Content Posted in 2024
Absentee Children: A Study of the Group Counseling Program in the New York City Board of Education, Bureau of Attendance September 1964 – June 1966, Clarence Wilder Purvis
A Case Study of Five Children Discharged to the After Care Program of the New York Foundling Hospital, Mary Elizabeth Winkler
A Case Study of Ten Chinese Children Under the Care of Children's Placement Services, Grace Chi-Kit Sum
A Case Study of the Fathers of Seven Male Schizophrenic Children, Harry Blumenfeld
A Case Study of the Relationship Between Siblings in the Foster Home Placement Under the Care of the New York Foundling Hospital, Mary Gwendolyn Noren
A Child Care Home in Transition A Study of Saint Joseph Hall, a Home for Dependent, Neglected Children in Brooklyn, New York, During the Years, 1948 to 1959, Madeline Regina Nash
A Children's Institution: A Descriptive Study of Twenty-Five Boys Admitted to Institutional Care at St. Francis Vocational School, Eddington, Pennsylvania, 1967, to Aid in Program Planning, Edward Paul O'Connor
A Commentary on the Course of Study in Music in the High Schools of New York City, May E Gordon
A Community Organization Project at Manhattanville Community Centers, Inc., Mary Margaret Hartigan
A Contribution to a Manual for Children's Center, With Emphasis on the Social Casework Approach, James Edward Hare
A Critical Study of the Courtis Standard Research Test in Arithmetic Series B, Irene M Conroy
Acs, George, Sophia Maier Garcia
A Cultural Perspective on the Lived Experience of South Asian American Women With PCOS, Meera Aladin
ADC in Rockland County, New York: A Study of Five Families and the Reasons Why They Needed Aid, 1960 – 1963, Maureen Catherine Meaney
A Descriptive Case Study of Twenty-Six Parole Violators Who Were Returned to New York State Vocational Institution During 1948, William Thomas Donovan
A Descriptive Study of Forty-Three Veterans on Trial Visit From the New York Regional Office Who Were Discharged or Returned to the Hospital in 1955, Charles Allan Peter Smith
A Descriptive Study of the Nursery Unit in the Integrated Program for the Care of Mental Defective Girls in the State of New Jersey: 1928–1949, Margaret Winifred Illingworth
Administering Authoritarianism: The Birth of the Free Market Model in Pinochet’s Chile., Meghan A. Haggerty
Administrative Guides for Child Caring Institutions a Contribution to the Preparation of a Manual of Administration for Catholic Institutions in the Archdiocese of New York, 1959, Marguerite T Ronan
Adolescence: An Evaluation of the Effects of a Residential Camping Program on Twenty Emotionally Disturbed Adolescent Girls From St. Germaine’s Home in Peekskill, New York July and August 1964, Sister Mary of St. Louis Aversano
Adolescent Adjustment Following Discharge From the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Home, Bronx, Between 1954 and 1957 A Case Study of Six Girls Who Returned to the Community After Long Term Care, 1959, Sister Marita Paul Hammond
Adoption Applicants at Intake. A Statistical Study of Fifty Prospective Adoptive Parents Accepted at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1954, William Elizabeth Carle
Adoption Placements Which Failed Before Consummation A Study of Seven Adoption Placements Made by the New Jersey State Board of Child Welfare in Which Removal Was Necessary Before Adoption Could Be Completed, January Through June 1954, Marjorie Brimmer Cummings
Adoption Referrals, A Statistical Analysis of 201 Children Referred to the New York Foundling Hospital, June 1951-June1952, Rosemary Louise Wilson
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adolescent Substance Use: The Roles of Emotion Regulation and Attachment Security, James Amarante
A Follow-Up Study of Forty-Four Boys From Fairfield County Committed to Connecticut School for Boys, Alfred James Houk
Aged Needy Under Public Auspices: An Historical Sketch of the Institutional Care for the Dependent Aged by the Department of Public Welfare, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1889-1955, Estelle Maria Lachance
Aggression in Boys From “Normal” Homes: A Study of Twenty-Two Boys From Homes Where Both Parents Were Present and Who Were Treated at the Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Shirley Mariana Jensen
Aggression in Older Adults With Dementia: The Impact on Caregivers, Emily LeRolland
Aggressive Casework in School Social Work: A Study of New York City Youth Board Referral Units in the Schools, 1949–1959, Barbara Ann Olle
A Historical Study of the Development of the Aged Unit, Family Service, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, February 1952 to April 1955, Charlotte Marie Noble
A History of Goodwill Industries of Brooklyn, Incorporated, 1916-1950, Francis Thomas Dwyer
A History of the Ottilie Orphan Home in Jamaica, New York: 1892–1942, Muriel Lane Fisher
Aims of Teaching Latin in the Secondary School, Madeline Bisson
A Just, Sustainable Transition at Fordham University, Ethan Shepard
A Just Wage, J. F Garcia
À la comment du peuple — How youth communicated, connected, and collaborated online around the French presidential election of 2022, Nicholas H. Howe
Alcoholism A One Year Follow Up Study of Ten Male Alcoholics Who Presented Themselves at Intake in 1959 at the State University Alcohol Clinic, Brooklyn, New York, William Joseph Brennan
‘A learning experience’: Disciplinary and parenting practices among Native American families, Catherine McKinley, Hannah Knipp, and Jenn M. Lilly
Alietta Bellamy Interview, Mark Naison
A Mental Hospital in Review, 1888 to 1953 A Study of St. Lawrence State Hospital, Ogdensburg, N. Y. With Emphasis on Present Status, John J Stachnick
An Analysis of the Homefinding Techniques of the New York Foundling Hospital, Kathleen Regina Banfield
An Anthropogenic Mass Extinction: Speculation about the Future of Humanity and Other Species, Grace M. Nelson
Ancient Wisdom, Modern Prosperity: Harnessing Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Revitalize Australia's Economy, Environment, and Human Wellbeing, Annabelle L. Baulch
An Environmental Justice Framework for Transportation Equity, Alex Kay DePinho
An Evaluation of an Agency-Operated After-Care Program : A Follow-Up Study, Daniel F Chan
An Historical Study of Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, New York, 1938 to 1947, Arthur Stephen Aubry
An Inquiry Into Practical Reading Problems, Mary E McCann
An Inquiry Into Research on Laboratory Training in Organizations, Marilynn Moch
Any Villanueva, Any Villanueva
A Phenomenological Study of the Retirement Experiences of Elite Female Tennis Players in the United States, Prim Siripipat
“A Phrase Seldom Heard”: Defining the Self-Made Woman in Late Nineteenth-Century American Literature, Julia Lynn Cosacchi
A Preliminary Report on the Evaluation of the Three Year Program in the Fordham School of Social Services, Maria Cuadrado
A Project on Diagnostic Testing and Remedial Teaching in Arithmetic, Arthur Gratz
A Proposed Course in Textile Chemistry for Textile High Schools, William C Shea
A Proposed Program of Supervision for the Diocese of Sacramento, Calif, Stephen J Keating
A Qualitative Study of the Psychosocial Impacts of the School-To-Prison Pipeline and Associated Factors, Aïcha Cissé
A Review of the Children’s Home Service: A Family Rehabilitation Program of the Catholic Guardian Society of the Archdiocese of New York September 1952 to January 1956, Francis Jerome O'Hara
A Review of the Shelter Home Program in the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, New York, 1947 to 1949, Elizabeth Mary Evans
A River of Resilience: Navigating Water Governance in the Colorado River Basin
A Silent Crisis: Climate Change and Its Impact on Food Security in the Sahel, Ayushma Thapa
A Social History of Lincoln School for Nurses, Bronx, N. Y. With Emphasis on Present Functions and Services: 1998-1948, Gwendolyn Samuel Bourne
A Social History of the Little Sisters of the Assumption in New York City, With Emphasis on Their Nursing and Related Services, Ann Theresa Gerhardstein
A Social History of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc., 1938–1948, Roy L. Chamliss
A Social Study of the Bronx Hospital, Annie Long Humphries
A Statistical Study of the Cases Processed Under the Youthful Offender Act in Kings County Court in 1944, Frederick Douglas Brewington
A Stranger Amidst the Strange: Pastoral Leadership in Disorienting Times, Ernesto Roxas Cordero
A Study of Celtic Folklore as a Formative Influence in the Literature of the British People, Madeline P Greehy
