquency among Boys From Catholic Parochial Elementary Schools in Essex County, New Jersey, Danial A Murphy
A Survey of Recent Criticism of Beowulf, Helen Mary Marks
A Survey of the Aged Program of Catholic Charities in the Borough of Brooklyn, 1948, Joan Benigna Riordan
A Survey of the Curricula of Schools of Social Services, Kathryn Rita Danahee
A Survey of the Guidance Facilities Provided for the Crippled Child in New York City, Ruth M Cowans
A Survey of the Guidance Programs and Educational Procedures for the Gifted in Forty Elementary Schools of Nassau County, Ruth C Cowles
A Survey of the Public and Private Recreational Facilities in the St. Mary's Park Area of the Bronx, New York to Ascertain Need for a Boy's Club of New York in That Area, Richard Francis Pfeifer
A Survey of the Radio Interests and Listening Habits of 358 Elementary School Students, Dorothea English Murphy
A Symbolic Interpretation of Pythagorean Number, William Conlon
A Sympathetic Study of Seneca in Exile, Patrocola Tschabrunn
A Synthesis and Presentation of Select Writings of Saint Augustine's De Civitate Dei, Charles B Murphy
A Test of Fechner's Paradox in Terms of Critical Flicker Frequency, Everett J Delahanty
A Tribute To Bob Gumbs and Harriet McFeeters: Two Community Leaders Who Changed the Way We View Bronx History, Mark Naison
Attah-Mensah, Nana, Bronx African American History Project
At the 'Roots' of Italian Identity: 'Race' and 'Nation' in the Italian Risorgimento, 1796-1870, Edoardo Marcello Barsotti
Attitudes of Adolescent Users and Non-Users of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Toward Peers, Danielle Ann Battaglia
Augustine the Stoic: An Examination of Man's Relation to God in the Philosophies of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Saint Augustine of Hippo, Grace M Natoli
A Unit-Project Plan for the Teaching of Biology, Mildred Marietta Theus
Automation: A Sociological Interpretation, Peter Chang
A Vocational Survey: Costume and Millinery Industries of New York City, Alice M Boland
A Wise Father's Instruction: A Critical Study, Jeanne Smith
A Woman’s Place is in the Resistance: An Ecofeminist Response to Climate Change, Olivia Johnson
Backgrounds, Sources and Peculiarities of Young's Night Thoughts, James D Alberse
Bailey, Helen, Bronx African American History Project
Bailey, Mary, Bronx African American History Project
Bailey, Shirley, Bronx African American History Project
Bailey, Shirley, Bronx African American History Project
Bailey, Shirley, Mark Naison
Banking in Nassau County: June 1947 to June 1955, Bernard P Bernsten
Barriers and Progress in Diversity Training: Educators Working to Reduce Their Implicit Bias, Sara Cecile Skluzacek
Barriers for Sexual Assertiveness in Sexual Minority Emerging Adult Women, Nitzan Cohen
Bataan, Joe, Bronx African American History Project
Baupim, Veronica, Bronx African American History Project
Beauty and the Beast: Plastic Pollution in the Personal Care and Cosmetics Industry, Olivia Frantzeskos
Beckford, Hugh, Bronx African American History Project
Behavior of Supernumerary Chromosomes During Microsporogenesis in a Bivalent and 1 Univalent (2n+3) Plant, Xanthisma texanum, D.C, Maurice Yankow
Be/Leaving: The Spiritual Quest of Women Leaving the Catholic Church and Its Implications for Ministry, Elyse Berry
Bellarmine's Knowledge of Anglicana, Charles A Wollesen
Belton, Frank, Bronx African American History Project
Bertrand Du Guesclin: His Part in the Liberation of France, Avellino Poirier
Bertrand Russell's Theory of Knowledge of the External World, Edward V Daubner
Bessarabia, Balkan Pawn of the Great Powers, Margaret M Walsh
Beyond Burnout: Aquired Capability for Suicide and Suicidal Ideation in Mental Health Professionals, Vincent P Corcoran
Beyond the Test in Making the Case!, Elizabeth Gil
Biology of Epidemiology, Dolorosa Grauer
Birds and Beasts in Anglo Saxon Poetry, Francis J Tomedy
Blakeney, James, Bronx African American History Project
Blake's Indebtedness to Isaac Watts and Charles Wesley, Thomas J Marshall
Boswell's Independence of Mind, Mary Aloyse Lubin
Braithewaithe, Kwame, Bronx African American History Project
Braithwaite, John, Bronx African American History Project
Breaking Point: How Migrant Crises Have Influenced the Rise of Far-Right Parties in Italy, Germany, and the UK, Theadora Serena Petropoulos
Breaking Point: The Ironic Evolution of Psychiatry in World War II - APPENDIX A, Rebecca Schwartz Greene
Breaking Point: The Ironic Evolution of Psychiatry in World War II - APPENDIX B, Rebecca Schwartz Greene
Brewington, Dean, Bronx African American History Project
Brief Resume of Growth Promoting Substances in Plants Since 1931, Virginia S Considine
Brindle, Donna, Bronx African American History Project
Building Teachers’ Capacity to Support Elementary Student Belonging through Professional Learning Communities, Kelly Ann Paplin
Burke, Pitt, and the Letters on a Regicide Peace, Joseph V Hamilton
Burke's Loss at Bristol Reviewed in the Light of New Sources, Peter Clifford
Business Education in the Secondary Schools of the Archdiocese of New York, Louise Reilly
Cable's Treatment of the Creoles, Mildred A Pallez
Can Education Be Separated From Religion?, Lawrence Joseph Catherine A Malanaphy
Canon Sheehan and Social Reform (His Fiction as a Reflection of the Encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII), Alice M Vale
Capital Formation and Economic Growth in Developing Countries, Luis P. Olivares
Cardinal Gibbons and the Labor Movement in the United States, Bernard B Galway
Carlyle and Catholicism, Edward McBride
Case Studies in the Use of the Prelection of the Jesuit Ratio Studiorum, Cornelius J Carr
Case Studies of Eighty-Four Deviates From a Demerit System of Discipline, Clara Elizabeth Baldwin
Case Studies of Normal Pupils in Slow Progress Groups, Irene Marie Dailey
Case Studies of Twenty-One Children Committed to Angel Guardian Home by the Domestic Relations Court, Children's Division in 1942, 1943 and 1944, Jean Gailhac Walker
Causes and Remedies of Pedagogical Retardation, Mary R. T Bailey
Changes in Glycogen During the Embryogenesis of the Mealworm Tenebrio molitor L, Louis J Ramazzotto
Changing Conceptions of Childhood (1750 to Present Time), Veronica M Smith
Changing Factors in Professional Social Work: A Study of Rising Professional Standards During the Ten-Year Period, 1924-1934, Katherine Anne McVeigh
Character Analysis in the Poetic Novels of Ramón Pérez de Ayala, Marcus Pizzolato
Character Education in Some City School Systems, John C McDermott
Characterization and Nomenclature in the Novellas Contemporáneas of Benito Pérez Galdós, Rose Anita Cerna
Characterization in the Plays of the Chester Cycle, Mary of the Holy Spirit Devereux
Chasing Connections: A Phenomenological Study of How Returning Citizens Develop Close Relationships in a Restorative Community Program, Donald C. Garner
Chaucer's Pilgrims and Chaucer's Religion, Mary Victorian Burns
Chaucer's Treatment of Constance in The Man of Law's Tale, Mary Leonilla Bernard
Children's Choices in Reading in the Seventh and Eighth Grades, Marie Naughton
Children's Choices of Catholic Poetry in Grades Four, Five, and Six, Bernard Ledger
Child-Welfare: A Study of the Degree of Communication and the Quality of Relationship Existing Between the Cottage Mothers and the Children at Little Flower House of Providence, 1966-1967, Josephine Camille Caruso
Christian Element in the Beowulf: Review of the Controversy, Gabrielle I Kaffan
Christian Schools and Scholars in the Early Persecutions, Genevieve Marie Camera
Christopher Dawson's Theory of the Relation Between Religion and Culture, Paul Kenny
Christ, the Great Teacher, Mother M Edward
Cicero and Caesar (63-54 B.C.): A Study of Carcopino's Criticisms, Eugene B O'Brien
Claves y Complicidades de los Signos en el Universo Digital de Belén Gache, Gioconda Marun
Clergy Self-Care for Cross-Racially/Cross-Culturally Appointed Pastors in the United Methodist Church, Sukja Bang
Climate-Induced Displacement: Gaps in Protection, Security, and Response, Julia M Britto
Cognitive and Biological Predictors of Depressive Symptomology in a Diverse Sample of New York City Adolescents, Kelly Barry
Cognitive and Psychosocial Predictors of Immunosuppressive Medication Nonadherence in Adult Liver Transplant Recipients, Claire Dunphy
Colonial Newtown, a Village in Queen's County, Long Island, Clare J Ruane
Colorism Trauma among Black Southern Women: A Grounded Theory Study, Kathleen Marie Schmid Floyd
Communism: The United Front in America, Gertrude L Finnegan
Commynes and Montesquieu as Historians, Maria-Julia Palffy
Comparative Study of the Results Obtained by Forty Freshmen of Notre Dame College in the State Prescribed Tests, Mary Lucile Rothgery
Comparing Telehealth Instructional Methods for Language Development Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Courtney Jean Crawford
Comparison of the Siège de Barbastre and the Bueves de Commarchis, Thomas E Vesce
Competing Voices: Effective and Pastoral Preaching in a Changing Catholic Parish, John Cantirino
Competition and Its Relationship to Student Performance and Wellness, Donald R Schels
Composition: Methods and Devices for Vitalizing It, Catherine Sullivan
Compositions and Letters of Seventh and Eighth-Grade Girls, Rose Virginie Esposito
Compostion Errors of Second-Grade Children's Directed and Undirected Themes, Marion Cotter O'Brien
Consequences of U.S. Intervention in Socialist Latin America, William Chao
Considering a Self-Objectification, Interoceptive Awareness, and Disordered Eating Mediation Model Across Racial/Ethnic Groups of Women, Tamar J Schwartz
Contemporary Political Allusions in the De Officiis of Cicero, Mary Luke Curry
Contribution of Microglia and Müller Cells to Retinal Degeneration Due to MerTk Deficiency, Deborah Sarah Lew
Contributions of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart to Education in Italy and the United States, Mother Stella Maris Roniger
Contributions Toward a Glossary of Critical Terms in John Dryden's Essays, Aida Luz Perez
Control and Suicidality: Associations Among Perceived Control, Desire for Control, Causal Uncertainty, and Suicidal Ideation, Justyna Maria Jurska
Control-Display Association Stereotypes in Sequential Panel Arrangements, Michael V Fiore
Controlling the Contamination: Preventing Environmental Impacts of Combined Sewage Overflows in NYC, Samiur R. Turjja
Correlation Between Illinois Examination and Teacher's Judgment, Mary Pascaline Raabe
Counselors' Manual for Clear Pool Camp, of the Madison Square Boys' Club, Carmel, N.Y., Stanley Thomas Sajecki
Course-of-Study Constancy in English Grammar Revealed by New York State Elementary School Courses 1889-1938, Margaret Mary Crowley
Courtly Love in Erec et Enide, Cligès, Lancelot and Yvain of Chrétien De Troyes, Neil R Cronin
Coventry Patmore's Literary Reputation, 1884–1952, Alice Regina Epes
Creating a Home in the World: The Gift of Family Catechesis Within and Beyond the Archdiocese of New York, Caroline Cunningham
Creating and Sustaining a Sense of Belonging through Explicit Teacher Practice, Trisha Nugent Fitzgerald
Creating Democratic Citizens and the Right to Public Space, Saille Caia Murray
Crier, Arthur, Bronx African American History Project
Crime Causation Stressing Environmental Influences, Joseph J Cooney
Critical Consciousness Development in White Youth: The Role of the Perceived Racial Context, Brandon Dull
Critical Flicker Frequency and Several Measures of Intellectual Functioning in Adolescent and Young Adults Males, William J Baker
Critical Flicker Frequency and Some Intellectual Functions in Young Female Adults, Barbara A Roesch
Criticism and the Creative Writer, Winchester L Sydnor
Croatia and the Treaty of London, 1914-1917, Anthony Niseteo
Cross-National Perceptions of Trauma, Sara A Romero
Cruse, Harrison Jr., Bronx African American History Project
Cultivating a Schoolwide Culture for the Successful Integration of K-5 Students with Significant Disabilities, Tashia A Brown
Cultural Capital and Academic Advising for International Students, Bernard Daraz
Cunningham, James and Cunningham, Margaret, Bronx African American History Project
Cytoplasmic Secretioon in Vertebrate Gland Cells (With Special Reference to the Pancreatic Acinar Cell), John E. Kouba
Czechoslovakia and the Treaty of St. Germain, Philip A Grant
Daniel H. Chamberlain: His Political Career, 1866-1876, Doris A Esposito
Dark Adaptation of Retinal Fields of Different Size and Location, James Barta
Deliberatio Domini Pape Innocentii Super Facto Imperii De Tribus Electis, Vincent Peter Lannie
Delivering Exposure and Response Prevention for Contamination Fear During the COVID-19 Health Crisis: Clinicians’ Attitudes and Emotional Reactions, Charlene Minaya
Democracy in Principal-Teachers Relations: A Literature Study, Loretta Veronica Schwarz
Demographic and Social Aspects of Brazilian Amazonia, Jose De Sousa Bettencourt
Departmental Teaching in the Grammar Grades: An Examination of Its Application in the Schools of Rockland County, Thomas J Smith
De Sancto Martino Confessore : A Tenth Century Homily in the Vercelli Book, Maria Ester Herrera
Description of the Characters in Pliny, Elizabeth Christine English
Design in Anthony Trollope's Novels of the Barchester Series, Mary Edward Gira
Developmental Differences in Children’s Problem-Solving Approaches During Educational Digital Game Play, Harneet Kaur Sahni
Developmental Trends and Group Differences in Moral Judgment in Children, Helen Mary Lodge