A Study of Eight Applications For Educational and Vocational Counseling Known to the Youth Consultation Service During 1949, Doris Kathryn Daniels
A Study of Eighteen Children in Foster Homes Between June 1952 and June 1953 After Interim Institutional Care and Clinical Study, Shirley A Hobbes
A Study of Emotional Problems Presented by Five Adolescents With Tuberculosis, Caroline Marguerite Haddad
A Study of Hospital Schools of Nursing as an Agency for Promoting Recreational Programs for Young Women, Josephine Antionette Wtulich
A Study of International Institute of Bridgeport, 1918-1954, Alice Elizabeth Carroll
A Study of Memory, Cora Veronica Hillyer
A Study of One Hundred Families With Mentally Defective Children Under Five Years of Age, Benjamin Wiznia
A Study of Outpatients' Perceptions About the Maimonides Community Mental Health Center, Alfonsiano Iacono
A Study of Probation Casework in the Kings County Court, 1940–1948, James Richard Collins
A Study of Reading Difficulties in Four Dull Classes of Public School 156, Brooklyn, With Diagnosis and Remedial Treatment, Mable S Thresher
A Study of Runaways From the Children's Village, Dobbs Ferry, New York, With Special Reference to the Cases of One Hundred and Twelve Boys Who Deserted During the Period: October 1945 to September 1946, Francis Taylor Bryant
A Study of the Applicant Intake of Adoption Agencies in the State of California, Mary Harriet Dunn
A Study of the Arithmetical Ability of Children in the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Years of the Elementary School in the Fundamental Operations, Alexander P Nevins
A Study of the Board of Directors of Five Towns Community House, Peter John Marshall
A Study of the Camp Referral as an Adjunct to Casework Treatment: An Analysis of Three Cases of Children Sent to Camp by the Lower East District of Catholic Charities, Family Service, during the Summer of 1949, Catherine Mary Harrahill
A Study of the Influence of Religious Life on the Personality Adjustment of Religious Women as Measured by a Modified Form of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Mary Martina Mastej
A Study of the Needs for Services for the Cerebral Palsy Patient and of Resources Available in New York City, Alice Ching
A Study of the Placement and the Adjustment of Puerto Rican Pupils in a Junior High School, Catherine A Verno
A Study of the Recreational Interests and Leisure-Time Activities of Sixty Adolescents Attending Hudson Guild Neighborhood House, Program Year, 1954-1955, Dolores Marie Tomao
A Study of the Relation Between the Intelligence Quotient and the Progress of the Student in High School, Anna M McBride
A Study of the Relationship Between Parenting Attitudes and the Parents' Choice of Sex-Education Programs, Lorraine M Hinkle
A Study of Three Anti-Suicide Agencies in Manhattan, Charles Gustave Helbig
A Study of Twenty Mentally Defective Pre-School Children Who Were Transferred to State Schools by the New York Foundling Hospital: 1946–1949, Frances Regina Dorsey
A Study of Twenty-Two Cases of Displaced Persons Served by Family Service, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, 1950-1955, Charlotte de Bar
A Survey of the Public and Private Recreational Facilities of the Chelsea Area of Manhattan to Determine the Need for Additional Recreational Facilities in the Area, William Michael Jeffers
A Survey of the Study Home Program of the Catholic Home Bureau, New York, 1947-1950, Elizabeth Patricia Christie
A Text for Reading, A Text for Deciding, ANTONIO T DE NICOLAS
A “Totally, Acceptably Racist Environment”: Examining Anti-Black Racism in a School of Social Work, Jenn M. Lilly, Jasmine Hillyer, Eboni Jaggers, and Kayla Garnigan
Attitudes around Circulatory Migration in Puerto Rico, 2017-2023: Puerto Rico Without Puerto Ricans, Alondra Sostre Gotay
Audrey Donely, Audrey Donely
Authenticity as Experimentality in Search of the Good Life, Sara Nicole Pope
Authority as a Treatment Tool in Juvenile Probation: A Study of Three Active Cases in the Probation Department of the Brooklyn Children's Court, 1959-1960, Mary V Szymborski
A Women’s Institution for Delinquents a Study of the Adolescent Department in Our Lady of Grace Training School, Morristown, New Jersey, William Louis Bohl
Barriers and bridges to well-being for Latinx immigrant youth in a new Latinx destination: A digital narrative inquiry, Jenn M. Lilly
Bees in the Big City: The History, Politics, and Infrastructure of Colony Collapse Disorder and Potential Solutions, Anthony Lekakis
Best Practices in Tier I Strategy Implementation, Catherine Kacyvenski
Beyond the Tap: The Flint, Michigan Water Crisis as an Issue of Environmental Racism, Vincent J. Vitanza
Blind Children in Foster Homes A Survey of the Foster Home Facilities for Blind Children of New York City, Mary Florence Tubridy
Block Associations in Manhattan: A Survey of Thirteen Neighbourhood Organizations Dealing With Street Maintenance and Improvement, 1918-1960, Michael Patrick Connolly
Boyology, Martin Otteran O'Hehir
Brandon, Alfred, Sophia Maier Garcia
Braunstein, Beth, Sophia Maier Garcia
Breaches in the Levee: Increasing Sea Level Rise and Hurricane Activity in New Orleans, Ian A. Gere
Brecker, Andrea, Sophia Maier Garcia
Brief Counseling: A Study of 20 Closed Cases in the Intake Department, Brooklyn Bureau of Social Service and Children’s Aid Society, May 1, 1954 – April 30, 1955, Mary Kathryn Carrano
Building Up a School Spirit, Rose M Hogan
Camp Counselor Training Programs: An Evaluation of the Programs of Ten Summer Camps for Children, 1959, Virginia Kathleen Elder
Camping: A Study of 26 Disturbed Children at Camp IBG, July, 1964, John A Cascone
Cancer Patients and Social Service: A History of Medical Social Work at the Memorial Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases, New York City, 1884-1959, Blanche J Scheib
Case Study Presenting the Role of Play in the Diagnosis of the Problems of Four Children Referred to the Youth Counselling Service of the Archdiocese of New York, Margaret Frances Costello
Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of New York: History of the Foundation and Services of the Lower Manhattan Branch Office, 1959-1962, Francis Amelia O'Neill
Catholic Charities in Alabama A Historical Sketch of the Development of the Bureaus of Catholic Charities in Mobile, Birmingham, Montgomery, 1927–1955, Sister Mary Susanna Pemberton
Catholic Concept of Education, Berenice Greenwell
Catholic Guild for the Blind A Survey of the Services of the Only Catholic Specialized Agency for the Blind of the Diocese of Brooklyn, 1945–1955, Louise Anne Hamrah
Changes in Motivation and Self-Efficacy to Quit Smoking Among People With Serious Mental Illness Who Smoke: A Latent Class Growth Analysis, Danusha Selva Kumar
Character Formation The Purpose of Education, Clarissa
Character Training A Defense of Its Necessities as a Basis of Education, M. Caroline Jewell
Character Training (Adolescent Period), Margaret Mary Newton
Charity and Democracy in Modern Social Work A Survey of Historical Development and Relative Importance of Concepts of Charity and Democracy in the Philosophy of Social Work, Ann Joseph Garahan
Chaucer the Catholic: Notes Corrective of Some Current Errors About Chaucer, Christopher Robert Stapleton
Child Abuse: Caseworkers' Attitudes Toward Their Child Abuse Cases, Cuyahoga County Welfare Department, Division of Child Welfare, Cleveland, Ohio, 1964, Mary Joy Gallagher
Child Care in Four Catholic Institutions in Manhattan and Brooklyn, 1817-1947: The Effect of Changing Concepts as Seen in Four Fordham Dissertations, Anne Marie Buckley
Child Guidance Clinic Operated by Manhattan State Hospital at Children's Center, June 1952 to June 1953, Ina Lois Blanchette
Child Guidance Practice: Using a Marital Role Questionnaire at Intake, Margaret R Gold
Child Guidance: The Extent to Which Sociocultural Factors Are Included in Case Records of a Representative Child Guidance Clinic New York, 1966, Alice Mee Hanlon
Childhood Schizophrenia: A Description of 27 Cases Through the Study of the Diagnostic Process at the Brooklyn Catholic Charities Guidance Clinic, Children's Services, Ariela Carbonell De Rodriguez
Child Placement Prevention Unit of New York Catholic Charities 1954 – 1961, Carolina M Gorbea
Child Placement Requests A Follow-Up Study of Six Cases Known to Catholic Charities, East Harlem Office During May I960 to June 1960, Fedora Porrata
Children in Unlicensed Facilities: A Study Conducted in Stamford, Connecticut, Under the Auspices of the Stamford Community Council, October 1965 – May 1966, Hugh David Wentworth
Children's Court of Oneida County, New York A Historical Study and Survey With Emphasis on the Probation Department and the Detention Home, Isabelle Ann Angelini
Children’s Institutions: A Study of the Population of Ten Children’s Institutions in the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey in 1960, Catherine M McGann
Child Study, M. Catherine Dolores Miriam Kinsella
Child Welfare in Korea An Exploratory Study of Development of a Child Welfare in South Korea, 1950–1960, Chin Sook Park
Child Welfare Services in a Public Agency: A History and Description of the Wayne County Division of Child Welfare, Lyons, New York, 1936–1958, Mary Margaret Galiano
Climate Change and Environmental Crises in Coastal Cities: Charleston vs New York City, Nolan Rodriguez
Cohen, Ruthie, Sophia Maier Garcia
Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Struggles: The Paradox of Globalization as an Agent of Neocolonialism in the Caribbean, Lesley Ann East
Commercial Education in Germany, John Emmett McGuire
Community Changes Which Affected the History and Development of Sydenham Hospital, From 1892–1949, New York City, Joan Audrey Young
Community Development: A Definition Applied to the Arriba Juntos Project, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1964, Regina Mary Robinson
Community Development in Indonesia: A Survey of the Governmental Programs: With Emphasis on a Projected Plan for a Voluntary Organization, 1961, Christine Lie An Lien
Community Mental Health Planning at the Case Level: Case Studies on Target Areas, Harold Siegelbaum
Comparison of the Isaac Pitman and the Gregg Systems of Shorthand, Sarah I Joyce
Conditions Affecting Music Teaching in New York City High Schools, Catherine C Knight
Confessions of a Contemporary Consumer: Environmental and Humanitarian Impacts of Fast Fashion, Maria Jose Salume
Considering the Role of Associates in the Future of Women’s Religious Communities: A Project Focusing on the Sisters of St Joseph of Carondelet and Consociates, St Paul Province, Andrea Lynn Pearson Tande
Contemporary Supervision, Its Principles and Practices, Solomon W Luckie
Contributions of the Renaissance to Modern Education, Immaculata Garrahan
Contributions of the Ursulines to Education in the Archdiocese of New York, Marie McCullough
Correlation and Its Possibilities in Teaching History, Anna F Saunderson
Correlation the Open Sesame of the Catholic Teacher, Alice M Bresnahan
Crossing Cultural Boundaries Through Food in the Post World War 2 Bronx, Mark Naison
Crossing Cultural Boundaries Through Food in the Post World War 2 Bronx, Mark Naison
Crown Heights Project, Training Needs of Community Aids, Marian T Martin
Cultivating Hope: The Influence of Positive Outlooks in K-12 Climate Change Education, Agnes Brown
Cultural Hybridization in the United States: The Case of Chicanos/Mexican-American Music, Jeffrey R. Craig
Culture and the Schools of New York City, Marie Keese
Daytop Lodge: An Experiment in the Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts on Probation, Joseph Gerard Farrell
Delinquency: A Study of Six Puerto Rican Boys Committed to Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, New York, in August 1958, Ismael Rodriguez
Delinquency in Boys Discharged From Child Caring Institutions, A Study of Nine Boys Who Were Committed to a Correctional Institution While Under the Supervision of the Brooklyn Catholic Guardian Society, 1945-1952, Joseph Dominic Gibboney
Delinquency - Subcultural Leadership: A Study of the Amenability to Casework Treatment of Five Peer–Chosen Leaders, Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, New York, 1959-1960, Anthony J Favale
Delinquent Boys: A Study of the Social Background of Forty Boys Discharged From Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, New York in 1957, Frank Grassi
De Natura Rerum of the Venerable Bede, M. Aquinas Gude
Developing and Validating a Method of Coherence-Based Judgment Aggregation, Emily H Ho
Developing the Weaving Healthy Families Program to Promote Wellness and Prevent Substance Abuse and Violence: Approach, Adaptation, and Implementation, Catherine E. McLinley, Jenn M. Lilly, Jessica L. Liddell, Hannah Knipp, Tamela Autumn Solomon, Nikki Comby, Harold Comby, Patricia Haynes, Kathleen Ferris, and Maple Goldberg
Development of a Parent/Guardian Questionnaire for Newcomer English Language Learners, George S. Lynch
Development of a Scale to Measure Expressiveness in Casework, Maria E Arce
Diagnostic Testing and Remedial Teaching, Gertrude E Morrisson
Dictation Versus Direction in Secondary Education, James Augustine McDonald
Did He Who Said: "Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me", Mean to Exclude Those of the Public Schools?, Walter H De Mott
Differential Prediction of Achievement in Broad Curricular Areas in an Academic High School, Brother Cormac Waldron
Differentiated Curricula in High School Mathematics on the Basis of Intelligence and Prognosis Tests, Elizabeth G Hoffman
Diontay Santiago Interview, Mark Naison
Dollarization Dynamics in Ecuador and Argentina: Assessing its Viability and Success as a Remedy for Weak Latin American Economies, Margarita Maria Fernandez Pereira
Donna Sue Johnson, Donna Sue Johnson
Dr.Chris Grantham, Mark Naison
Dr.Chris Grantham Interview, Mark Naison
Dr. Ernest Patti, Mark Naison
Dr.Ernest Patti, Mark Naison
Drug Addiction and Casework Treatment Plan: A Study of the Programs for the Rehabilitation of the Drug Addict by the Hudson Guild Counseling Service, New York City, 1959-1961, Joseph Patrick Atkinson
Echoes of Imperialism: The Philippines and America in the South China Sea, Victoria Elise Ruiz Sogueco
Educational Guidance in the Public Schools, John P. J McCabe
Educational Reformers in Catholic Countries of Europe in the Eighteenth Century, Lawrence Delehanty
Education in Ancient Greece and Influence, Thomas James Jackson
Effect of Caffein and Theobromine on the Human System, Louis Luke Illich
Effect of Video Psychoeducation Intervention on Negative Parental Attributions of Parents of Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Victoria R Mulligan
Effeminacy in Boys as Influenced by Parental Attitudes a Case Study of Seven Effeminate Boys Who Were Seen at the St. Charles Child Guidance Clinic, in Brooklyn, New York, Between 1943 and 1955, Donald Francis Fitzgerald
Eleanor Jones, Eleanor Jones
Emotionally Disturbed Children Admitted to the Psychiatric Institute: A Comparison of the Time Lapse Between Recognition of Disturbed Behavior and Referral for Treatment of Ten Boys Hospitalized in 1935 and 1950, Eileen Margaret Corrigan
Empowering Learning and Restoring Hope: Creating Customized Programs for Medically Fragile Children, Nancy M Finelli
English in the Secondary Schools, M Edward
Enhancing SDG Text Classification Through Combinatorial Fusion Analysis, Jingyan Xu
Essays in Fiscal Policy, Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun
Essays on Environmental Factors, Policies, and Health Outcomes, Rachel Wilwerding
Ethics à la Mode: Should Ethics Apply to Artificial Intelligence, or the Other Way Around?, Matthew Caulfield
Evaluating a Web-Based Curriculum Designed to Empower Adolescents to Build Mentoring Relationships With Adults, Kate Bartolotta
Examining Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Treatment Outcomes in Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Offenders: A Randomized Controlled Study, Erin May Conley
Experiments in Arithmetic Conducted in P. S. 78, Manhattan, Ethel M Sheerin
Exploring the Conditions of Urban Community Flourishing: A Case Study of Andersonville, Chicago, Jana Rokitta
Exploring the Impacts of Network Improvement Communities During Times of Crisis, Damian Pacheco
Exposure to Gendered Racial/Ethnic Discrimination, Friendships, and Mental Health Among Young Women of Color, Xiangyu Tao
Familiarity Bias by Sector: Professional Equity Investor Preference to Invest in Geographically Close Sectors, Oscar Montes
Familismo in Latine/x First Generation College Student Experiences and Balancing Discord Between Ethnic Culture and Student Culture, Vanessa Castellanos
Family Care Program in a Veteran’s Hospital A Case Study of Eight Mental Patients in the Family Care Program at Lyons Veterans Administration Hospital, Lyons, N.J. 1949 – 1954, John Lawrence Sullivan
Female Narcotic Users: A Comparative Study of the Needs of Addict and Non-Addict Mothers at the New York Foundling Hospital, Eileen Altieri
Florence Hollis: An Historical Study of Her Writings With Emphasis on Casework Treatment Methods, 1930–1960, Ruth A Ramsdell
Foreword to Antonio de Nicolas Powers of Imagining, Patrick Heelan