Development of an Ultra Brief Version of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-6), Sara Wilkerson
Development of the Institutional Child Since the Doherty Report, Joseph B O'Shea
Development of the Methods of Teaching Music in American Public Schools, Conrad A Richard
Development of the Thinking Powers in Children, Wilfrid McMahon
Diagnosing the Health and Outlook of Democracy in Benin, Daniel Bălțoi
Differentiating Professional Requirements for the Junior High School Teacher, John Parkinson
Digital Activism as a Tool in Fostering Collective Resilience and Empowerment amid COVID-19, Kabeel Mohyudin Dosani
Digital Agriculture in Africa: An Ethnographic Study of Global Online Networking and Resource Mobilization on Mfangano Island, Ian James Muir Smith
Diocesan Systems of Uniform Elementary School Examinations, Estella Arnold
Dionysius Lambinus and the Codex Bertinianus, J. Stanley Bowe
Discontinuity in Catholic Education: A Study of the Catholic School System of One Large City, Rita Cecilia Fox
Discordance Between Subjective and Physiological Emotional Reactivity Among Individuals with Nonsuicidal Self-injury, Caroline S Holman
Distress Tolerance Predicts Substance Use Motivations and Problems in Young Adults Across Four Continents, Grace Anderson
Distribution of Phosphorus in the Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus) as Determined by Two Methods of Fractionation, Mary Rose Gurnee
Doctor Samuel Johnson's Views on Originality, Pacita R Icasiano
Does Medium Matter? Examining Calibration Accuracy, Comprehension Performance, and Computer Familiarity among Adolescents, Dezmarie Hines
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento as a Promoter of Education in Argentina and Chile, Mary Aquinas (Gunn)
Don Bosco, Educator, Michael J Maiocco
Doomscrolling: How Science Journalism Can Fight Climate Despair, Rachel Gow
Dramatic Elements in the Middle English Lyric, Elizabeth A Jarrett
Dynamic Resource Management Schemes for Containerized Deep Learning Applications, Vaishali Sharma
Early Diplomatic Relations Between Britain and Mexico, 1822-1824: A Study on Recognition, José A Villegas Mendoza
Early English Travellers to India, Helen M Curtin
Economic Aspects of the Constitution of the United States, Aloysius Leary
Economic Factors to Be Considered in a Building Program, John F McIver
Economics Serving Politics: China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mariyyah Aqelah Sulaiman
Edmund Burke, Dr. Thomas Hussey and the Establishment of Maynooth Seminary, Noel T Murphy
Educating for Unity in Diversity: Religious Education for Transformation in the Context of Everyday Religious Conflict in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia, Alexander Hendra Dwi Asmara
Educational Advantages of Oral Composition, Daniel J Cahill
Educational Aims of Their Application in the Teaching of English Literature, Marie Seraphine Dolan
Educational Guidance: A Solution of the High School Problem, M. Cyril Aaron
Educational Work of the American Jesuits in the Philippine Islands, Therese M Cervini
Education Belongs to the Parents First, to the State Last, Meinrad Joseph Rouck
Education in Ancient Egypt and Influence, Robert Joseph Tolle
Education in the United States: A State or a Federal Function, Brother Finan
Edward Douglass White, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, 1894-1911, Robert F. McBride
Edward Douglass White, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1910-1921, Francis Kelly Scheets
Efficient Resource Management for Deep Learning Applications with Virtual Containers, Wenjia Zheng
Elementary Teacher Stress and Students with Disabilities: Examining the Link between Coping and Training, Elyssa Magee
Elements of Mental Hygiene, Mary J Walsh
Emancipating “The Unfortunates”: The Anti-slavery Society, the United States, the United Nations, and the Decades-Long Fight to Abolish the Saudi Arabian Slave Trade, Nicholas J DeAntonis
Emerging Adult Women with a Sibling with a Disability: Plans for the Future and Perspectives on Marriage and Motherhood, Madeline A Free
Emotional Factors and Social Skills in Children with ADHD: The Roles of Anger Dysregulation and Temperamental Positive Affect, Erica Danielle Ferrara
Engaging Female Students in Judaic Studies through Student-Centered Learning, Sari Mayer
Engaging in Appreciative Inquiry to Understand and Support Middle School Boys’ Motivation to Read, Amy Kaiser
English Circulating Libraries in the Eighteenth Century, Joan Mary Farrell
English Elegiac Poetry, 1560 - 1660, Madalena Gilroy
English in the Secondary Schools, M. Edward Mabel Hastings
English Policy Toward France, 1623-1627: Origins of the Anglo-French War of 1627, Francis Paul Cancelliere
Equity in Process, Bryan E Clark
Ernest Psichari, His Search for Truth, Rita B O'Mara
Essays in Auditing and Capital Markets, Joseph A Micale
Essays in Demographic and Health Economics, Wei Chen
Essays on Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policies, Yichen Shao
Essays on Employment, Job Search, and Retirement, Valentinas Rudys
Essays on Industry Specialization, Job Mobility and Wages, Justine Hervé
Essays on Intergenerational Mobility, Rafia Zafar
Essays on International Spillovers, Carlos David Payan
Essays on Trade, Infrastructure and Development, Mitali Pradhan
Ethics as a Basis for Social Work, Joseph Justin Kelleher
Etienne Gilson and the Concept of Christian Philosophy, Oscar Niederberger
Europeans Are Lovin'It? Coca Cola, McDonald's and the Responses to American Global Businesses in Italy and France, 1886-2015, Giulia Crisanti
Evaluating the Predictive Validity of the COMPAS Across Psychiatric Diagnoses, Aidan Collins
Evaluation of Postsecondary Readiness Performance Outcomes in Career and Technical Education High Schools in New York City, Seung Chang Yu
Evaluation of the Philosophy of Education of Francois Fenelon, Alcantara Hennessey
Evaluation of the Project Method in Education, Mary Rosina
Evolution and Ecology of Urban Pigeons (Columba livia) in Northeastern North America, Elizabeth Jane Carlen
Evolution of Prosper Mérimée's Short Story Technique, Viktoria Skrupskelis
Examining Maternal Social and Emotional Experiences as Predictors of Preschool-Aged Children's Social-Emotional Competence, Lisa Winn Levenson
Examining Reflexive Responsivity to Emotion as an Explanatory Model for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Jeannette Mason Reid
Examining the Impact of Community Violence Through Meaning Making, Kathrine Lizzette Hernandez
Examining the Role of Obsessive Beliefs in Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, Mia Han Weed
Examining the Role of Resilience and Grit on the Functioning of Youth with Chronic Medical Conditions, Eric Riklin
Examining the Role of Responsivity Factors in Juvenile Probation Outcomes, Anthony J Fortuna
Excellence Tempered by Gentleness: Pastoral Care with Elder Religious, Donna M Foley
Exemplarism and Concretion, an Analogical Application of St. Bonaventure's Metaphysical Ideas to the Human Personality, Donald Jerome Considine
Exoticism in Modern French Feminine Literature, Marie De Santis
Expanding Concepts of the Prelection of the Ratio Studiorum, C. Justin Hanley
Experience of Acceptance and Identity Development of Korean American LGB Adults in Long-Term Relationships, Yeseul Jenny Choi
Experimental Investigation of the Moral Judgment of Adolescent Boys, Joseph Gerard Phelan
Explorations in ICT4D Research and Practice: Examples from Nigeria and Pakistan, Joelle Saunders
Exploring the Cumulative Trauma and Abusive Parenting Behaviors among United States Military-Affiliated Mothers, Erica Melissa Ponteen
Exploring White Privilege Conceptions with School Psychology Graduate Interns: A Phenomenological Study, Victoria M Broems
Extent of Continuity of Pupil Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities and the Factors Which Condition Such Continuity, Harold G Froehlich
Extra-Academic Ideals of New York Commissioners of Education Based on the Reports of the Chief State School Officers of New York, Florence A O'Leary
Extra Curricular Activities, Leo I Kearney
Extra-Curricular Activities: A Study of One-Hundred Third and Fourth Year High School Students, Who Have Not Participated in Extra-Curricular Activities, Samuel H Albert
Extra-Curricular Activities in Catholic Secondary Schools: A Study of Selected Schools in New York State, M. Roberta Follmar
Extracurricular Involvement as a Predictor of Social Integration Among First-Generation College Students, George Charles Perron
Factors Affecting the Online Self-Presentation of Black Women on Social Networking Sites, Mahitot Elizabeth Arnold
Factors Influencing Soil Fungal Community Composition and Function in Deciduous Forests, Stephen Kutos
Father Champagnat, One of the Great Christian Educators of the Nineteenth Century, Albert Hamel
Father Harper and Newman's Grammar of Assent, Kevin J Sullivan
Father John Courtney Murray's Church-State Theory and Christian Tradition of Rational Politics, James E Dougherty
Federal Regulation of Bank Holding Companies, John R Arkinstall
Feeding and Digestion in Wood-Destroying Termites, Xavier Bruckwilder
Feminine Secondary Education in the Church, Mary Charlotte
Fénelon, Humanist, Leah H Olsen
Field Prevalence of the "Activities" Recommended by the Modern Foreign Language Study, Henry Joseph Ruiz
Figurative Language in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, Mary B Brady
Financing Agricultural Credits in the Philippines, Narciso M Pineda
Fintech Financial Deepening: Evidence in Peer-to-Peer Lending in China, Zhao Zhao
First Things First: Mission, Relevancy and Supporting Persistence of First-Generation College Students, Marisa Totino Totino Villani
Fitting Propensities of Item Response Theory Models, Ezgi Aytürk Ergin
Folk-Tale Motifs in the Iliad Odyssey, Edward Gannon
Food Conditions and the Law of 1906, Marjorie B Clark
Forest Conservation With Particular Reference to Theodore Roosevelt, Mary Cecilia Whelan
Forging Pathways to Upward Mobility: Supportive Policies and Programs at Institutions of Higher Education, Mica J Rencher
For-Profit Involvement in Humanitarian Affairs, Paul Novak
Foster, Wendell, Mark Naison
Francis James, the Poet of Nature, Teresa D Walsh
Francis Jeffrey's Criticism of Joanna Bailie's Plays, Kathleen B Kearney
Francois Villon: A Critical Appreciation of Modern American Interpretations, Timothy J Burke
Fredegisus the Deacon, John R Klopke
French Influence on the Foreign Policy of John III Sobieski, 1674-1676, Edward F. Wall
French in the Elementary School Curriculum, Monica O'Connor
French Medieval Education, Norah Theresa Crowley
Friendship Patterns as a Function of Self Concept and Dependency, Mary Patricia Finneran
From the Heart of Catholic Higher Education: Non-Catholic Faculty Perception of Catholic Identity, Alicia D Dhani
Function of the Social Service Department at Misericordia Hospital in New York City, Marion Gertrude Mulligan
Gall Formation With Special Reference to the Gall Caused by Pachypsylla Celtidis-Vesiculum Crawford on Celtis occidentalis L, Cyprian James Walton
Gautier de Coincy and Les Miracles de la Sainte Vierge, Mary Gabriel McDonald
G. E. Moore and the Nature of the Good, James M Shea
General Personality Traits and College Adjustment in Relation to Academic Achievement and Engineering Identity, Alexandra Reder
George Eliot, Social Satirist of Middelmarch, Mary de Lourdes Dougherty
George Grenville 1766-1770 Alliance With the Rockingham Whigs, Mary Loyola Hamilton
George Nicholas Sanders: "Young American", John R Clark
German Education Under the Influence of American Occupational Forces: A Study in Planned Institutional Change, Jean Mary Murphy
Giraldus Cambrensis and the Lost Cause of Menevia, Florence C Mulligan
"Given as a Sign": Circumcision and Bodily Discourse in Late Antique Judaism and Christianity, M. Adryael Tong
Giving a Voice to CSTEP Directors: Transformative Leaders of University Equity Initiatives, Renaldo Diaz Alba
Goldoni's Teatro Comico and Its Relation to His Reform and to the "Commedia dell'Arte", Lucia Piracci Ruggieri
Goodwin, Welvin, Bronx African American History Project
Graced Collaboration: An Integrated Program for Addiction Recovery Based on the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, Nina Marie Corona
Group Experience in Polish Education, Doloria Jaracz
Group Procedures in the Ratio Studiorum, Hubert Sixt
Growth and Development of Parochial Schools in the Archdiocese of Boston, Marie Eustella Norton
Growth and Graduality in Vergil's Bucolics, Harrison Troyano
Growth and Poverty in Africa: A Spatial Econometrics Perspective, El Mechry El Koudouss
Günther Anders’s Epitaph for Aikichi Kuboyama, Babette Babich
G. Vico - In Search of Revolutionary Ideas in Ancient Wisdom, Irena Lombroso
Habit Formation, Frederick J Fordrung
Hamilton's Engine of Finance in the Congress and the Courts, Patrick J Kennedy
Hawaii: Her Diplomatic Relations With the United States, 1820 - 1893, Marion E Marren
Health and Social Experiences of Asian American and Pacific Islanders in the United States Military, James Byung Park
Health Education With Special Attention to the Adolescent Girl, Mary Augustine Genevieve Ryder
Hegel's Ethical Development, John J Ansbro
Henri Bergson's Intuitive Aesthetics, Patricia A Cicogna
Henry de France and His Role in the Schism of 1159, Bernard F Twomey
Historical Backgrounds of Health Education in the Elementary Schools of the United States of America, Ruth Anna Guinon
Historical Educational Policy Study on School Closures and School Choice During the Bloomberg Administration, Danielle Terrilyn Chatman