Formative Assessment Practices of Middle School Mathematics Teachers in the Dominican Republic, Ana De Jesús
Foster Care and Non-Visiting Natural Parents: A Study of Ten Cases in the Catholic Home Bureau, Manhattan, 1961-1963, James Francis Ryan
Foster Children’s Adult Adjustment: A Follow-up Study of Fifteen Former Foster Children of Catholic Children’s Bureau, Philadelphia, 1924–54, Paul Marie Maloney
Foster Home Adjustment A Study of Ten Children Under Catholic Home Bureau Care Who Have One Successful Placement, 1942-1953, Henry R Ronson
Foster Homefinding: A Descriptive Study of the Social Casework Techniques Utilized in the Home Study Process by Homefinders, Lourdes A Bañez
Fostering Dissent: Analyzing Russian Rhetorical Strategies in Fomenting a Negative Image of the EU in Serbia, Suzan L. Juncaj
Foster Parents for Emotionally Disturbed Children: A Study of Adequacy and Its Relationship to Attitudes as Revealed by a Sentence Completion Questionnaire Given at the Astor Home for Children, Rhinebeck, New York, 1963, Marian Therese Schwagerl
Foster Parents Group Education: A Follow-up Study of a Survey Completed in 1938 of Foster Parents Group Education Programs of Twenty- Nine Agencies in Seventeen States in the United States, 1969, James Joseph Mirabile
From Augustine to Toni Morrison: Textuality, Temporality and the Inner Self, Chantel Grant
“From depression, to an overdose of crack, to trying to kill myself”: Post-trafficking Mexican women survivors’ challenges and NGO’s strategies in rehabilitation, Mariana Aboumrad
From Invisible to Visible: Phenomenological Analysis of Living With Concealable Chronic Conditions, Lenia Dayeon Chae
From Pasture to Pavement: Urban Expansion and Its Environmental Consequences in Perth, ANASTASIA CHARELISHVILI
From Revolution to Laïcité: How Anticlericalism Has Defined Modern France for Muslim Women, Jake T. McArdle
Fund Raising Among Employee Group: A Study of the Method Used by the Greater New York Fund, 1960, George J McGarry
Gender Equity and Coffee Agroforestry: The Environmental and Social Impacts of Commodity Production in Latin America, Suzanna Lloyd
Geriatrics 1965: A Survey of the Program of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Rockville Centre, Mary Ellen Bergin
Gerontology: Individualized Services Offered to Six Patients Known by the Social Service Department of the Metropolitan Hospital, New York City, 1959, Ana M Rodriguez
Gordon, Ina, Sophia Maier Garcia
Graded Units in the Training of Student Teachers as Applied to a New York City Model School, Stella Monks Sweeting
Grass Roots Social Workers: A Study of Marijuana Usage Among Graduate Students of Social Work, Justine Deegan
Greening Urban Spaces: Harnessing Houseplants to Reclaim Ecosystem Services, Alana Snyder
Group Development and Working Interventions: A Study of Sixty Worker Interventions and Their Relation to Group Development in Six Student Placements in the New York Area, 1964, Harriet Joy Taylor
Group Work and the Young Christian Workers Movement: A Comparative Study of Their Principles, Methods and Aims, 1960, Emmanuel Marie Moore
Growth and Development of Education in Nova Scotia, Mary Raphael
Guidance Clinic, the Waiting List: A Therapeutic Experience, Mount Carmel Guild Guidance Institute, Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, 1962–1964, Barbara Lorraine Brande
Gurock, Jeffrey, Sophia Maier Garcia
Habit in Its Formation and Operation, Mary Agnes L Moore
Harold Thomas III, Matthias Lai
Hawaii’s Future Is Kānaka Maoli: Reconciling the Colonization of Hawai’i to Promote a Greener Future, William Johnston
Health an Objective in Education, Herman Brown
Healthcare experiences of uninsured and under-insured American Indian women in the United States, Jessica L. Liddell and Jenn M. Lilly
Heart Disease: A Study of the Reactions of Relatives of Seventy-Eight Patients to Having a Cardiac Hospitalized, Saint Francis Hospital and Sanatorium, Roslyn, L.I., I95O-I96O, Mary Regis of the Sacred Heart Bolger
Hermeneutic Reflections on Descartes’ Introduction to His Meditations on First Philosophy, David B. Allison
High School Dropout: An Appraisal of Three Programs of the New York City Board of Education as They Relate to Culturally Deprived Children, 1960-64, Thomas Baxter Phillips
History and Theory of Number as a Possible Secondary School Course, Frederick George Messner
History of Public Poor Relief in New Jersey, 1609–1934, Martin W Stanton
Home Care as an Integral Part of Comprehensive Medical Care as Seen Through the Home Care Program of Bellevue Medical Center, 1956, Anne Ventress Brainerd
Homeless Refugees From Communist China – A Study of Social Service Under Catholic Auspices in ‘Iron-Mine’ Refugee Camp and ‘King’s Park’ Resettlement Area, Hongkong: 1951–1955, Stella I-Fan Huang
Homeless Women: A Study of Eighteen Women Who Were Known to the Village Haven Half-Way House New York City, 1963–1964, Laima Maria Sileikis
Homemaker Service of the Jewish Family Service of New York City, Sophie S Friendly
Houseparents: A Study of Their Training in Fifty-Five Child Caring Institutions in New York State 1961, Stella Gomez Gavira
Housing for the Aged Under Federal Auspices: A Study of the Development of Fireside Apartments, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1958–1964, Nancy Anne Pipa
How Can We Reach the Individual?, Sr. M Aloysius
How The Crack Epidemic Changed Life in the Bronx, Mark Naison
How to Present Isaac Pitman Shorthand Effectively, S. C Kavanagh
Identity Management: Jesuit Universities Preserving Mission and Identity With Online Program Managers, Alan Cafferkey
“I Learned to Bottle Up My Feelings From a Young Age”: A Narrative Analysis of Latina Young People’s Family Mental Health Socialization, Jenn M. Lilly
Imagination in Motion: Ekphrastic Description in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Nicole Marie Andranovich
Implementing Teacher Common Planning Time to Increase Achievement Among English Language Learners, Terence P Rusch
Impostor Phenomenon and School Belonging of First-Year College Students in an Educational Opportunity Program, Zomorah Kennedy
Improving Workplace Interdepartmental Collaboration Through Organizational Learning, Transformational Leadership, and Meeting Science, Tiffany Alvarez Smith
Inclusive Teaching: Comparing Afro-Latina/o and Non-Afro-Latina/o Educators, Nakia Z Burgos
Individual Differences, Kathleen
Individual Differences: Psychology, Recognition and Use in Modern Education, Ella M Manning
Influence of European Education on Early Nineteenth Century Education in America, Mary James O'Brien
Ingrid Cardona Interview, Mark Naison
Interactions Between Quality, Affordability, and Income Groups at Private Colleges and Universities, James M Stabler-Havener
Interviewing the Family Unit: A Study of Joint Interviewing in Eight Cases in Family Division of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York, 1962-1963, Marilyn Valerie Viggiano
Irish Mathematicians of the Nineteenth Century, Vincent O'Sullivan
It’s Giving Tory:” Youth Satirization of Elizabeth Truss on TikTok as Political Commentary, Alexandra Rapp
“It’s in the family circle”: Communication promoting Indigenous family resilience, Catherine E. McKinley and Jenn M. Lilly
Jacobs, Jack, Sophia Maier Garcia
Jacqueline "Jackie" Charlot and Loretta "Cookie" Dennis, Jacqueline Charlot
Japan Is Not Justified in Her So-Called Policy of Monroe Doctrinism in the Far East, Lucy A McCafferty
Josef Pieper and the Danger of Sophistry, Joseph K Seiter
Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Memorial Hospital, Brighton, Massachusetts A Social Study of an Institution Offering Rehabilitation Service to Handicapped Children, Covering the Period 1959-1954, Saint Hugh McNaughton
Juvenile Delinquency: A Study of the Socio-Cultural Background of Ten Adolescents Known to the Passaic, New Jersey, Children's Bureau, 1960, Therese Fleur Charbonneau
Kashmir and Conflict: The Risks of Water Scarcity, Mael Quentin
Kazembe Balagun Interview: Part 1, Mark Naison
Klein, Hilde, Sophia Maier Garcia
Konig, Irene, Sophia Maier Garcia
Latina Young People’s Perspectives on Healthy Romantic Relationships: A Strengths-Based, Qualitative Inquiry, Susan R. Pace, Jenn M. Lilly, and Maddox C. Emerick
Leadership and Organizational Practices to Support Upper Elementary Student Proficiency in Mathematics, Jermaine D. Dickerson
Leading Successful Schools for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students, Mirza Grizelle Sánchez-Medina
Linkages Between Adolescents' Social Networking Site Use, Quality of Friendship, Co-Rumination, and Self-Disclosure Practices, Hayley Simon