History as a School Subject, William J Quinn
History of Pre-Revolutionary Education in Virginia, Maude F Downey
History of Public Elementary Education in Staten Island, New York, Elizabeth Burfield
History of the Apostolate of the Catholic Church to the Deaf in the Archdiocese of New York, Thomas F McCaffrey
History of the Contribution of the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus to the Cause of Education in Florida, Rosalina O'Neill
History of the Individualization of Instruction, Daniel J Shea
Homeroom Practices in Selected Junior High Schools of New York City, Miriam Edwin Pentony
Homiletic Training in a Diocesan Program of Formation for Permanent Deacons: Making It the Best It Can Be, Paul St. Laurent
Honesty of Parochial School Children in Classroom Situations: A Study of Degree, Attitudes and Motives Regarding Honesty in Classroom Situations Among Children of One Parochial School, Maria Catherine Andreoli
Horace's Iter Brundisinum: Some Recent Contributions, Enrique Portilla
How a Formal Mentoring Program Affects Mentors' Attitudes Toward Racial/Ethnic Groups and Socioeconomic Inequality, Savannah B Simpson
Hrotsvitha as a Dramatist, John Joseph Woods
Humanitarian Works in the North during the Civil War, Ruth K Moriarty
Ideal Womanhood as Portrayed in Robert Greene's Heroines, Agnes Marie MacCauley
Identity Concealment and Centrality: Links to Mental Health in Transgender Adults, Daniel James Alonso
Ignoring Native Voices: Environmental and Cultural Impact of Oil Pipelines, Nicolette Makris
Immunities Other Than Judicial Granted to Clerics in the Fourth Century, John Gavin Nolan
Impact of Discrimination on Adolescent Well-Being: The Mediating Roles of American and Ethnic-Racial Identities, Candace J Mootoo
Impact of Distributed Leadership on Technology Implementation, Jasmine Nicole McQuay
Important Factors of Catholic Education, Francis Patrick Catherine V Morrissy
Improbability in Shakespeare's Comedies, Charles F Donovan
Improving Literacy for Elementary School Black Boys through Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Professional Learning Communities, Bridget Holloman
Improving SDG Classification with Topic Models and Combinatorial Fusion, Ilyas Orazbek
Improving Student Discipline and School Climate by Intentionally Building Positive Student-Teacher Relationships, Kathryn Burke Adelsberger
Improving Teacher Capacity for Early Childhood Nature-Based Education Through a Professional Learning Community, Felicia M Vinces
Improving the Mathematics Achievement of Middle School Students, Josef Dylan Haas
Incompatibility between Class Load and Study Time in the American Minor Seminary, Everett F Briggs
Increasing Reading Proficiency Through Building Knowledge in the Science of Reading, Keri Levine
In Deed and in Truth: A Novel, Demetrius Manousos
Individuality in the Class Room, St. M Plywaczyk
Industrial Education in Ireland Since 1889, Helen P Sheahan
Influence of Enlightenment on Education, Frances Agnes Calame
Influence of Malebranche on Hume, Gertrude Veronica Brady
Influencers, Cognitive Goods, and Labor Conditions in the Platform Economy: Delving into the Careers of Influencers in North America and South Asia, Saiba Dilnaz Haque
Innocent III and Monastic Reform, John V Connorton
Intelligence and Developmental Age, June M Cowles
Interest and Attention Related, Helen Joseph Powers
Intermediate Education in Ireland, 1878-1924, Christopher C Sterling
Internet and the Environment: A Catalyst to Consumerism and Environmental Degradation, Monica Stanovic
Internet Usage in Political Activism and its Outcomes: Hong Kong and Black Lives Matter, Elika Imanaga
Investigating Pathways of Medication (Non)Adherence in Adolescent Solid Organ Transplant Patients: The Correspondence Analysis Approach, Sarah Duncan-Park
Investigation of the Foveal Luminosity Curves of Deuteranomalous Subjects when Employing Critical Flicker Frequency, Rudolph A Eckhardt
Investigation of the Relationship Between Level of Aspiration and Certain Personality Characteristics, Mary Gregory O'Hare
“In Your Light, We See Light” Religious Education Through the Homily in the Coptic Orthodox Church, Daniel Habib
Irish Immigration in the 1840's, James J Flynn
Irish Parliamentary Politics, 1767-1775, with Attention to the Views of Edmund Burke, Denis Osterhaus
Is Cerebrovascular Disease a Core Pathological Feature of Alzheimer’s Disease? Examination of a Sample of Spanish-speaking Latinx Older Adults with Late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease, Fawad Hassan Viqar
Is La Salle an Educational Genius?, Frederick Joseph Burkert
Issues in Consumer Education for High Schools, Vincent Dolores Fosket
Item Analysis of Stanford-Binet Performance of Institutional Children in Comparison With the Standardization Sample, Elizabeth J Beck
Iterative Qubits Management for Quantum Search, Wenrui Mu
Jack London, His Works and His Philosophy, John E Backus
Jacob Burckhardt's Philosophy of History, Franziska Hinzmann
James G. Blaine and His Contribution to Pan-Americanism, M. Francis Shanahan
James Lusk Alcorn: Mississippi Reconstruction Leader, Lillian A Pereyra
Jane Austen's Debt to Fanny Burney, Alacoque Maguire
Japan's Policy in China and Its Influences Upon Japanese-American and Sino-American Relations, Ruth V Kelly
Jewish Teachers’ Experience with Religious Microaggressions in Public Schools in the United States, Keren Fefer Adler
Job-Placement Practices in Selected Secondary Schools of Northern New Jersey, Patrick Joseph Caulfield
John August Roebling, Inventor and Bridgebuilder, Mary Raimondo Bartus
John Dryden's Literary Quarrels, Robert A Kantra
John Henry Newman's Concept of Rhetoric, David F Rea
John Lancaster Spalding, Representative American Catholic Education, Adelaide O'Gorman
Johnson's French Tour: Some Biographical Notes, Hélène du Sacré-Coeur Bonin
John Wilkes, George III and the Gordon Riots, Mark H Jackson
Jonathan Boucher and the American Revolution, Marie Norbert Weber
Josiah Strong: Nationalist and Prophet of the Social Gospel, Maty Amadeus McKevitt
Journalists vs. Authoritarians: The State of Press Freedoms in Hungary, Turkey, and Egypt, Allison Lecce
J. Pierpont Morgan and the Railroads, Rita Claire Austin
Khoule, Manadou, Bronx African American History Project
Knowledge and Imagination in Hume's Treatise of Human Nature, Constance Mary Hottenroth
Kostes Palamas and the Twelve Speeches of the Gypsy, Nicholas G Paschalides
Labor's Struggle for Industrial Status in the United States Steel Corporation, Gabrielle Healey
La Fontaine Et Buffon Dans Leurs Descriptions Des Animaux, Francis Louise L'Esperance
Language and Letter-Form Errors of Third-Grade Children's Life Letters, Lawrence C Knaphle
Language and Metalanguage in the Symbolic Logic of Hans Reichenbach, Martha Elizabeth Fetsko
Latin in the Secondary Schools, Agnes M Navins
Leadership by Design: How a Team Experience Shaped Teachers’ Views of Themselves as Leaders, Elizabeth Gil
Leading Professional Learning, Mary Ford
Legacy of the Armenian Genocide: The Power of Attachment and Ethnic Orientation on Intergenerational Trauma, Katrina Maritza Selverian
Legislation for the Settlement of Labor Disputes in the United States, Robert J Duffy
Leibniz and the "Principle of Existence", Wallace E Northover
Leon Olle-Laprune's Philosophy of Life, Margaret M Feeney
Leopoldo Alas: The Man and the Critic, Samuel J O'Neill
Les Poetes Du Terroir Au Canada, John Arthur Tardif
Leveraging Spatio-Temporal Data Science Techniques on Non-Stop Smart Sensing to Improve Health and Well-Being, Yugyeong Kim
Ligon,Glenn, Bronx African American History Project
Linkages Between Biculturalism and Executive Functioning Among Immigrant Latinx-American Youth, Jenny A Arevalo
Literature and Character Education, Seymour Rothschild
Locked Inside: The Importance of New York City’s Parks in the Wake of COVID-19, Ellena Dickerson
Loyalty in the Philosophy of Josiah Royce, Joseph P Fischer
Lutheran Identity and Adaptability: Concordia-New York and Lutheran Identity Standards, Paul Sauer
Maafa and Youth: Examining the Associations Between Interpersonal Racism, Racial Identity, and Mental Health Problems for Black Male Adolescents, Evan E. J Auguste
Maine De Biran's Theory of Knowledge as Expressed in the Influence of Habit on the Faculty of Thinking, Geraldine F Steiner
Major-General George Henry Thomas during the Post-war Years, 1865–1867, Cecile M McDonnell
Marguerite of Navarre and the Beginnings of the Renaissance in France, Marian Teresa Delitzsch
Marietta J. Tanner, Mark Naison
Maritain's Practical Philosophy: A Philosophy of Culture, James Francis Kane
Mark Antony in the Correspondence of Cicero, Gerard B Lavery
Martinez, Maximo, Mark Naison
Marxist Philosophy of Religion, Matthias Chen
Mary in the Devotional Literature of the Old Irish Period, Eleanor McLoughlin
Materials for a History of Tintern Abbey, Edith M James
Matthew Arnold and James Macpherson, Edward C O'Connor
Matthew Arnold: The Problem of the Imagination, Charles R Inserillo
Max Scheler's Theory of Love, David A Dilworth
Measurement of General Interests and Interests Relevant to Vocation Aim Among Religious Women, M. Odelia Urschalitz
Measuring and Improving the Reading Ability of Lithuanian Children, Anna J. M. Aloysia Yurgutis
Measuring Disaster Resilience at the Aggregate and Regional Level, Donna Mae M. Odra
Medical Missions, A Social Problem, Dorothy J Willmann
Medieval Allusions in The Gentleman's Magazine (1731-1799), Conrad Leo Chorman
Medieval Colleges, Mary Assumpta
Meeting the Needs of Students—It’s More Than Just Your ABCs, Elizabeth Gil
Memorial for the City: An Essay in Interpretation, Christina M Eccles
Mental Healthcare Provisions for Veterans Living in U.S. Cities, Victoria L McDonald
Mentoring Experiences of Afro-Caribbean Women Principals in an Urban Context, Magalie Exavier Alexis
Mesa, Gloria, Bronx African American History Project
Methods of Teaching Health in the Intermediate Grades, Stressing Correlation with Other Subjects, Mary Rita Grace Ryan
Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools Based on Yearbooks of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: 1926-1946, John Steven Benassi
Mills, Kenneth, Bronx African American History Project
Milton's Tractate on Education and Locke's Thoughts Concerning Education: A Comparative Study, Monica Bero
Mindfulness as a Potential Buffer of Stereotype Threat for Underrepresented Minority Females in STEM, Sarah Michelle Sorenson
Mind Your Memory: Remembering, Forgetting, and Mental Manipulation in Early Modern Literature, Amina H Tajbhai
Mission Education in the Catholic School, Anita Cecelia Feeney
Modern English Deontological Ethics, George L Donaldson
Modern Tendencies in Education, Edna Marie Carlin
Modifications of the Marxian Dialectics in V.I. Lenin, Dominick A Iorio
Monocular Movement Parallax Thresholds as a Function of Two Types of Stimulus Objects in a Small Field Size, Amedeo P Giorgi
Monocular Visual Persistence-Time as a Function of the Intensity of White Light, William C Obert-Thorn
Monographies on Occupations Pharmacist, Direct Mail Advertising Specialist, Display Man, Air Conditioning Engineer, Lawrence M Kane
Mood’s Disclosure of Interrelatedness: A Phenomenological Analysis, Corey Steiner
Morality and the Newspaper, Nicolas J Russo
Motivation in Acts of Choice: An Experimental Study, William C Bier
Mo Tzu and Moism, Hilda Chao
Music in the Secondary Schools of the United States, M. Perpetua Caroline Newton
National Federalism, Hasan M Tiro
Nationalism in Gaelic Poetry of the Eighteenth Century, Charles S McManus
Native Opposition to the Elizabethan Land Policy in Ireland, Rita E Flaherty
Naturally Occurring Polyploidy in Amaranthus splendens Tricolor, Thomas Joseph O'Donnell
Nesbitt, Robert, Bronx African American History Project
Newman and Contemporary Romanticists, Carmel Purcell
New Voices of Change: Transformative Community Organizing of New Immigrants in the U.S. A Case-Study of RUSA LGBTQ+, Tanzilya Oren
New York City Waterfront Development in the Post-Sandy Era: The East Side Coastal Resiliency Project and Community Response, Zhanna Zakirzianova
New York State's Surpluses and Their Use in the Postwar Reconstruction, Capital Construction and Tax Stabilization Reserve Funds, James F Gallagher
Nicole Oresme: A Preliminary Study of Nominalist Influence on Early Modern Science, Joan B Quick
Nietzsche’s Experience of the Eternal Return, Pierre Klossowski
Norice, Carmelle, Mark Naison
Normal and Abnormal Personality Correlates of Distress Tolerance, María Martín López
Notes on the Relations between Faith and Reason according to Duns Scotus, Romeo Demers
Novice Principals’ Perspectives regarding In-Service Training and Their Self-Efficacy, Jennifer Anne Eusanio
Novice Undergraduate Instructors’ Perceived Readiness for Teaching Online in Higher Education, Nicole Zeidan
Nutrient Limitations for Harmful Algal Blooms in Urban Water Bodies in Queens, NY, Kimarie Vinny Yap
Observations of Some Lymphatic-Venous Communications, John J O'Brien
Observations on the Implantation of Regenerating Tissue in the Newt, Triturus viridescens (Rafinesque), Andrew J Chiarodo
On the Content and Form of the Prayers in Sophocles, John S Creaghan
On the Road to Translanguaging in a Dual Language Classroom: Teaching Math and Science in Mandarin and English, Xiaodi Zhou
On Three Poems Traditionally Assigned to Virgil: Vir Bonus, Est Et Non, De Rosis Nascentibus, Catherine C Phelan
Operations of the Civilian Enterprise Newspaper: The Monmouth Message, William M Callinan
Opinion Concerning the Cistercian Order, 1098-1153, Bernard L Doyle
Ordained Presidency: Education, Faith and Social Activism: The Leadership of Dr. Calvin Otis Butts, S. Raschaad Hoggard
Orientalism in the Works of Gustave Flaubert, Richard Dady Sheehan
Ovid's Treatment of Mythology in the Ars Amatoria, Anthony W Fitzgerald
Paired Comparison Ratings on Impulsiveness Compared with Some Tests of Impulsiveness, Daniel O'Neill
Parallel Allusions in Juvenal and Tacitus, John R. W Cahill
Parallel Passages in Cicero's De Natura Deorum and the Divinatione, Richard J Cotter
Partners in Mission: Conscientious Leadership of Chief Diversity Officers in Catholic Higher Education, Michael R Trerotola
Pastoral Response to the Challenges of Parents’ Choice of Unqualified and Non-Practicing Persons as Godparents, Francis Kwame Asagba
Pathos in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Grace Mary Flick
Patrick H. Pearse, Artist, Educator and Patriot, Charles Ambrose Egan
Patterns of Satire in The Dunciad, Antonio T Leetai
Paul Bourget and His Religious Concepts, Rudolph J Mondelli
Peer Workers in the Hospital Setting: The Roles and Experiences Providing Addiction Support, Monique Lalane
Perceptions about the Relational and Operational Practices of African American Female Chief Executive Officers, Theodicia Collins
Personal Values as Selective Factors in Perception, Cyril R McGinnis
Pestalozzianism in the United States, Francis Joseph McCaffrey
Peter of Tarentaise: A Biographical Study of the Twelfth Century, Lawrence Francis Barmann
Peterson, Robert, Mark Naison
Phantasm and Phantasy in Aristotle and St. Thomas, John G O'Hara
Phenomenological Inquiry of Widowed Fathers’ Experiences with Bereavement and Meaning-Making, Sara Cunningham
Philargyrian Scholia in the Scholia Bernensia to Virgil's Eclogues, Peter Stewart
Philip II and the Leaders of the Netherlands Nobility, 1560-1570, Mary Euphrasia O'Keefe
Philosophy and Science in the Work of Henri Bergson, Mary A O'Connor
Physical Conditions as Contributing Factors in Behaviour Problems, Claire Marie Fitzgerald
Picturing Emotions: Women Novelists and Aesthetic Theories, 1660–1820, Berna Artan
Placement Disruption in Therapeutic Foster Care: Foster Parents' Perspectives on Maintaining Placement Stability, Patrice Barnes
Plato and Petrarch in the Poetry of Louise Labe, Florence Marie McBarron
Plato and the Tripartite Soul, William F Lynch
Plato's Attitude Toward the Poets and Poetry, Bernard Perry
Pliny the Younger as Provincial Governor of Bithynia, Rose Murray
Point Four and the Indian Village: A Study in Cultural Change, Francis C Madigan
Political Elements in the Conflict Between Savonarola and Alexander VI, Alfred Lougheed
Political Parties of Belgium and Their Role in That Country's Political Life, Henri P Habib
Political Propaganda in the Works of James Thomson, Clarence Joseph Wagner
Political Thought in Ireland, Edward Fitzgerald
Politicization of Humanitarian Aid in the 21st Century, Andrew P Ehrenfeld
Polity, Politics & the Pastor: Prophetic Work of Succession Planning in the Black Baptist Church, Itang Hope Young Essien
Potential Overshadowing of Anxiety in School-Aged Students Diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Leeann Trimarchi
Power and Intersubjectivity in Renaissance Rhetoric, Angela Furry
Power and the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Oppression, Gwen Daugs
Preaching as Religiously Educative: Black Preaching as a Liberating Pedagogical Model for Black Millennials, Charles O Galbreath
Predicting General and Violent Recidivism in Sex Offenders Using the HCR-20: An Exploratory Study, Federica Arrighi
Premature Responses in Simple Reaction Time as Related to Traits of General Activity and Restraint in the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey, Terence F Cooke
Preparation for Christian Parenthood as Revealed by an Analysis of a Selected Number of High School Religion Textbooks, Miriam Agnes Skelly
Pre-School Environmental Influence on Maturity, Fannie Mary Louise Samela
Prevalent Concept and Treatment of the Problem in Arithmetic, Milton Salit
Prevention of Crime by Character Education, James J Tackney
Price Control in Dynamic Society, William M Partlan
Priests' Leadership and Commitment to Fostering Catholic School Identity: Mediating Effect of Work Engagement, Charez Bandao Gringco
Problem Children in Boarding Homes, Elizabeth Lucy McDevitt
Problems in the De Legibus and the De Natura Deorum of Cicero, Joseph G Dwyer
Problem Solving Style Preferences of Women in K-12 and Higher Education Leadership, Justine Fitzgerald
Procedure in Making the Satellite Constitutions of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland, William O Peterfi
Professionalization in the Humanitarian Sector and Altruism among Humanitarian Aid Workers, Zainah Suleiman Arabyat
Professional Reading of Teachers: A Study of Professional Reading Among Teachers in the Public Elementary Schools of Brooklyn, New York, Catherine V Fearon
Promotion Standards and Pupil Progress in Catholic Elementary Schools of New York State, Ann Marie Shepherd
Propaganda: Theory and Practice, Stephen D Doyle
Propensity Score Estimation with Multi-Layer Neural Networks, Igor Migunov
Psychological and Psychosomatic Factors in Premenstrual Tension and Dysmenorrhea in Adolescent Girls, Janet Katherine Rutan
Psychological Aspects of Scrupulosity, Ambrose R McGowan
Psychosocial Developmental Trajectory Profiles and Psychiatric Hospitalization Among Transition-Age Youth Receiving Mental Health Services, Deborah M Layman
Psychotherapists' Experiences of a Therapeutic Alliance with Children on the Autism Spectrum, Viany Orozco
Public High School Annexes of Brooklyn, New York: A Comparison With Their Main Buildings, Vincent Kavanagh
Published Annual Reports of Superintendents of Catholic Schools: An Evaluation of Some Reports, Virginia Theresa Blattman
Puerto Rican Religious Practice: A Study of the Religious Practice of a Migrant Puerto Rican Minority in a New York City Parish, Cornelius B Costello
Puerto Rican Sectarianism and the Quest for Community, Renato Poblete
Queen Brunhilda, Guardian of Frankish Royal Power, Anna C Falvey
Quevado as a Moral Critic in Los sueños, Eugene A Longhi
Quintillian's Influence on John of Salisbury, Agnes Macdonald
Racial Identity Social Interaction and Working Alliance in Supervision with Supervisees of Asian Descent, HangYi Chen
Racism-Related Stress, Social Support, Attachment, and Binge Eating in Young Adult Black Women, Kate Elizabeth Terranova
Raising Our Hearts and Minds to God: Adult Faith Formation in Catholic Prayer Practices, Deborah Scopacasa
Rapid Evolutionary Responses of Field Mustard (Brassica rapa) under Experimental Drought, Stephen Earl Johnson
Reactions of Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Children to Humor, John Paul McKinney
Reading Guided by Questions Versus Careful Reading Followed by Questions, Laurentia Golden
Reading Motivations of Striving Sixth Graders: Expectancy-Value, Attitudes, Preferences, and Engagement, Carrie Anne Tocci
Real Wages During Recession and Recovery, Ines Patricia Galle
Recent Advances in Plant Ecology, John D Dwyer
Redefining Family Roles: A Study of the Reaction of High School Students to the Experience of Family Disorganization, M. Herberta Burns
Reflections on Hegel's Philosophy of History, John H Moran
Reflections on Parapsychical Phenomena, Amedeo Amendola
Reflection: The Most Vital Response in Secondary Education, Mary Doloretta Kissner
Relation of Sense of Humor to Intelligence and Personality, Anne P Cunningham
Relationship Between Level of Aspiration, Academic and Personality Factors Among High School Students, John J. Carboy
Relative Performane of Behavior Problem Boys on the Stanford-Binet and Cornell-Coxe Performance Scales, Timothy William Costello
Reliability of Scoring the Originality of Line Drawing Subtest of the Fundamental Abilities of Visual Arts Test, Joseph A O'Neill
Religion - A Preventive Crime, Thomas Francis McGann
Religion in Education, William G Wixted
Religion in the Works of Jean de la Bruyere, Ann Julia Joubert
Religious and Ethical Ideas in the Fiction of Charles Brockden Brown, Robert T McDevitt
Religious Backgrounds of the Middle English Lyrics Featuring Christ Speaking from the Cross, Margaret Catherine Moore
Religious Education in Catholic Preparatory Boarding Schools in the United States, Charles Fox
Religious Elements in the Late Works of George Bernard Shaw, Margaret Cummings Driscoll
Religious-Teacher Education in the Archdiocese of New York, Catherine Carmela Eisenmenger
Religious Training, Mary Liguori O'Hara
Religious Views in the Works of Juan Valera, Josepha Rosaire Pennisi
Remedying Renewable Energy Research: Implementation of Green Chemistry in Laboratories, Julia Mayes
Reporting Patterns of Subjective and Objective Neuropsychological Symptoms in Adolescents with Sports-Related Concussions, Dean R Gomes
Richard Burke as Agent for the Irish Catholics in 1792, Immaculata Maloney
RNaseZ Linked Cardiomyopathy in D. melanogaster, Ekaterina Migunova
Robert Browning and Liberalism, Lawrence Pontrelli
Robert Browning's Optimism and the Technique of the Dramatic Monologue, Bernard S Kalisz
Robert Stephen Hawker, Leah McHarg
Roger Brooke Taney, a Pioneer in Law and Social Economics, Vincent J Gorman
Roman Elements in the De Rerum Natura of Lucretius, M. Geronima Albert
Rossetti as Translator, Joseph Belvedere
Russia and the Chinese Revolution of 1925-1927, Ma Chi-Pei
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux: The Doctrine of the Imago and Its Relationship to Cistercian Monasticism, Louis B Pascoe
Saint Jerome's Biblical Prefaces, Ignatius S Kozik
Saint John Bosco's Application of the Preventive Method to Character Education, Carmela Cesario
Saint Thomas and Human Happiness From the Summa contra Gentiles, Mary David McIntosh
Samuel Gompers and the Eight-Hours Movement, Eileen P Danary
Sanctity of the Grave in Virgil's Aeneid, Stanley J Adamczyk
Sarah Orne Jewett as an Artist, Joan M Duffy
Satire in the Roman de Renard, Gerald C Volpe
School Attendance and Its Relation to Senior High School Achievement, Matthew J Murray
School Board Regulations Governing the Principal, Kathryn Ida Scanlon
School Dropouts: A Survey of Legislation and Services Relating to Early School Leaving in New York City, 1900-1965, Jessie Goldstein
School Phobia: A Case Record Study of Sixteen Children by Contrasting Characteristics With Sixteen Children Diagnosed as Adjustment Reaction of Childhood-Conduct Type, James Herbert Dodson
Scores of SAT-V and Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes as Predictors of Achievement in a College for Women, Mary Martha Feeney
Secentismo E Marinismo in Inghilterra: John Donne by Mario Praz, Joseph C Diana
Segregation of Gifted Children in School Organization, Nancy S Young
Selections From St. Thomas' "Commentary on the 'De Anima' of Aristotle" Translated, Frederick Joseph Ortner
Seminary Education, John B O'Mara
Senancour's Obermann, a Precursor of Nineteenth Century French Romanticism, Aquilinus Joseph
Senator Foraker and the Brownsville Incident, Mary George O'Brien
Seven Atypical Characters in Terentian Comedy, Robert W Carrubba
Sex Differences in the Perception of Embedded Figures in Curved and Straight Line Gottschaldt Designs, James J Corbett
Sexual Activity in Escherichia coli Strains K12-Y40 and K12-Y70, Cosmas Edward Quinn
Shaw's Early Plays in the Light of His Drama Criticism, Kathleen Virginia Lyons
Should the Mathematical Content of the High School Be Curtailed?, Patrick J Shea
Should there be an Alternative to the United Nations for the Regulation of Nuclear Weapons?, Sajani Patel
Simple Natures in the Philosophy of Descartes, Stuart B Martin
Sin and Sinners in the Works of Bernanos, Renzo Guidarelli
Sinking Islands: Climate Change Migration, Mitigation, and Cultural Preservation for Pacific Islanders, Aubrey Kathryn Marshall
Sir Edward Sherburne and Marino, Richard A Alcock
Sir Ferdinando Gorges and the Council for New England, 1620-1624, Arthur J Fraser
Sisters as Graduate Students: The Integration of the Roles of Religious, Teacher, Student and Scholar, Cecile Agnes Forest
Sixteenth Century Theories Concerning the Monarch and the Tyrant as Seen in Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia, Dorothy Anne Flanagan
Social Conditions of the Italians in America, Christopher A Mazzolini
Social Determinants of HPV Vaccination Intentions Among Black Mothers with Young Daughters, Aaliyah Leora Gray
Social Group Work Method: Learning How to Apply It in Spain - 1966, Juana Elizondo
Social Group Work With Deprived People: A Study of Thirteen Deprived People Who Participated in Two Groups Sponsored by the Family Service of Catholic Charities, Yonkers, New York, 1965, James Patrick Fleming
Social Isolation and Loneliness among Adults Aged 50 Years and Older in the United States: An Analysis of the Cognitive Discrepancy Theory, Jillian M Minahan Zucchetto
Social Satire in the Drama of Manuel Linares Rivas, Doris O Neville
Social Structure and the Movement Between Religious Groups, Bernard L Jacques
Social Support as a Moderating Factor in Improvement of Physical Symptom Distress Post Psychotherapy Among Cancer Patients, Marjorie Heule
Social Work Practitioners’ Experiences with Evidence-Based Practice in Hospital Settings: A Qualitative Study, Suzanne W Janczewski
Social Work With Adolescent Girls in Wage Homes, Marion Margaret Brennan