Lionel Spencer Interview, Mark Naison
Long Term Foster Care: A Study of Factors Leading to the Long Term Foster Care of 15 Children Who Reached Age 18 in 1963, Timothy James Buckley
Luz Solis Interview, Mark Naison
Lyme Disease in the Northeast: The Unintended Consequence of Suburban Development, Hayden Neubert
Magkita Tayo Doon, Let’s Meet up There: An Ethnography on “Little Manila Avenue” in Woodside, Queens, New York City, Alexandra Tamsi
Major Factors Contributing to the Stability of a Group, A Study of Eleven Women Members of the Stuyvesant Mothers Club, New York, 1961, Bernardine R Soepardo
Major Modern Tendencies in the Teaching of English in the Junior High School, Veronica G Garbien
Make It Make Sense: Discourse and Care That Improves Math Outcomes, Steven Vincent Cobb
Manila Catholic Social Service A Survey of Social Agencies in the Archdiocese of Manila, 1955, Lemina Cruz Concepcion
Manual Education: Its History – Past and Present and Its Possibilities for the Future, Leo Blumenfeld
Maria Aponte Interview, Mark Naison
‘Marriage is Going to Fix It’: Indigenous Women’s Experiences with Early Childbearing, Early Marriage and Intimate Partner Violence, Catherine E. McKinley and Jenn M. Lilly
Measuring Persuasion Without Measuring a Prior Belief: A New Application of Planned Missing Data Techniques, Mark Himmelstein
Media Framing of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: An Analysis of the TV Program 'Evening with Vladimir Solovyov', Hellen Petrovskaya
Menstrual pads on parliament: Women’s activist strategies in challenging conservative gender ideologies in Kosovo (2020s)., Djellza Pulatani
Mental Health Services: An Attempt Through Community Organization to Meet the Need for a Mental Health Clinic in the Bronx by the St. Mary’slongwood Civic Central League, New York 1963 – 1964, Pereta Providence Rodriguez
Mental Health Services in a Voluntary Community Agency: An Historical Study of the United Counseling Service of Bennington County, Inc., Bennington, Vermont, 1959–1961, Mary Ellen Murray
Mental Illness and Public Assistance in Connecticut: A Descriptive Study of an After-Care Program With a Statistical Analysis of Its Effectiveness, 1952-1958, Susanne W Peplow
Mental Retardation: A Statistical Study of the 103 Cases on the Waiting List of the Suffolk County Clinic for the Mentally Retarded, Smithtown General Hospital, Smithtown, New York, October 15, 1965, Dorothea Claire Jordan
Methods of Teaching Dramatics and Dramatic Literature in American Secondary Schools, Saint George
Methods of Teaching the Social Sciences in Junior High School, Helen Lyons
Michael Nelson, Nikki Estelami
Middle School Urban General Education Teacher Beliefs Towards Supporting Students With Disabilities, Nisha A Acharya
Missionary Cenacle Apostolate School of Catholic Action. A Questionnaire Study of the Delegates Attending the Sessions in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 1946–1954, Francis Mary Rodenbaugh
Modern Human Sacrifice: Environmental Injustice in Cancer Alley, Molly Mulvaney
Modern Tendencies in the Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools, Anna F Colligan
Mohammedan Learning (650-1200 A.D.) and Its Effects on Christian Education in the West, Catherine Cully Lanigan
Mothers’ Experience Disclosing Their Daughters’ Eating Disorder to School Personnel, Jordyn Abrahams
Multidimensional Models of Parental Involvement and Children’s Academic Achievement: Mediation Analyses, Maiko Yomogida
Multi-Problem Families: A Comparison of Families Served by the Bronx Casework Referral Unit of the New York City Youth Board in 1957 and 1964, Franklin White
Multi-Problem Families: A Study of the Coordination of Services in Five Cases Known to Youth Board, Brooklyn, New York, 1958–1959, Dorothy Hovey Walbridge
Narcotic Addiction: A Survey of the Current Resources Available to Deal With the Problem of Addiction, New York City, 1964, Linda Jeanne Moher
Narcotic Usage – A Study of the Riverside Hospital With It’s Facilities for Care and Rehabilitation of Emotionally Disturbed Youngsters, John Churchill Webber
Nationalization of Education in America, Laetitia Magin
Neal Matticks, Manpreet Singh
Neighbourhood Preservation or You Can Fight City Hall: A Study of the West Village Committee, New York City, 1961 – 1965, With Special Emphasis on the Committee’s Fight Against Bulldozing, Helga Claire Sargent
New York City’s Rising Sea Level and Coastal Erosion: Approaches to Resiliency, Ryder D. Isidro
Non Verbal Children A Follow Up Study of Five Children Known to Catholic Charities Guidance Institute of the Archdiocese of New York From 1953 to 1958, Amelie Angele Jeannette Baur
Not Just a Walk in the Park: Environmental Injustice in New York City’s Green Spaces, Greta Laine McLaughlin
“Not the Mecca We Know”: Analyzing the Spiritual and Cultural Ramifications of Contemporary Commercialism in Saudi Arabia, Hanif Azam Amanullah
Novice Teachers’ Preparation and Support in Navigating High School Inclusive Classrooms, Jacqueline M Watson
Objectives and Methods of the Department of Apprentice Teaching. (Jamaica Training School), Louise Kathryn Byrne
Orange County, New York Directory of Its Health and Welfare Resources 1954, Joseph Emanuel Galano
Organization of Schools by Standardized Intelligence Tests, Thomas Aquinas Catherine Drum
Original Work in the Use of Standardized Tests, Anna S Tobin
Origin of Civil Society, Irene Slachta
Orosius Between the Classical Tradition and the Patristic Milieu, Christopher Michael Burns
Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic A Statistical Study of 275 Patients on Leave of Absence From Clarks Summit State Hospital, Pennsylvania, 1957-1959, Harold Augustus Swift
Pandemic Pandemonium: The Interconnectedness of Environmental and Public Health Through the Lens of COVID-19, Hanna Giedraitis
Pandemic Pathways: An Integrated Approach to Studying the Pandemic’s Employment Impacts on Paid and Unpaid Care of Children 0 to 11 Years Old, Johanna S. Quinn
Paranoid Schizophrenia: A Study of Casework Techniques Used With Eight Patients in the Trial Visit Program, Out-Patient Clinic, Veterans Administration New York Regional Office, 1956–1959, Caroline Joyce Whitby
Parental Burnout: An Investigation of Burnout in Parents of Children with Misophonia, Emily Steinberg
Parental Contact in Foster Care A Study of Parental Visiting Trends in Twenty-One Sibling Groups Active Within the Boarding Department of the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, 1949 – 1954, Sister Mary Margaret Fitz-Gibbon
Parental Rights vs. State Rights in Education, Berchmans Corey
Parole: The Origin and Development of the New York State Parole Division as an Independent Casework Agency, 1930–1962, Earl C Schrader
Patriotism in the Schools, M Verona
Pegasus in Hungary: Analyzing Hungary's Use of Pegasus on journalists with Lessig's Four Modalities of Regulation, Katherine Kuhl
Philosophy and the Teaching of English Literature, St. Margaret of the Angels
Predicting Risk of Violent Misconduct in Juvenile Detention: Polyvictimization Latent Classes and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Emily Carron Weinberger
Present Day Education of Women in New York City, M Basil
Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Identities and Beliefs Related to Children’s Creativity and Artistry, Graham Johnson
Prevention and Intervention With the Elderly: An Evaluation of a Friendship Club Program, Steven L Taylor
Priests and Social Workers: A Study of the Relationship Between Priests and Social Workers, Catholic Charities, Union County, 1965, Mary Jean Ward
Principal’s Leadership Practices for Implementing Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education to Support English Learners, Marie A Guillaume
Principals' Perception of Catholic Identity of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Ondo - Nigeria, Andrew Babajide Ilegbemi
Principals’ Transformational Leadership and School Climate in a Rural Community, James A Daino
Prison Self-Government and Thomas Mott Osborne: A Study of the Implementation of the Mutual Welfare League in Auburn Prison and Sing Sing Prison, 1909–1915, John Michael O'connell
Probation: A Study of Self-Image of the Probation Officer as Compared to the Probationer's Image of the Probation Officer in Queens County Supreme Court, 1963-1964, Ralph Edward Price
Probationers: A Study of Casework Movement: In Thirty-One Boys Referred From Children’s Court, Jamaica, New York to Catholic Charities of Brooklyn Queens County Family Division, 1957–1960, Herbert Francis Kenworthy