Sociology of the Masses: A Sociological Analysis, Discussion, and Criticism of José Ortega y Gasset's The Revolt of the Masses, Jerome Alvarez
Solon E. Borland, United States Minister to Nicaragua, 1853-1854, James M Riendeau
Some Administrative Problems in Negro Education: A Review of the Literature From 1930 to 1941, Mary Mulhearn
Some Administrative Problems of Early Catholic Schools, Francis J Donohue
Some Aspects of Child Care in Group System Institutions, Hilma Jeannette Carlson
Some Aspects of Self-Knowledge in Contemporary Phenomenology, Ronda De Sola
Some Aspects of Social Welfare Work in Sweden, Joseph E. A Larsen
Some Aspects of the Nature Images in the Sonnets of Shakespeare, Roberta Miriam Kiernan
Some Aspects of the Organization of the Church in the Third and Fourth Centuries, Marie de Chantal Bunting
Some Classical Interpretations of Courage, Louis A DeCourty
Some Day We Will All Be Dirt: Closed-Loop Compost Planning in NYC, Kat Coleman
Some Economic and Financial Problems of the Philippines, Antonio R. Gomez
Some Formative Principles of Character for Girls, Ursula Benziger
Some Methods of Social Investigation and Social Treatment of the Feebleminded, Muriel Agnes Dwyer
Some Ojectionable Features of Our Deportation and Exclusion Legislation, Adelaide E Maher
Some Phases of Hospital Social Services, Roseclaire Stanton
Some Protective Features of Reptilian Integument, Frank C Garvin
Some Recent Contributions to the Interpretation of Horace, Satire 1.1, Irene Margaret Vopelak
Some Respects in Which the Elementary Public Schools of New York City Differ From One Another in Certain Administrative Procedures, Martha R Zimmerman
Soup Minus Shark: How the Shark Finning Industry Continues to Cause Transboundary Environmental Harm, Anna Haase
Soviet Policy toward the Ukrainian Catholic Church, 1945-1946, Wiroslaw J Snihurowych
Spanish Philosophical Tradition in the Works of Angel Gavinet, Charles J Morgan
Speller, Kathryn, Mark Naison
Spenser's Pastoralism and Ecclesiasticism in "The Shepheardes Calender", Lawrence P Quigley
Spinoza's Indebtedness to Neo-Platonism, Mary William Keating
St. Angela and the Objective of Urseline Education, Mary Rose Finnan
State Department Regulation of Private Elementary Schools, M. Clarissa Doyle
State Subsidation of Probation in New York, Michael J Walsh
Statutory Provisions and Current Issues Involved in Public Transportation of Private School Pupils in the United States, Mary Lawence Wilson
St. Catherine, Reformer of the Clergy, Purissima Reilly
Steam-Focused Education: Teacher Beliefs About School Climate, 21st Century Learning, and Climate for Creativity, Jaymie Paige Stein
Stenotrophomonas rhizophila Chitinase Variation and Its Role in Suppressing Fusarium oxysporum Pathogenesis in Tomato, Victor Michael Imparato
Stephen Crane's Functional Use of Imagery, Gregory H Monahan
Stereotypes, Beliefs about Working Mothers, and the Use of Gender System Justification, Elizabeth Anne Eder-Moreau
Stevenson and the Modern Spirit: A Study in Reaction, Francis X Connolly
Stoicism in Seneca's Medea and Phaedra, John W Fecher
Stories from Paterson: Exploring the Visions of a Rehabilitated Hinchliffe Stadium, Kathryn Doyle
St. Thomas's Philosophy of Education, John J O'Brien
Students with a Food Allergy: College Adjustment and Allergy Disclosure, Caroline Southwick
Studies in the Relationship of the Grand Tour to Literature, Elizabeth Rita Muller
Studies in the Structure of Troilus and Criseyde, Bernadette Marie McCoy
Study Guide for scenery, José Felipe Alvergue
Suger, Abbot of St. Denis: His Influence in the Development of the French Monarchy, Leo P Callahan
Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Sexual Minority Men: Associations of Gender Role Conflict and Internalized Sexual Stigma, Joshua DeSon
Suicide Attempt Lethality in Bipolar Disorder, Bridget Veronica Claflin
Supervised Study in Silent Reading in the IA Grade, Edith Preiser Schatz
Supervision Procedures in Practice-Teaching Among Catholic Sisters, Michael Maroney
Supervisory Practices of Health Education Supervisors in the Public Schools of New York City, John Michael O'Shea
Support for Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking via Interdisciplinary, Interagency Collaboration: An Exploratory Study of the Complexities in New Jersey, Robert P McLaughlin
Supporting Reading Instruction for Students with Disabilities: The Intersection of Disability, Race, and Trauma, Shaundrika Langley-Grey
Survey of Guidance Activities in the Ten Junior High Schools in Manhattan Having Licensed Counselors, Thomas J Riches
Surviving but Not Thriving: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Post Traumatic Stress following Cardiac Arrest, Maja Bergman
Surviving Future Pandemics: The Economic, Social, and Political Battle Against Climate Change and Infectious Diseases, Dayana Gonzalez
Sustainable Urban Planning: Turning the Concrete Jungle into Green Buildings, Danielle Richardson
Syllogistic Reasoning as Modified by Training in Logic, Denis Edward Fahy
Tanner, Marietta J., Mark Naison
Teaching English by the Project Method, Marie McGilvray
Teaching Greek Poetry in High School, Mary Albert
Teaching Guide for My Daily Actions, or The Meteorites, S. Brook Corfman
Telepathic Phenomena and "Extra Sensory" Perception: Some Evidence for Mental Telepathy, Raymond C Strassburger
Television: Promotional Techniques, C. William Myers
Temperament and Character, Mary C Graham
Tensor Factorizations for Recommending Perovskite Crystallization Trials, Michael Tynes
Tertullian's Idea of Christian Life in the State, Rose Maria Laverty
Textbook Management in Catholic Elementary Schools: A Study of the Diocese of Brooklyn, Joseph G Katin
Thank you Governor Abbott! Sending NYC Busloads of Migrants Helps Strengthen our City's Economy, Mark Naison
The 1919-50 Coal Strikes and Government Intervention: A Study of the Effectiveness of Federal Policy in Emergency Coal Crises, Charles Frederick Myers
The Ability of Seventh and Eighth Grade Pupils to Judge Their Understanding of Word Meanings, Augustine Potvin
The Adjudicative Scope and Function of American Administrative Agencies and Tribunals, Robert Lee Koerner
The Adjustment Child in Junior High School, M. Francis Croke
The Adjustment of Ten Disciplinary Problems in a Junior High School in New York City, Frank Joseph Higgins
The Adolescent Girl and the Moral Virtues, Mary Evangela Wagner
The Adventurer of John Hawkesworth, James F Clyne
The Aims and Developments of Vocational Guidance, Jane C McKiernan
The American Catholic College Student's Orientation to the World: An Exploratory Study of Student Autobiographical Sketches, Edward W Lehman
The Analysis of the Educational Patterns of Groups Which Hold Traditional Ideas and Values: A Content Analysis of Two Diocesan Newspapers, Leonard J. Pinto
The Anatomy of Histology of the Female Reproductive System of the Carpenter Ant, Camponotus pennsylvanicus De Geer (Formicidae, Hymenoptera), Dominic Do-Van-Qui
The Antithetical Parallelism Between "El Cántico Espiritual" of San Juan de la Cruz and "The Hound of Heaven" of Francis Thompson, Rose Aquin Caimano
The Apostolate of John Eliot, Sarah F Mullady
The Application of Marxian Materialism to Education in Soviet Russia During the Early Years of the Revolution, William C Lynn
The Art Curricula of the Catholic Secondary Achools of the United States: An Evaluation Study Based on a Derivarion of Criteria From the Current Literature, M. Florence McEvoy
The Arthurian Legend in English Literature From Eighteen Hundred and Fifty to the Present Time, Michael Christopher Ahern
The Articulation of Ethics With Business Training: A Reference Study to Apply Principles of Ethics to the Short-Comings of Our Modern Business Woman, Mary Annunciata Mary Elizabeth Doyle
The Artisan in the Plays of Thomas Dekker, Dorothy V Duffy
The Artless Artfulness of Theophile, Ellen Cullen
The Art of Expression in the Ratio Studiorum, Gerard Plante
The Association of Personality Disorder Symptoms with Treatment Completion and Recidivism in Legally Involved Individuals Referred to Community-Based Treatment, Jennie Simone Lukoff
The Assumption Theme in Medieval Drama, Mary Immaculate McElroy
The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad From Topeka to the Colorado State Line, Kenneth Meyers
The Attitude of England Towards the Independence of Texas, Katherine C Corrigan
The Attitude of Joseph II toward the Church, Particularly toward the Monasteries, Francis X Schwarz
The Augustan Poets and the Seasons, Anita T Smith
The Austro-Polish Solution to the Polish Problem During the First World War, Leonard Paul Liggio
The Awakening of Catholic Social Consciousness of Staten Island Since 1920, as Shown by the Participation of a Catholic Agency in the Community Program, Helen M McCaffrey
The Background of Consensual Union in Puerto Rico, Dorothy Marie Dohen
The Background of the Novels of Paul Peppergrass (Father John Boyce), Helen M O'Donnell
The Bellum Judaicum of T. Flavius Josephus in Its Jewish and Roman Contexts, Bertram Cornelis Schewel
The Black Legend: A Tentative Survey and Interpretation, Richard J Callan
The Blue Madonna, Henry R Marquit
The Boston Newspapers and the Non-Importation Movement (1767-1770), Harry Matthew Dunkak
The Boulder Dam, Marcel Henry Ginchereau
The Boys' Club in a Community, Anthon Michael Giordano
“The British Museum Had Lost Its Charm”: The Repatriation of the Benin Bronzes and Nazi-Looted Jewish Art, Reeve Pacen Churchill
The Bronx Academic Response Team: A Mechanism of School Support to Advance Equity, Kris DeFilippis
The Brooklyn Plan: The Use of Deferred Prosecution Procedure in the Handling of Federal Juvenile Delinquents, James F Haran
The Canadian Contribution to the Drafting of the United Nations Charter, Saint Teresa Morrison
The Catholic Nobility and Gentry of the 18th Century England, Catharine E Murphy
The Catholic School System With Special Reference to Mother Seton, Rosaria Bianco
The Changing Role of Lay Associates in the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Victoria G Otto
The Character and Accomplishments of the Emperor Claudius: A Study Based on the Literary Sources and Inscriptions, Florence Evelyn Sendroy
The Character of Arthur in The Faerie Queene, Thomas A Pendleton
The Character of Don Juan in the Plays of Tirso and Moliere, John V Costa
The Child in Alphonse Daudet, Alphonsus Perry
The Chinese Enigma in Anglo-American Popular Literature, 1900-1939, P. Christian Steinbrunner
The Cistercian Order in England During the Reign of King John, 1199-1216, Lawrence A Desmond
The Classical Erudition of Cola Di Rienzo, Paul Rifici
The Classicism of Macauley's Essays, Stella Maria Sweeney
The Colonial Legacy of Public Lands: Exploring Extractivism in the Bears Ears Region, Josephine W. Cohen
The Colonial Salt Problem of New York and New England, Bro Kelly
The Colours of Rhetoric and Lydgate's Minor Poems, Catherine Irwin
The Comedies of Giambattista della Porta, Paul John Lauretta
The Commercial Motion Picture as an Agency of Character Education, Joseph F Coughlin
The Commonplace in Modern Poetry, Paula Clara Schneider Braun
The Commonweal (1924-1955): A Liberal Catholic Magazine, Walter D Finucane
The Comparative Anatomy of Digestive Glands in the Male and the Female Castes of Camponotus pennsylvanicus De Geer ( Formicidae, Hymenoptera), August Martin McFarlane
The Comparison of Log-Ratio Analysis and Correspondence Analysis Applied to Compositional Data, Hayley Cook-Thibeau
The Concentration of Certain Organic Compounds in the Blood of the Cockroach Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, Margaret E Todd
The Concept of Countervailing Power: An Appraisal, Edward M Lehr
The Concept of Female Sovereignty in Spenser's Faerie Queene, June Lucille Temple
The Concomitancy of Dependence and Disease, Magdalen Peter
The Concomitants of Creativity in Marketing Executives, Kathleen A Thompson
The Congregation De Notre Dame of Montreal and the Ideals of Catholic Education, Francis-Favriano Gormley
The Consistency and Reliability of Autokinetic Movement Responses of Children, John Geisser
The Consistency of Responses of College Women to the Items of Three Vocational Interest Blanks Over an Interval of One Month, M. Dorothea Dunkerley
The Constancy of the Angle of Light and Shadow Reversal as a Function of Intensity and Duration, Carl L Scheckel
The Constitutional Relations Between the United States and Puerto Rico, John McAdams
The Construction of Subjective Brightness Scales by the Methods of Single Stimuli and Fractionation, Paula M. E Italia
The Contractual Significance Involved in the Surrender of the Dependent Child, Mary Theresa Dunn
The Contra Dantem of Guido Vernani, Benedict T Leonardi
The Contribution of Catholic Charities to the Preservation of the Unity of Catholic Family in Queens County, Amy Thomasine Fraas
The Contribution of the Congregation of Notre Dame of Montreal to Education in the United States, Baeszler Louise Julia
The Contributions of the Sisters of Charity to Catholic Education in New Jersey, Miriam Vincent Mahon
The Correlation Between Critical Flicker Frequency and Visual Reaction Time, Armand W Loranger
The Correlation Between Intelligence and Drawing - One of the Manual Subjects, Abraham Wolfson
The Correlation Between Intelligence and Reading Ability, Marjorie Ann Smith
The Correspondence of Cicero and Plancus, September 44 - July 43, John V Wilkinson
The Cosmic Philosophy of Spencer's Mutabilitie Cantos, Aloysius J Miller
The Costs of Lolicon: Japan’s Pedophilia Trade, Megan Sluzhevsky