Proceedings of the 18th Facet Theory Conference, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Protective Social Legislation: A Comparative Study of Legal Controls for the Labor of Women and Children in Alabama, Rhode Island and New York 1891 to 1931, Aimee Theresa McDonnell
Psychiatric Consultation in a Family Agency: A Study of Six Cases in Which Consultation Was Used at the Catholic Charities Family Division Agency, Bay Shore, New York, Sept. 1959 - Sept. 1960, Joseph John Kowalchik
Psychiatric Day Hospitals: A Study of the Brooklyn Day Hospital Program Within the New York State Aftercare Clinics, 1961, Owen L Sammons
Public Housing Selection of Tenants: A Follow-Up Study of Tenants After Evaluation as Applicants by the Social Services Division of the New York City Housing Authority, 1963, Marion Louise Spencer
Puerto Rican Children: A Case Study of the Problems Involved in the Foster Home Placement of Ten Puerto Rican Children in Foster Homes of the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, 1958, Anthony Dominick Romeo
Puerto Rican Children Referred to the Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, New York City, From the Youth Board, New York City, for Placement, Barbara Theresa Chulick
Puerto Rican Counter Migration of Juvenile Delinquency: A Study of Four Boys Aged 14 to 16 Who Influenced Their Peers in Puerto Rico, 1959-1960, Victor Alberto Rivera
Puerto Rican Families and Their Integration in New York City: A Study of Four Families Known to Family Service Catholic Charities of New York, 1958-1960, Dipna V Rosario
Puerto Rico and the Missionary Servants: An Historical Study of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity in Puerto Rico, 1923-1954, Thomasine Twomey
Quantum Counting in a Distributed System, Zefan Du
Rap in the United States and Cuba: A Genre Uniquely Emblematic of The Paradox of (De)Colonization, Maya Rose Bliffeld
Rationalizing Arithmetic, Rose I Meeks
Reading in the French Course, Bede Edward
Reading-----Its History and Methods of Teaching, Rose Ostroff
Recidivism: A Study of One Hundred Cases of Delinquent Children Committed to Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, New York, 1952–1956, Robert Wagner
Recreation in a Catholic Home for the Aged A Study of the Leisure Time Activities at the Mary Manning Walsh Home, New York City, January 1952 - May 1955, O'Carm La Porte Jude Therese
Recruitment of Professional Group Workers: A Survey of Recruitment Methods Used by Four National Agencies From November 1950 to November 1954, Donald Kato Cheek
Reduction of Waste in Education, William P Finley
Reef Ecosystem Conservation for the Hawaiian Islands: The Impacts of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Benthic Reef Populations, Samantha Roberts
Reflexivity of Tourism on Cultural Performance As Seen By America’s New York City, Sydney E. Cheatham
Reformatory Commitments: Changes in the Characteristics of the Population at Bedford Reformatory as a Result of the Court Reorganization of 1962, Norma Annetta White
Refugees or Migrants: Polish Reception to Ukrainian and Syrian Refugee Crises (2015/2022), Emily M. Friedman
Rehabilitation, a Focus for Community Organization: The Development of New York Service for Orthopedically Handicapped, 1901–1964, Glenn Gordon Drover
Religion in the Home Finding Process A Study of the Religious Problems of Boarding Home Applicants in the Home Study Process of the Catholic Home Bureau, Catholic Charities, New York City, 1952, Sister Mary Mercedes Somma
Religion, the Coordinating Principle of Education, S.M Jerome
Religious Education in the So-Called Dark Ages, Gonzaga Kehoe
Renata Ramos, Renata Ramos
Residence Programs Providing Treatment Services for Adolescent Girls; A Description of Seven of These Units in New York City, 1959–1960, Theresa Gail Schintzius
Retarded Children: How Parental Attitudes Toward Placement of a Retarded Child in Special Classes Affects the Child's Adjustment in the Stevens School, Stamford, Connecticut, 1963–1965, Lawrence Michael Doyle
Returning to their roots: Examining the reintegration experiences of returned Indigenous migrant youth in Guatemala, Jenn Miller Scarnato
Revitalizing New York City Food Deserts: On Addressing, Examining, and Solving Food Insecurity in New York City, Eleanor Ann Rodde
Risk and Protective Factors Impacting the Mental Health of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children From Central America, Maria Cristina Jimenéz-Salazar
"Robin", Sophia Maier Garcia
Rosmini, the Italian Froebel, Adelaide Schenone Isola
Sandra Chestnut and Marguerite Nelson, Dana Ebrelidze and Nicole Miceli
Scale for Autism in Females: A Diagnostic Interview for the Female Phenotype, Janice Robyn Puder
Schizophrenia: The Effectiveness of a Half-Way House for Schizophrenic Women at Norristown State Hospital, 1958–1963, Albert Raymond Di Dario
School Dropouts: A Survey of the National Problem and a Review of Types of Service Programs With Special Reference to Gaps in Service and to New Directions: 1963, Selma Stein Rosenbaum
School Social Work - Education on Deaf Children A Study of the Social Worker's Role as Perceived by the Teaching Staff in the Bruce Street School for the Deaf, Newark, New Jersey, 1964–1965, Mary Catherine Coleman
Scouting: A Study of the Scouting Program Under Catholic Auspices in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, Long Island, New York, 1959, John Peter Rutnik
Sense Training as Applied to Education, Marie Annette Scanlon
Sentimental Empiricism: Politics, Philosophy, and Criticism in Postwar France, Davide Panagia
Sentiment Analysis Model Integration Using Combinatorial Fusion Analysis, Sean Patten
Seperson, Susanne, Sophia Maier Garcia
Servant Leadership and Teacher Accompaniment in Salesian Colleges: Role of Affective Commitment, Geomon Kalladanthiyil
Shabsigh, Dr.Ridwan, Mark Naison
Sheltered Workshops for Mental Deficients: An Observational Study of 15 Patients From the New Lisbon State Colony, New Jersey, Placed in a Sheltered Workshop at the Salvation Army, Newark, New Jersey, Ralph Harris Chlebnikow
Shirley Parker, Shirley Parker
Short Term Services to Families and Children Within a Child Placing Agency: A Study of the Department of Family and Child Care of the New York Foundling Hospital, 1949-1954, Dorothy Sheahan Acampora
Siegel, Helen, Sophia Maier Garcia
Significant Changes in Public Education in the United States, Katherine E Sullivan
Silverstein, Helen "Lyn", Reyna Lee Stovall
Slum Factors and Community Education: A Synthesis of New York City Codes of Ordinances Pertaining to Street Maintenance and Improvement,1960, James J McLoughlin
Social Efficiency as the Educational Aim Accomplished in the Elementary Schools of New York City, Marie MacDonald
Social Group Work and the Aged: A Study of the Social and Mental Health Problems of the Aged Person and How Social Group Work May Help Alleviate These Problems, Nancy Anne McMaster
Social Survey of Mount Saint John, Home for Boys and Girls, Rensselaer, New York, Mildred Clements
Some Factors Contributing to the Unadjustment of Five Boys in Foster Homes, Carol Elizabeth Gould
Some Practical Problems in the Administration of the Evander Childs High School, John A Donohoe
Some Trends in the Vocational Training of Women in the Public Schools in the City of New York in the Last Twenty-Five Years, Frances C McLaughlin
State Rights in Education, Francis Xavier Rom
Stepping Towards Sustainability: Analyzing Walkability in Urban Environments, Elli Lewis
St. John’s Home: A Statistical Analysis of the Total Population of St. John’s Home, Rockaway Park, New York From January 1, 1958 to January 1, 1959, Marjorie McCormick Donoghue
Student Government in the High School as a Factor in the Development of Initiative, M Ceciliana
Study of Male Patients Over Sixty-Five Years of Age Accepted for Observation At the Psychiatric Division of Kings County Hospital, During the Month of January 1955, Arlene Lucille Ferragamo
St. Vincent De Paul and Father Judge A Study of the Implementation of the Vincentian Principles of Charity in the United States, 1955, Sister Margaret Thomas Lenz
St. Vincent’s Home for Boys A Study of the Home’s Program, Charles Peter Brambilla
Supervised Study in History in the Junior High School Grades, May G Sullivan
Survey of the Trends in Intake at Angel Guardian Home During the Years 1951 and 1952, Owen Hurley
Sustainable Urban Design in New York City: The Case Study of Manhattan’s Chinatown, Tiffany Wu
Sustained Turnaround Ethical Leadership in Public Elementary Schools: Analysis of Principal Perceptions, Neal David Levine
Tajay Ashmeade, Mark Naison
Teacher Inquiry Cycles Promoting Science Vocabulary Acquisition for Arabic-Speaking English Language Learners, Sarah Tazghini