The Course of Dark Adaptation in Relation to Wavelength in the Rods of the Human Eye, Florence Doyle Fitzgerald
The Critical Flicker Frequency of Adolescents and Young Adults at Two Levels of Illumination, Martin J Meade
The Critical Reception Accorded the Novels of Henry Fielding in France During the Eighteenth Century, Basil Manley Mitchell
The Critical Theories of Matthew Arnold, Adolfa Gallo
The Cultural Capital Bronx Residents Possess, Mark Naison
The Cultural Capital Bronx Residents Possess, Mark Naison
The Dating Application Cycle: Heterosexual Emerging Adult Women’s Experiences Using Dating Applications, Cambria Lauren Litsey
The Dean-Chair Relationship: An Examination of Conflict Management Styles and Relationship Quality, Lorraine Towns
The Decline of a Christian Conception of Natural Law, M. Eileen Connolly Drennen
The "De Libero Arbitrio" of Saint Augustine and The Vision of Truth, Gerard F Dennen
The Detection of Scrupulosity and Its Relation to Age and Sex, Pius Anthony Riffel
The Development of a Homemaker Service Within Catholic Charities, Diocese of Brooklyn, and Its Relationship to Social Agencies and Services in the Community: 1945-1947, Gwendolyn Anne Stockton
The Development of a Recreational Project by Brooklyn Catholic Charities, Frances Marie McCormack
The Development of Leadership in the Intermediate Grades of the Public Elementary Schools of Jersey City, Margaret C Hill
The Development of Realism in French Literature From the Twelfth through the Eighteenth Centuries, M. Concepcion Leyden
The Difference between Groups of Successful and Unsuccessful Freshman Students as Revealed by Test Results and Background Data, Frank R Siroky
The Differentiation of the Compound Eyes of Doleschallia bisaltida Cramer (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), Joseph A Burke
The Doctrine of Eternal Return, Tracy Burr Strong
The Doctrine of Formal Discipline, Rose William Murphy
The Doctrine of Interest and Effort, Mary Cornelius Sheehan
The Double Aesthetic of Gautier's España, Albert E Bouley
The Economics of the Plastic Molding Industry, 1947-1952, Gregory A Brown
The Economic Structure of Six Resettlement Communities in Puerto Rico, Carlos E Montes
The Educand in Action Is the Most Important Object of Study for the Moral Educator, Elizabeth F Hague
The Educational Theory of Sir Thomas Browne, Cronan Maurice McCavanagh
The Educational Work of Cardinal Mercier, Clara Huertas
The Education of the Deaf, Norma M Romer
The Educative Process in the Light of Catholic Faith, Patrick F Nolan
The Educative Value of Habit-Formation, M. Thomasine Moriarty
The Effect of 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid on Spinacia oleracea L, Benny Eng
The Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid on the Pain Threshold as Determined by Radiant Heat, Evelyn M Feleppa
The Effect of Acetylsalicylic Acid on the Pain Threshold as Determined by Radiant Heat, James P McCauley
The Effect of Association Value of Nonsense Syllables on List and Paired Associate Verbal Learning, John H Hinck
The Effect of Aureomycin on the Sperm and Eggs of the Sea-Urchin, Arbacia punctulata, Carl D Prota
The Effect of Background Illumination on the Critical Flicker Frequency of the Peripheral Retina, Mary M Connors
The Effect of Bilingualism on Intelligence Test Scores as Measured by Language and Non-Language Tests of Intelligence, Raymond Francis Levee
The Effect of Body-Weight on Simple and Disjunctive Reaction Time of Professiional Truck Drivers, Victor G Maturo
The Effect of Colchicine on the Antibiotic Potency of Streptomyces aureofaciens, George L Evans
The Effect of Colchicine, Phenylbutazone and a Combination of Both on the Meristematic Region of Roots of Allium Cepa Linnaeus, Anthony Philip Amarose
The Effect of Commercial Names on Preference for Color, Richard T Day
The Effect of Content on Quantitative Indices of Autokinetic Movement and Their Value in Identifying Traits of Introversion-Extraversion, Anthony J Mullaney
The Effect of Contrast between Chromatic Stimulus Objects and Chromatic Backgrounds on Monocular Movement Parallax Threshold, John J Fangman
The Effect of Contrast between Stimulus Objects and Backgrounds on Monocular Movement Parallax Threshold, John P McLaughlin
The Effect of DDT on the Activity of Cytochrome Oxidase in the Cockroach Muscle (Periplaneta americana), Carmen Therese Cali
The Effect of Deserved Praise and Reproof Upon Classroom Performance, Salvatore G DiMichael
The Effect of Different Concentrations of Amino Acids on the Rate of Tyrosinase Activity, Paul Octavius Stokes
The Effect of Different Distributions of Whole and Part Practice of the Learning of Content, Walter J Clarke
The Effect of Education and Intelligence on Community of Responses in the Kent-Rosanoff Free Association Test, Barbara Ann Becher
The Effect of Heterogeneity of the Data on the Correlations and the Tetrads, Julius Carl Seidl
The Effect of Immigration Status on Neurocognitive Functioning in Latinx Immigrants with HIV, Denise Stephany Oleas
The Effect of Insulin Coma Therapy upon Vocabulary, Mary Burke
The Effect of Method on the Variations in the Rayleigh Equation with the Schmidt - Haensch Anomaloscope, Kathleen M McGonigle
The Effect of Perimeter in Massed Figure Discrimination, John P Smith
The Effect of Practice on the Reduction of the Muller-Lyer Illusion in Specified Planes, Terese McCabe Cerni
The Effect of Preceding Affective States on the Goodenough Drawing Test of Intelligence, William G Herron
The Effect of Reward and Punishment on the Success of Childen's Work. What Are Children's Attitudes Toward Rewards and Punishment, Ann Kovalewski
The Effect of Session Replication and the Duration of the Interval Between Sessions on Critical Flicker Frequency, Daniel J Baer
The Effect of Soil and Moisture Conditions on Rhizobium meliloti Dangeard and Rhizobium trifolii Dangeard, Julian Ernest Roy
The Effect of Stress on the Differential Leucocyte Count, Benjamin S. Hayden
The Effect of Task-Relevant Diversity on Small Group Performance, Yizhi Zhang
The Effect of Various Carbohydrates on Bacterial Growth and Pigmentation, Harry Robinson
The Effect of Verbal Cues and Irrelevant Details in the Statement of Arithmetic Problems Upon Children's Attempted Solutions, Roger Thomas Lennon
The Effect of Weight on Simple Reaction Time of Young Women, Joanne H Blasek
The Effects of Camping on Emotionally Disturbed Children, John J Boitano
The Effects of Definite Remedial Drills on Silent Reading Ability, M. Patricia Moran
The Effects of Initial Skin Temperature and Prolonged Intermittent Stimulation upon the Radiant Heat Pain Threshold, Frances M Finn
The Effects of Summer Vacation on the Retention of Latin Vocabulary, Miriam de Lourdes McMahon
The Effects of the Depression on Private Hospitals and Clinics, Kathryn Regina McArdle
The Effects of the Louisiana "Right-to-Work" Law Upon the Economy of that State, Philip J Cody
The Effects of Virtual Professional Learning on Teacher Self-Efficacy and Student Achievement, Kenneth John Kroog
The Effects of Youth's Stress on the Mentoring Relationship in a Cross-National Sample of Randomized Mentor-Youth Pairs, Jasmine Cosby
The Effects on Learning of Varying Degrees of Punishment, Agnes Colligan
The Eighteenth Century Appreciations of Jonathan Swift, Harry M Burchell
The Embargo Act of 1807: Congressional Measures Leading to Its Adoption and Repeal, Alfonsina E Conte
The Emotional and Social Development of Cardiac Girls, Harry B Silver
The Establishment of the Second Spanish Republic, Agnes M Hogan
The Ethical Thought of Charles L. Stevenson and Its Relation to Logical Positivism, Louis A Weeks
The Ethical Thought of Clive S. Lewis, Francisco E Borja
The Evolution of the Actress in the Mystery Plays in France, Sidney Haironson
The Evolution of the French Language in Canada, Ansbert-Maurice Edward Sheehy
The Existential Problem of Evil: Theodicy, Theosis, and the Threat of Meaninglessness, Angela Rae Sager
The Expulsion of the Society of Jesus From Paraguay, Joseph U Saez
The Extent of Cardiac Muscle in the Pulmonary Veins of Rodents, William Alfred Kramer
The Factors Accompanying the Withdrawal of Third Term Students From the Seward Park High School, September 1932-June 1933, Sadie H Lerner
The Failure of the Pupil Is the Failure of the Teacher, Matthew J Murray
The Field and Functions of Supervisors of Schools Among the Sisters of Mercy of the Union in the United States, Mary Gertrude Draddy
The Figurative Language of Saint Francois De Sales, Saint George Davison
The Financing of Large Corporations in the Postwar Period, Francis John O'Reilly
The Florence Crittenton League: A Study of the Evolution of the Services to Adolescent Girls, Gloria Maria-Cristina Sacco
The Florence Miscellany, Its Motivation and Its Literary Influence, Manson E Welsh
The Formation of Character in Education, Margaret E Anderson
The Foster Home Study Discussion of Content and Methodology, Mary Catherine Dwyer
The Foundation of the Moral Act, Mary Thomas Flanagan
The French Company of the Union: The French Attempt at Settlement in Eastern Maine, 1791-1796, Jeanne de Chantal Perreault
The Frequency of the Application of Shorthand Principles, M. Paula Bero
The Gay Science, David B. Allison
The Gifted Child in the Elementary School: An Analysis of the Literature From 1925 Through 1937, Iola P Mortola
The "Gnomai" in Menander, Jerome G Kovalcik
The Gothic Drama of the Eighteenth Century, James E McNerney
The Growth of the Appellate Jurisdiction of the Roman See in the Fourth Century, Mary St. Louis Kenny
The Historical Development of Elementary Teacher Certification in New York State, Francis J O'Donnell
The History and Organization of Political Parties in the Western Democracies and Dictatorships, William Robert Frasca
The History and Value of the Yeshibah in New York City, Morris Blacksin
The History of Catholic Secondary Education in the Diocese of Indianapolis, Ralph S Pfau
The History of the Levant Company, 1581-1605, Angela E Lamanna
The Housekeeping Aide Training Project in the New York City Department of Welfare Bureau of Special Services, Annie Creola Fenton
The Human Figure Drawing Test as an Objective Screening Aid for Recreation Workers, Robert R Barry
The Idea of Liberty in Thomson, Shenstone and Akenside, Samuel D McClelland
The Idea of the Beautiful According to George Santayana: A Collection of Texts on the Beautiful, With Comments, Cecilian Antony Flannery
The Idea of Tolerance in Voltaire, Margaret Perpetua Dengel
The Immaterial Aspects of Sensation, Helena Mary Coen
The Impact of Campus Climate on Muslim Student College Experiences, Usama Mohammad Shaikh
The Impact of Discrimination on First-Generation College Students’ Belonging and Academic Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Nicola Forbes
The Impact of Distributed Leadership and Teacher Leader Development on Principal Use of Time, Laura Dubak
The Impact of Healthcare Worker Stigma during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Lauryn Evans Garner
The Impact of Mission Work on Shona Life, James A Brändle
The Impact of Psychopathy and Therapeutic Alliance on Treatment Outcome in a Dutch Forensic Treatment Sample, Jacomina Gerbrandij
The Impact of the Catholic Church on Mass Mobilization: A Comparison between the Church and protests in Chile and the Philippines, Gabrielle Rianna Rivera
The Impact of Yoga on Black Womens' Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health, Kimberly Grocher
The Incidence of Defective Color Vision Among Boys of Grade School Age, Mary John Catherine Leonard
The Incidence of Red-Green and Blue-Yellow Color Defects in American Negro Males, Donald R Sweeney
The Independence of Private Secondary Schools in New York State, Vincent James McGrail
The Influence of Antecedent Attitude toward Music upon Rate of Learning with Music Playing in the Background, John L Andreassi
The Influence of Chemistry in the School, Mary Mauricius
The Influence of Elizabethan Scenic and Lighting Effects on the Descriptive Poetry of Shakespeare's Plays, Daniel N Dwyer
The Influence of Mental Tension on the Psychogalvanic Reflex and Memory, Maria Trett
The Influence of Parents' Expectations on the Educational Abilities of Elementary School Students with Disabilities, Ciara Nestor
The Influence of the American Experts on the Adriatic Question in 1919, Charles R Kerner
The Influence of the Bible on the Work of Fray Luis De León, Florence Mary Simpson
The Influence of the French Revolution on Ireland From 1789-1798, Dorothy E Brady
The Influence of the Method of Calibration upon the Form of the Function Relating Critical Flicker Frequency to Intensity, Sally D Todd
The Influence of Venerable Mother Mary of the Incarnation, Catherine Mary Clotilde Corcoran
The Influence of Victor Hugo on Italian Literature, Alfonsina G Caprio
The Influence of Virgil on English Humanists, Anna O'Brien
The Influences of Symbols and Diagrams on Problems of Logical Relations, Rosario Sciortino
The Intellectual Background of Spenser's Fowre Hymnes, Albert R Cirillo
The Intentionality of Mathematical Abstraction, Justin Reppert
The Interest Problem and Its Neglected Setting, James J McGinley
The Interplay between Education and Identity Formation with a Special Focus on Jewish Education: A Proposal towards a Holistic and Identity-Centered Education, Abraham L Rabinovich
The Interrelationship of Mental Ability, Reading Readiness and Reading Achievement at the Second-Grade Level, Yvonne Kelly
The Intersectionality of Colorism, Microaggressions, and Positive Stereotypes for Multiracial Asian Americans, Yuki Yamazaki