Team Approach in Psychiatric Treatment: A Study of the Contributions of Various Professions to the Treatment Team at St. Vincent's Hospital of Westchester County, Mary Louise MacDonald
Temporary Placement of Children: A Statistical Analysis of 171 Cases at Divine Providence Temporary Shelter, Manhattan, With Emphasis on Confinement Cases and Consideration of Placement Prevention, 1954-1960, Sister Mary Eric Puderbaugh
Temporary Shelter Care A Study of the Function of the Caseworker at Divine Providence Temporary Shelter, Manhattan, New York, Sister Mary Blessed Elizabeth Teresa Sullivan
The Abyss of Abundance: Consumer Overconsumption and the Road to Environmental Collapse, Emma Vega
The Air We Breathe: Understanding Individual Exposure to Air Pollution, Claire Culliton
The Alchemist of Education - The Necessity for Religious Training in the Public School, Cecily E Mattimore
The AltaVoces project: A digital narrative approach to anti-oppressive social work research with Latino youth, Jenn M. Lilly
The Amount of Transfer of Training in Education Is Less Than Has Been Commonly Supposed, Harman G Dlugatz
“The Ancient Mariner” Is a Work of Creative Genius in Which Spiritual Truth Forms the Essence of the Poem, Mary Titus Kelley
The Application of the Habit of Reflective Thought in the Teaching of High School Mathematics, Claudia
The Attitude of Quintilian Toward Seneca, Anne M McCormack
The Basic Aim of True Education, Pierre Burns
The BECs at St. Camillus Church: A Sacred Space to Practice Christian Belief in the Presence of God in Others, Edgardo Jara Araya
The Belgian Social Worker Faces Social Casework the Possible Integration of Social Casework Into the Belgian Social Service, Monique Le Febve De Vivy
The Blind Child in Elementary School: A Study of the Facilities in New York City, 1960, Nicholas Michael Colombo
The Brethren of the Common Life, Katherine M. A Keyes
The Bureau of Attendance of New York City, 1914 - 1964, Thomas L Novotny
The California Youth Authority: A Pioneer Program for the Rehabilitation of Juvenile Delinquents, 1941 to 1964, Robert Jerome Stein
The Catholic Reformation, Grace M Byrne
The Change in the Content and Teaching Arithmetic During the Last Quarter of a Century, Josephine Goldberg
The Christian Traditions of Government, Helen L Valentine
The Chronically Ill: A Study of Services to Patients Requiring Long-Term Care: Roosevelt Hospital, New York City, 1963, Gladys Harris Thomas
The Comparative Effects of General and Specific Knowledge of Results in a Learning Situation Involving the Higher Mental Processes, Joseph M Moffitt
The Dalton Plan, Irene Evelyn Seale
The Dark Side of Power: Shortcomings of America’s Energy Grid and How to Fix Them, John Ashton
The Dependent Child From the American Chinese Family A Study of Five Cases Showing the Influence of Cultural Factors on Social Problems Creating Dependency in American-Chinese Families in New York and Boston, Sister Marie Notre Dame Françoise Shen
The Development of Character in the Upper Grades of the Elementary Schools, Lester C Ginsburg
The Disclosure Decision-Making Process of Borderline Personality Disorder in Romantic Relationships, Xiaoxiao Dong
The Disruptive Muse: Poetic Inspiration and Its Counterdiscourses in Early Modern Literature, John E Breedlove
The Drama and the Bible, Regina Shannon
The Drama as a Factor in Education, J. T Perry
The Educational Aspect of the Renaissance in Italy, M. Bernice McCourt
The Educational Value of Instincts, Marie Cecile Meehan
The Education in the Early Colonies, Eilzabeth M Farmer
The Education of Gifted Children in Public Schools, Jane E Monahan
The Education of the Child, George J Zentgraf
The Effectiveness of Policy Advisory Committees in the Decision-Making Process, Sadie E Scott
The Exodus: Exploring the Experiences of Palliative Care Nurse Practitioners During COVID-19, Brooke Louise Haseltine
The Financing of Extracurricular Activities in the High School, Francis Gregory Lee
The Folk-Lore of Nova Scotia, Thomas
The Gifted Child as the Potential Leader, Eleanor R Levin
The Group Study Plan of Education With Foreign-Born Children Who Are in the First Year of School, Helen Patricia Mergardt
The Handicapped Child a Study of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child With Emphasis on Educational Facilities in New York City, 1963–1964, Lillian T Vairo
The Historical Development of the Changes Made in the New Course of Study in Arithmetic, Marie C Finnerty
The Hospitalized Child's First Separation From Home: A Study of the Adjustment Problems of Five Children, Two to Five Years Old, Admitted for Surgery at the Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, 1952-1959, Carmen M. Balasquide Nogueras
The Impact of Mental Illness Stigma on People Diagnosed With Schizophrenia: An Analysis of Factors Contributing to Black-White Disparities in Schizophrenia Outcomes, Obianujunwa Anakwenze
The Impact of Structural Stigma on OCD: Symptom Presentation, Help-Seeking, and Quality of Life, Charlene Minaya
The Impact of Targeted Support Programming on College Students With Learning Disabilities, Amanda N Siegel
The Impact of Therapeutic Alliance and Perceived Respect on Recidivism in an Alternative to Incarceration Program, Ellen Quick-Parikh
The Implications of the Public Education of the Negro in the City of New York, Howard Day
The Inductive Method, M. Thomas Aquin
The Influence of Christianity on Education, M. Alphonse Kapp
The Influence of Greek Education on Modern Culture, Howard J Boylan
The Influence of Habit on Character Formation, Thomas J Wheelwright
The Intellectual Movement in the Days of Charlemagne, Katherine A Reilly
The Intelligence Quotient as an Aid in Adjusting Junior High School Children, Lydia O Cawein
The Jewish Alcoholic: A Statistical Study of Fifty-One Patients at the State University Alcohol Clinic, Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, 1957 1960, Martin Anthony Sweeney
The Lived Experience of Female Psychology Trainees With Personal Trauma Histories Working With Trauma Patients, Alana Becker
The Long Fight: How Serbian and Albanian Media Narratives Sustain Conflict in the Balkans, Sarah Daknis
The Lost and Forgotten: A Comprehensive Examination of Outpatient Drop-Out From the Maimonides Community Mental Health Center, Robert C Saal
The Mediating Role of Sleep Quality and Quantity on Blue-Spectrum Light and Domains of Cognitive Functioning, Benjamin Fusco-Gessick
The Medical Culture of Early Medieval Montecassino, Jeffrey B Doolittle
The Modern Movement Toward the Establishment of the Class as a Homogeneous Unit, Ursula M Collins
The Native, General Background of Ignatius of Loyola, ANTONIO T DE NICOLAS
The Natural Virtues in the Education of Girls, Ellen L Green
The Necessity of Religion as a Basis in Education, T. F Morrissey
The Need of the Junior High School, Catherine M Cavanagh
The Newark Experience A Study of Planned Action in Fluoridation, Nathan Robert Baker
The New Jersey Tiered System of Support: Creating a School-Wide Protocol, Kelly Peterfriend
The New York City Junior High School Program, Eleanor McLoughlin
The Normal School Movement in the United States, John F Kelly
The Oral Method of Teaching French, Helen M McLaughlin
The Pagan Fantasy: Bernini’s Bacchanal and Escapism in the Early Baroque, Angelina Diamante
The Parole System in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: A Study of the Development Since the Establishment of the Law in 1907 to 1959, Ilia Margarita Rivera
The Place of the Languages in General Education, Joseph Ignatius Doorley
The Politics of an Impossible Situation: Italian Parties Muddling Through the Migrant Crisis, Tyler Mooney
The Possibilities of a Question Outline Method in the Teaching of History, Walter F Robinson
The Principal and His Duties to Himself, His Teachers, His Pupils and to Society, Cletus
The Principles of Modern Penology, Philip H Burkett
The Problem of Intellectual Fatigue, Victorine Loughlin
The Project Method in History, Kathleen A Higgins
The Prototype of Secondary Education in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Alice Mary Stines
The Psychiatric Clinic for Children of the Catholic Home Bureau: A Study of Its Policies and Procedures, New York, 1859-1960, George Julius Barile
The Psychology of Habit, John C Mulcahy
The Psychology of Typewriting, Katherine P Conlon
The Puerto Rican Influence on New York's Greatest Musical Traditions, Mark Naison
The Puerto Rican School Dropout: A Study of Thirty Cases Known to Catholic Charities, Lower Manhattan District, 1960-1963, Nestor Riano R.