The Introduction of Credit Institutions in the Rural Philippines: A Case Study of Culture Contact and Change, Aurora Payuma Silayan
The Irish Constitution of 1937, John Sherry
The Jesuit Theater in France (1668-1762), Natalie Maria Henderson
The Journalistic Approach of Joseph Pulitzer's New York World Toward "The Maine Affair", Robert L Deasy
The Kashmir Dispute: Sociological Backgrounds, Francis D Power
The Knowability of God in Saint Thomas and Its Historical Foundations, Mary Michael Renna
The Language Courses in the Secondary Schools of the Thirteenth Century as Measured by Twentieth Century Standards, St. John Shanahan
The Languages of Italy: An Examination of the Vitality of Standard Italian and Dialects in Contemporary Italy, and the Role of Dialect Speakers in the United States, Juliana Maria Esoldi
The Lazy Child, Marjorie H Hunt
The Learning of Nouns Rated for Hedonic Tone, Charles H Haywood
The Legacy of French Colonialism in the Francophone Caribbean: Migration, Anti-Haitianism, and Anti-Blackness in Guadeloupe and French Guiana, Jemina Carla Molines
The Legality of the Title of the Dutch to New Netherlands, Alfred J Sellers
The Letter Form as Found in the Epistolography of Saint Dionysius of Alexandia, Arthur R McGratty
The Library as a Means of Culture in Secondary Schools, Edith Conran
The Life and Political Career of Daniel Edgar Sickles, 1848-1868, Francis J Byrne
The Literary Reputation of of the Third Earl of Shaftesbury, Raymond D Butts
The Literature on Catholic School Administration: A Review of Recent Periodical Literature, Miriam Sheerin
The Lithuanian School and Its Service for Good Citizenship, Joseph John Simonaitis
The Liturgical Origin of the Literary Device of Ironic Contrast as It Appears in the "Speeches" of Christ From the Cross, Recorded in English Verse, Marie Veritas Tuite
The Lyricism of Pierre Loti, Irma Pierro
The Making of Borough Customary Law in Medieval Britain, Esther Liberman Cuenca
The Male Genitalia of Some Members of the Aeneas Group (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), Julio Cicero
The Marquis of Buckingham and the First Ministry of William Pitt, 1783-1801, Richard J Sisk
The Measurement of Negative After-Images in Children in the First Grade, Samuel Pouliot
The Measurement of Visual-Visual and Visual-Auditory Association, Elizabeth Mary Collins
The Memel Territory, 1919-1924, Donald F Jensis
The Middle Ages in the Light of Hegel's Philosophy of History, Patrick J O'Regan
The Middle Ages in the Poetry of Alexander Pope, Ann Joachim Schneider
The Mind-Body Relation in Spinoza, John P Dreher
The Mission of the Jesuits in Ireland Under the Tudors, Elizabeth J Kirwan
The Modification and Validation of a Personal Inventory for Nurses, Thomas F Donlon
The Moral Education of Children, Agnes Angela
The Moralist International: Russia in the Global Culture Wars, Kristina Stoeckl and Dmitry Uzlaner
The Moral Presuppositions of Knowledge in Plato, Richard J Lambert
The Morphology of Giant Nuclei in the Salivary Glands of Drosophila malanogaster Meigen, Philip B Carroll
The Narrative Art in the Fables of Robert Henryson, Mary Regina Stauffer
The Natural Phenomena of Sicily and Campania in Classical Literature, Robert J Cain
The Nature of Ethical Judgment According to Some Modern Emotivist Theories, Ivan Boh
The Nature of Questions: An Introductory Thesis, William Steo
The Nature of the Comical in Schopenhauer, Freud and Bergson, Joseph S Tedesco
The Need and Significance of St. Thomas' and Suarez' Political Philosophy in the History of Political Thought, Joseph F Costanzo
The Negro and Crime: A Comparative Study of the Socio-Economic Factors of Negro and White Offenders Who Appeared Before the Supreme Court First Judicial District New York County in January 1965, Julius Harrison Cromwell
The Neurocognitive Implications of Depression and Socioeconomic Status in People Living with HIV, Kaleigh E Fidaleo
The Noctes Ambrosianae: A Critical Study, Joseph P Egan
The Novels of William Godwin, Charles Linter Crangle
The Objectives of Geography as a Secondary School Subject, Joseph F.X McCarthy
Theodore Dreiser's Characterization Viewed in Relation to His Philosophical Beliefs, Loren F Schmidtberger
The Oil Import Problem, Sebastian J Raciti
The Ongoing Effects of Apartheid on Waste Management in South Africa, Katherine Kuemerle
The Opening of the Bozeman Road in Relation to United States Indian Policy, James C McKown
The Organization of Suspense in Henry James's The Wings of the Dove, Rose-Mary Hagerty
Theories of Anti-Semitism: A Classification Approach, Myer Tobey
The Origin and Development of the Satirical Spirit in the Works of Louis Veuillot, Claire M Howe
The Origin and Growth of Western Liberty, Arthur D Hickman
The Origin, Growth and Development of the Catholic Schools in Yonkers, New York, Francis C Flynn
The Origin of the Baltic Entente, 1919-1934, Edward F Sweet
The Origins of the Quebec Act in British Politics, 1760-1766, Jerome W Blood
The Parish School: Its Purpose, Power and Growth in the United States, Mary Serena Brophy
The Parsonian Four Phases as a Conceptual Scheme for Understanding the Position of the Foreign Student in America, Anne E Mercier
The Part of the Legist in the Conflict Between Pope Boniface VIII and King Philip the Fair, Violet J Rainer
The Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act of 1909: A Study of Republican Party Politics, William P O'Grady
The Peace Treaty of Riga, Stanilaw A Dabrowski
The Personalist Epistemology of Borden Parker Bowne, Donald Robert Clark
The Personal Record of Thirty-Five Hard of Hearing Children, Lena Diana Gerson
The Phenomenology of Jesuit Obedience: A Brief Study of Its Intersubjective Elements, Josef Raoul Paras Rodriguez
The Philosophical Implications of Arnold Toynbee's Approach to Christianity, Gerald R Gilmartin
The Philosophical Method of Phenomenology, Bernard B Gilligan
The Philosophy of Education of Giovanni Gentile, John Finbar Lynn
The Philosophy of History of Hegel and Its Relation to the Totalitarian State, Charles W Reinhardt
The Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards, John H Brady
The Philosophy of Nicholas Cusanus, a Christian Exemplarism, Francis N Caminiti
The Place of Artistic Activism in the Digital Age: Perspectives from Black Lives Matter Street Artists, Hannah Buckley
The "Platonic" Argument for the Existence of God in St. Thomas, Michael Mary Hunt
The Plays of Lennox Robinson, Mary J Murphy
The Poetry and Prose Works of Gabriela Mistral, Eileen Frances O'Neill
The Poetry of Persius, Joseph S Murphy
The Poetry of Sidney Thompson Dobell, Kathryn M Murphy
The Political Career and Influence of Charles Banks Jenkinson, 1756-1773, Herbert F Gretsch
The Political Career of John Fitzgibbon, 1778-1802, John J Kelly
The Political Philosophy of James Madison: An Interpretation, Julia A Duffy
The Political Relations of Pope Innocent III With the German Bishops During the Imperial Schism, Elizabeth P Walsh
The Political Significance of the Constitution According to the Federalist, Peter J Herzog
The Political Thought of Herbert Croly, Anne of the Trinity Corley
The Politics and Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Irving P Schwartz
The Poor Laws of England, 1700-1760, Elizabeth-Margaret M Snyder
The Possibility of the Color Aptitude Test as a Color Deficiency Test, Alfred S Casola
The Practices of the Boarding-Out Department of the New York Foundling Hospital in Referring Cases to the Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, George William Miles
The Pragmatic Element in the Philosophy of Royce, Gerard C Farley
The Prayers in Vergil's Aeneid, Margaret F Nolan
The Preparation of the Catholic Teacher, Brother Albino Fedrigotti
The Present Problem in Our Changing Civilization and Education, Paul M Quinn
The Preventive System in Education: As in Use in the Schools of the Salesian Congregation, Caesar M Rinaldi
The Principle of Subsidiarity and American Federalism, Harker Edward Tracy
The Priniciples of Harmony in Leibniz, James E Baker
the Problem of Change in Moral Concepts in the Works of Don Luigi Sturzo, Richard M Mattimore
The Problem of Creating and Fostering in the Hearts of the Youth of Our Catholic Rural Schools a Love for the Rural Life, M. Christina Eckmans
The Problem of Faith and Science in La Nouvelle Idole of Francois de Curel, Irene Merceds Fugazy
The Problem of Pantheism in John Scotus Eruigena, Mary C Gannon
The Problem of Pity in the Later Work of Graham Greene, Evelyn G Bell
The Professional Preparation of High School Teachers of Mathematics, Eloise S Ullrich
The Program of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine as Revealed by the Proceedings of the National Catechetical Congresses From 1936-1940, Michael O'Ryan
The Prophetic Voice and Sacrificial Leadership of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ralph Joglar
The Prosody of Sidney Lanier, James Hubert Vaughan
The Prototype of Secondary Education in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Alice Mary Stines
The Psychocultural Approach in Social Casework as Shown in Ten Selected Cases, Gilda Gloria Petraglia
The Psychogalvanic Reactions of Young Children to Various Mental Tasks under Different Experimental Conditions, José M Ballesteros
The Psychology of Dress, Mary Theresa Keatinge
The Psychology Underlying the Teaching of Arithmetic, Marion R Sandells
The Puerto Rican Delinquent Girl in New York City, Ruth T Narita
The Quality of the Educational Process in the Catholic Schools of the United States, St Egbert
The Question of Concentration in the Televison Industry, Florence T O'Grady
The Rationality of Induction: Hume's Position and Whitehead's Criticism, Frederick W Ketcham
The Reaction to the Stamp Act in New York City, Francis J Heeney
The Reading Interests and Activities of Seventh and Eighth Grade Pupils, Daniel Gildea
The Realistic Philosophy of James Mccosh, Albert Matthew Kerins
The Regionalism of Rene Bazin, Rosalia Dordoni
The Regulating Act of 1773: Background and Consequences, Marie Xavier Loubert
The Reinvention of Hip Hop In the Crack Epidemic Years, Mark Naison
The Relation Between Personal Adjustment and Spirituality in Religious Sisters, Thomas Aquinas Kohls
The Relation of Christian Ethics to Education, Mother Genevieve O'Connor
The Relation of Dichogamy to Seed Production in Aconitum scaposum Var. Pyramidale franch, Aloysius Sullivan
The Relation of Growth Promoting Substances to the Inhibition of Roots and Buds: A Review, Michael P Walsh
The Relation of Propaganda to Boston Tea Party, Marie Anne Reisert
The Relations Between the Roman and Armenian Churches During the Pontificate of Innocent III (1198-1216), Ara Dostourian
The Relationship Amomg Reading Verbal Intelligence, and Non-Verbal Intelligence at the Sixth-Grade Level, Grace Canary
The Relationship Between Attitudes Toward Obedience and Personality Characteristics Measured by the A-S Reaction Study and the Gordon Personal Profile, Mary Olivia Reindl
The Relationship between Color-Form Perceptual Dominance and Certain Dimensions of Personality, Mary Rose McGeady
The Relationship Between Degree of Anti-Negro Prejudice and Type of Reaction to Frustration, Paula Judith Licciardi
The Relationship Between Empathy and Leadership in College Students, William T Gallagher
The Relationship Between Help-Seeking Determinants and Help-Seeking Behavior Online, Rina Levy Cohen
The Relationship Between Intelligence and Readiness for Learning Reading and Arithmetic at the Kindergarten Level, Martina Mastej
The Relationship between Khat Use, Trauma and Mental Health Outcomes among Somalis in Mogadishu, Sagal O Ahmed
The Relationship Between Pornography Use and Sexual Offending: A Review of Current Findings and Future Directions, Linden B Loutzenhiser
The Relationship Between Practice Effect in CFF and Psychophysical Method, Gerard V Egan
The Relationship Between Saint Vincent de Paul and Bossuet, Agnes Marie Mallner
The Relationship Between Stimulus Hue and Latency and Duration of After-Images in Young Adults, Raymond F Keating
The Relationship Between the Intensity of Pre-Adapting Light and the Time of Appearance of the Rod-Cone Break in the Parafovea of the Human Eye, Robert S Kennedy
The Relationship Between Theory and Method in the Sociological Works of Don Luigi Sturzo, Victor J Gioscia
The Relationship of Sociology to the Policy Sciences, Ethna O'Flannery
The Relationship of the Absolute Threshold to the Relative Threshold at Low Levels of Background Illumination, Mary Joan Albright
The Relationship of the Movement Determinant of the Rorschach Test to Autokinetic Movement, Russell J Bent
The Relations of Cicero and Caesar from 49 B.C. to 48 B.C.: A Study of Carcopino's Criticisms, Stephen McCabe
The Relative Effect Upon Learning of Immediate and Delayed Knowledge of Results, Margaret M Elliott
The Reliability of Occurrence of Certain Groups of Works in Various-Sized Samples of Running Words, Eugene J Quindlen
The Reliability of the Graphic Indices in the Draw-a-Person Test, Elizabeth A Saelens
The Religious and Social Policies of the Augustan Regime in the Odes of Horace, James F. Brady
The Religious Ideas of the Romantic Author Juan Zorrilla De San Martin: A Comparative Study, Francis T Keenan
The Religious Teacher and an Educational Problem, M. Dolorosa Gough
The Revitalization of Old School Trading with Machine Learning and Technical Analysis, Shen Wang
The Revival in Catholic Literature as Seen in Contemporary French Poetry, Frances Dolores Burns
The Revolt of Edmond Rostand against the Naturalistic Theatre of His Time as Shown in His Dramatic Work, Allan Larcellus Knight
The Rise and Decline of the Constitutional Doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson in the Field of Public Education, Paul J Beddia
THE ROAD TO REPARATIONS A Comparison Between the United States and South Africa, Ikonii Chiabi
The Role of Anxiety Sensitivity in Treatment Outcomes for Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Collaborative Care Intervention, Austin Reed Harrison
The Role of Commodore Robert F. Stockton in the Conquest of California, Vincent Julian Capowski
The Role of Function in the Severity of Non-suicidal Self-Injury, Michelle Katherine Hiner
The Role of Parental Tolerance of Child Distress in Behavioral Responses to Child Negative Emotions, Robert W Garvey
The Role of Physical Activity on Neurocognitive Function in Diverse Older Persons with HIV (PWH), Angela C Summers
The Role of Sexual Subjectivity and Peer Influences on Sexting Consequences Among Adolescent Girls, Elise Bragard
The Role of Stazio in the Divina Commedia, Isabel Rita McCafferty
The Role of the Chaplain in the Rehabilitation of Offenders, James Albert Flynn
The Role of the Tonarigumi System in Social Change in Japan, Clair A Yaeck
The Romanticism of Peter George Patmore, Joseph Gately
The Salons of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: A Comparative Study, Marie Rita Rozelle
The Santo Domingo Debt Protocol and Treaty (1905-1907), Hugh Sheridan
The Schizophrenic Mother and Her Child: A Personality Study of Eighteen Children With Mothers Diagnosed Schizophrenic, the Catholic Guardian Society, Diocese of Brooklyn, 1964, Joseph Gabriel Forte
The Science of Language and Its Place in General Education, Catherine V Morrissy
The Scientific Method as a Guide in All Teaching: As Promoted by Science Teachers in the New York City System, John J Quinn
The Secular Saint in the Novels of George Eliot, Marie Kathleen Saffer
The Shark and the Pilot Fish, the Influences of the Theory of Evolution on the Social Sciences, Francis P Grady
The Shocks and Traits that Shake and Shape Us, Helene Purcell
The Significance of the Ehrenburg's The Thaw in the Light of Soviet Literary Controls, Juliane S Bing
The Signs of the Times in the Life and Thought of Marie-Dominique Chenu, Mary Kate Holman
The Sisters of Saint Joseph and Catholic Elementary and Secondary Education in the Diocese of Brooklyn, New York, Brenadette I Driscoll
The Social Adjustment of Twenty-One Superior Children to Foster Home Care, Anne Elisabeth O'Sullivan
The Social Gospel of Lacordaire, Laurentia Martin
The Social-Studies Program of the Intermediate Grades in Selected Modern Schools, Anita Lloyd
The Social World of Jane Austen's Women, Ethel Wilhelm
The Soul's Knowledge of Itself According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, Juliana Danahy
The Soviet Philosophy and Scholasticism: A Synthesis and a Contrast, Ralph O Dates
The State of Mathematics in the Secondary Schools: A Survey and Review of Literature Dealing With the Status of Mathematics During the Past Decade, Edward J Mortola
The Status of Edith Wharton as a Social Historian, Sophie Kosky
The Status of Social Studies in Catholic Secondary Schools of New York State, Mercia O'Connell
The Stellate Cells of Von Kupfer: A Review of the Literature, Gerald J Hennessey
The Stoic Solution to Life as an Attitude of Pride and Despair, Kenneth A. Stier
The Structure of Reality as Seen in Maurice Blondel's L'Action of 1893, Léo J Paré
The Study of Willa Cather's Literary Theory as Exemplified in Her Novels, Marie A Leinberger
The Subnormal Child, Mary A Leary
The Supreme Court of Habeas Corpus Protection to Alien Enemy Belligerents Tried by Military Commissions (The Experience of World War II), Walter Enrique Von Rentzell
The Surtax on Undistributed Corporate Earnings, Harold A Baker
The Survival of the Theory of Nordic Superiority in the Immigration and Nationality Act (Public Law 414), Carlo Giachetti
The Symbolism of Paul Claudel, Mary Ancilla Wattie
The Synthesis of Ascorbic Acid by the Cockroach Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, Sally Maria Cordero
The Teaching of Oral English in Secondary School: Methods and Subject Matter of Oral English in Secondary Schools of New York City, Mary T Sharpe
The Test-Retest Reliability of the Thematic Apperception Test, Mary O Bradley
The Time of the Appearance of the Rod-Cone Break in Dark Adaptation Curves as a Function of the Intensity of the Pre-Adapting Light for Three Monochromatic Lights, David L Marasciullo
The Training of Teachers in France for the Public Primary and Secondary Schools From 1875 to 1925, Frances C McParlan
The Transfer of Pupils From Catholic Schools to Public Schools, May Cecelia Hatton
The Treason of Marshal Ney: Lons-Le-Saunier, March12-14, 1815, William D Griffin
The True Aim of Education, M. Dolores Anastasia I Oliver
The Tudor Novels of William Harrison Ainsworth, M. Fidelis Karlin
The Underuse and Overuse of Character Strengths in Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms, Nicole Seligman
The Unity of Skelton's Speak, Parrot, James Francis Cotter
The Unmarried Mother: Factors Affecting a Delayed Decision of Unmarried Mothers; Spence-Chapin Adoption Service, 1964-1965, Mary Louise DiPrima
The Use of Achievement Tests by High School Teachers of English, Lucy F Mohan
The Use of Love Conventions in the Poetry of Robert Southwell, Mary Dowd
The Use of the Gnome in Homer's Odyssey, Sidney J. Mulholland
The U.S. Shale Revolution: The Threat to Saudi Arabia and the Future of the U.S.-Saudi "Special Relationship", Ava Vered Zieff
The Validity And Reliability of the Manson Evaluation and the Alcadd Test in the Identification of Female Alcoholics, Donal G Murphy
The Value of Music in General Education, Brother Eugene Finbar Ryall
The Variability of Ocellar Bristles and Their Inheritance in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, Cecilia Agnes Mulrennan
The Vercelli Homily on the Purification: Edition and Translation, Edward J Christen
The Violence Induced by Climate Change: An Evolving Controversy, Josephine Kurdziel
The Virtue of Charity and the Moral Implications for Journalism, Hubert Dunphy
The Vocabulary Load in Elementary Algebra (A Study of Ten Texts Most Frequently Used), Filiona Burke
The Vocational Interests of Mentally Retarded Children, Catherine Brady
The Vocational Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsied Adults in the Borough of Manhattan, Doris Piggott
The Worker Has a Right to Stable Employment, Joseph T Clune
The Work Is Ours: Nurturing and Sustaining Charism in Catholic Schools in the Lasallian Tradition, Peter J Ryan
Thomas Gerard: A Study of a Lord of a Manor and the Advantages of Manor Holding in Early Maryland, David Spalding
Thoughts of Ancient Pagan Philosophers on Fasting and Their Adaptation in the Moral Writings of the Fathers, George B Hoch
Thoughts on the Harvard Case: Why Discrimination Against Asians Cannot Be Attributed to Race Based Affirmative Action, Mark Naison
Three Essays in Corporate Disclosure and Auditing, Joon Ho Kong
Three Experiments to Ascertain the Correlation Between Mentality and Achievement Among High School Students, Evans M Power
Time Spent on Unpaid Care Work and Women’s Employment Status: Evidence from India, Saumya Tripathi
Together We STEM: An Urban Community Lab’s Collaborative Internship and Social Distancing, Marlee Joy Tavlin
Toward a Reappraisal of the Platonic Triad: The Good, the Demiurge, and World-Soul, Kevin F Doherty
Towards an Existential Ethics: Narrative Identity and Social Scripts, Victoria Emery
Towards an Understanding of Acute Psychiatric Hospitalization: Factors Associated with Early Readmission, Carol Min Jin Cho
Tracing the Psychological Tendencies in Education, M. Egbert Meers
Trajectories of Cognitive Aging among American Indian and Alaskan Native People with and without HIV, Micah Savin
Transfer of Catholic Elementary School Graduates to Public High Schools, Xavier Gibbons
Transforming School-Wide Professional Development Utilizing Culturally Relevant Pedagogy to Engage Black Boys, Rosalyn Selina Barnes
Transportation Problems of the European Common Market for Coal and Steel, Vladimir N Pregelj
Trollope as Social Chronicler of Barset, Christopher J Heffernan
Trust: A Paradigm-Based Explanation, Johnny Brennan
Tuberculosis: A Study of Twenty Male Patients' Feelings Concerning Tuberculosis, Van Etten Hospital, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, 1966, Maureen Frances Dorsey
Twisting Lines: Genealogy and Legitimacy in Fifteenth-Century English Literature, David Smigen-Rothkopf
Two Decades of Foster Home Care for Children, Helen B Donahue
Two Interpretations of Socrates by Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, Arthur F Sullivan
Ukraine Under Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky (April-December 1918), Taras Hunczak
Understanding Disaffiliation in the Armenian Church: A Study of Older and Younger Millennials, Abraham Manuk Malkhasyan
Understanding Fathering and Fatherhood of African American Adult Fathers Who Were Young Adult Fathers: A Retrospective Study, Makeba L Pinder
Understanding New York State Latino Superintendents through Testimonios, Isaac Joaquín del Monte
Understanding Schools that Were Able to Show Sustained Improvement within the Renewal School Program, Gerald Hudak
United States Policy in Santo Domingo, 1905-1916, Marilyn E Kirschner
Unmarried Mothers: A Follow-Up Study of Twenty-Eight Girls Served by Catholic Charities, Diocese of Rockville Center, New York, Mary Elizabeth Gleason
Urban Green Roofs as Wildlife Habitat, Dustin Robert Partridge
Urbanization and African Family Life: A Case-Study of Leopoldville (Belgian Congo), Josef Elsener
Urban Plunge: Novel Heroines in Eighteenth-Century London, Elizabeth Porter
Use of Context for Object Recognition in Convolutional Neural Networks, Eric William Roginek
Validities of Abreviated Scales of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Mary Patricia Geuting
Velleius Paterculus, Tiberius and Tacitus, Joseph-Robert Leclerc
Vietnam's Three-Year Development Plan - 1954-1956 and Its Balance of Payments Prospects, Joseph Chu-Cong
Visual Homing for Robot Teams: Do you see what I see?, Damian Lyons and Noah Petzinger
Visual Homing for Robot Teams: Do you see what I see?, Damian Lyons and Noah Petzinger
Visual Intensity Thresholds for Constant Area in Different Retinal Positions as Measured by Dark Adaptation, George F Nolan
Vital Administrative Problems of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Louisville Prior to the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, John Robert Clancy
Vital Issues in Home Economics, Gertrude Mary Kerin
Vittoria Colonna Is Typical of the Educational Ideals of the Christian Renaissance, Mother Eleanor O'Byrne
Vocalizations of Two Freshwater Turtle Species: Chelodina Mccordi and Pangshura Tecta, Elana Frank
Vocational Education, John V Walsh
Voice, Influence and Belonging: HIV Community Health Workers’ Lived Experience on the Interdisciplinary Health Team, Lori Hurley
Wall Detection Via IMU Data Classification In Autonomous Quadcopters, Jason Hughes and Damian Lyons
Walter Pater, the Critic, Rita Austin Smith
'Wars the Like of Which One Has Never Seen', Tracy B. Strong
Warwick: A New Approach to the Problem of Juvenile Delinquency, William B Mischo
Was Heisst das -- die Bewandtnis? Retranslating the Categories of Heideggers Hermeneutics of the Technical, Theodore Kisiel
Weapons of Mass Migration in the 21st Century: Russia, Belarus, and the European Union, Kia Imazu Fatahi Faz Abad
"We, As Parents, Do Have a Voice": Learning From Community-Based Programs Effectively Engaging Parents in Urban Communities, Elizabeth Gil and Ashley Johnson
When "The Church Is Most Truly Itself": the Eucharistic Ecclesiology of Rowan Williams, J. K Melton
Which Variables Moderate the Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Neurocognition Across Adulthood?, Jordan Paul Sergio
Who Is an Educator?, M Rosita
Why '98: An Inquiry Into the Causes of the Irish Rebellion of 1798, Katharine E McGuire
Why Environmental Racism in the Bronx May Be A More Pressing Issue Than Gentrification, Mark Naison
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt: A Soul in Revolt, Rita G Walsh
William Butler Yeats and the Irish Catholic Body, Brendan Morrissey
William Cobbett and Malthusianism, Jerome Kobel
William George Ward's Critique of John Stuart Mill's Epistemology, Charles J McCracken
William Windham and the French Revolution, 1789-1800, Leo A Nicoll
Wilsonism: The First Phase, James J Ross
Woman in the Poems of Robert Browning, Edwina McMullen
Woman's Fight for Industrial Equality, Margaret B Hogan
Wordsworth and Classical Antiquity, Paul J Phelan
Working Memory and Automaticity in Relation to Mental Addition among American Elementary Students, Qiong Yu
Working Together: An Examination of Adolescent and Caregiver Alliance in Family Therapy, Madeline Little
Written Diocesan Regulations for Catholic Schools in the United States, Mary Agatho Ford
Yesterday Belongs to Me: On the Nostalgic Structure of Whiteness, Jesus Luzardo
You, Me, and Us: Exploring Early Career Female Psychologists’ Experience of Trauma Work, Erin K Burke
Young Thieves: A Study of the Factors and Causes Leading to Thievery among delinquents, John A Ott
Youth in Crisis: An Evaluation of the Short Term Casework Service of the Youth Counsel Bureau, New York City, 1965, Paul Martin Lavelle