The Quest for Liberation: Philosophy and the Making of World Culture in China and the West, Chunjie Zhang
The Reformation and Education, William Francis Corley
The Regulation of Phosphatidylserine Exposure During Photoreceptor Outer Segment Renewal, Jade Ann Vargas
The Relationship of Private Employment to Lowered Relief Rolls in the Department of Public Welfare of Nassau County of New York State, 1939 - 1948, Luella Lorenz Cochran
The Religiosity of the Philosophical Life: Plato on Eros and the Human Soul, Brenton G Smith
The Renaissance and the Reformation, M Natalie
“There's so much they don't cover:” Limitations of healthcare coverage for Indigenous women in a non-federally recognized tribe, Jessica L. Liddell and Jenn M. Lilly
The Results of Psychological Survey in an Institution Caring for Dependent and Delinquent Children, S. R Leahy
The Role of Professional Development with a Social Emotional Learning Lens on Educator Social Emotional Competence, Kandra G Knowles-Ferreira
The Role of Uncertainty in Lung Cancer Screening Decision Making, Leah Elizabeth Walsh
“These Are Our Saints:” A Lourdes Shrine, the St. Coletta School for Exceptional Children, and the Catholic Remaking of Cognitive Disability, Andrew Walker-Cornetta
The Settlement of Bergen (1660) and the First School. (1662-1673), Helen Bannerman
The Small Worlds of Childhood: Philosophy, Poetics, and the Queer Temporalities of Early Life, Lauren Shizuko Stone
The Social History of the Outer Missionary Cenacle, A Pioneer Catholic Action Group, 1909-1949, Marie of the Holy Trinity Healy
The Social Relief System of St. Gregory the Great: 540–604, Marie Barbara Zarra
The South Raises Its Head, James E Tobin
The Spanish Speaking People of Nativity Mission Center, Manhattan: An Analysis of the Family Service Program, June 28, 1955 to December 31, 1955, at Nativity Parish, New York City, Margaret Patricia Petlicka
The Subnormal Child at School, Margaret G Walsh
The Supervision of the Older Child in Adoption: A Study of Five Cases of Children Placed for Adoption by the Catholic Home Bureau During the Year 1948, Marie Margaret Bette
The Teacher's Use of Standardized Arithmetic Tests, Harriet R Byrne
The Teaching of Oral English in High Schools, Ethel I Owens
The Teaching of Religion in High School, Agnita Miriam Moylan
The Teaching of Religion in Secondary Schools, Teresa Gertrude O'Toole
The Theory and Practice of Kindergarten-Primary Education, Eva Bluhm
The Three Component Model of Organizational Commitment and Superintendent Turnover Intent: A Quantitative Study, Mona Lisa Kalina
The Trend in Adoption Thinking as Reflected in the Proceedings of the National Conference of Social Work, 1900 to 1950, Ada Marjorie Howland
The University of the Middle Ages, Edmund Corby
The Unwed Mother in a Protective Setting A History of Saint Mary’s Infant Asylum and Lying-in Hospital in Affiliation With the Catholic Charitable Bureau of Boston 1874–1960, Mary Frances McDonald
The Unwed Puerto Rican Mother Receiving Public Assistance in New York City a Cultural Interpretation of Twenty Active Cases of the East End Welfare Center of the Department of Welfare, 1956, Albert Pierre Robidoux
The Use of Educational Measurements in High School Work, Sr. Alta Maria Teresa H Brock
The Use of the Project Method in the Teaching of English in the Secondary Schools, Frances Lubin
The Uses of Standardized Tests, Marietta Murray
The Value of Psychology in the Teacher's Preparation, Frank P Fitzsimons
The Visually Handicapped Child: A Study of Four Visually Handicapped Children in Foster Care Under Supervision of the Angel Guardian Home, 1964, Patricia Anne Tierney
The West New York Hub Recreational Program, New Jersey: 1944-1950, Francis William Bailey
The Youth Correction Authority Act A Review of the Youth Legislation of California, Massachusetts, Texas, and Minnesota Adopted From the Model Act of the American Law Institute, Joseph Anthony Mulholland
Three Papers Exploring Knowledge, Attitudes and Preferences About Hospice Care Among Chinese Americans, Xiaofang Liu
Through the Blurred Lens: A Humanitarian Exploration of Visual Impairment in Lebanon Through Ihsan’s Eyes, Ihsan Hatab
Traditional Roots of the Shamans' Brew and Its Adoption by New-Age Groups, Jonathan Jimenez
Training the Intellectually Sub-Normal Child, Helen F Long
Transracial Adoption - Can It Succeed?: A Study of the Growth of Interracial Adoption, 1946-1965, Irma L Sherwood
Trends in Social Planning for the Hard of Hearing Adults, as Seen in “Hearing News”, 1938 Through 1948, Shirley S Bogen
Types of Teaching, Patrick J Mee
Understanding Cannabis Use, Polysubstance Use, and Sexual Behaviors Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Isabelle Sheck
Understanding the Social Determinants of Social Isolation and Health as Experienced by Older Latine-A Adults, Denise Elvira Gosselin
Unmarried Mothers: A Study of Recidivism Among Unmarried Mothers Known to Bridgeport Catholic Charities, 1960-1964, Beatrice Mary Coughlin
Unmarried Mothers: A Study of the Shelter Division of Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, New York, 1934-1959, Mary Olivia Clifford
Unnatural Climate Solutions: The Naturalizing Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ryan Chen Mx.
Urban Agriculture: Sowing Seeds of Sustainability in New York City, Taylor K. Takahashi
Urban Healthscapes: Examining the Relationship Between Hospitals and Their Neighboring Communities in New York City, Priyanka Robinson
Values of Social Work Students at Fordham University School of Social Service, 1965-1966, Barbara Carol Hornick
Variability of Teachers’ Estimate of the Value of Pupils’ Work, Ellen V O'Connell
Vivian Jones, Vivian Jones
Vocabulary Study in a Typical New York High School, Martha R Finkler
Vocational Education, Marcella A Bartley
Vocational Education in the Cosmopolitan High School, Philip F O'Brien
Vocational Guidance in a Girl's Catholic High School, Priscilla M Freidel
Vozick Hans, Alexandra, Sophia Maier Garcia
Waste In Relation to Populism: The Case of Tunis, Aya Khadija Guen
We Are What We Eat: Unsustainable Food and Diet in America, Azzurra Bertelli Pisetti
Welcoming the Stranger: Abrahamic Hospitality and Its Contemporary Implications, Ori Z. Soltes, Rachel Stern, and Endy Moraes
“We party as a form of survival”: Clubbing During Economic Crisis in Beirut, Lebanon, Saumya Grover
Wesley Caines Interview, Mark Naison
What New York City Has Done for the Unadjusted School Child, Christine Mullen
When the Fear Sinks In: The Politics of Paranoia in the Wake of COVID-19, Samantha G. Minear
“When You Come Together and Do Everything, It’ll be Better for Everybody”: Exploring Gender Relations Among Two Southeastern Native American Tribes, Jenn M. Lilly, Catherine E. McKinley, Hannah Knipp, and Jessica L. Liddell
Who Gets Attention in a Substance Use Clinic?, David N Cramer
Why Are So Many Indigenous Peoples Dying and No One Is Paying Attention? Depressive Symptoms and “Loss of Loved Ones” as a Result and Driver of Health Disparities, Catherine E. McKinley, Jennifer Miller Scarnato, and Sara Sanders
Wildlife Conservation in East Africa: The Politics of Wildlife Conservation in Kenya and Tanzania: A Legacy of Western Influence, Aidan J. Donahue
William Mulready (1786–1863), William Godwin (1756–1836) and the Juvenile Library: A fruitful relationship, Kathryn Moore Heleniak
Willner, Mark, Sophia Maier Garcia
Wolfthal, Diane Fialkow, Sophia Maier Garcia
Woman’s Indebtedness to Christianity, Concepta Smith
Women on Parole: Case Studies of 98 Female Offenders, Loretta Endter Lonigan
Women’s Leadership in Ghana’s Catholic Colleges of Education Lived Experience and Catholic Identity, Emmanuel Nanabanyin Conduah
Work to Live or Live to Work? How Work Culture Has Influenced Workers Rights in France and the United States, Noa R. Kukurudz
“¿Y tu novio? Where’s Your Boyfriend?”: A Cultural-Ecological Analysis of Latinas’ Narratives of Teen Dating Experiences, Jenn M. Lilly, Susan R. Pace, and Maddox C. Emerick